Makin' Lemonade Podcast

Tiffani D'andria

Tiffani D'andria, the founder of EncourageMillions.Com reveals her personal

  • 11 minutes 48 seconds
    Ep 8: Less Talk More Action
    In Episode 8, Host, Tiffani D'andria gives you the lowdown on why you need to put your Action where your mouth is. Tiffani gives you the lowdown on revenue generating activities that you need to put to work in your business and why procrastination kills. Links Mentioned:
    14 February 2019, 6:08 pm
  • 14 minutes 26 seconds
    Ep 7: The Harsh Truth about Being a Real Estate Wholesaler
    In Episode 7, Host, Tiffani D'andria of gives the lowdown on what it's truly like to be a real estate wholesaler. From Bandit sign marketing, to cold calling, Tiffani let's you know that in order to make money, you gotta do the WORK. Links Mentioned: Flip Your Block Academy:
    4 February 2019, 7:07 pm
  • 22 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep 6: CEO TO INMATE, "I hate JAIL!"
    In this episode, I'm sharing with you WHY I hate jail, how I became and inmate for 36 hours, and everything I learned. Please share, comment, subscribe, rate, and give me your thoughts!
    1 February 2019, 12:05 am
  • 13 minutes 33 seconds
    Ep 5: How to Invest in Real Estate with Only $1,000
    In Episode 5, EncourageMillions.Com founder Tiffani D. shares with you how you can begin investing in real estate with only $1000 in your pocket. Related Links: Tax Lien Investing Course (Promo Code: TAXES):
    17 October 2018, 6:07 pm
  • 15 minutes 20 seconds
    Ep 4: How to Wholesale Real Estate: The 5 Step Method
    This episode will teach you the 5 step method to Begin Wholesaling Real Estate today and earn side income. To find out more: To Join the Waitlist for Flip Your Block Academy:
    1 October 2018, 8:28 pm
  • 24 minutes 52 seconds
    Ep3: Divorce and Freedom: What I Learned and What's Next
    This is one of my most intimate podcasts to date. I talk about my recent situation, what I learned, how I overcame, and what's next for me. Books mentioned in show can be found here: Note: These are affiliate links. I highly recommend these items if you are going through a situation such as this.
    12 December 2017, 4:45 pm
  • 21 minutes 25 seconds
    Ep2: Playing it Small and How Everything You've Been Taught is Wrong
    In Episode 2, Tiffani goes deep to give you a couple of ways you change your "poor mindset" and start taking control of your dreams and passions. This episode will look deep into what we've been taught and what we should KNOW today. FREE PDF Assets and Liabilities Worksheet here >>
    6 September 2017, 4:33 am
  • 25 minutes 35 seconds
    Ep1: 7 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid When Investing in Real Estate
    In the very first episode from EncourageMillions.Com founder Tiffani D. , she touches on the importance of investing in real estate to gain passive income. This episode touches on the 7 Mistakes that Newbie Investors make when investing in real estate.
    26 August 2017, 5:22 pm
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