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  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    NewsReal: Nuclear War Remains Unlikely, But NATO-Russia Network War Escalates
    British Prime Minister Keir Starmer took his entire cabinet to Washington last week for a pow-wow with their American war allies to plead his case for allowing Ukraine to use long-range precision weapons to target Russian military bases and missile launch sites deep within Russia. Putin said Russia will 'respond in kind' and, although no one knows what that means, the Anglo-Americans are confident the Russian president is bluffing. This week on NewsReal, Joe & Niall explain, again, that...
    15 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    NewsReal: Trump-Kennedy Unity Govt: Biggest Evar Threat to Democracy!
    RFK Jr's teaming up with Trump is an unexpected development in the US presidential election campaign. Will it cement a Trump win? Or is the wall-to-wall favorable media coverage for Harris going to secure it for Her 'campaign of joy'? This election has unique features - Kennedy democrats supporting Trump, and Bush era NeoCons supporting Harris - but isn't it 'the same old' when it's 'Israel first' for both 'sides'? Also on this NewsReal, Joe & Niall discuss the AFD's 'unprecedented...
    8 September 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    NewsReal: Trump Survived Assassination, But Can he Survive Kamala?
    In fact, can any of us?! Joe and Niall with their latest analysis of the failed Trump assassination, Trump's next - and arguably more difficult! - challenge of defeating Deep State puppet Kamala Harris in a US election that won't be free and fair, and the draconian fallout from the UK's worst rioting in years. Running Time: 01:46:25 Download: MP3 — 97.4 MB
    18 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    MindMatters: Predators in High Places with Dr. Karen Mitchell
    Today on MindMatters, Dr. Karen Mitchell, founder and CEO of the Kalmor Institute, shares insights from her pioneering PhD research on the "persistent predatory personality." Unlike previous studies that relied primarily on incarcerated populations or graduate students, Dr. Mitchell's work draws from the extensive experiences of practitioners who have dedicated their careers to working with individuals exhibiting dark triad traits and psychopathic tendencies. Her research includes data from...
    16 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    MindMatters: The Varieties of Inner Experience with Russ Hurlburt
    Inner speaking, inner seeing, feelings, sensory awareness, unsymbolized thinking. Do we all have the same inner experiences? And how aware are we of what we actually experience from moment to moment? In this episode of Mind Matters, we interview Dr. Russell T. Hurlburt, a pioneering psychologist from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. Hurlburt discusses his groundbreaking work investigating "pristine inner experience" - the unfiltered, moment-to-moment contents of our consciousness. He...
    8 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    NewsReal: Anarchy in the UK, ANOTHER Israeli Assassination, "Gender-Fluid" Olympics, and the Trump Conspiracy
    It's all happening out there folks! A veritable 'white-lash' has erupted in cities across the UK following the brutal mass stabbing of young girls at a dance class by a second-generation Rwandan immigrant. Working-class Britons bearing the brunt of the social and economic effects of uncontrolled mass immigration have apparently reached their breaking point. Meanwhile, in what is probably not an unrelated issue, the Israeli regime has assassinated another political leader, this time the...
    4 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    NewsReal: Trump Survived Deep State Hit-Job... For 'Higher Purpose'?
    There was almost certainly a second gunman at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania last week. The police and Secret Service 'confusion' and finger-pointing over who had what security duties is a hallmark of 'deep state' involvement, but would its operatives really leave it to a skinny 20-year-old to take out their 'Number One National Security Threat'? This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall take a closer look at the venue layout of the Butler Farm Show fairgrounds to suggest that a professional...
    22 July 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    NewsReal: Trump Miraculously Survives Assassination Attempt
    That was close, REALLY close... Joe and Niall with their initial thoughts on the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The shooter was probably put up to it, and it's miraculous that the first shot only grazed Trump's right ear. What an amazing turn of events... Running Time: 01:23:43 Download: MP3 — 57.5 MB
    15 July 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    MindMatters: Do NPCs Have an Inner Monologue? Discussing the 5 Pristine Inner Experiences
    Self-talk. Visualizations. Bodily awareness. Unconscious thought processes. In our day-to-day course of existence our minds assimilate, respond and react to any number of stimuli from within - and without. But how often do we stop to consider just how we do this and what faculties of apprehension are actually put to use? And do we even have a framework, vocabulary and level of awareness from which to do it? Inner speech (inner monologue), inner vision, sensory awareness, emotions and...
    9 July 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    NewsReal: Israel-Hezbollah On The Brink As Putin Visits North Korea
    Israel continues its slow-motion genocide of Palestinians, this week brazenly placing an injured Palestinian on the bonnet of a military jeep as a human shield, targeting more humanitarian aid workers, bombing more refugee camps, and bombing more UN buildings. Will Israel soon also invade Lebanon to do to Hezbollah what it has done to most of Gaza: wipe Lebanon off the map? Also on this NewsReal, Joe and Niall look ahead to what promise to be 'furiously' interesting French and British...
    23 June 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    NewsReal: Aux Urnes, Citoyens! Euro Elections Point to Revolt
    Chaotic scenes in Parisian politics last week as French president Emmanuel Macron, the moment EU parliament election results were announced, called a snap election 'to defeat the far-right'. But given the trouncing his party received in the former, how can he expect to fare better in the latter? Our hot take: Macron will remain in the Élysée, refusing to take the hint that the people want him gone. Meanwhile, the stand-off between the West and Russia over Ukraine remains as tense as ever....
    16 June 2024, 12:00 am
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