MEDIA INDIGENA : Indigenous current affairs

Rick Harp

A weekly roundtable about Indigenous issues and events in Canada and beyond. Hosted by Rick Harp.

  • 49 minutes 38 seconds
    Storytelling on stolen land: Indigenous eyes on Canadian politics, Pt 2 (ep 359)

    On this episode: the back half of the all-Indigenous panel MI host/producer Rick Harp moderated at “Reimagining Political Journalism: Perils, Possibilities & What Comes Next”—convened last November by Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication in Ottawa—in which the audience joins in with their thoughts and questions for our all-star panelists:

    • Candis Callison, Associate Professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia
    • Veldon Coburn, faculty chair of McGill University’s Indigenous Relations Initiative and assistant professor at the Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies at the University of Ottawa
    • Brett Forester, a reporter and broadcaster with CBC Indigenous in Ottawa
    • Pam Palmater, podcaster, professor and chair of Indigenous Governance at Toronto Metropolitan University
    • Niigaan Sinclair, media commentator, Faculty of Arts Professorship in Indigenous Knowledge and Aesthetics at University of Manitoba’s Department of Indigenous Studies

    CREDITS: Our intro/extro theme is 'nesting' by birocratic; 'relaxed days,' by snoozy beat (CC BY).

    22 February 2025, 4:26 pm
  • 37 minutes 2 seconds
    Storytelling on stolen land: Indigenous eyes on Canadian politics, Pt 1 (ep 358)

    On this episode: Reimagining Political Journalism, the title of a three-day November 2024 event at Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication in Ottawa, it included a formidable panel of Indigenous practitioners, moderated by MI’s own Rick Harp! Sub-titled “Perils, Possibilities & What Comes Next,” our all-Indigenous panel delved into all three over our 90-minute conversation—shared here as the first of two parts—a frank and freewheeling exchange on power, politics, and journalism in Canada, featuring:

    CREDITS: Our intro/extro theme is 'nesting' by birocratic; 'relaxed days,' by snoozy beat (CC BY).

    25 January 2025, 9:15 pm
  • 46 minutes 16 seconds
    Political Pontifications: Part 3 (ep 357)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations, our three-part pile of political pontifications concludes its campaign—as does our Summer 2024 Series as a whole—with a comparison of activism versus access: in the pursuit of mainstream political influence, is it better to be in the room or out on the streets?

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Brock Pitawanakwat, associate professor of Indigenous Studies at York University

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    • Michael Redhead Champagne, a Winnipeg-based community leader, helper, author, and public speaker

    • Lisa Monchalin, criminology lecturer at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in B.C.

    • Trina Roache, assistant professor of journalism at the University of King’s College

    • Brett Forester, Ottawa-based reporter with CBC Indigenous

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'rye' by Tea K Pea (CC BY); 'Deep Dive' by James Hammond. 

    30 September 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Political Pontifications: Part 2 (ep 356)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the seventh in our eight-part summer series): the push and pull of performative politics, where we address the question of just how far Indigenous individuals can advance Indigenous interests in a settler-centric system.

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Brock Pitawanakwat, associate professor of Indigenous Studies at York University

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta’s Department of Drama

    • Nick Martin, senior editor with National Geographic

    • Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia

    • Kim TallBear, professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'my bloody beating heart' by kitchenromance (CC BY); 'Up & At Em' by James Hammond; 'Level 2' by HoliznaCC0 (CC0).

    20 September 2024, 8:00 am
  • 56 minutes
    Political Pontifications: Part 1 (ep 355)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the sixth in our summer series): a political perusal of the prerogatives of power. The first in our three-part look back at the allure and limits of mainstream political participation, we begin with a Trudeau triple-header, a Liberal dose of discussions about the only federal leader this podcast has ever known.

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance): • Brock Pitawanakwat, associate professor of Indigenous Studies at York University

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta’s Department of Drama

    • Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia

    • Kim TallBear, professor at the University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies, and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'Harp Miniature' by Vladan Kuzmanović (CC BY SA); 'Last Dance' by Jahzzar (CC BY SA).

    9 September 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Why Canada Needs Natives Needy: Part 5 (ep 354)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the fifth in our summer series): the conclusion to our five-part retrospective, Why Canada Needs Natives Needy, wherein we feature a few more settler-centric solutions to settler-made problems, as well as examples of what truly independent Indigenous initiatives look like.

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Naiomi Metallic, associate professor of law at Dalhousie University, and Yellowhead Institute advisory board member

    • Tim Thompson, First Nations education advocate, and Yellowhead Research Fellow and advisory board member

    • Kim TallBear, professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    • Brock Pitawanakwat, associate professor of Indigenous Studies at York University

    • Terese Mailhot, author and associate professor of English at Purdue University

    • Robert Jago, writer, educator, co-founder and director of the Coast Salish History Project

    • Danika Billie Littlechild, assistant professor of law and legal studies at Carleton University, and Ethical Space research stream leader at the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership

    • Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos, clinical psychologist, associate professor of Indigenous health and social policy at the University of Toronto, and Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide

    • Jesse Thistle, author and assistant professor in the department of humanities at York University

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); Design for Dreaming by Lo-Fi Astronaut (CC BY); '02 - ricochets on the lake' by neil|lien (CC BY ND); 'Its A Trap' and 'A Moody Phonecall' by John Bartmann (CC 0); 'spacewalk' by Tea K Pea (CC BY); 'Seasonal Interlude' and 'F block (Outro)' by Gagmesharkoff (CC BY); 'Vibes Phibes' by DaveJf (CC 0).

    29 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Why Canada Needs Natives Needy: Part 4 (ep 353)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the fourth in our summer series): part four of Why Canada Needs Natives Needy, ranging from the precarity of charity to the dubious duty to consult.

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Michael Redhead Champagne, Winnipeg-based community leader, helper, author, and public speaker

    • Lisa Monchalin, criminology lecturer at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in B.C.

    • Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia

    • Kim TallBear, professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    • Brock Pitawanakwat, associate professor of Indigenous Studies at York University

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'Reflections' by Kevin Hartnell (CC BY-SA); 'Pangea's Pulse' by Aldous Ichnite' (CC BY); 'Extremely Tik-tok compatible for slow videos' by Lundstroem (CC BY); 'New minimalist VII (Remix)' by Christian H. Soetemann (CC BY ND).

    19 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Why Canada Needs Natives Needy: Part 3 (ep 352)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the third in our summer series): our third installment of Why Canada Needs Natives Needy, in which we debunk diagnoses of Indigenous impoverishment peddled by settlers, often to their own benefit. And while some come off as almost comical, others appear downright disturbing. 

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Q. Anthony Ali, freelance writer, commentator and podcaster

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    • Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos, clinical psychologist, associate professor of Indigenous health and social policy at the University of Toronto, and Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide

    • Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia

    • Kim TallBear, professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'Rising Heart' by Sro (CC BY-SA); 'Just a Taste' by Gagmesharkoff (CC BY); 'Day Off' by Serat (CC BY).

    8 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 58 minutes 21 seconds
    Why Canada Needs Natives Needy: Part 2 (ep 351)

    On this week’s collected, connected conversations (the second in our summer series): part two of Why Canada Needs Natives Needy, our comprehensive look at the systematic incapacitation of Indigenous peoples, and how Canada’s overt efforts at social disintegration have fostered generations of individual displacement and disconnection. 

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Kim TallBear, professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Society

    • Taté Walker, award-winning Lakota storyteller and community organizer

    • Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia

    • Trina Roache, assistant professor of journalism at the University of King’s College

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'Addiction' by Beat Mekanik (CC BY); 'Hope .mp3' by Vikrant Chettri' (CC BY ND); 'Stale Cookies Still Taste Pretty Good' by Purrple Cat (CC BY SA). 

    29 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 50 seconds
    Why Canada Needs Natives Needy: Part 1 (ep 350)

    The MEDIA INDIGENA 2024 Summer Series—our classic compendia of collected, connected conversations drawn from our voluminous eight-year archive—begins with the first in a five-part compilation, 'Why Canada Needs Natives Needy,' a wide-ranging rundown of all the ways this country has produced and perpetuates Indigenous dependency. And here in round one, we review its roots, entanglements which stretch back to the country’s very creation.

    Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):

    • Naiomi Metallic, associate professor of law at Dalhousie University, and Yellowhead Institute advisory board member

    • Tim Thompson, First Nations education advocate, and Yellowhead Research Fellow and advisory board member

    • Adele Perry, distinguished professor with the University of Manitoba department of history and women's and gender studies, and director of the Centre for Human Rights Research at U of M

    • Ken Williams, playwright and associate professor with the University of Alberta department of drama

    • Robert Jago, writer, educator, co-founder and director of the Coast Salish History Project

    • Danika Billie Littlechild, assistant professor of law and legal studies at Carleton University, and Ethical Space research stream leader at the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership

    • Patrice Mousseau, former broadcast journalist and  Satya Organics owner/creator

    // CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes ‘Expanding Cycle’ and ‘Up + Up (reprise/arise)’ by Correspondence (CC BY); 'A Little Serious Scrape' by Liborio Conti; 'Atmo' by Michett (CC BY); 'Coat of Arms (Farther Away)' by Isle of Pine (CC BY ND).

    19 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 38 minutes 17 seconds
    Why Indigenous-led Genomics Matters: Part II (ep 349)

    On this week’s round table—the last all-new episode before our summer series launches—the second half of our special live on location look at Indigenous-led genomics. Recorded at the Global Indigenous Leadership in Genomics Symposium at UBC back in May, part one brought us the basics of genomics, how it differs from genetics, and how Indigenous genomics compare to those of the mainstream. This time around, we hear from SING Australia's Amanda Richards-Satour (Adnyamathanha and Barngarla Community Engagement Coordinator with the Australian Alliance for Indigenous Genomics) and SING Aotearoa's Phillip Wilcox (associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago. 

    Also on hand, MI regulars Kim TallBear (University of Alberta Native Studies professor, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience and Society, and SING Canada co-founder) and Candis Callison, associate professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at UBC.


    ♥ Renewed gratitude to UBC's School for Public Policy and Global Affairs, the Global Journalism Innovation Lab, and SING Canada, for making this event possible. 🖒

    ☆ 100% Indigenous owned + operated, our podcast is 100% audience-funded. Learn how you can support our work to help keep our content free for everyone. ☆

    // CREDITS: ‘Frequency Unknown’ by Aldous Ichnite (CC BY); our intro/xtro music is ‘nesting’ by Birocratic

    9 July 2024, 11:44 pm
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