The Penumbra Podcast

Harley Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert

  • 1 minute 57 seconds
    Upcoming events: Drag Bingo, Storytime with Kevin, and THIRST!

    Hello, travelers! Harley Takagi Kaner here with an update about some upcoming events we’re hosting over on The Penumbra Podcast: Special Edition.

    We’ve got our first ever Drag Bingo event at 5 PM Eastern on February 16th for our supporters at the The Penumbra Podcast: Special Edition! We’ve been looking for ways to bring our community together during this hiatus, and we can’t wait to hang out with everyone on our new platform. We will be playing a virtual game of bingo, which, naturally, is the gayest of sports. Kevin and I will be there to hang out with all of you as you compete for Penumbra prizes, and the game will be hosted by the fabulous drag queen Ivanna. If you’d like to join us for Drag Bingo on February 16th, you can sign up at

    If you can’t make it to Drag Bingo, our next new event will be Storytime with Kevin at 3 PM Eastern on March 8th. Kevin will be digging up some OLD short stories from his archives and reading them aloud to us, and I will be his in-person audience because even I’ve never read these ones before. I hope we’ll see you on March 8th for storytime, and again, you can find both of these events at That link will take you to The Penumbra Podcast: Special Edition, which is also where we’re releasing installments of our Juno Steel audiobook, If Memory Serves, as well as where all our bonus content will live going forward.

    If you don't want to hang out with us and are just waiting for more audio drama, I can tell you that our next show, THIRST, is fully cast, currently in production, and set for release this summer. We are so excited to share it with you then!

    I hope you’ll consider joining us at The Penumbra Podcast: Special Edition. Again, that’s It’s where you can access all of our bonus content including these new live events, and it’s also how we keep the show itself running. Thanks for listening!

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    9 February 2025, 2:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 36 seconds
    Teaser for total hunk hours in If Memory Serves, Part 2

    This is a short, pretty spoiler-free preview of our Juno Steel novel If Memory Serves. If you want access to the audiobook AND to give us the funding to make sure our next podcast Thirst happens, you just have to pledge at any level over at Nearly four hours of young Juno are waiting for you there!

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    17 November 2024, 10:19 pm
  • 4 minutes 26 seconds
    Announcements! Part 1 of "If Memory Serves" is finished, and help us make our next show, Thirst!

    Hi all!

    Part 1 of If Memory Serves is finished over on The Penumbra: Special Edition, so what are you waiting around here for? Just head over to and take in Juno's first case EVER as a PI!

    Notes from this announcement:

    1) Part 1 is over! It's a complete case and a perfect time to catch up on If Memory Serves.

    2) To celebrate the end of Part 1, Harley and Kevin are going to have their first Livestream hangout on Saturday, 11/9 at 4 PM EST for Behind-the-Scenes subscribers to the Special Edition. We have an AMA system set up over there for you to log questions for us ahead of time, too!

    3) All of the Patreon bonuses that are making it over to the Special Edition are now there, with fancy new organization and formatting to make things easier on you, so there's nothing tying you to Patreon anymore.

    4) We'll be charging monthly on Patreon starting in December to recoup some costs, because we still don't have quite enough to start Thirst... or make rent, to be honest. If our stories have meant something to you, please, please make the jump over to the Special Edition as soon as you can. Thank you!

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    4 November 2024, 9:35 pm
  • 46 minutes 56 seconds
    If Memory Serves: A Juno Steel Mystery (Episode 1)

    A young Juno Steel, new to being a private eye and intensely depressed after explosively losing his job at the HCPD, is deep under the spell of a street drug that allows him to relive his past. Encouraged by his trusty secretary, he takes on a strange case.

    Part 1, Ch. 1-4.

    You can find a transcript for this episode here.

    If you'd like access to the rest of the audiobook episodes as they come out, plus all our existing bonus commentaries, production scripts, blooper reels, and more, you can find everything at The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION. We can't keep our production running without your support, so anything helps!

    Narrated by:

    Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel

    Kate Jones as Rita

    Harley Takagi Kaner as Sasha Wire

    Regine Vital as Captain Hijikata

    Kat Buckingham as Zahra Shale

    Written by Kevin Vibert and Harley Takagi Kaner

    Original music by Ryan Vibert

    Trigger warnings:

    - Self-harm and suicide

    - Death

    - War

    - Abuse of power

    - Medical abuse

    - Drug use/abuse

    - Physical injury and harm

    - "Body horror"

    - Dismemberment

    - Gaslighting and manipulation

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    8 October 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 minute 54 seconds
    First full episode of IF MEMORY SERVES now available on our new platform!

    When Kevin and Harley decided to go full-time as podcasters and artists, they knew it was a big risk. Independent media by queer creators doesn't generally pull in the big bucks, but it’s important to them to make the most beautiful and heartfelt work possible and always pay the cast and crew a competitive rate. That’s why we are so grateful to you for considering signing up for The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION, which you can find at Depending on the monthly pledge you choose, you’ll gain access to early, ad-free episodes, behind-the-scenes bonus content like scripts and commentary tracks, livestreams with the creators, and more. Plus, starting on October 6, 2024, we will be releasing the audiobook, If Memory Serves: A Juno Steel Mystery, to this new platform ahead of its eventual public release, as a special preview for subscribers.

    If you are already a supporter over on Patreon, thank you! The new platform will be making the transition over as seamless as possible for you: just head to All subsequent episodes of the audiobook, as well as the entire back catalog of bonus content, will be on the new platform. Make sure you cancel your Patreon subscription afterwards, as everything will be cleared out of Patreon in the next month.

    If you choose to pledge any amount, please know that you’re not only supporting Harley, Kevin, and the crew, but you’re also helping to grow this community and provide access to those who may not be able to give. Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us. 

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    6 October 2024, 2:30 pm
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    Season 5 Q&A, including 10-minute teaser for IF MEMORY SERVES

    Harley and Kevin answer Patreon subscribers' questions LIVE (hence the sub-par audio) with help from Joshua Ilon and Melissa DeJesus.

    IF MEMORY SERVES will be released starting in October on our new paid platform. Details can be found here:

    THIRST will begin release summer 2025 on our public podcast feed.

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    12 September 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 55 seconds
    Series Q&A on Patreon Sept 8, plus what's next!

    Hi travelers, Harley here. I wanted to make sure that you knew about our upcoming series Q&A happening on Patreon this Sunday, September 8th, at 3:00 PM Eastern, for all of our Patreon supporters. Kevin and I will be answering questions live from those who attend, so make sure to come prepared with everything you’re still dying to know! The Q&A will be co-hosted by Joshua Ilon, who voices Juno Steel, and Melissa DeJesus, who voices Quanyii and also edits our scripts, so we’ll have representatives from both of our main series there too if you want to hit them with a few actor questions. 

    The Q&A will also be the very first time that we announce what’s coming next for you all as well as giving you a sneak preview, so if you want to be the first to know, make sure you attend at It’s not too late to pledge to our Patreon at any level, and the livestream will be recorded in case you can’t make it. We can’t wait to see you there!

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    4 September 2024, 1:24 pm
  • 57 minutes 56 seconds
    5.28: Juno Steel and the Case Closed (Part 2)

    Home is what you make it.

    Thank you for joining us at The Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you've enjoyed your stay.

    (Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description and at the end of the transcript.)


    You can find all of our transcripts here:

    Transcripts will come out along with the public release of the episode.

    On staff at the Penumbra:

    Ginny D'Angelo -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach

    Melissa DeJesus -- Script editing team

    Harley Takagi Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer

    Joelle Kross -- Transcriptionist

    Noah Simes -- Production manager

    Grahame Turner -- Script editing team

    Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer

    Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music

    Jeff Wright -- Graphic designer


    Attribution: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.

    “Outside Bars Night Skopje Ambience” by damjancd

    “Electronic club rave music” by TheoJT

    “suburb spring morning traffic 01 200314_0119.wav” by klankbeeld

    “Confirm Beeps (No Delay)” by Dylan Kelk

    “Bus ride.wav” by theplax

    “Seedy motel.wav” by MoveAwayPodcast

    Battle Of Kandahar by coruscate (c) copyright 2024 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. 

    Shrimp Rich by septahelix (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: PerchanceMusic

    Boring Walking Blues by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2021 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Rhonin

    I Miss You (Techno Blues Remix) feat. Snowflake by Attic Ella (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Snowflake



    - Sudden loud noises

    - Deception and gaslighting

    - Alcohol use

    - Drug abuse

    - Theft

    - Discussions of mortality

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    20 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 57 minutes 17 seconds
    5.27: Juno Steel and the Case Closed (Part 1)

    Well, Juno Steel. Time's up. It's time to answer the question:

    Who will you be next?

    Welcome to the Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    (Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description and at the end of the transcript.)


    You can find all of our transcripts here:

    Transcripts will come out along with the public release of the episode.

    On staff at the Penumbra:

    Ginny D'Angelo -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach

    Melissa DeJesus -- Script editing team

    Harley Takagi Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer

    Joelle Kross -- Transcriptionist

    Noah Simes -- Production manager

    Grahame Turner -- Script editing team

    Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer

    Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music

    Jeff Wright -- Graphic designer


    Attribution: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.

    “Outside Bars Night Skopje Ambience” by damjancd

    “Electronic club rave music” by TheoJT

    “Fm Radio Static White Noise” by IcedPhoenix49

    “suburb spring morning traffic 01 200314_0119.wav” by klankbeeld

    “Confirm Beeps (No Delay)” by Dylan Kelk



    - Sudden loud noises

    - Deception and gaslighting

    - Alcohol use

    - Drug abuse

    - Theft

    - Discussions of mortality

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

    Advertising Inquiries:

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    6 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    5.26: Second Citadel--The World to Come (Part 3)

    Given but one short and precious life, what world will you bring to bear?

    Welcome to the Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    (Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description and at the end of the transcript.)


    You can find all of our transcripts here:

    Transcripts will come out along with the public release of the episode.

    On staff at the Penumbra:

    Ginny D'Angelo -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach

    Melissa DeJesus -- Script editing team

    Harley Takagi Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer

    Joelle Kross -- Transcriptionist

    Noah Simes -- Production manager

    Grahame Turner -- Script editing team

    Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer

    Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music

    Jeff Wright -- Graphic designer


    Attribution: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.

    “Desolated Lands Atmosphere” by original_sound

    “Tyrael - Sword Slice Flesh - 02.wav“ by SoundFlakes

    “Sword_cut_off_neck_or_slash_flesh_sounds.mp3” by Artninja

    “Electronic Tanpura 3” by sankalp

    “Avalanche.wav” by mystiscool



    - Military action

    - Gunfire and weaponry

    - Sudden loud noises

    - Death and injury

    - Violence and threats of violence

    - Violence and significant harm towards children

    - Deception

    - Abuse of authority

    - Body horror

    - Self-harm/self-destruction

    - Fire

    - Sexism and xenophobia

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

    Advertising Inquiries:

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    16 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 42 minutes 7 seconds
    5.25: Second Citadel--The World to Come (Part 2)

    Above, a cataclysmic war to determine the fate of the Universe; below, an adventure deep into the bowels beneath an undersea palace; all while a traitor leads the enemy onward... and forces our heroes to make a terrible choice.

    Welcome to the Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you enjoy your stay.

    (Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description and at the end of the transcript.)


    You can find all of our transcripts here:

    Transcripts will come out along with the public release of the episode.

    On staff at the Penumbra:

    Ginny D'Angelo -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach

    Melissa DeJesus -- Script editing team

    Harley Takagi Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer

    Joelle Kross -- Transcriptionist

    Noah Simes -- Production manager

    Grahame Turner -- Script editing team

    Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer

    Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music

    Jeff Wright -- Graphic designer


    Attribution: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.

    “Infinite Storm.wav” by digifishmusic

    “BombEplosion.wav” by Lord Razu

    “Gripen bombingrun1.mp3“ by SoundLover16

    “Action Music Loop 2 "Hunted”” by MathewHenry

    “small-spill-splash-pour-splat-paint.wav” by newagegroup

    “Welding Torch 2.wav” by Razzvio

    “nord_analog_howling_wind_storm.wav” by medialint

    “Creepy Dungeon Door Slam” by Hybrid_V

    “52pickup.wav” by FreqMan

    “Walking quickly in a river” by arnaud coutancier

    “drop-cards.wav” by themfish

    “Moving the grave stone.With stone sand(5lrs,mltprcssng).wav” by newlocknew

    “shotgun_moving stones in stone river1_Sierra Albarracin_010921_David Albanes Bonillo_SONOTOMIA.wav” by Sonotomia

    “Parking Garage - Walla, Man Scream” by soundadvices

    “Breaking bones 3” by studiobonk

    “Monster bite” by soundmast123

    “Intense Gore Sound: Opening Chest Cavity” by MinecraftGamerLR

    “Dinosaur Footsteps-01.wav” by jamesrodavidson

    “Wet Meat.mp3” by RICHERlandTV



    - Military action

    - Gunfire and weaponry

    - Sudden loud noises

    - Death and injury

    - Violence and threats of violence

    - Violence and significant harm towards children

    - Deception

    - Abuse of authority

    - Body horror

    - Self-harm/self-destruction

    - Fire

    - Sexism and xenophobia

    For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at: (In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)

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    2 July 2024, 6:00 am
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