Kelley Drye Full Spectrum

Kelley Drye Communications Practice

Exploring legal trends and issues in the technology, telecommunications and media industries.

  • 34 minutes 46 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap October: 2024
    On today’s episode of Full Spectrum, the Kelley Drye Communications team will be covering October 2024 FCC Open Meeting . First, senior associate Jenny Wainwright will discuss the Commission's adoption of a Report and Order related to hearing aid compatibility requirements for wireless handsets (1:25). Special counsel Mike Dover will cover the Commission's adoption of a Third Report and Order and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking related to georouting 988 lifeline calls (14:10). Finally, partner Chip Yorkgitis is discussing three spectrum items outside of the meeting (23:25).
    23 October 2024, 12:00 am
  • 28 minutes 45 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: September 2024
    On this episode of Full Spectrum, partner Chip Yorkgitis is going to give an overview of two items adopted by the FCC in late September. The first is a Report and Order that the Commission adopted at its open meeting on September 26 to allow non-geostationary satellite orbit space stations to conduct fixed satellite service downlink operations on a co-primary basis with existing users in the 17.3-17.8 GHz band. The second item he’ll discuss is a First Report and Order that the Commission adopted two days prior to the meeting to modify the rules for FM terrestrial digital audio broadcasting systems.
    4 October 2024, 2:07 am
  • 35 minutes 50 seconds
    Overview of FCC Items: 5G Fund and Drone Operations in the 5GHz Band
    On this episode, special counsel Mike Dover and senior associate Jenny Wainwright discuss some of the key points from two items released by the FCC on August 29. The first is the FCC’s latest action in the 5G Fund proceeding. The second is related to new rules to enable drone operations in the 5 GHz band.
    13 September 2024, 7:07 pm
  • 17 minutes 49 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: August 2024
    On today’s episode of Full Spectrum, we’ll be giving our first take of the items approved by the FCC commissioners at the agency’s August 2024 open meeting. First, senior associate Jenny Wainwright will give an overview of an action by the FCC to propose specific disclosures for robocalls and robotexts involving the use of artificial intelligence (00:30). Then, special counsel Mike Dover will cover the other item approved by the commission, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for updates to the robocall mitigation database (06:55).
    13 August 2024, 6:53 pm
  • 42 minutes 16 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: July 2024
    On today’s episode of Full Spectrum, the Kelley Drye Communications group covers a number of Report and Orders and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemakings covered at the FCC’s July Open Meeting. First, Tom Cohen will discuss bringing common sense and fairness to correctional facility phone rates (00:33). Jenny Wainwright will then discuss modernizing E-Rate to support wi-fi hotspots (08:54). Mike Dover will discuss accessibility of user interfaces, and video programming guides and menus (15:28). Chip Yorkgitis will discuss promoting consumer choice and wireless competition through handset unlocking requirements and policies (24:18). Finally, Hank Kelly will discuss advancing the transition to next generation 911 (29:54).
    22 July 2024, 6:33 pm
  • 23 minutes 8 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: May 2024
    On this episode of Full Spectrum, we discuss two items adopted by the Federal Communications Commission at its May 2024 Open Meeting. First, partner Chip Yorkgitis summarizes the proposed rules to strengthen the FCC’s oversight of telecommunications certification bodies and test labs that are recognized by the FCC to participate in the FCC’s equipment authorization program (0:01:24). Next, partner Hank Kelly discusses two Notices of Apparent Liability stemming from a high-profile robocalling campaign involving AI-generated deepfake voice messages that took place ahead of the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary Election in New Hampshire (0:13:36).
    30 May 2024, 8:23 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Overview: FCC BIAS Reclassification Report and Order
    On this episode of Full Spectrum, we discuss the FCC's decision at its May 2024 Open Meeting to reclassify broadband Internet access service (“BIAS”) from a lightly regulated information service to a telecommunications service regulated under Title II of the Communications Act, as well as adopt bright line net neutrality rules for BIAS providers. During the episode, you'll hear from partners Tom Cohen, Chip Yorkgitis, and Hank Kelly, special counsel Mike Dover, and senior associates Jenny Wainwright and Winafred Brantl.
    15 May 2024, 6:29 pm
  • 55 minutes 20 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: March
    On this episode of Full Spectrum the Kelley Drye Communications team will be providing summaries of several of the items adopted by the FCC at its most recent open meeting on March 14th. Chip Yorkgitis, partner, will be discussing a number of rules the Commission adopted to create a voluntary cybersecurity labeling program for wireless consumer Internet of Things (IOT) products (0:01:47). Next, Mike Dover, special counsel, will discuss new requirements for cable and satellite TV providers to provide “all-in” pricing information for their video programming services (0:20:17). Third, Jenny Wainwright, senior associate, will be talking about the FCC’s findings following its most recent inquiry into whether advanced telecommunications capability (essentially broadband) is being deployed across the country in a reasonable and timely fashion (0:31:15). Finally, Chip will wrap up by going over some rules and proposals by the FCC aimed at enhancing network coverage for consumer handsets through better coordination between satellite and terrestrial networks (0:36:58).
    22 March 2024, 8:28 pm
  • 50 minutes 33 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: February
    On this episode of Full Spectrum, partner Chip Yorkgitis, special counsel Mike Dover, and senior associate Jenny Wainwright provide an overview of four items adopted by the FCC at its most recent open meeting on February 15, 2024. First, Mike discusses a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking aimed at expanding accessibility of the emergency alert system (EAS) by facilitating dissemination of alerts in languages other than English (0:01:30). Second, Chip summarizes a Report and Order adopting rule changes that permit operations by Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems (WMAS), a new wireless microphone technology, in broadcast television and other Part 74 low-power auxiliary station frequency bands, as well as on an unlicensed basis (0:12:38). Third, Jenny outlines a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to change robocall and robotext rules, specifically related to revocation of consent, pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) (0:26:10). Finally, Chip discusses a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for licensing space stations engaged in in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM) activities (0:37:43).
    21 February 2024, 7:58 pm
  • 15 minutes 39 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: November Part 1
    In this episode of Full Spectrum, partner Tom Cohen discusses the recently held FCC Open Meeting, including a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to establish a framework to facilitate equal access to broadband internet access service by preventing digital discrimination of access.
    20 November 2023, 7:07 pm
  • 37 minutes 34 seconds
    FCC Open Meeting Recap: October
    On this episode of Full Spectrum partners Tom Cohen and Chip Yorkgitis discuss the Notice of Proposed Rule Making adopted by the Commission at its October 19 Open Meeting in its newly-commenced Open Internet (or Net Neutrality) proceeding proposing to reclassify broadband Internet access service (“BIAS”) from a lightly regulated information service to a telecommunications service regulated under Title II of the Communications Act (01:19). The Commission’s Notice proposes to adopt Open Internet rules that are very similar to those previously imposed in 2015 and largely rescinded in 2017. Additionally, Chip discusses a Second Report and Order adopted at the Open Meeting (but only released on November 1) that expands unlicensed use in the 6 GHz Band in the face of opposition from licensed incumbents by permitting very low power devices to operate in two sub-bands both indoors and outdoors, and both fixed and mobile (15:30). He also explains that the Commission continues to consider other proposals to expand unlicensed power and flexibility – both from a 2020 Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that accompanies the Second Report and Order. Finally, Tom and Chip give a brief preview of the Digital Discrimination item that is on the Commission’s tentative agenda for its November 15 Open Meeting (35:25).
    8 November 2023, 3:46 pm
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