Just me Kuze and my Co-host Ziyla(some episodes) ramble on about random crap we see and sometimes it doubles as my audio blog
13 minutes
Episode 2- scince your used to crap
Yeah short and crappy, enjoy
9 March 2006, 2:31 am
32 minutes 48 seconds
Episode-001- At last its here
AT LAST, to those who subscribed and pacently waited for a new episode, well here it is, its between 30 to 40 minutes long. with a few extended pauses
just random banter, and I forgot my contact details
[email protected]
[email protected][email protected]
5 February 2006, 1:56 pm
1 minute 38 seconds
Episode 0: the Promo
15 December 2005, 9:52 pm
1 minute 38 seconds
Episode 0 The Promo
Yeah it my promo 5 takes and 4 hosts down hopefully it finally goes through