The podcast that reads, reviews, and renders judgment on the greatest comic book stories of yesterday and today.
A mere 16 years after the Kingpin learns Daredevil’s secret identity in Frank Miller’s Born Again, that secret becomes front page news in 2002’s Out, by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev, published by Marvel Comics!
Returning to his indie crime-comic roots, Bendis puts attorney Matt Murdock through the wringer in this compelling story grounded in street-level atmosphere by artist Maleev and colorist Matt Hollingsworth.
Is gaslighting your friends and loved ones okay if it means you can put on a costume and fight crime? Just how much are we supposed to root for a hero who doubles down on lying to the entire world? And can Matt Murdock get a fair shake from that sleazy tabloid known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· Homicide: Life on the Street
· A few words from our sponsor
· Some random podcast ideas
· The Origin Story podcast
· The Big Empty by Robert Crais
· To Live and Die in L.A.
· Daredevil: Underboss
· Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War
Join us in two weeks as join ol’ Hornhead behind bars for The Devil in Cell Block D (issues #82-87), by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
Our six-episode, six-decade overview of the Thunderbolts and the Masters of Evil comes to a close (for now, at least) as we discuss two time-hopping tales from 2011 and 2012: The Great Escape from Thunderbolts #163-165 and Like Lightning from #172-174, published by Marvel Comics!
Following the events of the Fear Itself crossover event, most of the Thunderbolts manage to escape their prison home, only to end up in World War II Austria, side-by-side with Captain America and Prince Namor, fighting the Nazi forces of Baron Zemo! Then, we skip ahead a few issues (and decades) as they find themselves confronting the original Thunderbolts, led by (Son of) Baron Zemo!
Can these temporally tossed antiheroes repair the timeline before they cease to exist? And will these issues be deemed an excellent adventure or a bogus journey by that Time Variance Authority known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· Hey, it’s Centurius!
· Thunderbolts #163.1
· The tearjerking tale of Techno vs. Fixer
· Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
· MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios
· A Thunderbolts movie theory (recorded before the new trailer was released)
Join us in two weeks as we use the March 4 release of Daredevil: Born Again on Disney + to discuss Daredevil: Out by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
Our decade-by-decade series on Marvel Comics’ Thunderbolts rolls into the 21st century as we discuss Burning Down the House, collecting Thunderbolts #126-129 and #132 by Andy Diggle and Roberto de la Torre, published by Marvel Comics!
After saving the Earth from the Skrulls’ Secret Invasion, Thunderbolts director (and Green Goblin) Norman Osborn is headed for bigger and better things … but not before he turns the Thunderbolts against each other on his way out the door!
Then, it’s high-flying mayhem aboard Air Force One as we meet an all-new T-Bolts squad led by Black Widow (no, not that one – the other one) and Osborn protects President Not Barack Obama from … the Green Goblin???
Will Songbird survive against the combined might of Moonstone, Venom and Bullseye? And will this new black-ops hit squad succeed against that Wild Covert Action Team known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· The inevitable Talking Heads chatter
· Wait, what happened to covering Faith in Monsters?
· Why the Irredeemable Ant-Man is the best(?) shrinking character
· How lame is Mister X? Pretty lame, right?
· Dark Avengers: Molecule Man and Siege
· Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
Join us in two weeks as the Thunderbolts reach the 2010s, only to hop right back out in two time-traveling tales: The Great Escape (Thudnerbolts #163-165) and Like Lightning (#172-174)!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
In this episode, we look back at one of the best-reviewed graphic novels of 2024: Final Cut by Charles Burns!
When Brian, a shy, socially awkward artist, meets Laurie, the soon-to-be star of his new amateur sci-fi horror movie, she quickly becomes his muse, sharing space in his drawings and his mind with the film’s giant, pod-spewing aliens. Like him, Laurie is an outsider, wrestling with her own inner demons. But as his obsession with her grows, his grasp on his mental health weakens.
This vividly drawn tale of longing – to create and to connect – is part love-triangle teen romance and part love-letter to the science fiction creature features of a bygone era. But is all of that enough to make the cut with that Invasion of the Body Snatchers known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· Curt and Kevin’s 8mm adventures
· We have to talk about Tina
· The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn
· Curt’s existential crisis
· Brief thoughts on Madam Web and The Northman
· Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1: Married With Children
Join us in two weeks as we return to our decade-by-decade look at the Thunderbolts with a look at 2007’s Faith in Monsters!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
You read that right – it’s time for another installment of our recurring comics-themed quiz! As we briefly pause our miniseries on Marvel Comics’ Thunderbolts, Kevin grills Curt with a series of questions loosely related to the theme of comics villains turned heroes!
We’ll be back in two weeks with a look at one of the best-reviewed graphic novels of 2024, Charles Burns’ Final Cut! Then on Jan. 29 we return to the Thunderbolts with a look at 2007’s Faith in Monsters arc by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato!
THE WAIT IS OVER! Our decade-by-decade series on Marvel Comics’ Thunderbolts continues as we finally discuss Thunderbolts (1997) issues #1-4 and the Thunderbolts 97 Annual, by Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, Vince Russell and a host of others!
In the aftermath of the deadly Onslaught event (hey, you guys remember Onslaught?), the world is shaken by the apparent deaths of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four! But there’s a new superhero team in town … the Thunderbolts!
Who are these mysterious do-gooders? What’s their connection to Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil? (Hmmmm…) And can the Marvel Universe’s newest heroes face down the mind-boggling menace of that Wrecking Crew known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· What we talk about when we talk about the 90s
· Who will protect us from Blastaar, the Living Bomb Burst???
· Bada bing! It’s the Rat Pack, baby!
· How to Baby by Liana Fink
· Creature Commandos on Max
Join us in two weeks as ring in 2025 with a fun mini-episode! Then, on Jan. 15, we discuss one of the best-reviewed books of 2024 (probably Final Cut by Charles Burns) before returning to the Thunderbolts on Jan. 29 with the Civil War-adjacent tale Faith in Monsters, by Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
In this episode, our-decade-by-decade series on Marvel’s Thunderbolts (NOT the Thunderbirds, as Kevin erroneously calls them in the intro) continues as we discuss The Avengers: Under Siege – specifically, The Avengers #273-277 by Roger Stern and John Buscema!
Helmut Zemo, the son of one of Captain America’s greatest enemies, and a waaay-overstuffed Masters of Evil take over Avengers Mansion and begin systematically taking down Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Hercules, the Prince of Power, lies at death’s door! Monica Rambeau, the new Captain Marvel, is trapped in the Darkforce Dimension! And the Black Knight … is taken out rather easily.
This action-packed epic has it all: Squabbling supervillains! A quick stopover in Paris! Tons of property damage! And a galaxy of guest stars including Ant-Man! Paladin! The Shroud! And Doctor Druid! But is all of that enough to mount a hostile takeover of that impregnable fortress known as … The Comics Canon?
Recommended in This Episode:
· Fantastic Four #177: “Look Out for the Frightful Four!”
· Star Trek: First Contact
· The Suicide Squad
Next episode: At long last! We discuss Thunderbolts: Justice, Like Lightning…! featuring Thunderbolts (1997) #1-6! WHO are the Thunderbolts? And WHAT is their connection to the Masters of Evil? ALL WILL BE REVEALED!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
Content warning: suicide
In this episode, our-decade-by-decade series on the Thunderbolts intersects with one of the biggest political scandals of all time as we discuss Secret Empire and the short-lived career of Nomad, as brought to us by Steve Englehart, Sal Buscema and Frank Robbins, published by Marvel Comics!
First, the shadow of Watergate looms large over Captain America and the Falcon #174-176, as the Sentinel of Liberty and his partner-in-crimefighting take on the sinister Secret Empire, leading to a shocking moment that changes Cap’s life forever!
… or at least for a few issues, as Steve Rogers adopts a new identity as the blandly generic Nomad is issues 180-183!
These issues have everything: The X-Men! S.H.I.E.L.D.! The Sub-Mariner! The Serpent Squad! A cameo by the Red Skull! And the surprise guest appearance of 1974! But is all of that enough to earn membership in that clandestine cabal known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· Wheel! Of! MUTANTS!
· A few words about Frank Robbins
· What is up with the Gamecock?
· What’s Redwing’s favorite music genre?
· The Bog Wife
· Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles
Join us in two weeks as we discuss Avengers: Under Siege!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook or Bluesky!
And as always, thanks for listening!
In this episode, we kick off a decades-spanning series focusing on the hot new superhero team of 1997: the Thunderbolts! And we begin with some early Avengers issues introducing Captain America’s arch-nemesis Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil!
But first, we begin with Avengers #4, in which the Sentinel of Liberty himself is fished out of the North Sea and joins the Marvel Universe!
Then it’s on to Avengers #6, in which Baron Zemo enlists the Black Knight, the Mysterious Melter and Radioactive Man in the inaugural lineup of the Masters of Evil, a team of supervillains that might have some role to play in the formation of the Thunderbolts some 30+ years later!
In Avengers #7, Zemo is joined by a pair of Asgardians, the Enchantress and the Executioner—who, in Avengers #9, hatch a scheme that involves the debut of future Avengers mainstay Wonder Man!
Will this concept of a villain who turns into a hero have some bearing on the Thunderbolts? Is Avengers #6 the silliest comic we’ve ever discussed on this podcast? And can these pulse-pounding issues pass muster with that eternally youthful Middle-Aged Brigade known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· Curt’s dream, revisited
· You know what this story needs? An alien who turns people to stone!
· Seriously, what’s the deal with the Teen Brigade?
· Rick Jones makes a boneheaded mistake
· Twin Peaks: The Return
· Avengers Vol. 1 # 16: The Old Order Changeth!
· Infamous Iron Man Vol. 1: Infamous
Join us in two weeks as we take a detour into the 1970s for a look at two pivotal moments in the life of Captain America: Secret Empire and The Coming of the Nomad!
Until then:Impress your friends with our Comics Canon merchandise! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Send us an email! Hit us up on Facebook, Bluesky or The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter!
And as always, thanks for listening!
In this episode, we relax our usual format a bit as Bryan Stratton, Robb Milne and Jamie Wenger from the Marvel by the Month podcast join us to discuss (and assign ratings to) some iconic -- and less-than-iconic -- Jack Kirby monsters from before Marvel's superhero era!
Monsters discussed in this episode:
· Diablo, the Demon From the Fifth Dimension! (Tales of Suspense #9, 1959)
· Taboo, the Thing From the Murky Swamp! (Strange Tales #75, 1960)
· Groot, the Monster From Planet X! (Tales to Astonish #13, 1960)
· Xemnu, the Living Hulk! (Journey Into Mystery #62, 1960)
· The Blip! (Tales to Astonish #15, 1961)
· Goom, the Thing From Planet X! (Tales of Suspense #15, 1960)
· Googam, Son of Goom! (Tales of Suspense #17, 1961)
· Fin Fang Foom! (Strange Tales #89, 1961)
Recommended in this episode:
· The Ultimates
· The Atlas Comics Library No. 1: Adventures Into Terror Vol. 1
· The Shadow Over Innsmouth by Gou Tanabe
· The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
· Dracula Vol. 1: The Impaler by Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones
Join us in two weeks as we look ahead to next year’s Thunderbolts movie with the beginning of a series of episodes exploring the origins of the Thunderbolts and the Masters of Evil through the decades, beginning with Baron Zemo in Avengers #4, 6, 7 and 9!
In this episode, we kick off a month of horror-themed comics with a look at Tatsuki Fujimoto’s incredibly popular manga Chainsaw Man, a fresh and creative mixture of body horror, supernatural devil creatures, superhero-adjacent action and 80s boob comedy!
In these chapters from Chainsaw Man volumes 1 and 2, we meet Denji, a down-on-his-luck teen whose body fuses with Pochita, a devil in the form of an adorable dog with a chainsaw sticking out from its head. Denji gains the ability to sprout chainsaws from his arms and face, and is soon conscripted by pretty Makima into a government devil-hunting agency and partnered with Power, a brash and uncontrollable blood fiend. But all he really wants is … to touch some boobs!
Can the not-too-bright Denji triumph over the fearsome Bat Devil and the creepy Leech Devil, not to mention his mentor Aki? Will he wise up and realize that Makima seems to be bad news? And can he join the hallowed ranks of those Devil’s Advocates known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
· What would Pitbull say?
· The Substance
· Exceptional X-Men #1
· Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!
Join us in two weeks as our October festivities continue with a celebration of classic Marvel monsters including Groot, Diablo, the Blip, Fin Fang Foom and others!