Wise Traditions

Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore

  • 45 minutes 19 seconds
    516: How Mold, Microplastics, and Stress Damage Your Heart with Dr. Jack Wolfson

    What's the best way to strengthen our hearts to avoid heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, bypass surgery, and heart disease? Dr. Jack Wolfson, a self-described "natural cardiologist", offers unconventional advice today about what to do for all of the above. (Hint: it doesn't include statin drugs or avoiding cholesterol or animal fats.) Jack also points out very unusual threats to heart health—from microplastics to mold! He also points out the benefits of fermented foods which can negate the effect of plastics in our food!


    Check out Jack's website: Natural Heart Doctor

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

    Visit our sponsors Paleo Valley and New Biology Clinic


    3 March 2025, 11:00 am
  • 45 minutes 6 seconds
    515: Documenting Hope: The Reversal Of Autism Spectrum Disorder With Beth Lambert

    According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, in 2020, 1 in 36 children has autism spectrum disorder in the United States. Beth Lambert is an author, documentarian and the founder of Documenting Hope, a group committed to the prevention and reversal of chronic health and developmental conditions in children, including autism, ADHD, anxiety, autoimmune conditions, PANS/PANDAS, Sensory Processing Disorder, learning disorders, and more.


    Today, Beth shares a groundbreaking result of her work documented in a peer-reviewed publication about autism reversal in a pair of twin girls! She discusses the changes the parents of the twins made, how the girls’ Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) scores dropped over the course of 6 months, and much more. She explains how we can make similar changes to improve our health. Beth also goes over why her findings and research are indeed giving hope to so many parents who want to see their children’s health turn around.


    Visit Beth's website: documentinghope.com

    Register for the Wise Traditions conference at wisetraditions.org

    Check out our sponsors: Smidge and One Earth Health

    24 February 2025, 11:00 am
  • 43 minutes 13 seconds
    514: Dealing With Hurdles And Haters When You Leave Vegan Diets And Seed Oils Behind: Inspo From Former Vegan Chef Mollie Engelhart

    Lots of people transition from the vegan diet to one that includes meat and animal products...but few do so on a public stage. Former vegan chef Mollie Engelhart had a dietary change of heart that became very public when she changed the menu and name of her restaurant in California. That's when the virtual and in-person backlash and vitriol began. While Mollie's restaurant has now closed, she is a regenerative rancher who is sticking to her dietary convictions.


    Today Mollie shares her remarkable story, all that she went through, and why she has chosen to stand strong in the face of opposition. She also explains why she believes regeneratively raised meat, food traditions and food sovereignty are so important. And why she goes the extra mile to get raw milk to her community in Texas.


    Visit Mollie's website: sovereigntyranch.com

    Listen to the Gubba Homestead podcast

    Check out our sponsors Optimal Carnivore and Gray Toad Tallow

    17 February 2025, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 18 seconds
    513: The Media, Mind Control and How We Are Being Poisoned with Jason Christoff

    There are currently techniques being implemented to psychologically manipulate, persuade, and control the public. We're not just referencing marketing firms trying to get you to purchase something. From Hollywood movies to government programs, there are subtle systems and approaches in place to alter behavior...and negatively impact the health and autonomy of the populace.


    Jason Christoff runs an international psychological reprogramming institute and in this episode he explains what's going on and how it can sabotage our independence and critical thinking without our even realizing it. Some techniques have been used for centuries and can shift us, for example, from a beta brain wave (thinking) state to an alpha brain wave (trance) state, making us susceptible to suggestion and more compliant. Jason also goes over what toxins in our environment "dumb us down" in effect, also making us possible pawns to powers that desire to control us.


    Visit Jason's website: Jason Christoff

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

    Check out our sponsors: Arvoti Skincare and Black Lotus Shilajit

    10 February 2025, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 9 seconds
    512: Begin Here: 5 Ancestral Foods To Bring Into Your Kitchen

    You want to eat a more nutrient-dense diet. You get it. You're ready to get some basics down. Well, roll up your sleeves because Alison Kay from the Ancestral Kitchen Podcast and The Fermentation School is going to empower you to do just that.


    Alison today shows you which 5 traditional foods to introduce into your diet. She explains how to make them (we're talking bone broth, fermented oats and more) and why. She also shares her own personal story. Alison was once obese, had issues with fertility and PCOS. She tells how she overcame these hurdles thanks, in part, to the very ancestral foods she discusses today.


    Visit Alison's website: ancestralkitchen.com

    Check out the Gubba Homestead Podcast

    See our sponsors PaleoValley and New Biology Clinic

    3 February 2025, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 11 seconds
    511: German New Medicine: What Is REALLY Making You Sick? with Dr. Melissa Sell

    What if your body isn't malfunctioning but adapting? Could trauma or conflict be the root cause of the dis-ease you’re experiencing?

    Dr. Melissa Sell, a chiropractor and New Medicine consultant, shares an insightful overview of Germanic New Medicine (GNM), a radically different approach to healing. Many of us spend years overhauling our diets or trying new protocols for gut issues, autoimmune conditions, and chronic illnesses—often without lasting results.

    Melissa explains the fundamentals of GNM, highlighting how a root conflict or emotional shock can trigger the body’s adaptation process, leading to symptoms, healing, and eventual resolution. She shares her personal journey of overcoming acne through GNM and why she believes every life conflict serves a purpose, helping us grow and learn.

    Visit Melissa's website

    Listen to the Gubba Homestead Podcast

    Check out our sponsors: Rosita Cod Liver Oil and One Earth Health

    27 January 2025, 11:00 am
  • 46 minutes 17 seconds
    510: The Power of Peanuts & Copper and the Problem with Climate Change with Matt Roeske

    What if everything we’ve been told is backwards?

    Peanuts have been labeled bad for us due to mycotoxins, but what if they’re actually protective—especially against EMFs? And copper, once a staple in our lives through pipes, tools, and cups, has been replaced with iron, PVC, and plastic. Why did we move away from this beneficial material?

    In this episode, Matt Roeske of Cultivate Elevate explores "inverted truths" about our health and well-being. From climate change and its manufactured narrative to the real story behind peanuts, copper, and water scarcity, Matt challenges mainstream assumptions. He invites us to think critically and rediscover what truly supports health and balance.

    Check out Matt's website: Cultivate Elevate

    Listen to the Gubba Homestead Podcast

    See our sponsors: Arvoti skincare and Optimal Carnivore

    20 January 2025, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 47 seconds
    509: How Weight Loss Is Related To The Vibration Of Food & Life Force Energy With Whitney Aronoff

    Here's a fresh approach for weight loss! Instead of counting calories or eating less and moving more, what about taking into account the vibration of food, i.e. its life force energy? This is what Chef Whitney Aronoff, of High Vibration Foods, recommends on today's episode.

    Whitney's approach focuses less on the numbers on the scale and more on how we feel and how the food we eat makes us feel. She also covers the importance of freshness and sourcing. She tells stories of how her clients' health and weight has stabilized with this perspective. And she also shares what she, as a personal chef, recommends for food choices that help reduce anxiety, boost mood, and improve our relationship with food and our weight.

    Check out Whitney's website: Starseed Kitchen 

    Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation (and use the code pod10) 

    Visit our sponsors' websites: Paleo Valley and Black Lotus Shilajit.

    13 January 2025, 11:00 am
  • 49 minutes 5 seconds
    508: The Mystical, Mythical, And Marvelous Wise Traditions Of Ireland With Stephen Kavanagh

    A mythical island known as the “other Atlantis,” Skellig Michael where monks once dwelled, and the story of how oysters saved humanity are just a few of the many highlights from today's episode. Marine biologist Stephen Kavanagh gives us an overview of wise traditions in Ireland. Stephen shares the earliest accounts of life in Ireland—from what the people ate to how they embraced art and beauty. In essence, he takes us on a tour of his beloved Ireland.


    Check out Stephen's website: marinehealthfoods.com

    Subscribe to the Weston A. Price Foundation's YouTube channel

    Check out our sponsors: Gray Toad Tallow and the New Biology Clinic

    6 January 2025, 5:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 14 seconds
    507: Best of 2024 with Ginny Yurich, Dr. Olivia Lesslar, and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

    Our end-of-year gift to you is this "highlight reel" of sorts, featuring excerpts from the most listened-to episodes of 2024! Ginny Yurich covers how our children benefit from being outdoors. Dr. Olivia Lesslar explains how to communicate to our body that the coast is clear and that we’re in a safe space to heal. And Dr. Gabrielle Lyon goes over how strength training can help us avoid the “diseases of aging”: obesity, cancer, and diabetes. Listen and benefit from the insights each guest brings!


    And check out each episode in its entirety:

    Wise Traditions podcast 458 “Get Your Kids Outside” with Ginny Yurich

    Wise Traditions podcast 464 “Repair and Reset Your Body with Safety Signaling” with Dr. Olivia Lesslar

    Wise Traditions podcast 466 “Build Muscle To Stay Strong & Live Long” with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon


    Order the "11 Dietary Principles" book!

    Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Smidge


    30 December 2024, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 25 seconds
    506: Why Cooking Traditional Foods From Scratch Is Worth It With Mary Bryant Shrader

    Do you get overwhelmed thinking about making sourdough bread from scratch? Or homemade broths and soups? Mary Bryant Shrader of Mary's Nest is a YouTuber and educator who has a knack for demonstrating how simple (and tasty and economical) traditional cooking can be!

    Today, she shares some of her own story (including successes and failures along the way) of how she got into becoming a "modern kitchen pioneer". She goes over the biggest hurdles we face (like feeling too busy or too intimidated to get started), how to overcome them, and even what inspires her to keep going with traditional food cooking.

    Visit Mary's website: marysnest.com

    Go to our realmilk.com website for info on raw milk

    Check out our sponsors: Rosita and One Earth Health


    23 December 2024, 8:00 am
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