In this hot new episode of The Mastery Sessions, I walk you through the single greatest lesson my father shared with me for a life rich with joy, peace and wonder.
I hope all this free content I work so very hard to make valuable and tactical is serving your rise into the rare-air of world-class well.
Anything original will disrupt the normal. And so those who feel threatened will find it easier to throw stones at you than send appreciation to you. It’s easier to shoot the messenger than embrace a revolutionary message, isn’t it.
And so, I’ve made a hot new Mastery Session walking you through The Troll Deconstruction that will teach you some powerful tactics to handle any haters that try to limit your performance.
Ready to learn about “WRAM Syndrome”? [one of the primary reasons good people fail].
Set to learn how to maintain the “white-belt mentality” requires to dominate your domain and live the life of your highest ambitions?
Fascinated in learning what “the bald man in the big Mercedes” can teach us about winning, mastery and reaching legendary?
If yes, go ahead and listen to this episode of The Mastery Sessions.
I’m delighted to offer you this hot new episode of The Mastery Sessions where I read you one of my favourite passages from the work and then share how it will help you rise into your mastery, bravery and utmost humanity.
The Prophet by Kalhil Gibran just might be my favorite book.’s hard to say, really. I love so many books. Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Man’s Search for Meaning. Long Walk to Freedom. Yet The Prophet is so very special to me. During the Winters of my life it has consoled me. Amid the Summers of my journey it has inspired me.I believe this email will be profoundly valuable to your rise to your finest self and for your ascent to your greatest life.
Our culture suggests that if you would only become a more positive thinker, everything would be amazing.
And yet an excellent psychology and a superb belief system with a messy emotionality and toxic feelings being carried from past hurts will never deliver the creativity, productivity, performance and peace that you’re looking for...
...This is a very disruptive idea that runs counter to what most pundits in the field of personal development and leadership are teaching.
...I believe it’s the #1 reason why most learning doesn’t last. We get the insights at an intellectual level only. And we fail to integrate it into our heart.
This calibrated new episode of The Mastery Sessions will really help you understand the power of emotional healing as a profound success tool. And why a world-class mindset without a purified heartset will not cause the wins you want.
On a relatively recent trip to LA I experienced majestic coincidences, marvellous synchronicity and—at times—outright magic that showed me a secret universe of possibilities.
In this super-valuable new episode of The Mastery Sessions, I decode precisely what you need to do so seemingly impossible dreams, events and opportunities just show up [when you least expect it].
You’re going to love this session so listen to it now.
I wish I had learned 6 absolutely transformational insights when I was twenty years old...
...I’ve embraced and integrated them now, yet not knowing them cost me a lot over the years.
In this inspirational yet content-rich episode of my Mastery Sessions podcast [that is being watched by many millions of people in over 100 countries], I walk you through the principles and provide tactics so you can apply them—starting today.
In this latest Mastery Session and then walk you through:
—how to live in the hearts of those you leave behind
—the importance of being both a warrior and a poet for maximum success
—the best ways to become more awake and truly alive
—tactics to balance productivity with peacefulness
In this session you will learn:
1. A framework that athletic champions and titans of industries are currently using to x25 not only their energy, but also their performance.
2. The value of deep recovery and why professional athletes spend so much time sleeping.
3. My new framework called The Trinity of Radiant Vitality, and how to leverage it to get much more done in a day than most people do in a month.
4. How to use my Joy as a GPS model to not only amplify your productivity, but escalate your lifestyle so that you win in the most important areas of your life.
I'm so very excited to share with you a fresh + robust new Mastery Session called 4 Excellent Habits to Beat Digital Distraction. As you know: legendary producers + history-makers all understand that you can dominate your domain by producing masterpieces or be playing with your phone all day long, but you don't get to do both.