Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz don’t know how to cook. They also don’t know how to date...but they’re figuring it out, one ruined meal and soured relationship at a time.
Stevie and Dave share an important announcement about the future of the show, talk about how much they've changed over the last 5 years, and ask each other the I Burn Everything 5 Questions in a series finale that will have you asking: wait, did they just say series finale?
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz celebrate their 100th episode of I Burn Everything with former guest, Charlene DeGuzman, who reads their tarot to determine the future of their relationships, the podcast and the future of the WORLD?? Thank you for listening to season THREE(!) of I Burn Everything. We will back soon with a new season, new guests, new topics, BETTER THAN EVER!
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz talk to Addie Weyrich (comedian/actor/writer) about being an only child, being easily impressed with movies and men and the joy of doing comedy and making people laugh. Call our hotline to tell us your favorite memory or episode of the podcast in celebration of our 100th episode: 213-458-5236. We love to see it!
Public Facing Private People w/Dana Schwartz: Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz talk to the wonderful writer and podcaster Dana Schwartz (Noble Blood/Popcorn Book Club/Marvel's She Hulk) about cat and dog parenting in the time of Covid, the expectations people have when dating someone with a public persona, what dating in LA is REALLY like (Spoiler: Dave botches a metaphor!), and a breakup story that will knock your socks off unless you don't happen to be wearing socks at the moment you hear it.
This week, Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz have a freewheeling and hilarious conversation with comedian, writer and podcaster Gareth Reynolds of The Dollop. They touch on everything this week: healthy eating in quarantine, vegetarianism, how this pandemic is testing some relationships and ending others, the destruction of the Firdos Square statue of Saddam Hussein (no, really), and a brief foray into early 2000s east coast college sketch comedy that almost destroys Stevie's patience for Dave. It's a must listen!
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz talk to the multi-talented Dani Fernandez (Writer, actress, comedian, host) about celebrating your nerdy side while coming to terms with your own hotness, remaining friends with your exes, and anti-inflammatory eating. PLUS Dave and Stevie play a two part listener voicemail that will have you saying, "wait, are these two REALLY good at giving advice?" Also, call us at 213-458-5236 and ask us something yourself.
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz talk to the hilarious Josh Gondelman (Stand-up, Author, Desus & Mero Writer) about his new podcast Make My Day, effortless compatibiity in a partnership, and (safely!) getting out of town with his wife! Stevie reveals her secret love of pogs! And a listener calls in with an advice question that sparks a wild conversation! Call in with your own advice questions and we'll play them on the air: 213-458-5236
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz talk to Johnny Webster (Talent Manager, Facilitator Of Dreams) about the transformative power of dance, the dangerous allure of eating entire pints of Ben And Jerry's Half Baked ice cream, the discomfort of societal change, and his own personal movement: Black Boy Joy. Plus, we share results of not one but TWO polls we conducted and give some personal puppy updates.
Stevie adopted a tiny puppy named Boyfriend! Dave's fostering a tiny puppy that he can't stop calling Chicken! Also, both of them are furious that no one in California will wear a mask. Theyre both popping off a little more than normal this week, but you would be too if you'd been slowly losing your mind stuck inside on a weekend meant to celebrate this country that we're too dumb to protect from total collapse! Come for the puppy talk, stay for the righteous indignation toward people's reckless endangerment of their fellow man! Oh, and Stevie downloaded Hinge again, so watch this space for updates. Please consider donating to the Okra project, a charity designed to provide in home cooking for black trans people in need (and food deliveries for unhoused people!). for more info!
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz have a spirited, wonderful conversation with Charlene Westbrook (Artist, Abolitionist, Ambassador of Joy) about marrying her high school sweetheart, leaving a legacy of love, and the undeniable power of a well stocked spice rack.
Stevie Nelson and Dave Horwitz chat with Joel Leon (storyteller, artist, father and performer) about the power of the internet in the face of a social movement, his TED talk about co-parenting, and empowering anti-racists with louder bullhorns. Support these black owned LA coffee shops! ,