Ken Wise

Wise About Texas presents Texas history in an engaging, scholarly and interesting way. You'll learn more about the Texas history you know, and a lot of Texas history you don't know. Most importantly, you'll come to understand the spirit of Texas! So get Wise About Texas!

  • 21 minutes 53 seconds
    EP. 133: The Van Horn Wells

    For centuries, Indians knew where to get water on the desolate terrain of what would become West Texas. One of those spots came to be known as the Van Horns Wells. Named for one of two possible military commanders, the wells watered men, horses, and eventually a railroad. With railroads come towns and the town of Van Horn has seen a lot. From horses to spaceships (?) Van Horn is an interesting Texas spot. Learn more in this latest episode of Wise About Texas.

    23 January 2025, 3:11 pm
  • 27 minutes 13 seconds
    EP. 132: The Coming of the Wire

    You can’t go anywhere in Texas without running into “the devil’s rope”–barbed wire. It keeps livestock in AND out. It protects property and discourages trespassers. But barbed wire hasn’t been around all that long. When it came, it changed the face of Texas and the West. It also made some people very, very wealthy. Learn how “bob wire” took over Texas in this latest episode of Wise About Texas

    1 January 2025, 8:51 pm
  • 13 minutes 57 seconds
    EP. 131: A Presidential Election, 1841

    You think our elections are divisive today? Well, Texas is just continuing a long tradition of candidates running hard and stirring the pot. In the Republic of Texas the presidential term was only two years, so the elections came frequently. They were contentious to say the least. Old enemies became worse enemies, and the name-calling was classic. Here about an early Texas presidential election in this episode of Wise About Texas.

    5 November 2024, 4:25 pm
  • 24 minutes 40 seconds
    Ep. 130: The Sisterdale Revolver

    In the early part of the Civil War, a group of German Freethinkers got together to design and manufacture a revolver for use by the Confederate forces. These Germans were intellectuals, engineers, farmers and…unionists! Nevertheless they designed a new revolver, making 6 total. The gun proved impractical, however, so they ceased production. Only one of these guns is known to survive. But this story is about much more than a gun. Get a feel for some of the German immigrants who came to Texas in the middle 19th century in this episode of Wise About Texas.

    20 August 2024, 7:33 pm
  • 29 minutes 12 seconds
    EP. 129: Making Texas History: An Interview with Governor Rick Perry (Part 2)

    Governor Rick Perry is the longest serving Governor in Texas history. From his humble beginnings in Paint Creek, to the cockpit of an Air Force C-130, to the Governor’s Mansion and on to Washington D.C. Governor Perry has an unmatched career in public service. In this wide-ranging interview, we discuss what Texas and Texas history means to a man who made a lot of it.

    4 August 2024, 9:04 pm
  • 33 minutes 32 seconds
    Making Texas History: An Interview with Governor Rick Perry (Part 1)

    Governor Rick Perry is the longest serving Governor in Texas history. From his humble beginnings in Paint Creek, to the cockpit of an Air Force C-130, to the Governor’s Mansion and on to Washington D.C. Governor Perry has an unmatched career in public service. In this wide-ranging interview, we discuss what Texas and Texas history means to a man who made a lot of it.

    7 July 2024, 8:18 pm
  • 29 minutes 37 seconds
    EP. 127: Clash of the Titans

    The American Buffalo, or Bison, is an iconic image of America. At one point, millions of these huge animals roamed the continent. But settlement and commercial hunting rendered the bison all but extinct. Thanks to the forward thinking of a few cattlemen, the species was saved. But the early twentieth century was a sporting time, and certain questions needed answers. To a few folks from Texas, Mexico, and North Dakota, the burning question was which animal was tougher–a Mexican fighting bull or a buffalo? Well, now we know. Hear the story of an epic battle in this episode of Wise About Texas.

    2 June 2024, 4:43 pm
  • 14 minutes 57 seconds
    EP. 126: An Accidental Victory

    As the winter of 1835 approached, the Texian army lay siege to San Antonio de Bexar. When rumors started that a pack train was approaching the town carrying silver for the troops, the Texians saw opportunity. Riding out to meet the enemy, the Texians were successful…sort of. Learn about this skirmish in the latest episode of Wise About Texas.

    24 March 2024, 10:10 pm
  • 35 minutes 23 seconds
    The Texas Rangers: Milton H. West- from Ranger to Congressman

    Milton H. West had a most interesting career. While investigating the assault of his brother on the Mexican border, he decided to sign up with the Texas Rangers. That got him interested in the law, which got him interested in politics. Every step of the way he was watching out for the people of South Texas. When his career was over, he had changed the face (and the economy) of the Rio Grande Valley. BONUS: An interview with his grandson at the end of the episode.

    1 January 2024, 2:33 am
  • 26 minutes 9 seconds
    EP. 124: Texans You Should Know- Sally Skull

    Sarah Jane Newman grew up tough in a family that came with Austin’s Old 300. She watched her mother fight off Indians and became an expert judge of horses. Known as Sally Skull, she could outride, outshoot and outtrade any man. But she also lived at the intersection of history and legend, in a time when most folks would prefer the legend. Hear about the fascinating life of a very interesting Texas woman in this latest episode of Wise About Texas.

    30 October 2023, 3:20 pm
  • 52 minutes 10 seconds
    EP. 123: The Texas Rangers- Senior Captain Tony Leal (part 2)
    Antonio “Tony” Leal served as a Texas Ranger from 1994-2011, including several years as the Senior Captain. In part 2 of an interesting and wide-ranging interview, you will learn about the Ranger service, life as a Ranger and many other interesting and informative things about the modern Ranger service. Senior Captain Leal’s ranching roots go back to an 18th century Spanish land grant on the Rio Grande and he would become the first Hispanic Senior Captain. Enjoy this glimpse into the modern Texas Rangers from Senior Captain Tony Leal.
    20 August 2023, 6:50 pm
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