Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler

  • 43 minutes 47 seconds
    EP 473: How Not to Feel So Much as an Empath with Hyesha

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler speaks with Hyesha, who seeks advice on managing her empathic tendencies, especially the overwhelming emotions she feels when witnessing suffering. Christine helps Hyesha navigate the delicate balance between feeling deeply and maintaining emotional boundaries, particularly when her empathic abilities make her overly sensitive to the pain of others.

    Hyesha opens up about her experiences of being triggered by everyday situations involving children or animals, which leads her into "worst-case-scenario" thinking. Christine assists Hyesha in understanding how her heightened sensitivity stems from unhealed childhood wounds and limiting beliefs. Through this powerful coaching session, Hyesha learns practical ways to embrace her empathic gifts without being consumed by them.

    Christine emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between empathy and sympathy, encouraging Hyesha to hold space for others' suffering without taking it on herself. She also guides Hyesha in recognizing her own triggers and using them as opportunities for self-compassion and healing.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by others' emotions, to the point that it drains you?
    • Are you an empath who struggles to maintain boundaries between your feelings and those of others?
    • How do you respond when you're triggered by the suffering of children, animals, or even people on the news?
    • Can you hold space for others' emotions without going into "rescue mode" or becoming emotionally paralyzed?

    Hyesha's Key Insights & A-HA's:

    • Hyesha shares how hearing a child or animal cry often triggers a response that doesn't match the reality of the situation, rooted in past trauma.
    • Christine helps Hyesha identify the emotional patterns that cause her to react so strongly and teaches her how to use her empathic abilities constructively.
    • Hyesha recognizes the need to mother herself and attend to her own emotional needs when triggered by outside stimuli.
    • The session highlights the difference between empathy and sympathy, showing how Hyesha can feel deeply without becoming overwhelmed.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Practice distinguishing between empathy (feeling without judgment) and sympathy (feeling sorry for others), and strive to stay in an empathetic space.
    • Acknowledge that your reactions to certain situations may be based on unresolved emotional wounds, and use these moments as invitations to self-care.
    • Use grounding techniques to regulate your nervous system when you start to feel overwhelmed by others' emotions.
    • Recognize that feeling deeply is a gift, but it doesn’t require you to take on the burden of fixing or saving others.

    Sponsor: Caraway Cookware – Christine loves Caraway’s non-toxic, chemical-free cookware. Check out their selection and get an exclusive 10% discount by visiting carawayhome.com/overit and using promo code "OVERIT" at checkout.

    Social Media + Resources:

    16 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 49 minutes 58 seconds
    CC: The Skin Deep with Topaz Adizes

    Topas Adizes joins me for a beautiful conversation about how to deepen our connections through listening and curiosity. 

      Topaz Adizes is an Emmy Award-winning writer, director, and experience design architect. He is an Edmund Hillary fellow and Sundance/Skoll stories of change fellow. His works have been selected to Cannes, Sundance, IDFA, and SXSW; featured in New Yorker magazine, Vanity Fair, and the New York Times; and have garnered an Emmy for new approaches to documentary and Two World Press photo awards for immersive storytelling and interactive documentary.   He is currently the founder and executive director of the experience design studio The Skin Deep. Topaz studied philosophy at UC Berkeley and Oxford University. He speaks four languages, and currently lives in Mexico with his wife and two children.   For more about The Skin Deep, visit TheSkinDeep.com.   To learn more about Topaz Adizes and his work, visit TopazAdizes.com.
    12 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 42 minutes 2 seconds
    EP 472: Heal Your Body Versus Trying to Fix Your Body with Anna

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler dives into a heartfelt and profound coaching call with Anna, discussing the difference between healing the body and trying to fix it. Christine emphasizes the importance of understanding that when we focus too much on "fixing" ourselves, we often remain stuck in a mindset that something is inherently broken. Instead, she encourages Anna and listeners to approach the body with love, acceptance, and gratitude, viewing physical symptoms as opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth rather than burdens.

    Anna opens up about her experiences with PCOS and the struggles she's faced with rigid control over her health. Through this vulnerable conversation, Christine highlights how past unmet emotional needs can manifest physically and explores how healing requires addressing those emotional roots.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Are you approaching your health and body from a mindset of fixing rather than healing?
    • Do you trust your body, or do you feel like you’re in a constant struggle with it?
    • How do your past experiences, especially from childhood, affect how you relate to your body today?
    • Can you shift your perspective on physical symptoms from frustration to gratitude?

    The Guest's Key Insights & A-HA's:

    • Christine helps Anna uncover how her childhood experiences of needing to control everything have carried over into her health journey, contributing to her PCOS symptoms.
    • Healing starts with self-love, trust, and understanding that symptoms often have emotional and spiritual roots.
    • The body isn’t something to fix; rather, it’s an ally that signals where healing is needed.
    • Embracing vulnerability and releasing the pressure to be perfect can lead to deeper emotional and physical well-being.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Acknowledge the emotional wounds: Recognize that the physical symptoms you experience, such as PCOS, may have emotional roots stemming from unmet needs in childhood. Allow yourself to feel the sadness, frustration, or grief that comes with these realizations, and begin the healing process by acknowledging these emotions.
    • Release the need for control: Understand that rigid control over your health and body can often stem from past experiences. Let go of the need to micromanage every detail of your health, and trust that your body is not something to be fixed but an ally in your healing journey.
    • Shift your perspective on symptoms: Instead of viewing physical ailments as obstacles, see them as signals from your body asking for deeper healing and attention. Embrace the opportunity to heal not just the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual wounds that contribute to your well-being.
    • Be compassionate with yourself: Just as Anna learned to approach her body with love rather than criticism, practice giving yourself the same grace. Recognize that healing is a process, and it’s okay to not have everything figured out. Offer yourself the nurturing and care you needed as a child.


    This episode is sponsored by Organifi, a line of USDA organic supplements and superfood juice mixes that support overall health and wellness. Try their red juice, green juice, or their magnesium-packed blends to help boost your body’s natural energy and restore balance. One product to highlight today is their magnesium supplement, which supports better sleep, muscle function, and nerve health. 

    Get 20% off all Organifi products by visiting organifishop.com and using the promo code OVERIT at checkout. Nourish your body with Organifi—because your health is your greatest wealth.

    Social Media + Resources:

    9 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    CC: What Kind of Anxiety Do You Have? With Dr. Nicole Cain
    Did you know there are actually 9 types of physiological anxiety we may feel? In this episode you'll learn which one(s) you experience and why.    Nicole Cain, ND, MA, is a pioneer in integrative approaches for mental and emotional wellness. With a degree in clinical psychology, training in EMDR, and a license as a Naturopathic Physician in the state of Arizona, her approach to mental health is multidisciplinary: medical, psychological, and holistic.   You can learn more about the 9 types of anxiety here: https://drnicolecain.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-9-types-of-anxiety/
    5 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 54 seconds
    EP 471: How to Deal with Things You Don't Like About Your Partner with Katie

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler coaches Katie, who is struggling with her husband's undiagnosed ADHD and its impact on their relationship. Christine helps Katie reflect on how her husband's behaviors trigger old wounds from her childhood and offers insights into how couples can navigate challenges when their brains and emotional needs function differently. The episode dives deep into relationship dynamics, particularly how unresolved past wounds can surface in present-day partnerships.


    Christine encourages listeners to think about their own relationships, especially when they are generally good but contain aspects that are frustrating or triggering. She stresses the importance of taking responsibility for one's own emotional reactions rather than expecting the partner to change or fix things. Additionally, Christine highlights how acceptance of a partner's limitations and clear communication about non-negotiables can strengthen a relationship.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Are you in a relationship that's generally good but with aspects that bug or trigger you?
    • Do you tend to focus on evidence that your partner isn't meeting your expectations?
    • How do you handle your emotional reactions when your partner frustrates you?
    • What would change in your relationship if you fully accepted your partner for who they are?

    Key Insights & AHA's:

    • Katie's frustrations with her husband's forgetfulness are linked to her childhood wounds of abandonment and not feeling important.
    • Christine helps Katie see that her husband's behavior, including conflict avoidance, may be a result of his trauma, and encourages Katie to approach the situation with more acceptance.
    • By focusing on what Katie can control—her own emotional responses—rather than trying to change her husband, she can create more peace within herself.
    • Clear communication about non-negotiables, such as her husband seeking treatment, can help Katie and her husband move forward.

    Show Sponsor: This week's episode is sponsored by AquaTru

    For a limited time, listeners can receive 20% off any AquaTru purifier by visiting aquatru.com and entering promo code "OVERIT" at checkout. AquaTru also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

    Start drinking healthier water today!

    Social Media + Resources:

    2 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 12 minutes 45 seconds
    EP 470: A Reminder to Prioritize Self-Care and Rest

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler delivers a heartfelt reminder about the importance of self-care, rest, and prioritizing our well-being over external obligations and people-pleasing tendencies. Christine shares her own recent experiences as a busy mom and life coach, explaining how taking time for herself—even when it meant canceling podcast recordings—has been a powerful practice in maintaining integrity with her own needs.


    Christine encourages listeners to reflect on the ways they may be abandoning themselves by prioritizing the expectations of others over their own health and happiness. She highlights the significance of slowing down, saying “no” when necessary, and learning to trust that others will understand when we make self-honoring choices.


    This episode serves as a powerful message for anyone feeling overwhelmed by life's obligations, reminding us that true healing and clarity can only come when we give ourselves permission to rest and recharge.


    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Are you abandoning your own needs to meet others' expectations?
    • What is it costing you to keep pushing yourself without rest?
    • Can you give yourself permission to slow down, even if it means disappointing others?
    • How can you incorporate moments of self-care, even in a busy schedule?


    Key Insights & AHA's:

    • Christine reflects on how she has shifted from people-pleasing and feeling obligated to meet commitments at the cost of her well-being.
    • The importance of slowing down, not just for physical rest, but for nervous system regulation and emotional healing.
    • She reminds us that healing happens at the pace of the slowest part of us that feels safe, and rushing through life can prevent true restoration.
    • Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity for maintaining alignment and integrity with oneself.


    Social Media + Resources:

    25 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 38 minutes 58 seconds
    EP 469: How to Handle Being Attacked, Bullied, Shamed, Criticized, or Ostracized with Marla

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler coaches Marla, a professional singer who bravely shares her experience of being publicly shamed and attacked after performing the national anthem at a major rugby event. 

    Marla opens up about the intense wave of negative reactions she received from the press and social media, as well as the personal toll it took on her and her daughter. Christine helps Marla process the deep wounds this experience triggered, drawing connections to childhood trauma and longstanding beliefs of unworthiness and fear of rejection.

    Through the coaching session, Christine guides Marla to reclaim her voice and inner power, emphasizing the importance of healing from past trauma and addressing limiting beliefs that may have reinforced feelings of shame and isolation. Marla's journey is a powerful example of how, even in the face of overwhelming negativity, we can find strength, regain our self-worth, and take a stand for ourselves.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Have you ever felt attacked, bullied, or shamed in your personal life or public spaces?
    • Do you struggle with feelings of rejection or fear of judgment?
    • Are there wounds from your childhood that still influence how you handle criticism or rejection today?
    • How do you respond when you're unfairly criticized? Do you retreat or stand up for yourself?

    The Guest's Key Insights & AHA's:

    • Marla shares how being publicly shamed reignited deep fears of rejection and criticism that date back to her childhood.
    • Christine helps Marla understand that her experience is not just a random occurrence but a reflection of longstanding limiting beliefs that are ready to be healed.
    • Marla recognizes the importance of expressing her feelings and standing up for herself, not only in the present moment but also for her inner child, who was silenced in the past.
    • The session highlights how reclaiming our voice, even in the face of fear, is a powerful way to shift out of victimhood and into empowerment.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Acknowledge the feelings of hurt and rejection that may arise when you're attacked or criticized, but don't allow them to define you.
    • Revisit any limiting beliefs from your past that may contribute to how you perceive criticism or bullying.
    • Practice giving voice to your feelings and standing up for yourself, even when difficult.
    • Remember that reclaiming your voice and power is a process—allow yourself to move through the emotions and find strength in your vulnerability.


    • Caraway Cookware: Christine loves Caraway's non-toxic, chemical-free cookware. Check out their selection and get an exclusive 10% discount by visiting carawayhome.com/overit and using promo code "OVERIT" at checkout.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Christine Hassler's retreat is in Austin, Texas, in late September 2024. This immersive experience offers a deep dive into healing, self-awareness, and nervous system recalibration. Register now at christinehassler.com/retreat.

    Social Media + Resources:

    18 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 59 minutes 53 seconds
    CC: The Reclaimed Woman with Dr. Kelly Brogan

    Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the NY Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. Learn more at https://www.kellybroganmd.com/

    14 September 2024, 1:58 pm
  • 33 minutes 36 seconds
    EP 468: What Believing You Don't Deserve Love Is Costing You with Charlotte

    In this episode of Over It and On With It, Christine Hassler coaches Charlotte, a woman grappling with feelings of unworthiness and a deep-seated fear of being seen. Charlotte's inner struggle stems from a belief that she does not deserve love and attention, which leads her to hide her true self in many of her relationships.

    During the coaching session, Christine helped Charlotte uncover how her childhood experiences of growing up with siblings with special needs and feeling responsible for minimizing her own needs contributed to her pattern of people-pleasing. This has resulted in Charlotte often putting others before herself, even to her detriment. Christine guides Charlotte to understand that this pattern, which was once a coping mechanism, no longer serves her as an adult, especially in her role as a mother.

    As they work through these deep emotions, Christine helps Charlotte recognize the importance of self-love, boundaries, and allowing herself to be seen and supported rather than always being the one to please others.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Do you often feel like you are not deserving of love or attention?
    • Do you have difficulty receiving love and support, even though you crave it?
    • Are you prone to people-pleasing and putting others' needs above your own?
    • Can you identify patterns from your childhood that influence how you show up in your relationships today?

    The Guest's Key Insights & A-HA's:

    • Charlotte's belief that she doesn't deserve love stems from her childhood, where she felt she needed to make things easier for her family, especially her mother, who had other children with special needs.
    • Christine helps Charlotte realize that her habit of being "low maintenance" and avoiding taking up space prevents her from fully experiencing love and connection in her adult relationships.
    • By identifying this belief and the behaviors it drives, Charlotte can start to reclaim her sense of worth and build relationships where her needs are met, too.
    • The session emphasizes the importance of healing old wounds, setting boundaries, and embracing self-worth.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Acknowledge that you are just as deserving of love and attention as anyone else.
    • Begin setting boundaries that protect your emotional well-being and ensure your needs are met.
    • Practice receiving love and support without guilt or fear of being a burden.
    • Reframe any childhood beliefs that make you feel less worthy of care and attention.

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    11 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 41 minutes 14 seconds
    EP 467: How Being the One That Everyone Can Count on Is Costing You with Marcus

    In this episode of "Over It and On With It," Christine Hassler coaches Marcus, who is grappling with the emotional aftermath of a breakup. Marcus has a long-standing pattern of being the dependable "rock" everyone can rely on, but this role costs him dearly in his relationships.

    During their coaching session, Christine helps Marcus see how his childhood experiences, particularly taking on the role of the "man of the house" from a young age, have influenced his adult relationships. Marcus often finds himself in situations where he is taking care of others' emotional needs at his own expense, leaving him feeling depleted and unsupported.

    Christine explains that this dynamic stems from childhood coping mechanisms where Marcus learned that being responsible and reliable would earn him love and acceptance. By recognizing these patterns and setting healthier boundaries, Marcus can start to prioritize his own needs and break free from the caretaker role that has dominated his life.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Do you find yourself being the rock for everyone in your life but feel like no one is there for you?
    • Are you struggling to set boundaries because you fear disappointing others?
    • Do you often feel emotionally drained because you always put others' needs before yours?
    • Can you identify patterns from your childhood that may be influencing your current relationships?

    The Guest's Key Insights & A-HA's:

    • Marcus's need to be the dependable one comes from his childhood experience of having to take care of his mother after his father left, making him feel responsible for others from a young age.
    • Christine identifies that Marcus's pattern of being the caretaker has left him feeling like he has no one to rely on in return, perpetuating feelings of loneliness and exhaustion.
    • By acknowledging these childhood influences, Marcus can start to shift his mindset and create space for relationships that also meet his needs.
    • The coaching session emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and learning to be comfortable saying “no,” even when it might disappoint others.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Please recognize that you don't have to be the rock for everyone; it's okay to need support yourself.
    • Start setting boundaries in your relationships to protect your energy and emotional well-being.
    • Practice saying “no” lovingly that honors your needs and respects your limits.
    • Understand that it's healthy to have reciprocal relationships where support is mutual rather than one-sided.

    Show Sponsor: This week's episode is sponsored by AquaTru

    AquaTru offers a range of water purifiers that use a four-stage reverse osmosis process to remove up to 15 times more contaminants than typical pitcher filters. Their purifiers require no installation and help ensure that you and your family drink the cleanest water possible. 

    For a limited time, listeners can receive 20% off any AquaTru purifier by visiting aquatru.com and entering promo code "OVERIT" at checkout. AquaTru also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

    Start drinking healthier water today!

    Upcoming Events:

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    4 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 32 minutes 1 second
    Episode 466: How to Deal with the Fear and Doubt that Comes Up in Regards to Your Dreams with Tina

    In this episode of "Over It and On With It," Christine Hassler coaches Tina, who struggles with fear and doubt regarding her dreams of finding a partner and starting a family. 

    At 41, Tina has done significant personal work to connect with herself and remain grounded in her feminine energy. However, she often experiences panic and doubt, mainly when influenced by external messages about age and time. Through their coaching session, Christine helps Tina explore the root causes of her panic and teaches her how to form a deeper connection with her inner child. This approach enables Tina to navigate her fears more effectively and stay aligned with her desires.

    Christine explains that Tina's fear and panic are not just obstacles but are rooted in protective mechanisms formed in her childhood. By addressing these fears with compassion and understanding, Tina can move past them and create space for her dreams to manifest.

    Consider/Ask Yourself:

    • Do you sometimes believe in your dreams but get pulled off course by doubt and fear?
    • Do you panic when doubt and fear arise, thinking you're sabotaging your desires?
    • Have you done personal work but still find specific patterns, like fear or doubt, that are hard to change?
    • Do you have a deep, nurturing connection with the younger parts of yourself?

    The Guest's Key Insights & A-HA's:

    • Tina's fear and doubt are deeply connected to her inner child, who experienced instability and uncertainty in her early years.
    • Christine identifies that Tina's panic is a form of protection, a response she developed to feel safe when her environment was unpredictable.
    • By acknowledging and communicating with her inner child, Tina can begin to alleviate her fears and doubts, allowing her to stay aligned with her dreams.
    • The coaching session emphasizes the importance of developing a deeper relationship with oneself, especially the parts that feel fear, doubt, and insecurity.

    How to Get Over It & On With It:

    • Recognize that fear and doubt are not signs of failure but messages from parts of yourself that need care and attention.
    • Develop a consistent practice of checking in with your inner child or younger self, offering reassurance and understanding.
    • Allow yourself to feel your emotions fully without rushing to fix or change them. This will create a more authentic and healing experience.
    • Integrate new, supportive beliefs by connecting with your inner child and affirming that you are safe and supported in your journey.

    Show Sponsor: This week's episode is sponsored by Air Doctor. Air Doctor provides a range of air purifiers designed to remove up to 99.99% of harmful pollutants from your indoor air, including allergens, dust mites, mold spores, and bacteria. With people spending 90% of their time indoors, ensuring clean air is crucial for health and well-being. Air Doctor's purifiers offer a powerful solution to maintain high air quality, especially in environments with increased indoor pollutants. Visit airdoctorpro.com and use promo code "OVERIT" to receive up to $300 off and a free three-year warranty on your purchase. Take control of your indoor air quality with Air Doctor today!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Christine Hassler's upcoming retreat will be held at the end of September 2024 in Austin, Texas. Early bird pricing is available until the end of August. Register at christinehassler.com/retreat.

    Social Media + Resources:

    28 August 2024, 7:00 am
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