Professional Edge With Sue Morem

TimeScape Productions Inc.

Sue Morem is a career expert. Listen and get the the professional edge in the one activity that takes up most of your week – your job.

  • 5 minutes 58 seconds
    Job Hunting During The Holidays
    Holiday weeks: good or bad time for job hunting? Sue Morem has some thoughts on how you can give yourself the gift of a job this holiday season. Sue is a regular guest now on Quick On The UpTake every Tuesday at 5:15pm CT. Call in with your questions at (952) 946-6205.
    18 November 2009, 1:28 am
  • 9 minutes 36 seconds
    Bad Economy Job Hunting
    Sue talks with The UpTake's Mike McIntee about how to hunt for a job in a bad economy. Sue is a regular guest now on Quick On The UpTake every Tuesday at 5:15pm CT. Call in with your questions at (952) 946-6205.
    27 October 2009, 11:29 pm
  • 9 minutes 45 seconds
    Surviving the Office Holiday Party
    If your idea of a festive holiday party is one in which you drink heavily, cozy up to your boss and carry on intimate conversation, you might need to change your ideas. If you’re looking forward to a little dirty dancing or the chance of winning the title of best karaoke singer at the company party this year, you probably won’t. Go ahead and have a good time, but you might want to tone down your behavior a bit.

    Whether you’re at the company picnic, the holiday party, a convention, or celebrating someone’s retirement or promotion during happy hour, you have the opportunity to either strengthen or weaken your relationship with others. Act as if your behavior is being observed every minute, because it is.

    If you wonder if your attendance matters, it does. You might not be required to attend, but your absence will be noted. When you are a “no show,” you show you are “not interested.” This does not help you look like a committed team player or caring coworker.

    If you can’t decide what to wear, decide to play it safe. If it isn’t a company picnic, don’t even consider wearing jeans, tank tops, or shorts. If it isn’t a costume party, don’t wear anything so shocking or unusual that your clothing is the topic of conversation. If it isn’t a black tie formal affair, don’t wear full-length, slinky, or sequined dresses or a tuxedo. And if it isn’t a swimming party (which most business events are not), don’t bare your midriff, your buttocks, or breasts.

    If you’re planning on arriving “fashionably” late, make another plan. Late is late. There is nothing fashionable about it.

    If alcohol is served, think before you drink. If you get “wasted,” you’ve wasted a valuable opportunity to demonstrate your self-control. You don’t have to apologize for not drinking, but you will have to apologize if you get drunk and do something foolish.

    If you want to stand out and be noticed, get up and move around. You are at a social event; socialize. Don’t huddle in a bunch with your work buddies; get up and move around. People can’t see you, let alone notice you, when you’re sitting in the corner.

    If you see people you do not know, get to know them. This is an ideal time for you to introduce yourself to those you don’t ordinarily see or get to talk to, including company executives.

    If you’ve got a lot to gripe about, keep it to yourself. Celebrations are meant to be celebrated. Try to keep your conversations light and upbeat.

    If you’re not sure if you should bring a guest, don’t. Just because you’re invited to bring a guest doesn’t mean you have to. You might feel more at ease if you don’t have someone else to look after or worry about.

    If you think you are ready for love, think again. No matter how hot that guy or gal from accounting is, this isn’t the time or place for you to do something about it.

    If you think you can slip away and no one will know you are gone, you are wrong. It’s just as easy to keep track of those who stay as it is to remember who left early or didn’t say good bye.
    8 December 2005, 4:07 am
  • 4 minutes 4 seconds
    New Year's Resolutions
    The start of a new year is a good time to make resolutions. Sue gives us hers and talks about how to make them stick.
    8 December 2005, 4:07 am
  • 9 minutes 36 seconds
    Addicted To Stress?
    Are you addicted to stress? It's an odd question, but many of don't realize how accustomed we've become to a face-paced overwhelming lifestyle. Sue talks with business and life balance coach Kate Larson about what to do when you feel you've been spread too thin.
    8 December 2005, 4:07 am
  • 1 minute 50 seconds
    How to reach your customers with the Professional Edge Podcast and Sue Morem
    Your customers are becoming harder and harder to reach.  
    TV? They’re watching two hours less a day and skipping the ads with TiVos  Newspapers? Circulation is dropping And the internet ? They’ve learned to ignore the banner ads 
    Your most desirable customers are isolating themselves from advertising. SO HOW DO YOU REACH THEM? 
    According to Forrester Research -- the answer is “the same way we just reached you” – podcasting. 
    Your customers are listening to Sue Morem’s “professional edge” podcast because she gives them the edge in the one activity that takes up most of their week – their job. 
    Sue is a career expert and best selling author and has thousands of loyal fans. Sue’s podcast isn’t background music you can ignore. Her listeners want to learn, so they pay attention. And when your ad runs near the beginning of her show, they’re going to listen to it because it’s about something they’re interested in. And when they’re interested, it’s no longer an ad… it’s desirable content…. Just like Sue’s advice. 
    Sue is very good. Podcasting is very cool. Make them both work for you. Sponsor Sue Morem’s Professional Edge Podcast today. For more information email [email protected]
    13 October 2005, 5:45 pm
  • 8 minutes 45 seconds
    Marketing Yourself
    Sue talks with Jay Lipe, author of The Marketing Toolkit for Growing Businesses. Sue and Jay talk about an important but underused tool in finding a job -- the informational interview.
    13 October 2005, 5:45 pm
  • 9 minutes 18 seconds
    College Makeover - From Graduate To Career
    What works in college, doesn't always work in the business world. Sue looks at some of the most common mistakes graduates make when looking for a job.
    13 October 2005, 5:45 pm
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