Animal Radio®

Bob Roth

Animal Radio®Pets

  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1318. Providing Protective Vests To Police Dogs - Pet Food Stamps

    Bullet-Proof Vests For DogsDog Vests
    As our canine friends have become integral members of many police forces, it is becoming more apparent for the need to suit them properly for the dangerous job. That's where Sandy Marcal comes in. She's raising funds to help afford the $1000 a-piece vests that protect our working dogs.
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    Pet Food Stamps
    In these rough economic times, many pet owners are forced to abandon their beloved pets due to the inability to pay for their basic food supply and care. That's why Marc Okon formed a program to ship pet food to those who cannot afford it. He has all the details and how to apply for help.
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    "Bad Dog" Statute Leaves Yellow Stain on Building
    Dog Pees On MuseumA giant statue known as "Bad Dog" is turning out to be good publicity for the Orange County Museum of Art. The 28-foot-tall piece of art by Richard Jackson depicts a dog lifting one leg and leaving a yellow paint stain on the side of the building. Museum spokeswoman Kirsten Schmidt tells the Orange County Register almost all of the reactions to the dog have been positive. However, some people do wish the pooch wasn't quite so anatomically correct.
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    The Cat's Peeing In The Dog Bed
    What happens when your pet relieves themselves in the wrong place? This is the most common behavioral problem we hear about. There is not always one standard solution. Dr. Debbie examines the different reasons cats and dogs do this. She'll help with a tough case of kitty revenge on the dog.
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    Bite size snacks of Animal Radio

    6 March 2025, 6:15 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1317. Cooking And Sharing Meals With Your Dog - Are You Talking "Baby Talk" To Your Pets?

    Dog FoodCooking For Your Dog
    Why not cook something you and your dog can eat together? Nutritionist Gayle Pruitt joins us to discuss her book "The Dog Gone Good Cookbook" and share some of her favorite recipes.
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    Guppy Wingman
    Did you know guppies try to hang around uglier fish to improve their mating odds? And would you believe that someone actually got grant dollars to research and prove that, just like humans, fish have a "wingman" - or should we say "wing-fish?"
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    Talking Baby Talk
    Why are so many people inclined to talk "baby talk" to their pets? Certainly, our pets must think we're crazy. Admit it, you may have, at one time, maybe a long time ago, talked to your pet in this silly tone.
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    Luck Of The Dog
    Lucky DogA Utah man has his dog to thank for leading him to a winning lottery ticket. Steve Hughes stopped at a gas station in Boise, Idaho, to fill up, but his dog Stella locked him out of his truck. During his 45-minute wait to get back in his vehicle, Hughes decided to buy winning lotto tickets.
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    Dog Ownership Up - Vet Visits Down
    More Americans think of their pets as members of the family. But that doesn't mean the animals are getting better care. Two-thirds of the dog owners surveyed for the latest "U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook" say they haven't taken their pup to the vet even once.
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    26 February 2025, 10:11 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1316. Is It Okay To Let Your Pet Sleep in Bed With You?

    Sleeping with catSleeping With Your Cat
    While we all love to sleep with our animals - few of us actually get a restful night. Mikkel Becker (Dr. Marty Becker's daughter) has some tips on getting a good night's sleep again.
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    Pet Career Boom
    Many of those who lost their jobs during the recession are re-inventing themselves in the pet industry. After all, it is the second fastest-growing sector. Mary Collister and her daughter started a business that sends pet goodies to your doorstep every month.
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    Smart DogFind Out How Smart Or Dumb Your Dog Is
    A new online test uses the latest scientific research to tell you EXACTLY how smart or dumb your dog is. It costs $60. The test uses games to test your dog, then gives you a full breakdown of their intelligence and personality.
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    Public Restrooms For Pets
    Public restrooms in China will no longer be limited to just pedestrians. According to the Chinese-language news site Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, China plans to build bathrooms just for pets as part of new civility laws to keep city streets clean. Launched as a trial in the Luohu District of Shenzhen, the open-air pet restrooms are filled with sand and measure about 10 square feet in size.
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    Python Is Their Choice Babysitter
    A family in China is turning heads with their choice of babysitter. 13-year-old Azhe Liu is often watched after by the family's pet python, who measures 15 feet long and weighs 220 pounds. Dad Chan Liu explains that they've had the snake since Azhe was born, and the two have become inseparable over the years.
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    20 February 2025, 12:04 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1315. Helping Others Pay Their Vet Bills

    Paying for SurgeriesFund A Pet Miracle
    Stacey Nutini has taken crowd-funding to a new high! Her one-person organization directs funds to those who need urgent veterinary care. She describes the kind of people who give dollars to help other pet owners and the vetting process.
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    Cleaning Up After Westminster
    Jerry Grymeck has the unfortunate duty of cleaning up after a bunch of dogs. Where do the dogs in Westminster stay? Hotel Penn, of course. Jerry is the certified Doggy Concierge. He spills the beans and behind the show gossip.
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    Stolen Cat Food Results In Grand Theft
    James Lawlor of Clearwater, Florida, was charged with Grand Theft after attempting to steal over $300 worth of cat food from a local Walmart. Loss prevention staff had detained James Lawlor for loading up a shopping cart full of cat food and then walking to his car without paying. Lawlor explained to officers that he had previously done this and stole the cat food to sell in what he calls "hustling."
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    Vaccinating on the cheapLess Vet Visits = More Sick Pets
    New studies show that pet guardians are visiting the vet less and usually with sicker pets. Why this down-turn? The costs associated with vet visits, vaccines, and medications. Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig explains how you can protect your pet on the cheap.
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    Deer Droppings Send Message
    An angry artist in Canada is expressing his or her displeasure with the city's deer population with a deer statue covered in deer droppings. The Penticton, British Columbia mayor called it a "very effective way" of letting them know that there was a problem that needed to be resolved.
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    ...and of course, the Animal Radio Dream Team is answering your pet questions.

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    13 February 2025, 6:37 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1314. What Really Goes On Behind The Scenes At Westminster Dog Show

    Westminster Dog ShowBehind The Scenes At Westminster
    Quite possibly the largest dog show in the world, Westminster takes place Monday and Tuesday. Connie Newcomb takes us backstage and tells us what the public doesn't see. What are some people willing to do to win?
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    Westminster Hospitality
    The yearly tradition continues as Jerry Grymeck, the concierge at Hotel Penn in New York, tells us what strange requests he's getting from the Westminster show dogs and their owners. The Hotel Penn is where many of the primped pooches stay for world-famous dog shows.
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    Cancer, Not A Death Sentence
    As many as 70% of our pets will get cancer. But with medical technology advances, we can now treat our pets like we treat humans. And dogs can withstand chemotherapy better than humans. The founder of the Animal Cancer Foundation, Dr. Gerald Post, reminds us that information is the best weapon against this ugly disease.
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    iPads for ApesApps for Apes
    Workers in the Great Ape House at the Smithsonian's National Zoo have found a new, socially engaging outlet for their six orangutans: an iPad. Animal Keeper Becky Malinsky says the idea comes from a non-profit called Apps for Apes, which uses the program in 13 other zoos worldwide. Malinsky says the National Zoo started last year with a donated iPad, and their orangutans' repertoire has now grown to more than ten apps, including musical instruments and cognitive games.
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    Your Pet's Poop Is Guide To Health
    Your dog or cat's poop is a kind of Google on your pet's health. Picking it up isn't only is the neighborly thing to do; it's for the best interest of all pets in the community. According to Veterinary Parasitologist Dr, there are some potential health issues for people. Dwight Bowman, including roundworm, salmonella, and whipworm, which can be spread to other dogs, even the parvovirus, to those not vaccinated.
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    5 February 2025, 9:17 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1313. Are Your Pets Making You Tired? - Foster Failures

    Viveca Stone-BerryFoster Failure
    Even with the best intentions, sometimes we open our homes to a foster pet only to realize the cat or dog has found its way into our hearts and homes forever. Viveca Stone Berry is the "Foster Queen," whose mission is to promote fostering. Are you ready to help reduce the amount of animals that are euthanized simply because they're homeless?
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    Can A Pet Have Sentimental Value?
    A case that may reflect a pet owner's worst nightmare has made its way to the Texas Supreme Court, which must decide if a family can place sentimental value on a pet that was accidentally euthanized. In 1963, Texas adopted a "sentimental value rule," which provided that the parties involved could sue if the property was wrongfully destroyed and had no market value.
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    Pets In BedAre Your Pets Making You Tired?
    Many people can't seem to get a good night's sleep and already have stress, caffeine, or snoring spouses to blame. But researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Sleep Medicine find another surprising reason behind those tired eyes: dogs and cats. There's a solution to the problem without kicking your furry friend out of bed.
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    The Truth About Heartworm
    You don't have to go far to find different theories on Heartworm and preventative medicine. While some people think it is a waste of money, most professionals will agree that it just makes good sense. Animal Radio's Dr. Debbie tackles the myths and lays down the cold, hard truth.
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    30 January 2025, 12:18 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1312. How A Dog Saved My Life. - Are Pets Making You Single?

    Allen Anderson on Animal RadioA Dog Saved My Life
    What makes a cop quit his job to become a writer about animals? Seems like quite a transition. Author and Animal Radio friend Allen Anderson is back to share his story and tell us what he's been up to since a brain aneurysm changed his journey.
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    Are Your Pets Making You Single
    Boston Globe reporter Stephanie St. Martin may have identified a correlation between animal ownership and being single. She says it's time to stop freaking out your dates by showing them all the pictures of your "children" on the first date.
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    There's A Card For That
    Hallmark created a Valentine's Day card for your dog. Vinnie Penn Doesn't get it. Why would you send a card to your dog? Do you also open it and read it to them? Wouldn't that Valentine-themed dog treat be a better choice?
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    PetsittersFinding The Right Pet Sitter
    With so many pet businesses and services dotting the landscape these days, it's hard to know which one is the right one for you and your pet. Stacey Cohen has tips to help you choose pet sitters.
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    Cat Carries Contraband Into Prison
    A cat in Brazil was locked up after it was found carrying contraband into a prison. Attached to it were drills, a mobile phone, an earphone, a memory card, batteries, and a phone charger. A spokesperson for the prison says they are investigating the matter. However, they say, "It's tough to find out who's responsible" since the cat obviously cannot speak. The cat was taken to a local animal shelter, where it received medical care.
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    23 January 2025, 6:50 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1311. Choosing Between Your Phone and Your Pet - TV Host David Frei Guests

    David Frei is on Animal RadioWestminster Opens Door To Mixed Breeds
    No longer is a dog required to be a purebred to compete in some of the Westminster events. David Frei explains that mixed-breed dogs still won't be eligible to compete for "Best In Show."
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    Spring Brings Nasty Parasites
    Did you know fleas can transmit tapeworms to your pet, robbing your furry friend of 25% of its daily nutrition? Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig has the low-down on tapeworm and how to avoid being a statistic.
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    Smoky and Bill Wynne on Animal RadioWar Yorkie
    Smoky was a 4 lb. Yorkie found in New Guinea during Bill Wynne's WWII tour of duty. The little dog flew 150 reconnaissance missions and holds the title of the First Therapy Dog. Bill recounts his stories about Smoky quite lucidly as if they were yesterday.
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    Puppy Bites Deodorant Can - Causing Huge Explosion
    An explosion that caused thousands of dollars in damage to a house is being blamed on a puppy and a can of deodorant. It turns out Zeus bit a hole in a can of spray deodorant and then rolled it near the gas fireplace. The can blew up when the boiler came on and caused more than $3,000 in damage.
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    Pet vs SmartphoneDependence on Technology Goes To New Heights
    A survey has found that about a fifth of the country may be taking their dependence on technology to new heights. The poll asked a group of pet owners to imagine a scenario in which they would either give up their pet for a month or their smartphone for a month. 20% of the respondents admitted they would rather hold on to their gadget and go without seeing their animal.
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    Tailless and Troubled
    The Manx is a special breed of feline that has no tail. You may have known that...but did you know the Manx comes with its own set of medical problems and predispositions? Dr. Debbie helps a listener treat a Manx with incontinence issues.
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    16 January 2025, 5:36 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    1310. The Dogs That Protect The President - Pets May Benefit Mentally Ill

    Secret Service Dogs Revealed on Animal RadioThe Secret Service Dogs
    Did you know that the Secret Service has many dogs that have jobs protecting the President and other dignitaries? Maria Goodavage went on assignment to learn about the agency's furry employees.
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    Pets May Benefit The Mentally Ill
    An ever-growing body of evidence reinforces the health benefits of animals and pets. A new study published by BMC Psychiatry explores the role pets had in support, self-management, and personal networks of those suffering from long-term significant mental illness (e.g., bipolar disorder, schizophrenia). Their research concludes, "Pets should be considered a main rather than a marginal source of support in managing long-term mental health problems."
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    National Answer Your Cats Questions Day on Animal RadioNational Answer Your Cat Day…Really?
    Pet World Insider Robert Semrow really loves his pet holidays. No holds barred; he's going all-out for National Answer Your Cat Day. The only thing crazier than that is his answers. "Someone get Bellevue on the phone!"
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    Campaign Funds Used For Traveling Bunny
    We've heard of all kinds of campaign spending abuses, but this is new. During an investigation of California Representative campaign expenses, the House Office of Congressional Ethics uncovered that the lawmaker had used $600 in campaign funds to cover airfare expenses for his family's rabbit.
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    9 January 2025, 12:46 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    1309. America's First Doggie Drive-Thru - Microchips and Misconceptions - Stealing Drugs From Pets

    Bane and Vaders Doggie Drive Thru on Animal RadioDoggie Drive-Thru
    Amanda Brown opened a drive-thru fast food restaurant for dogs ONLY. Your dog can get the popular Bow Wow Bowl with their choice of protein, vegetables, or grains in an edible bowl. Bane and Vader's opened their flagship store in Easton, Pennsylvania. Amanda plans to franchise this idea, which came to her when she saw research showing that humans often ordered food for their dogs when going through a fast food drive-thru.
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    Microchips and Misconceptions
    While microchips are an essential part of pet identification, they will not help you find your missing pet unless it's picked up and scanned by a veterinarian or shelter. That's why Dr. Debbie recommends a visible tag and perhaps a GPS collar. Only a GPS collar will allow you to track your pet's location using your smart device or computer.
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    Shop Cats
    Tamar Arslanian and Shop Cats of New York on Animal RadioDo you know of a business that has a token cat? You'll certainly appreciate the "Shop Cats" in Tamar Arslanian's new book. She features the most notable shop cats in New York stores in pictures and written words. For instance, the wine store cat with his own chiropractor, the cat that is a mascot at a dog boutique, or the occult shop cat that totes a magic wand in her mouth.
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    Will There Be an Animal in the Whitehouse?
    A philanthropist wants to do something to make the Trump White House more like those in the past: She wants Donald Trump to have a presidential pet. The very wealthy Lois Pope, who is also the widow of National Enquirer founder Generoso Pope, announced that she was giving a ten-week-old golden retriever/poodle mix puppy to the Trumps.
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    An alligator that wears clothes on Animal RadioClothes Wearing Alligator Gets Pardoned
    Following months of negotiations with Florida state officials, Mary Thorn has been given a permit that will allow her to keep her pet alligator, Rambo, who she says is fully trained and not a "normal" gator. Mary dresses Rambo in human clothing to protect his sensitive skin.
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    Stealing Your Pet's Pain Killers
    Stealing from a sick animal may seem a low way to get a drug fix, but it happens frequently. Opioid abuse is rampant, and a survey from Baylor College of Medicine reveals a surprising number of pet owners steal their pets' medications, especially painkillers, namely the drug Tramadol.
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    App turns Trump pictures into kittensApp Replaces Trump Pictures with Kittens
    If you love animals, you should find this pretty amusing. Google now offers an extension for its Chrome browser called Make America Kittens Again. It replaces pictures of President-elect Donald Trump with adorable kittens.
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    2 January 2025, 7:15 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    1308. Comedian Seth Herzog With Common Animal Misconceptions

    Seth Herzog is on Animal RadioComedian Seth Herzog Guests
    NatGeo's science/comedy "Duck Quacks Don't Echo" will put to the test everyday common misconceptions. Host Seth Herzog joins us and shares some of the experiments he's doing with animals.
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    Pet Food Recalls On The Rise
    Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes and, increasingly, pet food and treat recalls. On average, there is one every 11 days. The Food and Drug Administration received over 2,500 consumer complaints regarding pet food and livestock feed.
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    Training Therapy Animals
    Paula Scott trains and certifies therapy dogs, cats, miniature horses, and plenty of animals you wouldn't necessarily think of as therapy pets. Science proves that even purring a cat can make you feel better and promote healing.
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    Grave Contains Remains of Animals Who Were To Be Cremated
    The lead lawyer in Morgan County, Tennessee, says he is looking to press charges against the owner of a pet crematory after investigators found a mass grave with dozens of dead cats and dogs. But he's still waiting on the results of the investigation.
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    Two Headed Cow BornTwo Heads Are Better Than One - Ask This Cow!
    Sana Saida, whose name translates into "Happy New Year" in Arabic, was born in Morocco. The bovine has a condition called Polycephaly, which means having two heads, and is more common among turtles and snakes, but Sana Saida is said to be healthy.
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    NY Mayor Wants to Replace Horse Carriages With Electric Cars
    New York City's mayor wants to change how tourists get around Central Park. At a news conference, he said he wanted to replace Central Park's iconic horse-drawn carriages with electric cars.
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    26 December 2024, 5:50 am
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