Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast

Robert Thibodeau

Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28 minutes in length and can also be hears on the online Christian radio station, Evangelism Radio, from 2pm-230pm ET Monday-Friday. This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed.

  • 29 minutes 29 seconds
    Breaking Up with the Enemy – Mike Manuel Part 1

    Breaking Up with the Enemy

    Mike Manuel Part 1

    Are you ready to break free from the unseen chains holding you back? Today, we going to dive into the power of deliverance – setting people free from the grip of the devil and his fallen angels. Whether it's freeing non-believers from possession or helping believers overcome demonic oppression, Pastor Mike Manuel is the expert in this area…and he is going to share with us the truth about these types of spiritual battles. Learn how deception can impact your life and discover how to reclaim your peace, hope, and joy.  

    Pastor Mike Manuel is an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. He is a published author, an international speaker and a deliverance minister serving the Lord Jesus. Amen!  He has helped hundreds of people to be transformed emotionally, physically and spiritually by the Supernatural Power of the Living God. Amen! 

    Pastor Mike is the author of two books, “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” and his latest book, “Breaking Up with the Enemy: How to Defeat the Devil’s Deceit and Reclaim Peace, Hope and Joy.” 

    Help me welcome to the program, Pastor Mike Manuel. 

    Pastor Mike, it is a blessing to finally have you on the program, brother! I’ve been looking forward to our conversation today! 

    First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Pastor Mike Manuel?” 

    How did you get started in this deliverance ministry?  What was that first discussion with the Holy Spirit like when He planted this into your heart? 

    Let me ask you… if the devil was defeated (and he was) by Jesus on the Cross – why are Christians still having to deal with him today? 

    Sometimes, I know believers will unknowingly allow evil into their life.  Whether watching something on TV or at the movies that allows evil to enter their mind and take up residence.  Can you give us some examples of things Christians do that gets then unwittingly entangled within the devil’s snare… 



    Book:  “Breaking Up with the Enemy: How to Defeat the Devil’s Deceit and Reclaim Peace, Hope and Joy” – on Amazon 

    Book:  “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” – on Amazon 

    12 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 23 minutes 52 seconds
    What Did Jesus Say? – Terry Christian

    What Did Jesus Say?

    Terry Christian 

    Born with a stuttering problem in a dysfunctional family, Terry Christian was ridiculed and mocked for most of his young life… 

    At the age of 23, he had a near death experience and was told in a dream that, one day, he would be a teacher for Jesus… but, just like Mose, he questioned “how” because of his stuttering problem… 

    Soon after, he was hired by the Dale Carnegie Organization and trained in sales and public speaking. It was here, he met someone who taught him how to visually read… so he was soon devouring as many books as he could find – mainly on the subject of personal growth. Amen! 

    At the age of 30, he became a motivational speaker and an executive trainer. He would go on to give more than 2500 presentations across America and Canada. 

    Terry Christian has since retired as the Holy Spirit redirected his life. He is now in the missions ministry, his ministry is called, “Foundations for Life,” and he based in Jamaica. He is also the author of a very special, unique book, titled, “What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master.”  This book uses ONLY the spoken words of Jesus… commonly referred to as the “red letters” of the Bible. No commentary. No extra explanations… he just allows Jesus to do the talking. Amen! 

    One more thing… he walks the walk as well as talks the talk.  Back in 2010, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and given only a few years to live. He created his own “healing sabbatical” and, after fasting and praying for 21 days and walking on the beach in Jamaica, he returned to the doctor and was declared cancer free!  Glory to God!  And he remains cancer free to this day. Amen! 

    Having said all that, I have been looking forward to today’s interview – as Terry has some special information that you will want to hear…this is something that may not be for everyone… but I can almost guarantee – “somebody out there somewhere” listening to us right now is going to resonate with what he will be sharing. Amen!   

    So grab a pen and paper… and help me welcome back to the program, our good friend and brother, Terry Christian. Terry, it is so good to have you come back on and I’m looking forward to what you will be sharing in a little bit… amen! 

    First, let’s start with the first question I always start with… other than the brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Terry Christian?” 

    Your book, “What Did Jesus Say,” can  you share a little bit more than what I shared in the opening…  

    It is only available on your website right now, correct? 

    That brings us to the point of today’s interview… you are embarking on an ambitious – but very doable and very beneficial marketing plan. It is similar to a “Go Fund Me” project – but one that BLESSES every person who supports it… It is called Marketing Fund: 2024… can you share with us about this program…how it works…how it will bless all that get involved? 

    This is not one of those pyramid schemes…but it is going to be used to “Get the Word Out” about your book and bless those that help you to be a blessing through the book sales, correct? 

    Give us the time frame outline again… 

    Terry, this sounds so interesting… as I said in our private conversations – which is why I wanted to get you on the program so you could share all about it in detail with our listeners.

    If someone has a question (which I’m sure they do), how can they find out more information or get in touch with you?  

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below. 

    Folks, I’ve known Terry Christian for a couple of years now. I can tell you, we have had some great, interesting conversations about serving the Lord in that time. I can also tell you that I believe his plan, the Marketing Fund 2024 which he just explained – I think this would be a huge blessing to many of you… 

    Think about it… 

    You’re getting seed in the ground… 

    The Word of God is being distributed around the world through these book sales, etc… 

    You receive part of the harvest of souls… for sure… amen! That’s the important thing… amen! 

    But you will also receive part of the financial harvest based upon the level of seed you plant…Praise God!  I love this idea. Amen! 

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Terry Christian right now. Click the links… ask your questions… read the information on the website – and, most importantly – as the Lord leads – GET INVOLVED! Praise God!  

    Terry, thank you for taking the time to come on the program and share all about your book, “What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master” and for sharing all about this great and unique opportunity, Marketing Fund: 2024. 

    Now, Pastor Bob is going to add BONUS to this package…I did not intend to do this… but I believe this will be a big blessing to you and to Terry also… 

    I will provide the following for every person who joins Terry’s Marketing Fund 2024 between now and November 30th…  are you ready… I have the ability to give you a 4 day and 3 night hotel stay in sunny ORLANDO, FLORIDA.  That’s right… if you join Terry’s program between NOW, the time you hear this… and November 30th 2024… Brother Bob will send you a hotel  certificate that will get you 4 days and 3 nights in a 4 or 5 star hotel in Orlando… Amen… Now… the arrangement I have with a different ministry partner… this covers the hotel ONLY. You are still responsible for getting yourself there, your food, the taxes and the resort fees. Amen!  This is only going to cover the hotel room itself. Glory to God. 

    Now, the closer you get to Christmas – the harder it will be to reserve your room… so if you just had the idea of getting away for the holidays to sunny Florida – you need to act quickly. Amen! 

    I’ll put a link down below that gives you all the fine print… in a nutshell here – no time share presentations; no presentations or sales pitches of any kind. It simply gives you a hotel room… but you need to cover the food, transportation, taxes and resort fees. This is hotel room only. Amen!  But that is also saving you several hundred dollars on your vacation. Praise God!    

    Once again, drop down into the show notes, get in touch with Terry… get signed up…Terry will provide me a list of names and email addresses that took us up on this special promotion – and I’ll get the certificate emailed to you.  Then you can activate the certificate and get your vacation booked. Amen! 


    Email:   [email protected] 


    Book:  “What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master” – on Terry’s Website 

    Marking Fund Invite:

    Information on the “4 Days and 3 Nights in Orlando, FL” – offer by Pastor Bob

    10 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 55 seconds
    Accountability in Your Daily Life - Robert Hunt

    Accountability In Your Daily Life Robert Hunt


    Today, we are going to be talking about “Accountability,” especially in the life of a believer who is operating in a secular work environment. That could be in a corporate job or self-employed. You could be the CEO of a major corporation or an “online entrepreneur. Accountability will make sure you “get the job done.” Amen. 

    My guest today is here to help us understand exactly that! Amen! 

    Robert Hunt is business owner and forum leader and Executive Coach of the “Renaissance Executive Forum Dallas (or REF DFW). He has been in Marketing and Sales most of his career,but in 2013, he decided to transition his focus into helpingbusiness owners and CEO’s by taking part in monthly “peer to peer to peer” advisory groups for CEOs and business owners.

    As a Christian, he wants to live his life following Christ, help others and have fun along the way. Amen!

    He is also the author of the book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do.”

    Help me welcome to the program, Robert J. Hunt! Robert, thank you for taking the time to join us today!

    First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Robert J. Hunt?”

    I notice one of the first things you share is “Nobody can hold anybody accountable.” As an accountability coach, can you explain what it is you mean by that statement?

    Managing a business is hard. There are so many external factors that someone has no control over (i.e. “the economy”) – but then, there are things that they DO have control over… 

    Do you find that a lot of people, especially in business, try to “shift the blame instead of accepting the blame” when it comes to problems that arise in their business?

    What about owners who want to be “micro-managers?” Those who want to delegate tasks, but then want to be involved in every detail of the assigned tasks? 

    When someone comes to you for help or to join your group, do you find that a lot of them are just “overloaded” and stressed out – seeking some sort of help?

    You share that “living out your Faith is great for your mental health.” Share how that is true…

    As a Christian CEO, how should we balance “grace with accountability” in the area of discipline and possibly having to let someone go (i.e. terminate their employment)?

    You have a list of the “Top Five Things Great CEO’s Do.” Can you share that list with us?

    - Always learning

    - Make decisions

    - Own the decision (accountability)

    - Intentional to invest in their teams

    - Drive results

    What about sharing our Faith in the workplace. Obviously, there IS work to do… but how do you recommend leaders should do this?

    Tell us about your book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do.”

    Can you tell us about your coaching / accountability organization?

    Robert, this has been so fascinating. If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question, etc., how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I take it your book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do,” is on Amazon?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

    Folks, accountability means more than “being accountable” for our actions. It means being accountable to God. Being accountable to our co-workers. Being accountable to our spouse and family. But, as you have heard, being more accountable for ourselves. Amen! 

    For more insights and guidance on integrating accountability and Christian values into your leadership values, reach out to Robert Hunt. Connect with him for personalized advice and strategies to enhance your professional and spiritual journey. Click the links below to contact Robert Hunt. Do it today and transform your leadership approach in everything you do. Amen!

    Be sure to click the link to order a copy of his great book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do.” This book will transform how you look at accountability. Order it right now. Amen.


    Email:  [email protected] 


    Book: “Nobody Cares Until You Do” – on Amazon 

    Special Offer: “Nobody Cares Until You Do” – use CODE: KCR on the website!

    9 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    Turning Fear Into Freedom – Dorothy Cook

    Turning Fear Into Freedom

    Dorothy Cook 

    Fear… for some, it will paralyze you.  For others, it motivates you. For still others, it’s another obstacle blocking your progress.  But for every one of us – it is always there. In some form or fashion. 

    If this sounds like you, I want you to pay very close attention to our guest today. I want you to imagine what it would be like to wake up refreshed instead of exhausted; having joy to face the day instead of dreading another day. No longer overwhelmed by the “little things” that always seem to drag you down. Excited to face the day instead of wishing the day would end.  

    If thoughts like that resonate with you, then you will definitely be blessed by our guest today. Amen! 

    Dorothy Cook has been a certified John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker for over ten years. She has coached top executives, helping them to establish a strong identity and improve their work / life balance, helping them to reduce their stress, burnout and relationship problems. She is a also a family therapist with over 30 years of experience in dealing with marital and family issues. She is also an ordained minister of the Gospel and the author of a great book that shot her into the “International Best Selling Author” status in 2024. The book is titled, “Grow Your Authority.”  

    I know she is going to be imparting some great nuggets of wisdom for us today… amen! 

    Help me welcome to the program, Dorothy Cook!  Dorothy, it is so good to have you join us today. I do appreciate it! 

    First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Dorothy Cook?” 

    How did all of this impact your life and how did you discover the methods you teach about stress reduction? 

    You share that 90%+ of all health issues are stress related.  I’ve heard about stress causing heart attacks and high blood pressure. But what are some other health issues stress can cause? 

    Can you share with us how the limbic system works with the fight or flight response? How does all of this impact our daily lives, just not those few “high stress” situations that the “fight or flight” response was designed for? 

    Is there a tool or a way that the average person can say, “Wait a minute… let me reduce this stressor that is impacting me right now?” 

    So, if what I’m understanding is correct, you are saying there are ways to actually “re-wire” our brains neurological pathways? 

    How did you discover this system? 

    Let’s talk about your book for a minute, “Grow Your Authority.”  Why did you write this book and why publish it now? 

    “Grow Your Authority” is the title, do you go into any of these de-stressing techniques that we just talked about? 

    Can you give us a few more tips on stress management techniques that you help folks with in your coaching program? 

    Dorothy, this has been so interesting. If someone has a question or would like to receive more information, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you? 

    Your book, “Grow Your Authority,” how can someone obtain a copy of your book? Is it on Amazon? 

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below. 

    Folks, as we said in the beginning, stress is a killer. Stress not only takes the joy out of your life, but it will take your life as well. 

    You need to get in touch with Dorothy Cook right now… while you are thinking about this. Ask your questions, see how she can help you to overcome these stressors that are holding you back. Many times in life, it takes someone from the “outside” looking in to see what is actually going on. Dorothy has the training, the knowledge and the experience to do just that – for you! Amen!  

    Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Get in touch with Dorothy. Check out her coaching program to see if you would be a good fit and how quickly she can help you take back control of YOUR life. Amen! 

    And be sure to click the link to order her book, “Grow Your Authority.” If fact, order a couple of copies and pass one or two out to your friends that you know could use this information as well. Maybe you could even start your own little book club to help each other by using Dorothy’s book. Amen! 

    Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there.  


    Email:   [email protected] 


    Book:  “Grow Your Authority” – on Amazon

    6 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 5 seconds
    WHY BLOOD? – Scott Wright


    Scott Wright 

     Anyone who has studied the Bible at all is very familiar with “ten plagues” that Moses called down on Egypt. These plagues are what convinced the Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The very first plague was turning the Nile River into a river of blood.  Why Blood? 

    That is what we will be discussing today with our good friend, Scott Wright. Scott is back today and is bringing his wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic. Scott’s ministry  offers interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy.  Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen! 

    Having said all of that, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright!  Scott, welcome back! 

    So, WHY would God want to turn the Nile River into blood?  I mean, “Why BLOOD?” 

    I’ve seen a “red tide” of algae before… that basically chokes out the oxygen in the water. Then the fish die and start washing up on the shore, etc. Is this what happened to the Nile… let’s just say, “in the natural?”  Maybe the people of that area “thought” it was blood because of the color? 

    I’ve seen reports that some “experts” said all of this was just a natural occurrence of cascading events… 

    1. The red algae looks like blood and lowers the oxygen content. 

    2. Frogs leave the water. 

    3. Dead fish and now dead frogs bring the flies. 

    4. The flies bring the lice. 

    5. The they now affect the livestock. 

    6. People are affected, bitten which cause boils. 

    7. A huge thunderstorm hits the area with hail, etc. 

    8. The locusts are blown in on the wind. 

    9. Possible volcanic eruption blows ash into the atmosphere, blocking the sun… 

    10. The young, new born babies are affected by the small dust particles which causes them to have trouble breathing…and since they were all affected over the same time period (while the dust cloud blocked the sun), they all died at the same time… 

    But all of this DID NOT affect the Israelites!  

     How does all of this relate to or point to Christ?  

    How does all of this relate to the “End Times” in which we now are on the precipice of entering? 

    Scott, this is so interesting. As usual, we are up against the clock.  If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information – or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?  

    I’ll put that information in the show notes below. 

    Folks, the “Ten Plagues” as recorded in the Bible DID happen. There is no doubt about that. Were they a “natural occurrence” with no input from God? I doubt it… 

    God could have – and did - use nature to bring these events into play. But WHY? 

    The Bible is very clear on that answer – to FORCE Pharoah to “Let God’s people go.”   

    Not just let them go – but pay them 400 years of back wages, too! Amen! 

    Drop down into the show notes, click the links right there and get in touch with Scott Wright. Let him know you appreciate this information he shares. Amen! 


    Email:   [email protected] 

    Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon 

    Podcast:  The God Centered Concept  

    4 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 50 seconds
    A Forgotten Door Called Home – Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part two

    A Forgotten Door Called Home Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part two

    Rev. Cheryl Kincaid is a Presbyterian minister with over twenty years of experience in ministry and marriage and family therapy. She is also the author of four books and is an expert on domestic violence in the family. She is the Head of Staff at the Calvary Presbyterian Church in Enfield, Connecticut. 

    This is part two to a great conversation with Rev. Cheryl Kincaid!

    You wrote a book titled, “Karrie’s Thorn” with a follow on book titled, “A Forgotten Door Called Home.” Why did you write this books and who is the audience they are written for? 

    Do a lot of women have problems taking these situations to the church leadership? 

    I understand you have a new release coming out soon. A new book titled, “Please Don’t Move My Grandma’s Chair.” Can you share a little about this book? 

    Is this written for children or for anyone who is going through grief? 

    It is scheduled to be released in September?  Is there a pre-order form that is up yet? 

    I take all of your books are on Amazon? 

    Cheryl, this is all so interesting. If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you to possibly do an interview such as this, how can someone do that? How can they get in touch with you? 

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below. 

    Folks, it is no secret that the devil is working overtime in the day and time we live today. Abuse is rampant. But it does not have to be that way. If you or someone you care about is a victim of abuse – these books may just give them the inspiration to “trust God” for the next step. Amen! 

    I urge you, drop down into the show notes below and reach out to Rev. Cheryl Kincaid and be sure to click the links right there to go to her website or to Amazon and order your own copies of these books. In fact, order two or three copies and pass them out. Put them in the church library and make them available, perhaps to the woman’s ministry, etc. Take a step of Faith and take action. God is having you listen to this program today for a reason. Amen! 


    Email:   [email protected] 







    Amazon Author Page: 

    3 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 29 minutes 59 seconds
    A Forgotten Door Called Home – Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part one

    A Forgotten Door Called Home

    Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part one

    Rev. Cheryl Kincaid is a Presbyterian minister with over twenty years of experience in ministry and marriage and family therapy. She is also the author of four books and is an expert on domestic violence in the family. She is the Head of Staff at the Calvary Presbyterian Church in Enfield, Connecticut. 

    First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cheryl Kincaid?” 

    You few up in an abusive home, correct?  

    That also carried over into your adult life, right? 

    From what I understand, you were an avid reader as a child and one of the books you loved was Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol.” You gained some unique inspiration from reading Charles Dickens books, correct?  

    In fact, you won the 2013  Independent Christian Publishers Illumination Award of Bible Study, correct? 

    Let’s shift gears a little bit. How did you get involved with helping victims of domestic abuse?  

    I know your second book is titled, “The Little Clay Pot” and is based on Jeremiah 18 about being “molded” into the person God wants us to be. That is a children’s book but can you share who that book is written for? 

    But how can women escape the abusive relationships when, many times, they are unprepared for living on their own… I know that is one of the big things the abusers use to control them, isn’t it? 


    Email:   [email protected] 







    Amazon Author Page: 

    2 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 35 seconds
    Be Eternal – Jimmy Spikes

    Be Eternal

    Jimmy Spikes 

    Benjamin Franklin once said, “…nothing in this world is certain except death and taxes.”  And that is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Amen! 

    The other sure thing is, when a loved one dies, all that is left is the memory in the minds of their family and friends.  

    If you have ever gone through the loss of a loved one, especially a parent, grandparent, etc., I’m sure you’ve had the hard time of going through their possessions.  Who should get what; what to do with this-that-and the other things, etc. 

    But one of the most troubling things for me, was going through the old picture books and, even worse, those shoe boxes full of pictures.   

    Some of them we were able to identify the people, places, etc. But for most of them, we have no clue. None.  

    “Who is that?”   

    “Where was that taken?” 

    “When did that happen?” 

    I know for me, now that I’m at that age where my grandkids are getting ready to have kids… My wife and I go through some old boxes or something and we find these shoe boxes that WE have just been storing… and the thought of “How can I pass along our legacy to our grandkids and to great-grandkids we don’t have yet?” 

    In addition to those pictures, what about the “life lessons” that we have learned? Little “tid-bits” of wisdom that were passed down to us from OUR Grandparents – the great-great-grandparents of our grandkids?

    Well, that is where our guest comes in today! 

    Jimmy Spikes is the founder of of “” and they will help you to create a lasting legacy by helping you to save and assign ALL of your digital media and data to others for when that time comes that you are no longer able to do so. 

    To learn more about this important service, help me welcome to the program, Jimmy Spikes!  Jimmy, it is a blessing to have you on the program and share all about this important service you provide for a “lasting legacy.” Amen! 

    Why did you decide to start “beEternal?”  

    How do you collect the “tid-bits” of wisdom for us to pass down? 

    What is included in your services? 

    For many of us, it’s sometimes hard to write down or remember all of the things we would love to share with our kids and grandkids. Is there a way that you help to “jog our memory” in certain areas that we may not know about? 

    How does our loved ones access this information after we move on to Heaven? 

    Is there a permanent or physical record made of this information, like a book or anything? Or CAN it put into book form? 

    Jimmy, this is all so interesting. If someone has a question or would like more information, how can they reach out to you or get in touch? 

    I’ll put all of this in the show notes below. 

    Folks, we are living on limited time. Our spirits will live forever… but we will not be present in this current world to give encouragement, wisdom and guidance to those who are left as we make our transition to Heaven before them.  

    You need to check out all that has to offer. It is inexpensive in cost – but priceless sin value. Go to the website by clicking the link in the show notes below or go to right now. Amen!


    Email:  [email protected] 


    Special Offer: 

    22 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 23 minutes 19 seconds
    The Two Witnesses - TS Wright

    The Two Witnesses

    TS Wright 

    Revelation 11 has captivated theologians and believers alike for centuries, painting a vivid picture of two prophetic figures endowed with extraordinary powers. These witnesses are said to prophesy for 1,260 days, performing miracles, and standing as a beacon of God's truth amidst the turmoil of the end times. But who are these mysterious individuals? Are they historical figures reborn, symbolic representations, or future prophets yet to come?  

    To discuss this, we have our great friend, Scott Wright back with us today. Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic, offering interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy.  Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen!  

    He is coming back on to discuss “who are these witnesses” as well as current events that we are seeing, right now, and how it all relates to what the Bible says will be happening in the last days – just before Jesus returns.  Scott is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times. 

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright!  Scott, it’s great to have you back with us today! 

    Let’s jump right into it:  I know some have said it’s Elijah or Moses or Enoch – the only ones that have not “tasted death.”  But the big question is, “Who are these guys?” 

     What is so significant about them? 

    Why are they sent during the “Great Tribulation” and not before… like now?  We sure could use their message now, in the current events taking place… 

    Where is the “Church” while they are doing their thing while the Tribulation is happening? 

    Tell us about them “Breathing fire…” that we talked about prior to the recording… 

    Scott, this is so interesting. As usual, we are up against the clock.  If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information – or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?   

    I’ll put that information in the show notes below.  

    Folks, the quick thing to take away is – don’t wait for the appearance of these two great witnesses… if you wait that long, it is NOT going to be “good times” in the earth. They are there for a specific reason – one last call to the lost.  But the hearts will be hardened, the ears will be stopped and hardly anyone will heed the call…  

    You have a chance right now to make sure you have your “ticket punched” for the first boatload out of here… amen!  Take advantage of it right now… 

    In fact, Scott, if you would – if someone is ready to make that decision now, right now, would you lead them in a word of prayer where they can accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior – right now? 

    Drop down into the show notes, click the links right there and get in touch with Scott Wright. Let him know you prayed that prayer. Amen! 


     Email:   [email protected] 

    Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon  

    Podcast:  The God Centered Concept  

    21 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 44 seconds
    Sexual Addiction Recovery - Logan Hufford part two

    Sexual Addiction Recovery Logan Hufford part two 

    Are you, or someone you know, struggling with the chains of sexual or porn addiction? Do you long for freedom, healing, and a fresh start? If you, you’ll want to pay close attention to our discussion today.  Logan Hufford is the driving force behind "Prodigals of Alaska," a remarkable Sexual Addiction Recovery group that are making huge breakthroughs in helping those struggling with this type of debilitating and dark addiction. 

    Logan's journey and mission are a beacon of hope for those battling these often silent but deeply impactful struggles. Through his dedication and experience, Logan has helped many find the strength and support needed to break free from the grip of addiction.  

    The Prodigals of Alaska is a “Christ Centered 12 Step Recovery and Coaching Program for Sexual Addiction.” 

    Today, Logan will share his insights, his personal stories, and the transformative work being done by his organization up in Alaska that is helping a lot of individuals reclaim their lives. 

    If you or someone you care about is facing the challenge of sexual or porn addiction, this conversation could be the turning point you've been searching for. Join us as we explore the paths to recovery, resilience, and a renewed purpose. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged—freedom and healing are within reach. 

    Help me welcome to the program Logan Hufford!  Logan, it’s a blessing to be talking with you today. I do appreciate your time! 

    This is part two to a great conversation with Logan Hufford!

    Can you give us a general definition of what sexual addiction is? 

    Are a lot of the people you help in a state of “denial?”  Maybe they are being forced to come to you by their spouse or pastor, etc? 

    Speaking of pastors… how rampant is this in the clergy and ministries? 

    I saw a report one time that the use of pornography channels at hotels spikes when a ministers conference comes to town… it’s been several years since I first saw that report. But have you heard the similar things? 

    Do you only work with men? Women can have sexual addictions as well, correct?  

    What about spouses? Do you have something like Al Anon or something similar for the spouses of those in a sexual addiction?  

    Does this program offer formal counseling? 

    Does this program satisfy the requirements if someone has been ordered by a court to seek help for whatever reason? 

    How many “branches” for lack of a better term, do you have in Alaska and are you looking to expand it the lower 48 states? 

    Logan, this is all so interesting and the work you are doing is absolutely needful for the day and time in which we live. I mean, references to porn, etc. are all over the place. You can watch a television commercial without there being some reference to sex and alcohol or both…and how much “fun” you’ll have, etc.  

    If someone would like more information or they may have a question for you, how can someone reach out to you and get in touch? 

    As we wrap up this enlightening conversation with Logan Hufford, we hope you’ve found a spark of hope and a path to freedom. Logan’s dedication to helping those battling sexual and porn addiction is truly inspiring. Remember, no struggle is too great to overcome, and no one needs to walk this journey alone. 

    With the support of Logan and the "Prodigals of Alaska" team, and faith in God’s promise that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26), you can achieve healing and freedom. Reach out today and take that courageous step towards a life of fulfillment and peace. 

    Just click the links down below and get in touch with Logan Hufford right now. Amen! 


    Email:  [email protected]  DO NOT SHARE 



    20 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 27 seconds
    Sexual Addiction Recovery - Logan Hufford part one

    Sexual Addiction Recovery Logan Hufford part one

    Are you, or someone you know, struggling with the chains of sexual or porn addiction? Do you long for freedom, healing, and a fresh start? If you, you’ll want to pay close attention to our discussion today.  Logan Hufford is the driving force behind "Prodigals of Alaska," a remarkable Sexual Addiction Recovery group that are making huge breakthroughs in helping those struggling with this type of debilitating and dark addiction. 

    Logan's journey and mission are a beacon of hope for those battling these often silent but deeply impactful struggles. Through his dedication and experience, Logan has helped many find the strength and support needed to break free from the grip of addiction.  

    The Prodigals of Alaska is a “Christ Centered 12 Step Recovery and Coaching Program for Sexual Addiction.” 

    Today, Logan will share his insights, his personal stories, and the transformative work being done by his organization up in Alaska that is helping a lot of individuals reclaim their lives. 

    If you or someone you care about is facing the challenge of sexual or porn addiction, this conversation could be the turning point you've been searching for. Join us as we explore the paths to recovery, resilience, and a renewed purpose. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged—freedom and healing are within reach. 

    Help me welcome to the program Logan Hufford!  Logan, it’s a blessing to be talking with you today. I do appreciate your time! 

    First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Logan Hufford? 

    What is your background in this type of addiction? 

    God created sex for the purpose of reproduction, etc. But it also was meant for that special intimacy between a husband and wife.  At what point does it get out of control? 


    Email:  [email protected]  DO NOT SHARE 



    19 August 2024, 9:00 am
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