
Brian Kelley

Making Music: Songwriting and Music in progress -see behind the scene, how songs get written and how ideas get developed into songs. It is a site for the roughs of songs before production, usually on a mobile device. Hosted by Brian Kelley

  • 2 minutes 9 seconds
    She Walks in the Beauty
    A song attempt with a partial capo
    4 June 2015, 11:56 am
  • 3 minutes 57 seconds
    RoughMix 157 - Table for Two Live
    I performed the title live and it sits here.

    18 March 2014, 9:45 pm
  • 7 minutes 39 seconds
    RoughMix 156 - Jericho Drafts
    A few days ago I was asked to write a song for a church service about Joshua 6.

    This episode has me recording the bits and pieces as I worked on them - in all 4 clips.

    Next time I will put it all together - but now you get to hear the dirty roughs complete with missed notes and bad rhymes.

    13 May 2011, 8:26 am
  • 4 minutes 39 seconds
    RoughMix 155 - He's Not Here

    The mandolin is new about a week old, and I do not know how to play yet. But this was a way to get a new entry point into a song and that is what I do as I created this very raw tune "He's Not Here"

    Contact me at [email protected]
    31 October 2010, 3:14 pm
  • 4 minutes 45 seconds
    RoughMix 154 - Tool of the trade
    This episode has me playing with a unique capo which allows each string to be pressed individually, and I use it to replicate a DADGBD tuning without tuning (granted the key is different, but you will get the idea...)

    I find that mixing things up gives good creativity and that is what this episode is dedicated to!
    1 October 2010, 1:05 pm
  • 5 minutes 50 seconds
    RoughMix 153 - Camille's Song
    I am to be the proud godfather of the lovely Camille and her parents chose for her dedication the verse Psalm 91:11

    The dedication is taking place in a German church so the song is is German (as is the mom as well.) The dad is French, but as I do not speak French I am not even going there - it is stretch enough for me to write in German!

    In this episode I went to the Bible itself and decided to take the exact words and use them, and ony them in the song. But this still left me with the abiltity to arrange the words as need for the musical beat, and this is what I did.

    This time around I did not record the first attempts at the song. I did not have anything with me to record it, but what you hear here is the third generation. (I even asked my daughter to listen to the 2nd gen so that at least two of us would have heard it in case I forgot something - it would not have helped at all, but fortunately I was able to remember the tune - it somehow sat in my head.

    What is a first in this version is the very last bit where the name of my godchild is sung - I was hoping to find a way to make this more personal and this is is how it now stands.

    I hope you like it, but more important to me is that the family finds it as I intended it - a song to accompany the child into her adulthood!

    Just a note - I am finding the podcast host I am working with to be too expensive so I am slowly moving archives off to other sites. Do not be surprised if you no longer find all of the episodes on this site / feed. I have given several alternative ways.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!
    16 July 2010, 1:49 pm
  • 4 minutes 49 seconds
    RoughMix 152 - Kommt Herzu
    I was asked to write a song for a church service.

    I asked about the main theme of course and it turned out to be Psalm 95:1-7

    OK I thought I can do this.

    Then I had the single idea to make the first verse into a refrain and the following verses into one time thoughts. The idea is to support the sermon about the text before it even gets preached. It happens this upcoming Sunday so I am not sure how it will happen

    I used the Luther Bible for the German text (no copyright problems). I speak German but writing songs in German is still not easy for me.

    What is posted here is the rough video I sent to other musicians who will be working with me on this Sunday.

    If you use this tune in any churches please let me know. I welcome it, but it would be great to know!


    28 April 2010, 11:45 am
  • 4 minutes 54 seconds
    RoughMix 150 - 2 Thieves
    This tune is a prequel to a Tune I have written called "Father Forgive". The deal here is to use what has been previously written as a tool to help spawn a new piece of music.

    I hope it works!

    You can follow my TwitterFeed at
    16 November 2009, 4:08 pm
  • 8 minutes 19 seconds
    RoughMix 149 - Breathy
    After months of international travel, a dead computer upon return RoughMix has been on hiatus for awhile, but we are back never having intended on being away for so long

    This episode takes a vocal effect and uses it to determine the rough. I also employ some slapping and some harmonics as I play on my Fender acoustic

    Everything is being created live and I am just capturing whatever appears.

    Special hellos to listeners in: Vimont, Quebec (near Parc de Naples); Seattle, WA USA; Eskisehir, Turkey; near Peabody, KS USA; Moskva, Russia; Guangzhou and Shenzen, China

    Follow me on Twitter

    9 October 2009, 8:33 am
  • 14 minutes 42 seconds
    RoughMix 148 - Drop D Capo
    After quite awhile without a RoughMix post. I decided to add this. I have been recording music, but actually posting a podcast takes some time, and life takes time too!

    This episode runs long, and is experimental. The audio records uninterrupted and has background noise as recorded from my Palm Tungsten.

    I am making up everything on the fly, but it is based on some experiments I did in earlier recording where I played with some elements.

    Special hellos to listeners in: Vimont, Quebec (near Parc de Naples); Seattle, WA USA; Eskisehir, Turkey; near Peabody, KS USA; Moskva, Russia; Guangzhou and Shenzen, China

    Contact Info

    12 July 2009, 6:27 am
  • 11 minutes 42 seconds
    RoughMix 147 - Scratch Pop and Ham
    The cast about how music is made....

    I was playing around with a kind of scratching sound on the guitar and decided to experiment with some other effects. By effects I do not mean anything electronic. I mean doing gimmicky things on the guitar itself, likes this kind of scratch, some popping (where I place a thumb under a guitar string, pull it up and let it snap back to the fretboard) and a few other things.

    Effects, gimmicks and tricks do not make a song, but they can be tools to help the creative process. My technical abilities continue to grow, but creativity oftens only thrives when something fresh is done or a new approach is taken. This episode takes one listen at approachingly freshly using what I am Pop, Scratch and Ham.

    In the second clip the effects I use include slapping (which I do with my thumb) slap harmonics and then a combination of these things as well.

    There are two clips: the first is called "Pop and Scratch", and the second "Ham is OK" (see if you can figure out why.)

    Shouts to: Casablanca, Morocco; Ghana somewhere north of Wenchi; Cameroon somewhere east of Foumban and to many friends in China and the rest of the world. If you send a short voice mail we can maybe share what you are doing in songwriting with others in the RoughMix community. []

    This episode is sponsored by - Add your own phrases that are never good to hear.

    RoughMix is a member of the blubrry network at Save 10% on your domains with the code "blu6".

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    Graphic: (Creative Commons License)

    7 June 2009, 9:18 am
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