The First Generation - Inteview with Akbar Sami (by Gita Pattison)
Someone who is for over 15 years in Sahaja Yoga has certainly experienced a lots of miracles, wonders and moments of joy. Depths combined with compassion and humour awakes the desire in one that their is only one goal in life to go for; to become like those "old" yogis.
In "The First Generation" we introduce Yogis who have been meditating for at least 15 years and pass on what has changed their life forever - self realisation.
Our first guest is Akbar Sami, a born Iranian and US resident who came to Toronto to start programmes for the Iranian community. At the beautiful Webster Falls, near Hamilton, Ontario he told us why he had a ball in Toronto, how he got the attention of the media to advertise an upcoming program with Shri Mataji and, of course, how he got his self realisation.
20 June 2008, 2:00 pm