Thrive and Connect

Gary Monti

Create more abundance and lower confusion!

  • 12 minutes 57 seconds
    0059 Thrive and Connect – Joy and Life’s Bookends – Birth and Death

    Continuing from episode 0058 , Death and Holidays, this podcasts discusses Joy and how it can be experienced even when there are difficulties present. At the core, viewing life as existing between book ends, birth and death, and accepting the impermanence allows for participation in life in a direct, open manner. This lays the groundwork for connecting and experiencing joy.

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    24 December 2019, 10:01 pm
  • 30 minutes 12 seconds
    0058 Thrive and Connect – Death And The Holidays

    My wife, Jeny, lost her father 4 days ago and 2 days ago her mother went into hospice. In this episode I reflect on how it’s hit me.

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    21 December 2019, 2:39 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    0057 Live Your Dreams – An Interview With Mr. Jim

    To keep your dreams alive you must live them, according to our guest, Jim Friel. Over his long and interesting life he

    has learned to maintain an optimism by accepting life as it is, meeting new people, exploring opportunities, and extending discipline and kindness wherever he can, be it a village in Thailand or a cafeteria full of energetic but a bit unruly elementary students who benefit from his belief in them and his encouragement for them to believe in themselves.

    Learn how he manages to do all this as life delivers the unexpected.

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    13 December 2018, 11:38 am
  • 13 minutes 9 seconds
    0056 Increasing Productivity – Getting Unstuck

    Productivity is an ongoing requirement to not only survive but thrive whether in personal life or business. Today’s episode covers requirements for increasing productivity, especially when feeling stuck.

    A 3-pronged approach is used based on Gratitude then Hope then, finally, Productivity.

    Challenges regarding gratitude are discussed with respect to Jungian Type, i.e., Introvert or Extrovert. This is essential since in order to establish hope there is the need to know what tools are available to not only gain a sense of hope but to put that hope into action and increase productivity.

    In other words, expanding one’s gratitude list by pushing personal limits and creating more personal assets is essential to increasing the probability of putting hope into action.

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    22 June 2018, 2:02 pm
  • 48 minutes 50 seconds
    0055 On the Cusp of Millennial and Gen X – Finding a Path

    Today’s interview is with Caleb Belew, voice artist, and we discuss making life decisions when having been born on the cusp between being a Millennial and GenXer…whether or not to conform (live life on the rails) or strike out on one’s own (live life off the rails). While working on that decision life has a way to send one down an unanticipated rabbit hole which can mean having to “forge one’s own rails” and go in your own direction.

    In line with all that, Nietzsche’s parable of The Camel, the Lion, and the Baby is compared to working through life’s decisions and finding one’s way.

    Gary and Caleb also talk about the importance in some cultures of having a “Walkabout” and not force-feed decisions in a linear manner as to life choices.

    Living consistently across all aspect of life is critical as is the need to pay attention to the small things, always practicing empathy and compassion whether in business or personal life.

    Finally, different belief systems were compared along with the reality that they are all quite similar when it comes to helping one and other in living a full life.

    Caleb can be contacted at:

    Facebook @Caleb Belew

    Instagram @caleb.c.belew

    Twitter @BarryDaWhiteWiz

    SoundCloud @BarryTheWhiteWizard

    Deep Belew Voice Overs


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    31 May 2018, 2:56 pm
  • 11 minutes 55 seconds
    0054 Choosing Opportunity Over Fear Through Meditation

    A method using meditation is discussed for addressing fear and moving energy into taking action with opportunity.

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    20 May 2018, 9:00 am
  • 14 minutes 26 seconds
    0053 Suffering and Growth

    Suffering, expectations, and the paradox of how suffering is associated with growth and abundance are discussed.

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    18 May 2018, 11:07 am
  • 53 minutes 46 seconds
    0052 Faith vs Belief

    Today’s episode addresses faith vs belief and the associated challenges. Topics covered include:

    • 3 ways to view beliefs
    • The power of first simply seeing what is
    • How the desire for rules can frustrate being present
    • the power of being present and working with what is
    • the parable of the poison arrow

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    12 May 2018, 5:50 pm
  • 42 minutes 45 seconds
    0051 Human Trafficking – Road To Triumph Over Sex Slavery

    Today we talk with Mary Gaines (pseudonym) about her road to triumph over having been trafficked for sex. She talks about law enforcement, pimps, friends, children, daily life, and, most importantly, those who came out on the street to connect with her and offer a pathway to recovery.


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    5 May 2018, 7:44 pm
  • 35 minutes 34 seconds
    0050 Suffering, The 4 Winds, and Boundaries

    This podcast discusses the harm done by getting caught up in the 4 dichotomies that change with the wind. These cause the suffering referenced in the 1st Noble Truth. The dichotomies are:

    • Pleasure/sorrow
    • Gain/loss
    • Fame/lack of recognition
    • Praise/blame

    These are expanded to include the drawing of any boundary with “good”/“bad” on one side or the other. Buddha showed that the lack of boundaries such as these is what allows us to be present in the world and decide accordingly what to do.

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    4 May 2018, 4:50 pm
  • 7 minutes 47 seconds
    0049 Disruption and Ham Sandwiches

    This episode discusses the importance of paying attention to and appreciating how when making significant changes disruption can show up in the little things — little things that are to be appreciated as an opportunity to drive the change down to day-to-day activities and cement the change.

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    3 May 2018, 5:04 pm
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