Roots and Refuge Podcast

Jessica Sowards

  • 56 minutes 2 seconds
    Creating a Lifestyle vs. Following a Fad

    Hey, everyone! Welcome to episode 63 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    In today's episode we're diving into a candid discussion about homesteading being a sustainable lifestyle versus a trendy hobby.

    We'll explore the concept of mindful consumption across all aspects of life, questioning the true value of investing our energy into every homemade endeavor. We'll also chat about 2 personality types when it comes to facing change. Are you a "frying pan personality" or a "crockpot personality"? Let's dig into the merits of immediate versus gradual change and how to find sustainable habits that align with our values and the reality of our daily lives.

    Join me as we navigate the pitfalls of comparison and condemnation in the age of social media, and learn how to apply homesteading principles realistically to create lasting changes.

    Remember, living sustainably isn't accidental — it requires relentless mindfulness of our consumption habits. Tune in to discover how I strive to strike the balance between homemade and convenience, ensuring each choice we make in our home is a mindful one.

    Thanks for joining me on the Roots and Refuge Podcast, where we're all about fostering intentional living and mindful choices. 🌱

    If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    24 April 2024, 7:53 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    The Forging (Women and Friendship with Kelly Brotherton)

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 62 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    In today's episode I had the pleasure of sitting down to chat with my friend Kelly Brotherton to delve into the profound topic of intentional friendship and womanhood.

    As we reflect on a meaningful weekend spent with cherished girlfriends, Kelly and I share insights into the importance of intentional relationships, particularly for women. We explore the value of fostering connections with individuals who possess diverse perspectives and thinking patterns, highlighting the role of diversity of thought for personal growth.

    Join us as we discuss the significance of embracing disagreement and conflict within relationships, grounded in a foundation of love and a shared commitment to growth.

    Don't miss this insightful conversation that celebrates the transformative power of female friendships and the beauty of forging meaningful connections.

    If you'd like to see more from Kelly you can find her at the Better Together Homestead:

    Thanks for tuning in to the Roots and Refuge Podcast, where we believe in the strength and solidarity found in community. 🌟

    If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    17 April 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 57 minutes 3 seconds
    My Best Gardening Advice

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 61 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    In today's episode I'm sharing my best gardening advice for both new and experienced gardeners alike. Since spring has sprung where I live, and I know it's just around the corner for you northern folks, I thought this was the perfect time of year to give a highlight reel of the key lessons I've learned as a gardener. Whether you're just starting out or you just need a bit of a reminder after years of gardening, these tips are sure to get you excited about this season's potential. 

    Firs thing I want to explore is the importance of considering the value of your harvest beyond just dollars. What you grow has a huge impact on how long you stick with it! Why are you growing it? What are your plans for using it when it's ready to harvest?

    I also love talking about how I've 'debunked' the companion planting myth in my own garden. Ultimately, if you're planting diversely you'll probably succeed by creating a balanced ecosystem. But don't stress too much about it, balancing your gardens ecosystem is a years long goal that comes from focusing on good stewardship. 

    Finally we talk all about the crucial role of soil health and the benefits of feeding and covering your soil to create that balanced ecosystem in your soil that fosters robust plant growth.

    Don't miss out on this episode packed with essential gardening wisdom! And be sure to check out the mentioned blog post on how to make compost tea for even more valuable insights.

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    10 April 2024, 8:55 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Parenting on the Homestead

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 60 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    In today's episode we delve into the unique challenges and joys of raising children in a homesteading environment.

    Join me as we explore the fundamental principles of parenting that I have chosen to live by in my family. We address the importance of fostering deep, meaningful relationships within the family. From navigating the complexities of blended family dynamics to instilling a culture of intentionality and respect, we uncover the keys to nurturing thriving relationships with our children.

    Discover how homesteading offers a rich tapestry for cultivating resilience, work ethic, and mutual respect within the family unit. Learn valuable insights on communication, trust, and the power of modeling love and grace in parenting.

    So, tune in to this insightful episode as we journey through the heart of parenting on the homestead and uncover the transformative power of building strong family bonds. Thanks for joining us on the Roots and Refuge Podcast!

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    3 April 2024, 9:27 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Granny Skills- A Return to the Old Ways

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 59 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    In today's episode we're delving into the modern resurgence of traditional skills and the invaluable wisdom passed down through generations.

    Join us as we explore the concept of "Granny Skills", embracing the old ways of doing things that prioritize quality, sustainability, and resourcefulness over convenience and consumerism. From honing our kitchen skills like cooking from scratch and preserving food to mastering the art of making do and caring for our things, we uncover together the richness found in traditional practices.

    Discover the power of Granny Skills in fostering a mindset of resilience, creativity, and self-reliance. Learn how embracing these time-honored practices not only enriches our lives but also nurtures future generations by passing down essential knowledge and skills.

    So, I hope you enjoy this episode as we journey back to the wisdom of our elders and rediscover the wealth of Granny Skills in today's modern world. Thanks for joining us on the Roots and Refuge Podcast!

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    27 March 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Mine Your Elders (with JeriLynn)

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 58 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    That's not a typo in the title. That's right, MINE your elders. We will get to that at the end. I invited a local fellow homesteader on the podcast this week. Her name is JeriLynn and she's been growing food as long as I've been alive. I met her through Facebook and attended a local meet-up she was hosting. We had a few great conversations and I felt like she'd be a great person to have share her homesteading wisdom and story. Do you realize the importance of mining your elders?

    In this episode we delve into the invaluable wisdom of homesteading shared by our special guest, JeriLynn, who has been growing food for as long as many of us can remember. JeriLynn's journey into homesteading began in 1986, and her wealth of experience spans decades, offering unique insights into the challenges and joys of this lifestyle.

    We explore the benefits of homeschooling, particularly in cultivating independence and critical thinking skills in children. JeriLynn shares how the homesteading life isn't just about hard work; it's about embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, regardless of age or circumstances.

    Despite common misconceptions, JeriLynn emphasizes that you're never too old to start homesteading. With determination, resourcefulness, and a willingness to learn, anyone can embark on this fulfilling journey, adapting to life's changes along the way.

    From preparing food for large families to navigating life transitions, JeriLynn offers practical advice on preparedness and the true meaning of wealth. As she wisely puts it, wealth encompasses more than just financial assets—it includes health, relationships, and knowledge, all of which are invaluable on the homesteading path.

    So, join us as we mine the treasure trove of wisdom from our elders and discover the richness that comes from embracing the homesteading lifestyle.

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    20 March 2024, 6:43 pm
  • 1 hour 18 seconds
    The Hungry Month- A Talk on Homesteading and Resilience

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 57 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    As spring starts to bloom here at Roots and Refuge Farm in South Carolina, I'm reminded of the cyclical nature of the homesteading life, particularly the "hungry months" at the end of winter when pantry stores from last season are low and the new harvest hasn't yet begun. Despite the challenges, I find comfort in the familiarity of the seasons after 10 years on the farm.

    Homesteading has evolved over the years, from being considered unconventional to becoming more mainstream. However, the recent pandemic significantly highlighted the flaws in our food system and the importance of self-reliance and small farm resilience. As our society prioritizes convenience over quality and locality, there's a growing awakening to the need for local food resources and community support.

    In the face of uncertainty, homesteading offers a path towards conscious consumption, sustainability, and reverence for the beauty of life. It's about living lightly on the land, seeking sustainability, and embracing the slow living mindset. Through mindful relationship with the earth and each other, we can improve our quality of life and build resilience against fragile systems.

    Embracing the homesteading life means choosing hard work over ease, embracing inconvenience, and prioritizing creation over consumption. It's about recognizing the value of restriction and finding freedom in mindful consumption. As we navigate the challenges of modern life, I find solace in the resiliency that comes from the homesteading mindset, especially during the hungry months of March.

    Join me as we explore the transformative power of homesteading and the resilience it cultivates in our lives. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Roots and Refuge Podcast!

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    13 March 2024, 10:00 pm
  • 53 minutes 51 seconds
    Geeking out on Goats with Cass

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 56 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    Get ready to geek out about goats with me and my friend Cass from Semojo Homestead in today's exciting episode!

    We've welcomed goats back to Roots and Refuge Farm, and the excitement is palpable. Together, Cass and I are diving deep into the world of goats to answer a question we often hear: "Are goats for me and my farm?"

    Cass shares her own journey with goats, which began five years ago when her family decided to add them to their homestead. From the benefits of goats' milk to the secondary advantages of goat ownership, we'll explore why goats might be the perfect addition to your farm or homestead.

    We'll discuss the importance of the kind of land you have for goats, the unique qualities of goats' milk (including A2A2 milk), and the various products you can make from goat's milk, such as cheese, yogurt, and soap.

    Choosing the right breed is crucial, and we'll delve into the different personalities and traits of various goat breeds, from Nigerian dwarves to full-size goats. Plus, we'll explore the friendly and affectionate nature of goats, which can make them wonderful companions on the homestead.

    But it's not all fun and games – we'll also cover practical considerations like hoof trimming, parasite resistance, and the need for a dry lot to prevent parasite issues.

    Ultimately, having a home dairy with goats can bring a sense of freedom and joy, as you enjoy the superior quality of fresh goat's milk compared to store-bought dairy.

    So if you've ever wondered if goats are right for you, tune in to learn everything you need to know about adding these charming creatures to your homestead.

    And be sure to check out Cass's channel, Semojo Homestead, on YouTube for more insights into homesteading and goatkeeping. You can also join their Homesteading from Scratch Facebook Group to learn more about their farm life. 

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    6 March 2024, 10:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 13 seconds
    Life on Purpose- Intention Instead of Overwhelm

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 55 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    As spring approaches and the farm springs back to life, it can feel like we're climbing that first hill on a roller coaster ride, just waiting for that stomach drop and lurching wild ride that is exciting, but also oh so overwhelming. With this looming threat of overwhelm on the horizon, I'm here to share strategies for navigating life with awareness and purpose.

    Join me as we explore the importance of setting balanced and reasonable goals, embracing mindfulness as a tool for managing overwhelm, and creating a life that aligns with our deepest values and desires.

    I'll share insights into my own journey of transitioning from a hectic, overwhelmed lifestyle to one characterized by intention and grace. By making a five-year plan with realistic expectations and intentional goals, we can ensure that we're using our resources wisely and building sustainable habits for the future.

    We'll discuss the power of dreaming big and planning for projects, spaces, and skills that align with our long-term vision. And we'll explore practical strategies for prioritizing our goals, creating sustainable routines, and letting go of things that no longer serve us.

    Remember, mindset matters. By taking responsibility for our choices and focusing on what's within our control, we can cultivate a life that's intentional, fulfilling, and full of purpose.

    So let's embrace life on purpose together, one intentional step at a time. Tune in to discover how you can live a more intentional life and achieve your long-term goals with grace and intention.

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    28 February 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 18 seconds
    Garden Design with Jeremy from Semojo Homestead

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 54 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

    Today, I'm thrilled to have my friend Jeremy from Semojo Homestead joining me to dive into the fascinating world of garden design. With his background in landscape architecture and experience in designing and installing gardens, Jeremy brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to our conversation.

    Together, we'll explore the importance of creating intentional spaces in your garden and share practical tips for bringing your vision to life. Jeremy and I will discuss everything from setting goals for your space to utilizing the resources you have available to transform your garden into a beautiful and functional oasis.

    We'll delve into the concept of "rooms" within the garden, discussing how to define entry points, incorporate tall plants for privacy, and create focal points like bean teepees to enhance the overall design.

    Throughout our discussion, we'll emphasize the importance of thoughtful design choices, considering factors like texture, sound, and aesthetics to create a harmonious and inviting outdoor environment.

    From ornamental gardens to productive vegetable patches, we'll explore the balance between perennial non-edible landscaping and annual vegetable gardening, offering insights into creating spaces that reflect your unique preferences and lifestyle.

    And on a deeper note, we'll touch on the significance of fostering relationships with people who may have different perspectives, highlighting the value of diversity and connection in both gardening and life.

    Be sure to check out Jeremy and Cass's YouTube channel, Semojo Homestead, and their Facebook group, Homesteading from Scratch, for more inspiration and practical tips on homesteading and garden design.

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    21 February 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 51 minutes 54 seconds
    Grow Something Lovely

    Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 53 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast, and Happy Valentines Day 💗

    Today's episode is all about cultivating beauty in your garden and the profound impact it can have on your gardening journey. Join me as we explore the philosophy of growing beautiful things to stay motivated and inspired in your gardening endeavors. We'll discuss the importance of recognizing that there are countless "right" ways to garden, emphasizing the value of learning and growing as a gardener along the way.

    I'll share more about my personal garden philosophy, which centers around creating an ecosystem and fostering relationships between all living things in the garden, including the soil, plants, and the land itself. We'll delve into the significance of fostering deep, engaged relationships in the garden, moving beyond transactional interactions to truly connect with the natural world around us.

    During this conversation, we'll reflect on the profound benefits that gardens offer beyond mere food production. From experiencing the therapeutic presence of the garden to the joy of growing something unique and valuable, we'll explore the multifaceted rewards of tending to a garden.

    I'll also share insights into nurturing healthy soil and my approach to feeding and enriching the soil ecosystem. Plus, we'll discuss the importance of diversity in the garden, mimicking nature to enhance resilience.

    Ultimately, we'll explore how cultivating beauty and fostering deep relationships in the garden can enrich our lives, offering strength, beauty, and health that extends far beyond the garden gate.

    Thanks so much for listening. If you’d like to join our Patreon page, you can get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives). Visit our Patreon Page to learn more and check out past episodes of the podcast on the website.

    14 February 2024, 2:00 pm
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