Steve Crabb

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been described as being "the difference that makes the difference" and "the instruction manual to your brain that you were never given when you were born" In this podcast series, you will learn and discover amazing ways to use NLP to make seemingly incredible personal and professional changes.

  • 11 minutes 39 seconds
    Episode 9 - Looking at things from anothers perspective - Perceptual Positions

    Title:  Looking at things from another’s perspective

    By using perceptual positioning you can explore an event from a different perspective, this process enables you to step back from your own mental map and get a distance from any emotions attached to it.  You can also use it to explore another’s map, gaining an insight into their thought processes.  When you use the third position you can review a meeting/situation to gain insight into what happened, looking at it as onlooker.  This is also a great position for becoming your own coach.

    8 September 2020, 8:11 am
  • 13 minutes 19 seconds
    Episode 8 - Visualisation

    If I asked you to imagine a dog, just there in front of you.  What kind of dog do you see?  What colour is it?  Can you see if from the front, back, side?  Is it all one colour?  Does it have any distinguishing marks?  How clearly can you see it?


    Some people will see the dog perfectly, it will be clear and they will notice the colour, size and everything about the pouch.  Others will have a very poor image and others will say they can’t see it.  They will say no matter how hard they try they just can’t imagine it; they can’t see it!


    In this podcast Tina discusses Visualisation and give exercises to help improve your ability to visualise as well as increase your IQ.

    4 August 2020, 9:00 am
  • 11 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 7 - Anchoring

    As we grow we learn to create shortcuts in our thinking, we associate actions and feelings to certain stimulus that we experience.  In Psychological terms this is called stimulus response or operate conditioning.  

    Everything within your experience could be classed as an anchor, the words your reading here are an anchor for an experience of understanding.  Each word taking you through an unconscious process that enables you to interpret the words and find an understanding.

    In this podcast Tina discusses anchoring, how they are created and also gives you an exercise to learn how to create a positive anchor for yourself

    4 August 2020, 8:29 am
  • 10 minutes 4 seconds
    Episode 6 - Changing the thought process
    Have you noticed that by changing the way that you frame an experience or a thought changes how it feels? This process is called reframing in NLP. This reframing is a psychological technique that consists of identifying and then changing the way situations, experiences, events, ideas, and/or emotions are viewed. You begin by identifying the behaviour or trait and then reframe it by pointing out any possible positive intentions. Finding an alternative meaning, this can then be followed by resolving any conflict as necessary.
    13 July 2020, 7:47 pm
  • 14 minutes 37 seconds
    Episode 5 - How Do You Think? - Part 2

    How Do You Think? -  Part 2
    As I ( Tina Taylor) mentioned in How Do You Think - Part 1, we represent things in our mind, using our 5 senses.  The way that we do this creates how we feel and respond to the situations around us.  

    As you become more aware of how you do this it makes it easier for you to change the way you think about something, changing the way that you respond to the situations around you.

    You can do this simply and easily with your language too.  This is the basis of personal change work, how you can learn to help someone with anxiety and fear change how they feel.

    5 May 2020, 9:00 am
  • 12 minutes 3 seconds
    Episode 4 How Do You Think? Part 1

    How Do You Think Part 1
    Have you ever noticed yourself thinking and become aware of what’s happening inside your head; that you’ve been running pictures, scenes, moving images, sounds, talking, conversations, physical sensations and all whilst you’re in the middle of something else?

    These thought processes contribute to how we feel and respond to the world around us. 

    By becoming aware of these processes and what you do inside your mind you have more control of how you think about things, and the way you respond to situations.  

    5 May 2020, 3:00 am
  • 12 minutes 9 seconds
    Episode 3 Rapport

    If you want to improve your ability to communicate effectively then it’s essential to learn about rapport. 

    Rapport is about eliminating the differences between you and the person you are communicating with, it’s about being the same.  By adopting characteristics of another person you can create a sense of connection, a feeling of mutuality of like.  

    Wouldn’t it be fabulous to be able to create and break rapport as needed?  

    This podcast explains how to connect, create rapport.

    4 May 2020, 10:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 2 - Achieving Your Goals

    Many people have goals that they say they want to achieve and yet find it impossible to do so.  Sounds familiar or are you someone who sets a goal and gets it done. 

    NLP "modelling" means we learn from those who do things successfully and one way to achieve goals is to ensure your goals are "well formed".  

    Tina Taylor explains what well formed goals are by following her simple instructions you can ensure that your goals are well formed and easily attainable.

    4 May 2020, 9:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 001 - Introduction to NLP

    This podcast gives you a quick introduction into Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. 

    In this episode, Tina Taylor explains where it evolved from, and explores some of the things you can do with NLP once you know-how. 

    Discover some of the applications of NLP in your personal and professional life and ways to make seemingly incredible changes quickly.

    NLP has been described as being the instruction manual for the mind and body this podcast series will cover real-life applications you can use what you learn immediately.

    Please subscribe and share with others.

    For information about NLP MasterCLASS practice groups and training events visit or e-mail Tina Taylor or Steve Crabb at info

    23 April 2020, 8:00 am
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