Empathetic Man

Nimesh Gupta and Sati Hillyer

Discover how you can be a more empathetic man with your spouse, kids and throughout life.

  • 35 minutes 59 seconds
    The DEAL Framework by Jay Shetty

    In this episode, we explore the DEAL framework Jay Shetty outlined in a recent podcast, "The 1 Toxic Mistake That's Damaging Your Relationships & The 4 Steps To Never Repeat it Again." It's an easy to remember acronym that is surprisingly effective when you encounter a relationship (big or small) and you continue to struggle with how it makes you feel. We share some real-life examples of where it's worked for us and where we are still working to improve. We hope this episode helps you deal (pun intended) with your relationships better.

    24 July 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 51 seconds
    2 Questions You'd Ask (Part 2 of 2)

    We continue from our last episode (be sure to listen to episode #47 first) to provide 2 questions we'd ask to really know someone. We encourage you to ask these questions to yourself and to those whom you'd like to know more about what makes them tick and to ultimately strengthen your bond. We hope these questions spark a deeper dialog.

    10 July 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 47 seconds
    2 Questions You'd Ask (Part 1 of 2)

    If you could only ask 2 questions to really know someone, what would they be? In this episode, we each ask 1 question (2 total) to each other and share our reason behind the question and our responses. What 2 questions would you ask? Try these questions with those close to you or with someone you want to know a bit better.

    3 July 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 56 seconds
    What Would You Tell Your 15-Year-Old Self?

    In this episode, we ask the question, "what would you tell your 15-year-old self?" We all know hindsight is 2020, but the mind of a 15-year-old is much different than that of an adult. What would you say and is that something you can share with the current youth? We hope this question and our responses inspire a discussion with those around you.

    26 June 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 10 seconds
    What You Stopped Doing That Used to Work?

    In this episode, we explore the question: What did you used to do that worked, but you stopped doing? This question has so many layers because it prompts you to remember some of your strengths, but also assess why decided (consciously or unconsciously) to give up on them and whether it's worth revisiting. We figured we would answer this questions ourselves, but encourage you to have the same dialog internally or with those close to you.

    19 June 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 53 seconds
    Why Black Lives Matter (Part 2 of 2)

    Last week we discuss the importance of why black lives matter and how this deserves the utmost attention. In this continuation, we discuss the results of the situation that occurred last week and start exploring the mindset shift that is required to move forward, and that will be required to drive actionable change.

    12 June 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 42 minutes 13 seconds
    Why Black Lives Matter (Part 1 of 2)

    The recent killing of George Floyd has sparked an outrage on social and racial injustice to African Americans. Protests (rightly so) have erupted all over the world to express frustration and call for change. In this episode, we dive into a specific example that involves a common debate between "Black Lives Matter" and a common response of "All Lives Matter." We hope this episode can help you understand the important distinction and why now, more than ever, black lives matter.

    5 June 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 20 seconds
    Lack of Trust

    Right now we are facing a lot of struggles and they seem to stack one on top of the other. In this episode, we discuss one major cause and effect from all this and question why other places or situations get it right. Is there something we can learn from others? Is there something we can do now, more than ever, to rebuild trust?

    29 May 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 11 seconds
    What Changes Will You Continue?

    In a prior episode (#38), we look on the bright side for the positive changes that have occurred as a result of COVID-19's impact. This is a very subjective thing and in this episode we discuss what changes (good or bad) will continue for you? This is most likely a moving target for many, but there may be some changes that you welcome and look forward to preserving. We hope this episode helps you identify them.

    22 May 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 30 seconds
    When Will You Head Out?

    The United States is reopening, some states more quickly than others. But how do you feel about that? When will you head out? In this episode, we discuss our personal views and try to explore what we will go back to and what we may have to do differently going forward. We hope our conversation can help you on your reentry.

    15 May 2020, 3:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 28 seconds
    Progress, Not Perfection

    In cooking there's a french expression, "mise en place" which translates to everything in its place. The idea is before you cook your meal, you do all your prep. Well in this episode, we discuss how you may feel stuck because you are unable to prep and things feel unorganized, disheveled and unknown. This can lead to resistance or worse, shutdown. It's important to remember in life, progress will always trump perfection. We encourage you to look for the new ways to approach your desires so you can continue to progress, big or small, because now's the time to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

    1 May 2020, 3:00 pm
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