Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie


In 2015, Rosie Waterland published her first book, a memoir called "The Anti-Cool Girl". The book is about her childhood, her growing up, and her becoming an adult; all with mentally ill, drug and alcohol addicted parents, child protection, foster care, caravans and couches. There were crazy and very difficult times but also some funny times too. Rosie is 30 now, her mum Lisa is now 53. Since the book came out, the one question Rosie is always asked is more than any other is, "Has your Mum read the book?" Lisa hadn't read it for a while, because her drinking was so bad that she physically or emotionally couldn't. But in 2016, Lisa got sober. She has maintained that sobriety for the longest period Rosie has ever seen and.. she has finally read the book. She has many thoughts. The first of which is that most of Rosie's memoir is a lie.   Now is their time to talk all about it. In each episode Rosie reads a chapter from the book, and then Rosie and Lisa talk through it - is it all true or false? What really happened? Each chapter becomes a real conversation about the past, present and future for Rosie and Lisa.

  • 43 minutes 32 seconds
    Chapter 22: you will become an anti-cool girl

    The final episode! Host Rosie Waterland's spent a lifetime struggling to understand why she wasn't a cool kid, constantly wondering just what she was missing. From her early days trying to hide her poo pants from her sister's friends, to later days doing drugs and pretending to enjoy sex with boys who were terrible at it, she now confesses that she was always fixated on trying to impress everyone around her.

    Then for a very brief and exhausting moment, Rosie found herself on the inside looking out. That moment then followed with her writing her first book 'The Anti-Cool Girl' and now this series where she has been able to look back on her life with the woman who knows her better than anyone else. This final episode looks back at all that they have spoken about, how it all ties in together and where that leaves Rosie and mum Lisa's relationship from here.

    'Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie - The Live Event' is in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney in April and May. Tickets available now at

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    27 February 2018, 3:01 pm
  • 37 minutes 58 seconds
    Chapter 21: you will learn how to be a functioning adult, and realise you don't care about being a functioning adult

    When you're twenty-seven years old and realise that you have no clue how to post a letter, it's obvious something has gone very wrong somewhere along the line.

    Now that host Rosie Waterland was out there living on her own as a functioning adult, she realised she didn't know as much as she thought she did about being a functioning adult. She had somehow, against all odds, made it to her late twenties, but there were just some things she had missed along the way. Filling in the missing pieces meant for some very awkward conversations with shop assistants, work colleagues and family members.

    Rosie and Lisa talk about those things she missed, but Lisa isn't having a bar of some of what Rosie says.

    'Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie - The Live Event' is in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney in April and May. Tickets available now at

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:

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    19 February 2018, 9:01 am
  • 51 minutes 19 seconds
    Chapter 20: someone will play Jenga with your face and their penis, and you will consider it a sexual revolution

    If Lisa thought there was ever going to be an episode from Rosie's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl' that was going to make her squirm, this is it. This one is about host Rosie Waterland's more adult escapades: the time she scared a penis back inside itself and the time Rosie went on her first and only Tinder date only for it to turn out very differently to how she thought it would. It's not very often that a mother and her grown daughter get to discuss sex, but here it is for all to listen to in all its glorious detail.

    'Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie - The Live Event' is in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney in April and May. Tickets available now at

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    6 February 2018, 2:01 pm
  • 52 minutes 30 seconds
    Chapter 19: you will gain ninety kilos, and it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you

    After her time in the mental institution, Rosie had never had a healthier sense of self-worth in her entire life. She was learning how to be her own saviour, how to feel comfortable being single and how to be mentally healthy. And then there was the issue of the weight gain. It began pretty much straight after leaving hospital. The disordered eating and Rosie's attitude towards food started back in drama school, and the cycle of binging and purging and starving had been going on in the entire seven years after that. Before she knew it, Rosie had gained ninety kilos, and that was the perfect excuse to never leave her room again.

    That was until she read a crappy article on the internet. In frustration, she wrote her own piece and submitted it to top Australian women's website, Mamamia. This sparked off a dramatic change in host Rosie Waterland's career and her view on life. Rosie and Lisa talk about this period of time - there are a number of issues here they clearly do not agree on.

    'Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie - The Live Event' is in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney in April and May. Tickets available now at

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    30 January 2018, 2:01 pm
  • 30 minutes 22 seconds
    Chapter 18: you will watch your mum attempt suicide, and realise that she's the only one who understands you

    Just like when Rosie was little, something about Mum calling her 'darling' calmed her down. After spending almost a month in a mental home, that's exactly what host Rosie Waterland needed. And Lisa understood that. She was the only person in Rosie's life who understood what she was going through. So with Lisa's help, Rosie jumped on a plane to Dubbo and was soon being cared for by Mum with roast chicken and cheesy potato bake. Lisa might not have always been there for Rosie in life; but this week, this one week, she was.

    But Rosie couldn't help but think how she had seen her Lisa in just as much pain only a few years back, and at that point Rosie had left mum on her own. This look back is about these two moments in Rosie and Lisa's lives.

    If any of this episode causes distress or concern, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or at or contact your health care professional.

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    23 January 2018, 2:01 pm
  • 45 minutes 42 seconds
    Chapter 17: you will end up in a mental institution

    When a guy wearing nothing but a bedsheet as a toga pushes in front of you in the dinner line so he can get better dibs on the custard, you know you've hit rock bottom. Host Rosie Waterland's was twenty-four, and was in a mental institution. Pretty much nailing life. It all began when she found the boy - a perfect, funny, good-looking boy whom she met while at her job working at the movies. Rosie's year-long destructive partying phase was over, and this boy was the next distraction.

    Although she didn't realise it at the time, Rosie needed a disaster at this point in her life to push her down to rock bottom, so that she could finally learn how to claw her own way out and build her own life. This boy was that disaster.

    When things weren't going her way in the relationship, Rosie started to panic. Her state of mind began to deteriorate rapidly and before she knew it, she was in need of serious help. Seven years after these events, Rosie now revisits this time of her life. She's two years older after having originally written about it in 'The Anti-Cool Girl', and even after such a short time some things seem different again, especially with Lisa's own personal working experience having worked as a mental health nurse.

    If any of this episode causes distress or concern, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or at or contact your health care professional.

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    16 January 2018, 2:01 pm
  • 31 minutes 37 seconds
    Chapter 16: your second set of parents will abandon you. damn.

    Through her time at boarding school and then at drama school, host Rosie Waterland had been looked after by her uncle and aunt. Then one day, they asked her to leave. Rosie wondered if it was because they found out she had peed herself at the local supermarket.

    Rosie's uncle and aunt were wealthy. They had taken her in when life at home got out of control; they sent her to a fancy boarding school and then paid for her short time at uni and then at drama school. They helped her to keep moving with her life and even paid for Rosie to go to therapy. But Rosie's life problems were more complicated than that, and Rosie admits that she was not easy to deal with during that journey. By the time Rosie's challenges got more serious, Uncle Ben and Auntie Natasha were married with children of their own, and were itching to live life as a family.. a family that didn't include the weird, withdrawn niece who dropped out of uni and hid in her room all the time: Rosie was the odd one out.

    There was a lot going in Rosie's life at the time, and it was hard for her to work out was going in her own head, let alone including others in her struggles. Rosie and Lisa look back at the end of this time of her life, how and why it happened and what happened after that. Oh, and there is also the issue of how good Rosie is at looking after a dog.

    If this episode causes any distress, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or at

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    11 January 2018, 2:01 pm
  • 34 minutes 15 seconds
    Chapter 15: you will go to a very crappy drama school and do a very crappy naked scene

    host Rosie Waterland knew that she would chicken out. She knew it all the way through the rehearsal and all day before the first performance. It was 2006 and it was Rosie's second year at a very crappy drama school. But drama school wasn't just about learning to act, it was how Rosie found her soul mates - a like-minded community of people who wanted to laugh at life and then skip movement class to go to the pub.

    Rosie reminisces about this happy time in her life - the acting classes, going out and a mishap with a guy after a party on a golf course green. It's one thing though writing these stories for a book, but a completely different thing to read these stories out loud to your Mum.

    This episode contains sex and drug themes.

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    19 December 2017, 2:01 pm
  • 41 minutes 36 seconds
    Chapter 14: you will lose your virginity, followed by your mind

    The lucky boy was Josh - a day student from the College - who host Rosie Waterland's had started dating during her final few weeks there. After a few false starts, Rosie's path of self-discovery was on. It was also a period of time Rosie realised a boyfriend could help fill a void in her life. A boyfriend could be like a dependency, like a drug: why deal with a pesky depression that was slowly overtaking your brain, when it disappears every time you snuggle into your boyfriends shoulder? Why bother learning to feel strong for yourself, when he can be strong for you?

    It wasn't the best way to handle things at the time, especially when Rosie's mental health was about to turn to jelly. Josh was a loyal and caring boyfriend but the going for Rosie was rough.

    If this episode causes any concerns, please contact Lifeline on 131144 or at 

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    12 December 2017, 2:01 pm
  • 46 minutes 11 seconds
    Chapter 13: you will try to fit in at a very exclusive private boarding school - and fail spectacularly

    The next chapter of host Rosie Waterland's life saw her living with her Uncle Ben, who enrolled her in a very fancy boarding school. At first glance, this was an amazing turn of events: from a life of constantly moving houses, situations and people to a place with steady and protective care and learning for the next three years. Rosie had never experienced so much consistency in her entire life; she thrived on this new routine.

    To start off Rosie was so, so happy. It was going to be the best time of her life.. until the bullying started. Already feeling out of place to begin with, the bullying dominated the next three years of Rosie's life. Rosie and Lisa look back on this time: how the bullying impacted Rosie then and the following chapters of her life, and how she dealt with it.

    This episode contains themes that some listeners may find distressing. If it does, please contact:
    Lifeline on 131114 or at or
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    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    5 December 2017, 2:01 pm
  • 41 minutes 26 seconds
    Chapter 12: your mum will decide she is a lesbian, and she'll pick her new lover over you

    For a while there Mum, Rosie and family became a kind of gypsy family, living with whoever would take them in. Living arrangements included couches, caravans and being part of a new 'family'. After a period of moving from place to place, Lisa met someone new and their moving situation became more stable. Enter Pam The Lesbian. Pam was definitely a different kind of 'friend' for Lisa, she was besotted with Lisa. It also meant that Rosie got spoilt as Pam worked hard to impress Lisa and children.

    But that was only going to last for so long. Host Rosie Waterland's and her sisters never expected what was going to happen next: that they would be kicked out and it would be Mum kicking them out. Is it really as Rosie remembered it? And how does Lisa look back on that period of time and that ill-fated night years later? Now that they are halfway through Rosie's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl', Rosie and Lisa also talk about how their memories of the past differ.

    Based on Rosie Waterland's book 'The Anti-Cool Girl'. Buy it here:
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    28 November 2017, 2:01 pm
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