Play For Tempo

StevenSensei#1107 & Schwal

Each week Schwal and StevenSensei talk about hearthstone and related topics in 30 minutes of less.

  • 24 minutes 37 seconds
    Ep. 58 - Let's Not Ketchup with MattAtArms

    This week Sensei is out again...what a slacker...but MattAtArms is here to fill the void! And Schwal #1 Legend....just casually FTP BTW.

    6 November 2023, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 35 seconds
    Ep. 57 - What Will Un'goro Bring

    Sensei is back and sits down with Schwal for a drip down memory lane to the days of baby sensei and the Journey to Un'goro which is being added to twist in just a few days.

    30 October 2023, 8:00 am
  • 22 minutes 30 seconds
    Ep. 56 - ElectricSheepCity Handbuff Pally

    Sensei is out so ElectricSheepCity has been kind enough to fill and and chat about his #2 early legend twist handbuff pally.

    23 October 2023, 12:42 pm
  • 25 minutes 29 seconds
    Ep. 55 - Bundles, Mergers, and Game Directors...OH MY!

    This week Schwal and Sensei talk about various news bits from the week in Hearthstone including Blizzcon Bundles, The Microsoft merger with ABK, and the fact that we actually know who the Hearthstone game director is!

    16 October 2023, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 26 seconds
    Ep. 54 - Twist Legend, Wild Legend

    This week Schwal and Sensei talk about their last week in hearthstone. Both hit legend in different formats and some thoughts about Druid and the need for more nerfs.

    9 October 2023, 8:00 am
  • 43 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep 53 - Schwal Goes to Magic Con Vegas

    This week Sensei and Schwal talk about Hearthstone and Magic Con Vegas.

    2 October 2023, 8:00 am
  • 31 minutes 25 seconds
    Ep. 52 - Schwal Hates Anomalies

    Mini set is introducing anomalies. Unfortunately it also removes player agency and reduces the impact of individual card / deck decisions. Schwal is NOT happy. Sensei is concerned.

    18 September 2023, 8:00 am
  • 29 minutes 45 seconds
    Ep. 51 - Stealing is a crime!

    Sensei decided that it is a good idea to steal from other podcasts. Will yours be next? Schwal is awesome as always. They both talk about the goings on in the world of hearthstone.

    10 September 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 2 seconds
    Ep. 50 - It's aspirational - Twist Season 1 Launch

    Sensei feels called out but is in love with Highlander Priest. Schwal is all about being a rogue with bigger and bigger men. And this is episode 10 that is within the time limit :)

    2 September 2023, 8:00 am
  • 46 minutes 9 seconds
    Ep. 49 - Guess Who's Back..Blame Hat

    After an almost 2 year absence, Schwal and Sensei have gotten the band back together to discuss hearthstone, card gaming in general, and other stuff. Did you miss us?

    28 August 2023, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 59 seconds
    Ep. 48 - Podcast Update

    Schwal and Sensei talk about their current relationship to the game and what it means for the podcast going forward. 

    31 October 2021, 10:00 am
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