The Stock Trading Reality Podcast

Get inspired and stay motivated by everyday normal people who are currently on their journey to trading success.

  • 17 minutes 14 seconds
    How to Build Expectations
    So you want to be smart about your trading and investing approach? Good! The best way to find success is to find expectations that are reasonable. One of the biggest problems I see within people’s trading journey’s are expectations that belong on an entirely different planet. To be fair to these people, when you’re new and don’t know what you don’t know, this includes how to properly build expectations. On the positive side, none of this is difficult to do. It’ll only require you being self ware and honest about yourself and situation. Once you get a few basic questions answers, the resulting expectations will naturally be revealed. Let’s talk about it!
    29 April 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 27 seconds
    A Good Side Hustle, If Done Right
    Given my unique position of having a sizable following on YouTube and social media, I am a prime target for certain side hustles. Because I am a target, I believe I can offer a valuable point of view towards those who are doing these side hustles. It takes money to make money, so anything that is geared towards creating streams of income, I feel it is worthwhile to weigh in on. If you are someone looking to make some extra money, please avoid doing what I am going to show you here in this episode. It’s very basic, but I’ve had it happen to me over and over again and all but ensures you’ll have very little success in your efforts. Let’s get to it!
    22 April 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 10 seconds
    You’ll Pay Either Way
    I try my best to avoid this subject. The problem is, the argument is totally true and my conflict of interest does not make it any less true. If you are a beginner day trader and just getting started, I hope this case study can open your mind to at least considering a more than common and valid logic you are using. For those of you who continue to struggle in your trading, I hope this case study will, again, get you to open your mind to considering a different approach. Let’s talk about how you will be paying either way you go. This all boils down to “how much” will you pay? Let’s dig in a bit deeper and consider both the pros and cons.
    15 April 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 22 seconds
    2 Kinds of Trading Approaches
    Someone accused me of being shady by only doing analysis of “obvious” charts. This interesting comment got me thinking a bit and, well… here we are! I’ve been told to ignore the negative people who leave comments; however, in this person’s case, they offer up an important distinction that needs to be made within the world of trading. In particular, what kind of trading approach are you going to take? I personally feel better with one over the other (as I believe it contains less risk), but that’s not to say I am absolutely right. Good thing we’re all allowed to have our own thoughts and opinions! Whichever you feel is best for you is all that matters, but let’s make sure we all understand the two kinds of trading approaches!
    8 April 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 16 minutes
    Sunk Cost Fallacy and You
    Have you heard of the logical mistake people get tripped up known as the sunk cost fallacy? Odds are, you allow this thinking error to influence your life more than you think. The games our mind can play with us are abundant to begin with in the world of trading and investing. Sprinkle on the day to day mind games such as the sunk cost fallacy and I don’t blame you if smoke begins to pour out of your ears! It’s annoying no doubt, but the biggest problem I would argue is the lack of knowledge of its existence. Once you are aware of these thinking errors, you can be much better prepared to handle them. In my hears of coaching traders I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen the sunk cost fallacy create unneeded issues for people. Let’s talk a bit more in-depth about it so you are aware and prepared to fight off this logical fallacy when it comes knocking on your door.
    1 April 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 52 seconds
    A Fair and Honest Criticism of Day Trading
    My goal is to keep the world of money, trading and investing as clear as possible. With clarity comes a sense of actual reality. Actual reality brings with it the ability to make the best choice for your personal goals and circumstances. I had an interaction with a person who offered up some criticisms about day trading that are totally valid. I think he took these criticisms a bit too far and baked in some faulty assumptions; however, setting that aside, this person in correct. His criticisms leads to a conclusion to: don’t trade. I disagree. Let’s dig a bit deeper and explore this criticism with a fair and honest approach.
    25 March 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 17 seconds
    Staring With a Small Account
    In this episode, I dive into the realm of options trading, particularly focusing on individuals beginning their investment journey with a small trading account. This episode is designed to begin to lessen the concept of options trading, proving that it's not as complicated as it might seem and demonstrating how it can be a powerful tool for generating impressive returns in a short amount of time, even with limited capital. Through a real-life example shared from our trading community, I explore how a modest investment in options can yield a substantial percentage return, emphasizing the importance of risk management and capital efficiency. This reference point is perfect for beginners looking for a straightforward entry into options trading, offering insights into leveraging small accounts for significant gains.
    18 March 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 2 seconds
    A Harsh Rebuke of Day Trading… (yikes)
    I believe it’s safe to say this person does not like day trading… at all! In a recent YouTube comment someone brought a flame thrower and, in their opinion, torched day trading as a money making income stream. He made several claims that I want to address as it kills a few birds with one stone. Discussing these claims helps not only dispel them as very weak, but also helps build a better context for aligning reality and expectations. I’d hate to see someone avoid day trading because of these kinds of thoughts; however, there are minor pieces of truth to them, so I want to be sure that beginners have a firm grounding in reality. This person was quite harsh, so let’s consider their critiques and think through them together!
    11 March 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 44 seconds
    You Aren’t Alone in this Danger!
    While we all have different risk tolerances and personalities as traders, at the core, we’re all still human. Meaning, there are some general scenarios that happen to us all whether or not it seems like it. Given the nature of social media and YouTube, some situations can seem to never happen to people, but I assure you… they do! The dangerous part of this particular situation I discuss is the impact from the mental standpoint it can pile on you. During the piling on process it can tend to open up another whole can of worms. The solution to all of this is a simple one: be aware! When you are aware you can realize what is going on in your brain and deal with it in logical ways, not emotional. Let’s talk about a very important topic for all of us as traders!
    4 March 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 9 seconds
    $50/Hour Minimum Wage?
    There is a recent controversial proposal to increase the federal minimum wage to $50 per hour. Let’s consider some economic principles, supply and demand dynamics, and real-world scenarios, we assess the potential impacts of such a significant wage hike on affordability, housing, and the broader economy. Join us as we consider factors between labor costs, housing supply, and market rates to understand whether a $50 minimum wage could truly solve affordability crises or inadvertently lead to unintended consequences.
    26 February 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 9 seconds
    Tucker Carlson and Exchange Rates
    I’m here to teach! I want everyone to have a firm foundation of even the most basic economic and money principles. With that being said, apparently we need to talk exchange rates. What they are. How they work. Their practical implications. Tucker Carlson recently did a video and his entire argument was based on a very flawed premise. How flawed? The very thing he was arguing for he at the same exact time was defeating. How is this king of logic and accomplishment even possible? Well, if you don’t understand your premise, you’re going to have issues. If you are someone who is not quite sure what an exchange rate is, let’s talk about it. If you are someone who enjoys some comedic irony, you’ll get a laugh out of this.
    19 February 2024, 5:00 pm
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