FASTER Cycling

FLO Cycling

If you're into road cycling, triathlon, gravel cycling, or mountain biking, this podcast will help make you faster. We find industry experts on a wide range of topics to educate you on getting faster.

  • 56 minutes 37 seconds
    Natural Testosterone for Cyclists

    Testosterone generally has a bad name when it comes to cycling and endurance sports. Steroids, TRT, and other options have landed cyclists in a lot of hot water. However, testosterone is a key part of our make-up and it is important to have enough to perform as a cyclist. In the episode of FASTER we talk with Mike Mahler of Mahler's Aggressive Strength about testosterone, hormones, and how to increase it naturally. Listen to this episode to optimize your testosterone so you can become faster. 

    15 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 37 minutes 21 seconds
    Vibration Masterclass for Cycling

    Vibration plays a critical role in cycling yet many people do not understand its importance. We've been studying vibration at FLO for years and working vibration reduction into the design of our wheels. Today on FASTER we talk with Matt Chase the vibration expert who helped with on road testing at FLO for measuring vibration and natural frequencies. Listen to this episode to get a masterclass on vibration and how it applies to you as a cyclist so you can become FASTER.

    Watt Points: 10-15

    1 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 37 minutes 52 seconds
    Managing Pain for Cyclists to Ensure Longevity In the Saddle

    As we age pain can increase during physical exercise. However, pain is not always a sign to stop. It may mean we need to push through or find new ways to keep moving. Old theory states that as we age we must slow down but new research proves that the more we move the longer we live and the better quality of life we have. In this episode of FASTER Dr. Kyle Buth from Crafted Wellness discusses using pain as an indicator to keep moving forward as we age to ensure we can stay active and health doing the things we love. Listen to this episode to learn how to use pain to be FASTER.

    Watt Points: 0-100%

    17 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 42 minutes 56 seconds
    Spine Alignment During Sleep and How It Impacts Performance

    Have you ever considered how your spine alignment during sleep impacts your performance? We'll Dr. Martone has created a whole career on helping people improve the position of their spine during sleep to improve performance and prevent injury. Dr. Martone a practicing chiropractor and mountain biker herniated a disc which had him re-evaluate everything he knew and was teaching his patients. This led to a complete change in his chiropractor practice and led to the creation of his company Neck Nest. Now Dr. Martone is faster on the bike without pain. Listen to this episode to learn how the alignment of your spine during sleep can help make you FASTER.

    Watt Points: 30

    3 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Sleep For the Cyclist, Sleep Timing, Sleep Pressure, Training vs. Sleep and More

    Dr. Chris Winter makes his second appearance on FASTER to discuss more on sleep. As more is discovered about sleep more can be applied to becoming faster. In this episode we discuss the optimal time to train around sleep, sleep pressure, coffee use, sleep with kids, sleep enough vs missing a workout, the use of saunas and cold showers, fasting and much more. Listen to this episode of FASTER to learn how optimizing your sleep can make you faster.

    Watt Points: 20

    20 March 2024, 4:00 am
  • 45 minutes 4 seconds
    Braking Efficiently To Save Watts & Preserve Input Power

    Braking has the potential to not only save watts expended but can also save more power in your legs. It's been calculated that 25% of the watts put into the pedals are burned in braking. When you learn to brake more efficiently you waste fewer watts during braking and can use the brakes less often when cornering saving power in your legs. This week on FASTER we talk with Dr. Matt Miller about breaking and his compnay Brake Ace. Matt literally has a PHD in braking. Listen to this episode to learn about braking an brake technique so you can become faster. Some times you need to slow down to speed up.

    Watt Points: 5-10

    6 March 2024, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Protein for Cyclists, Protein Types, Protein Timing, & Optimal Grams Per Day

    Protein is one of the three macronutrients and plays a crucial role for cyclists. In this episode of faster we talk with Scott Tindal from Fuelin about the amount of protein that's optimal for cyclists, protein timing, the different types of protein, and much more. Most of the world consumes far too little protein and this can have serious impacts on performance and health. Listen to this episode to learn everything you need to about protein so you can become FASTER.

    Coupon Code: FLO30

    Watt Points: 5-10

    21 February 2024, 3:00 am
  • 56 minutes 11 seconds
    Creatine, Hyper-Hydration, Heat Acclimation, & IV Supplementation

    Creatine is a naturally occuring substance that may benefit your cycling in a bit way. David Martin is studying the effects of creatine on hydration and brings a wealth of knowledge to Faster. We also discuss heat acclimation and IV supplementation. Listen to this episode of Faster to see if creatine can make you a faster cyclist.

    Watt Points: 15

    7 February 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Focused Strength Training, Nutrition, and Recovery for Cyclist with Dialed Health

    Strength training for cyclists needs to be specific to the cyclist and their discipline. Derek Teel from Dialed Health offers dozens of workouts and programs for all disciplines of cycling. With options for people with no equipment to more advanced programs using a variety of tools including, foam rollers, kettlebells, TRX, bands, free weights, boxes and much more there is something for everyone. Derek comes racing background and personal training background have placed him in a unique position to teach cyclists how and when to add strength training to their workout schedule. Derek also focuses on nutrition, injury, and recovery preparing you as a cyclist to make your time on the bike productive. Listen to this episode to learn more about preparing your body for the bike so you can become faster.

    Watt Points: 15-25

    28 September 2023, 9:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 31 seconds
    Wind Tunnel Fits, Testing Products, and Getting Faster without A Wind Tunnel

    The A2 Wind Tunnel is one of the country’s best low-speed wind tunnels and has been the testing ground for countless cycling products. All FLO Wheels have made their way to A2 and in the process, I’ve learned mass amounts about aerodynamics and product design. On this episode of FASTER we talk with Geoff Eaker from A2 to learn about how wind tunnels work, product testing, athlete fit, and ways you can make yourself faster even if you can't visit a wind tunnel. Geoff brings his years of knowledge from testing products and athletes to a podcast you don’t want to miss. Listen to this episode of FASTER to learn more about wind tunnels so you can become faster.

    Watt Points: 10-30

    8 September 2023, 9:00 pm
  • 43 minutes
    Reducing Vibration and Using Pilates to Cure Back Pain from Cycling

    If you've ever experienced back pain you know how crippling it can be. For some, back pain starts on the bike. In this episode of FASTER we talk with Eoin Everard from Everard Pilates about how to fix back pain caused by cycling, how vibration impacts back pain, and why it's important to lower tire pressure to reduce vibration, pain that presents as back pain that is something else, and much more. Eoin who has a PhD in Biomechanics brings a wealth of knowledge to FASTER. Listen to this episode to learn how to cure and prevent back pain caused by cycling so you can become faster.

    Watt Points: 30

    Everard Pilates

    3 August 2023, 10:00 pm
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