I AM Goddess Collective Podcast

Nixie Marie

I AM Goddess Collective is a sacred space for empowerment through modern magick, spiritual activism, and reclaiming your power. As a Feng Shui practitioner, earth activist, and mystic host Nixie Marie is on a mission to support and inspire your journey in becoming the change you wish to see in this world. That change starts within. Join in on authentic discussions with fellow thought leaders, metaphysical experts, and luminaries each week as we explore practical and magickal ways to living in your highest alignment. Your journey as an empowered Goddess begins here! Let's dive in!

  • 39 minutes 45 seconds
    The Science and Metaphysics of Feng Shui

    Welcome back to another episode of High Vibe Home podcast where we explore the ancient art of Feng Shui to help you create harmonious living spaces. Today, we're diving into a fascinating topic: Is there a science behind Feng Shui?

    In this episode, Nixie explores whether Feng Shui can be considered a science by comparing Western scientific methods with Chinese metaphysics. While Western science relies on observation, hypothesis testing, and evidence, Feng Shui is rooted in the concept of Qi (energy) and centuries-old empirical observations. Despite not fitting the traditional Western definition, Feng Shui's principles align with a practical scientific methodology through evidence, repetition, and critical analysis. Join Nixie and delve into the intriguing relationship between Feng Shui and science, and don't miss our upcoming masterclass on June 22nd to discover your unique Feng Shui element and transform your living space.

    Resources: Get your free personal Feng Shui element report here! 


    🌟 Get into Your Element Masterclass - Saturday, June 22nd at 10:00am PST

    Save your spot here 

    Join me for a transformative 2-hour masterclass designed to unlock the secrets of Feng Shui and transform your living space into a harmonious haven. Here's what you'll learn:

    • Discover Your KUA Number and Element: Learn your ruling and supporting Elements in the Feng Shui system.
    • Understanding the KUA System: Grasp the fundamentals of the KUA system and how it determines your unique Feng Shui element.
    • Personal Environmental Resonance: Understand how your KUA number influences your personal environment and energy flow.

    Work with Nixie Marie in May or June! Schedule a 1:1 Feng Shui consultation here

    12 June 2024, 8:04 pm
  • 55 minutes 36 seconds
    Your Home As A Reflection of Your Body with Dr. Liz Letchford

    In this episode of the High Vibe Home podcast, host Nixie Marie is joined by Dr. Elizabeth Letchford, a clinician, researcher, and artist who approaches health and movement through the lens of emotional wellness. With a background in sports medicine and a PhD in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Dr. Liz has helped thousands of people demystify the body and its functions. Together, they explore how our physical environment connects to our physical body, the emotional roots of injuries or illnesses, and the impact of relationships on the nervous system.

    Key Topics Discussed:
    • Awakening the human body's divine intelligence through somatic therapy
    • Challenging and rethinking traditional beliefs about your body shaped by religious doctrines
    • How disharmony is created when you avoid the emotional root of an issue
    • Key indications that your body is operating in a state of imbalance 
    • Connecting your physical environment to your physical body
    • What your home often reflects back to you when you are in a state of imbalance in your body
    About Our Guest:

    Dr. Elizabeth Letchford

    Resources with Nixie Marie: 

    Join Nixie Marie for a special masterclass:Get into Your Element on June 22nd at 10:00am PST This masterclass is designed to help you discover and align with your elemental nature using Feng Shui principles. The cost is $22. 

    Sign up for the June masterclass here:

    Website: 🔗 www.highvibehome.life Instagram: @nixie_marie  Youtube: Watch my Feng Shui Videos

    5 June 2024, 9:52 pm
  • 52 minutes 51 seconds
    Fire Season Feng Shui: Welcoming the Summer Solstice- June Vibe of the Month
    Episode Description

    Welcome back to Season 2 of The High Vibe Home podcast, Groovy Souls!

    This month on High Vibe Home, we're celebrating the Summer Solstice and focusing on returning to the light and taking action. As we transition from Gemini into Cancer season, it's the perfect time to reconnect with our inner selves and set powerful intentions. On today's episode, Nixie Marie shares a personal update, explores the Feng Shui forecast for June, and discusses the importance of embracing the light during this season of utmost yang. Tis the season for growth and abundance!

    Astrology Highlights:
    • New Moon in Gemini: June 6th
    • Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn: June 21st
    June Journal Prompts:
    1. Embracing Light and Letting Go of Darkness

      • The Summer Solstice is a time of maximum light. How can you bring more light into your life, both physically and metaphorically? What shadows or negative patterns have you identified that you are ready to release? Write about how you will embrace positivity and let go of what no longer serves you.
    2. Reflecting on Growth and Abundance

      • As we celebrate the longest day of the year and the peak of summer, take a moment to reflect on the growth and abundance in your life. What personal or professional achievements are you most proud of so far this year? How can you continue to nurture and expand these areas in the coming months?
    3. Setting Intentions for the Second Half of the Year

      • As we reach the midpoint of the year, it’s a perfect time to set intentions for the next six months. What are your goals for the remainder of the year? How will you harness the energy and vitality of the Summer Solstice to fuel these aspirations? Write a detailed vision for your ideal future and the steps you’ll take to achieve it.
    Feng Shui Tips for June:
    • Maximize Natural Light
    • Brighten Your Space with Colors
    • Add Plants and Flowers
    • Introduce Water Features
    Summer Solstice Rituals:
    • Set Intentions with the Sun’s Energy
    • Create a Summer Altar
    Balancing Elements:
    • Balance Fire and Water Elements
    • June Masterclass: In Your Element Masterclass + Summer Solstice Opening Meditation

    Free Downloadable Resources: 

    Bagua Map Guidebook: https://nixiemarie.myflodesk.com/s2u4md23g4

    Follow Nixie on Socials: instagram.com/nixie_marie

    1 June 2024, 3:53 am
  • 52 minutes 51 seconds
    Wabi Sabi Living: Celebrating Imperfection with Interior Designer ChaCha Chapin

    In this episode, we dive into the serene and captivating world of Wabi Sabi with the talented designer and sculptor, ChaCha Chapin. Join us as we explore the basics of Wabi Sabi and learn about ChaCha's inspiring journey as a sculptor. Discover how this ancient Japanese aesthetic can transform your living spaces into havens of natural beauty and tranquility.

    Episode Highlights:
    • Introduction to Wabi Sabi: Understanding the philosophy and principles behind Wabi Sabi and its emphasis on finding beauty in imperfection and impermanence.
    • ChaCha's Journey: Hear ChaCha's personal story and her evolution as a sculptor, including the challenges and triumphs she encountered along the way.
    • Nature in Our Homes: Learn about the importance of incorporating elements of nature into our living spaces to create harmony and balance.
    • Practical Tips: ChaCha shares practical advice on how to start integrating Wabi Sabi principles into your home décor.
    Key Takeaways:
    • Embrace imperfection and celebrate the beauty of natural materials and organic forms.
    • Bringing nature indoors can enhance your home's energy and create a more peaceful environment.
    • Simple, mindful design choices can have a profound impact on your well-being and the ambiance of your space.
    Connect with ChaCha: Resources Mentioned:
    • Books on Wabi Sabi: Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life, The Wabi-Sabi House: The Japanese Art of Imperfect Beauty
    • Feng Shui Tips: Check out our previous episodes and blog posts for more insights on creating high vibe homes.
    22 May 2024, 8:44 am
  • 52 minutes 51 seconds
    How to Begin Manifesting through the Law of Correspondence as a Witch with Mia Magik

    In this conversation, Nixie Marie interviews Mia Magik about her journey as a Witch and the release of her new book IntuWitchin. Mia shares that her path to magic was born out of pain and feeling lost, and she found solace in believing in magic and embracing her true self. They discuss the importance of shadow work and the misconceptions of being a Witch. Mia explains how she reclaimed the word 'Witch' and the power of intuition in her life. They also explore the symbolic language of the universe and the role of Feng Shui in creating a magical life.

    Mia's book, 'IntuWitchin,' delves into these topics and provides guidance for cultivating a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom and the universe. In this conversation, Mia Magik and Nixie Marie discuss the power of IntuWitchin and the connection to the divine Goddess. They explore the importance of listening to one's IntuWitchin and the miracles that can unfold when we trust and follow its guidance. They also emphasize the role of nature in deepening our connection to the Goddess and offer practical tips for incorporating elements of magic and high vibes into our homes.


    • The path to magic often arises from pain and feeling lost, and embracing one's true self can lead to a magical life.
    • Shadow work is an essential part of the witch's journey, allowing for healing and manifestation of desires.
    • Intuition is the wisdom to follow and listen to the guidance within, as well as the ability to interpret the symbolic language of the universe.
    • Feng Shui can be a powerful tool for creating a magical life by aligning one's physical space with their intentions and desires.


    00:00 Introduction and Reconnecting with Mia Magic 01:02 From Pain to a Magical Life 06:26 The Power of Shadow Work 09:56 Reclaiming the Word 'Witch' 13:11 The Wisdom of Intuition 24:21 IntuWitchin: A Guide to Cultivating Inner Wisdom 28:07 The Power of IntuWitchin and Trusting the Goddess 39:32 Connecting with Nature to Deepen IntuWitchin 44:04 Expanding the Definition of Abundance 50:16 Creating a High Vibe Home

    Learn more about Mia Magik and get a copy of her new book 'IntuWitchin': 

    Website: 🔗 www.miamagik.comInstagram: @miamagik  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@miamagik

    Order IntuWitchin here 

    Resources with Nixie Marie: 

    Join in on The Bagua Map Masterclass for only $22  When: Saturday, May 18th at 10:00am pst  Where: Live on Zoom Click here to sign up! Website: 🔗 www.highvibehome.life Instagram: @nixie_marie  Youtube: Watch my Feng Shui Videos

    15 May 2024, 8:44 am
  • 43 minutes 25 seconds
    Unlocking the Secrets of the Bagua Map

    Episode Overview: In this enlightening episode of High Vibe Home podcast with Nixie Marie, she explore the ancient Feng Shui tool known as the Bagua Map. This episode is your gateway to understanding how the Bagua Map overlays your living space to influence various aspects of your life, from wealth and health to relationships and personal growth. Plus, we’re thrilled to introduce our upcoming masterclass that offers an in-depth exploration of the Bagua Map, ensuring you walk away with a comprehensive ability to enhance your home and life.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Introduction to the Bagua Map: Discover what the Bagua Map is and how it represents different areas of your life through specific zones in your home.
    • Basics of the Bagua Map: Learn how to align the Bagua Map with your home’s floor plan, identifying the key areas including career, knowledge, family, wealth, fame, relationships, children, and helpful people.
    • Practical Applications: Tips on how to activate and enhance these areas using color, elements, and specific Feng Shui adjustments to attract more of what you want in life.

    Upcoming Masterclass: Dive Deeper into the Bagua Map

    Masterclass Highlights:

    • Comprehensive Understanding: Gain an in-depth understanding of each section of the Bagua Map and how it relates to different life aspects.
    • Interactive Learning: Participate in exercises to apply the Bagua Map over your floorplan, ensuring you know exactly how to enhance each sector.
    • Enhance Your Life: Learn specific Feng Shui enhancements to improve your wealth, health, relationships, and more.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your home into a harmonious sanctuary that supports all areas of your life. Secure your spot in the masterclass today and start your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilled existence. { Register here }

    Get a FREE copy of The Bagua Map guidebook here 

    8 May 2024, 8:44 am
  • 42 minutes 22 seconds
    Keep Calm and Ground On: Feng Shui Wisdom for May

    Welcome back to Season #2 of The High Vibe Home podcast Groovy souls! This month on High Vibe Home, we're focusing on getting grounded. As we transition from Taurus to Gemini season, it's a perfect time to reconnect with our living spaces and find peace and balance at home. On today's episode Nixie Marie dives into a brief personal life update after several months away from the podcast, explores the Feng Shui forecast for May, and shares the importance in getting grounded this month! Tis the season for rooting down to rise! 

    Astrology Highlights:

    • New Moon in Taurus: May 7th
    • Full Moon in Sagittarius: May 23rd

    May Journal Prompts:

    • What area of my home makes me feel most at peace, and why?
    • How does my home reflect my current emotional state or life situation?
    • What changes can I make in my daily routine to enhance my connection with my home and increase my feelings of groundedness?

    Feng Shui Tips for May:

    1. Incorporate Earth Elements: Use earthy tones and natural materials to promote stability.
    2. Minimize Clutter: Keep your space organized to maintain a smooth energy flow.
    3. Use Heavy Furniture: Anchor your room's energy with solid, natural furniture.
    4. Add Soft and Warm Textiles: Enhance comfort with soft furnishings in earth tones.
    5. Incorporate Nature: Bring elements of the outdoors inside to connect with earthy energies.
    6. Strategically Position Beds and Seating: Ensure your furniture placement offers security and stability.
    7. Focus on the Center of Your Home: Keep the heart of your home open and clutter-free.
    8. Use Lighting to Create Calm: Employ soft, warm lighting to foster a relaxing environment.


    Work with Nixie Marie in May or June! Schedule a 1:1 Feng Shui consultation here

    May Masterclass: The Bagua Map Masterclass $22Date: Saturday, May 18thTime: 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST  Click here to save your spot!


    1 May 2024, 8:44 am
  • 56 minutes 53 seconds
    Invest Like a Woman: Strategies for Household Financial Empowerment with Pattie Ehsaei

    Enrollment doors are now open for Spellbound Spaces 8-Week Feng Shui Training for House Witches. Use code: HIGHVIBEHOME for 22% off!

    Get sorted into your element and join a coven of House Witches to transform your home into a magical abode! Enroll in Spellbound Spaces >

    On this weeks episode of the High Vibe Home podcast Nixie's hosts an incredible guest, Pattie Ehsaei who is an Attorney and Financial Expert specializing in the field of empowering women to become financially independent. After decades of being in the finance industry, Pattie took her expertise online and launched a TikTok channel that quickly went viral over several videos titled, "Never date a broke dude."  Pattie is the embodiment of financial independence for women and on the show today we discuss: 
    • Investing 101, how to begin investing with $50 
    • Strategies for making your money work for you 
    • The importance in women taking control of their finances in a household
    • Money is NOT a voucher to spend!
    Investing Resources: 👉🏽 Power Player Investing: Learn more here 👉🏽  Work with Pattie Ehsaei to elevate your life and get your finances in order: Book a call here   Interview resources: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/07/01/1184749528/men-are-hunters-women-are-gatherers-that-was-the-assumption-a-new-study-upends-i Follow Pattie Ehsaei on socials and let’s connect! Instagram: Follow Pattie here TikTok: Follow Pattie here
    7 December 2023, 9:44 am
  • 31 minutes 49 seconds
    Working with the 5 Elements in Your Space

    Enrollment doors are now open for Spellbound Spaces 8-Week Feng Shui Training for House Witches. Witching Hour rate ends on 11/13 at $100 offGet sorted into your element and join a coven of House Witches to transform your home into a magical abode!  Enroll in Spellbound Spaces >

    On this weeks episode of the High Vibe Home podcast Nixie's explore the 5 Element theory and their magical counterparts. The 5 elements is a system used in Feng Shui to harmonize your living space with nature and the balance that it promotes.    What you will learn: 
    • The benefits of balancing the 5 elements in your space
    • How to use each element and connect with their magical properties 
    • Allowing ease and flow into your home through the elements
    Free Feng Shui Resources: 👉🏽 FREE Bagua Map Guidebook: Download here 👉🏽  Work with me to get a personalized Feng Shui Consultation for your home: https://nixiemariefengshui.podia.com/f9fb80f3-2895-4f44-a37e-f1631852ff34 Follow me on socials and let’s connect! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nixie_marie/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nixie_marie?
    11 November 2023, 12:20 am
  • 30 minutes 37 seconds
    Daily Simple Shui Tips for Your Home

    On this weeks episode of the High Vibe Home podcast Nixie shares some simple Feng Shui tips you can learn to implement to keep the vibes high in your home. If you have a busy day-to-day, juggling kids, or even aren't sure where to start on your Feng Shui journey this episode is a perfect listen just for you! 

    What you will learn: 

    • The simplest Feng Shui rituals to keep your homes spirits high
    • Three of the most important areas of you home to maintain
    • Nixie's personal home morning ritual 
    • How to create a space that stays clutter free

    Free Feng Shui Resources:

    👉🏽 Remove Negative Energy from your Home with a Salt Water Cure: Grab the FREE guide:  https://view.flodesk.com/pages/647e48cc82ea36bac3f17c7a

    👉🏽 Watch My Youtube: How to Create a Salt Water Cure: https://youtu.be/FBbl0V55FcY

    👉🏽  Work with me to get a personalized Feng Shui Consultation for your home: https://nixiemariefengshui.podia.com/f9fb80f3-2895-4f44-a37e-f1631852ff34


    Follow me on socials and let’s connect!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nixie_marie/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nixie_marie?


    Join me on my next retreat: ⤵️




    Experience a Total Solar Eclipse



    3 November 2023, 8:44 am
  • 54 minutes 10 seconds
    Finding the Hidden Message in Your Mess

    On this weeks episode of the High Vibe Home podcast Nixie dives deep into the hidden messages in your mess both externally in your environment and also in your head. 

    Ever wondered why certain clutter accumulates in your life? This episode goes into the stories our spaces silently tell. Nixie decodes the emotional and psychological ties that bind us to our clutter, from the unread emails to the clothes we can't let go of. Join us as we explore how understanding our physical mess can lead to profound personal revelations, and how tidying our spaces can truly declutter our minds and souls. Listen in, and let's find the message in your mess.

    What you will learn: 

    • The meaning of clutter in your home and life 
    • Where to even begin your declutter journey 
    • How to listen to the story of your space 
    • Embracing the messy moments in life 
    • Finding self-love and confidence through loving your environment 

    Free Feng Shui Resources:

    👉🏽 Remove Negative Energy from your Home with a Salt Water Cure: Grab the FREE guide:  https://view.flodesk.com/pages/647e48cc82ea36bac3f17c7a

    👉🏽 Watch My Youtube: How to Create a Salt Water Cure: https://youtu.be/FBbl0V55FcY

    👉🏽  Work with me to get a personalized Feng Shui Consultation for your home: https://nixiemariefengshui.podia.com/f9fb80f3-2895-4f44-a37e-f1631852ff34


    Follow me on socials and let’s connect!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nixie_marie/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nixie_marie?


    Join me on my next retreat: ⤵️



    Experience a Total Solar Eclipse



    17 August 2023, 6:22 am
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