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Home of the ChiroHustle PodCast | Jim Chester

  • We are Creating a Healing Network with John Dearlove – Chiro Hustle Podcast 561


    President founder eNurtureReferrals .com, CEO of New HealingCareNetwork .com, Former CEO of Mercola .com, Cancer Treatment Centers of American, TeraGlyph iMatchNetwork, JL Dearlove Ad Agency


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 561 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millet, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing John Dearlove. And if you want to hear the story of how we’re creating a healing network, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have John Dearlove on with me. I’m really excited for this interview. We’re going to talk about a lot of things with communications and tech and marketing and brand. I think that there’s a lot of things that people are going to learn from this episode today. So please take out your pens, papers, your digital and take some notes as we go through the center of the process today. Before we jump into episode 561, I’m going to let you know our big why. Why do we do it? We do over here at Chiro Hustle. Well, first things first, we protect freedom of speech. We think that’s so important. A lot of people out there that are creative and think outside the box, they get shadow band, marginalized, censored. And we’ve never done that to anybody. So we really believe it’s important to protect freedom of speech. So we’ve never censored anyone because we don’t like to be censored either. Then we do believe in medical health freedom and family health freedom. We think they’re not the same things, but we have to focus on them as a culture. And then we’ll get a bit more philosophical within the Chiropractic profession. We believe in BJ Palmer’s Sacred Trust and protecting that. If you don’t know what that means, go right now to your favorite search engine and look for BJ Palmer’s last words. You’re going to learn more about Chiropractic then you previously did. I guarantee you. Then as we round out the intro, Subluxation-based Chiropractic, we believe in that and support that. And we believe in innate intelligence or universal intelligence that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. Now that that’s all laid out for everybody, that’s our big white around Chiro hustle. Now I want to give a warm welcome to John D’Arlev. Welcome to the show.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Go ahead and show.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. 561 of these episodes, I just saw you over at Mile High. And you guys were extremely busy and we’re doing really important work over there. So we can talk a little bit about that too. But first things first, I’m curious about your uniqueness in this awesome World of Chiro project, what makes a unique in Chiropractic?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  The fact that we produce record breaking results for our Chiropractors that we work with. As we have done with other relationships including cancer treatment centers in America, I was the CEO of to get made of the highest doctors, traffic website in the world, doctors websites. And we’ve done this from a lot of chiropractors including like Dr. Ziggler who’s been on your show, he’s a PI chiropractor. And he actually has retained it as he’s stated over four and a half years, he’s retained or 70% of his patient relationships.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I think a big cornerstone to what you’ve done is helped grow brands. And Mercola, I think it’s cancer centers, right?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Yeah, cancer treatment.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. How did you come into those organizations? What did it look like inside of there? And what did you take it to?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Well, so cancer treatment centers in America was struggling with bankrupt almost three times in the 90s. And I came on board, I went to a board meeting in San Merit, Switzerland, gave a whole presentation of my background’s behavioral analytics, gave a presentation of the board and the senior staff and redirected the entire company as far as how and who they’re communicating with. And took it from 32 million to 3.5 billion. So about 10,000%. Then we also did the same thing. I did the same thing as the CEO of Mercola. I am doing about 200,000 subscribers. There’s other kinds of problems. I won’t get into the specifics. But there is almost everything. There’s probably a corner, let’s say, to say, restructured the whole thing in about several months, three or four months. And skyrocketed to from 200,000 to about 5 million subscribers and turned it into the highest doctor’s traffic websites in the world as far as traffic. And I hired the doctor Oz, I hired the doctor, and I hired the And I actually have a Lexa public rating rankings that shows that we did accomplish that. That’s from 2000 tell. I’m happy to show that. And as far as doctors, basically, the example I was giving you about Dr. Ziegler, I understand that he was sharing with us that he was spending 15,000 or 100,000 in doing trying to communicate and stay in relationship with his patients. He had a team of freelancers. And that when he saw our program and realized we would actually give him weekly two-hour articles, and four articles a week over a period of 52 weeks for 3500, he just went completely with us. And then after four or four and a half years, retained 70% just so you understand on the Internet, if somebody sends a weekly emails, it was at any sort, they typically go down to two to five percent within a year. And so he’s retained 70%. I mean, he’s when a patient has another occurrence of a health issue a year or two years later, they come back to him. And that’s what we do for all the chiropractors.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, it’s really cool to hear this because I know that that’s one of like the hardest thing for anybody inside of any market is how do I get more traffic?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  How do I get more attention? Yeah, so, and honestly, chiropractors have about 80% inactive usually. And your audience probably can understand and relate to something in that category, about 80% inactive, 8%, 20% active. And so if you think about your inactives right off the bat, by actually putting out, it’s all about relationship, it’s communications and it’s timing. If you put out weekly articles that are valuable and useful, that’s not just about chiropractic, in fact, the chiropractic should be a very small part of the articles. However, it can be embedded, it just shouldn’t be blatant because otherwise you’re telling and selling. So what you really should have is articles of all sorts and diversity on health, but you said about three articles that we do three articles a week on health in general. One article a week that’s actually lifestyle, which we call the surprise in the cracker jack box. And that keeps the people opening, seeing what else is in there. So the point being is that you want to have articles that are engaging, have useful problem solutions. We do the same, the research team that I’ve built with my role. You know, writers, my software team is out of my nose. So basically write articles every week and it’s all researched, it’s all right, but it’s not, we’re not doing fear and certainty and doubt. We’re not pushing fear, we don’t have one article ever for our doctors that says anything about vaccinations, but the doctor can write their own comments, they can write their own articles, they can add those to it, they can opt out of articles, but it’s all in their control. So the point being is sending those weekly, builds a relationship with the inactive, going back to the inactive. And so now you’re re-engaging them on a weekly basis. Now if you just think about math, if you get 25% of your inactive or the next year or two years to come back, that actually equals, if it’s 80% it doubles your patient, active patient face. That’s just your math, right? So you know, so the point being is here’s one way is just doing that. The second way is your best referrals come from your active patients. That’s the 20%. Well now when you get going out and going to the whole 80%, a lot of those may not, some of those may not come back right away, but the entire group, it members you and they start, you know, forward those articles to load ones and they’ll see your name and they’ll start getting referrals because that’s the best referral because when you’re active for your patient face, this is your inactive re-engaging them. This skyrocket should referrals.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, I’ve been doing a lot of communication with people who are marketing for 15 years now. Why does the content marketing strategies you work? Why do they work so well? I’m just curious.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  You know how they work so well because all we’re doing is just like chiropractors open up the, you know, like Dr. Bradley Roush states and I work, we work together and you know, he’s working with Bobby Kennedy, we speak with Bobby Kennedy all over the country. He’s just like we did, you know, at Denver at Mile High and Sherman and other places, but the point is that as Bradley at Dr. Bradley talks about is that, you know, opening the channels that are locked, you know, that’s what chiropractors are doing and then, you know, your body innately heals itself, right? Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah, that’s so my intro. So my point to you is what do we do? We’re taking the obvious, the blatant natural paths that are already there and we’re doing it super affordably, super effectively. And so one of the things we actually do as well is that we do video reviews, patient reviews. So we do patient reviews. We give you the Dr. A phone app and you know, if they want to go down this road, it’s really effective and you just, you know, in the patient, how many patients do you have a day that actually say, oh my gosh, I can’t believe what you just did for me right after you do this treatment. It happens all the time. So that moment of enthusiasm, you take the phone app and say, would you mind repeating that? I have so many patients who would really benefit from this. You just, this is an eight. This is just like what you do for the patients. You just say, would you mind repeating that? And if they say yes, which is an 80 to 100% of the time, I can give you like Dr. Ron over in Manhattan, you know, you just hold that phone up, you know, you know, hose your phone up, have them repeat what they just said. And then you give it to them to review and they review it and then they give you one to five stars. Usually it’s four to five. It’s very rarely below five. And if it’s below four, it doesn’t go out to a social media. But it automatically goes to a social media. So the doctor doesn’t have to do anything. Rewrite the articles. It’s, you know, it’s all high quality. So, you know, it’s all produced for them, but then they can add their own comments. They can add their own information. We’re making it innate. We’re making it natural, but we’re actually producing the highest quality there is on the internet. That’s how I built Mercola. People say it in the other time, you know, there’s a lot of newsletters out there. You know, it’s used in other newsletter, really? So it was Mercola, just another newsletter. You think I put some formulas behind that, made it the highest traffic doctor’s website in the world and still is, right? So the point is, is others try to compete like Josh, I actually other ones, but you know, they don’t have the formulas and you’re going to get the formulas that I built. You know, that’s what I do for doctors, for entire doctors.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That is brilliant. I love it so much. So when it comes to these videos, because I’m curious, because I’ll just tell you, after I finish a show, I don’t have the same like, sales cycle that you do for getting these things, I’ll reach out, say we’ll do this interview today on a Tuesday. I’ll reach out to you Monday and I’ll say, Hey, John, if you like what we’re doing over here at Chiro hustle and you think that we’re making an impact in the world, would you mind doing a 30 second to one minute test money will say in what we’re doing to help the profession?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Yeah, you can give you a link. You could send it right to them.


    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  So we can provide that to you. Phone app and it’s also a link to the patient doesn’t have the time to stay. You can send it to them. We have doctors in San Diego that have patient. You know, they’re not testimonials, really. They’re reviews. There’s a difference. Testimony. High like this. All hot, you know, all recorded and it’s all studio or whatever. But the fact is this is real authentic and everybody knows it when they see these patients because they’re all different environments. So we have a doctor in San Diego that actually had sent a link to a patient in the fluid for Alaska. Now, you know, the doctors in San Diego and you’ll see this video out of 275 videos that this doctor has. Think of that. How many? And you can see how many they have. Think of credibility. But the fact is the third or fourth one I can send it to you. You want to see it. The third or fourth one has snow on the ground and she is talking about how worthwhile it was to fly in. That’s like what we did for cancer treatment centers in America. 80% of the patient, 90% of the patient is staying from outside of the state. Very, very hospital.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Wow. So I look at marketing too. I’ve been talking, like I mentioned, I talk to people all the time in the space. A lot of times people only pay attention to the people that are showing up on a daily basis. You talk about reactivation, old list, old patient files, dead files. And I think it’s really important that people pay attention to those that large percentage.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Yes. That’s a piece. It’s a piece. But it’s also the piece that actually gives you more referrals because the best referrals you get is 20% of your actors, only 20% usually of the 20%. Well, now if you get 20% of the inactives, that’s almost as many as your activations. But wisely, it is nearly no matter because 25% of the inactives would be the equal.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, anybody out there that’s listening, you know how much it costs to acquire one patient. And you know how many dead files you guys have sitting on your electronic health records right now. They all do. They’re all like, gosh, let me go see how many inactives I have right now. They’d probably be like, oh gosh, that’s a lot.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  80% about 80% usually. So you’ve been in business for five to 10 years.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I’ll just be honest, when somebody like me starts getting chiropractic somewhere, we get busy with life like the patient base. And we’re distracted. And we don’t maybe finish our care or we don’t maybe we feel this guilt or shame of saying, gosh, I didn’t make that last visit. Now I’m not going to go back. Sure. Now I have an excuse. Now I’m just I’m going to deal with this and the relationships over.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  So you understand that is my background’s being real athletic. So 80% of women are the nurturers and gatherers. They’ve been doing this for the last several thousand years. Okay. And men have been hunters and seekers. And so the women are the ones that really read the most. I always say that these doctors conferences, 80% of men rarely read and rarely write. They’re producing the content for you. You can add comments to any article in the previews. We can be a preview for a whole week before it takes five minutes to read all the articles. But you may have comments. You should if you can, if you have time, but we have a lot of doctors. I can not tell you that like Dr. Bradley Roush will probably kill me if that’s what I say this. But I know he almost has never read the articles, but he when he does, he loves them. And he’s ecstatic. But the fact is it’s automatic. He doesn’t have to. But if he wants to, and he goes through them, now some of the stat docs have really good front desk people and some teachers before, and they love the articles. And they can actually make suggestions and come up with comments. And we’ll give you some algorithms as to some things you can do with hashtags and writing your own articles that actually puts you to the top of Google in the first one, two, three pages. Dr. Ziegler sent that. And he owned those first two, three pages in Utah for PI, for personal injury, when people are looking for a doctor for injury. That’s not sponsored. And we have, that’s free. We want to use our system. It’s this automatic. So we have doctors like Dr. Ron in Manhattan. He was paying six to 10,000 a month for his Google sponsored ads. And as he says, it must never matter whether he’s about six or 10,000 a month. It’s about the same amount of people that came in. It was just very every week. It was crazy. And for nine years, Dr. Rachael says he was white. Sorry, sorry Ron. But the point is, is that when he used our system, suddenly his life changed. Because it was automatic. It’s all systemized, and he can do additional things. And he should do additional things. So we have doctors that do write additional things like Dr. Ziegler. And you can own those first two, three pages of Google in the search engines with your specialty by just adding comments and adding some articles periodically. It just pushes you to the top.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please take a moment to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’ve been waiting for a while during this interview to ask you, why? Why chiropractic? Why are you going all in with helping these natural healers with your abilities of content marking and first-page, second-page Google video reviews, articles written, old files, reactivations, like why? Why are you taking such an interest in this group of people?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Okay, so number one, we’ve been living in a healthcare system that’s actually sick care. I think everybody agrees. This is a sick care system. It’s based on symptomatic assessment and treatment. It’s highly focused on pharmaceutical and surgery. It’s highly focused on going to healthcare networks that are sick care networks. The one group that actually has not been touched, and I used to have an ad agency in Michigan Avenue, 20 years, I was on the dark side. We did the advertising. The only country in the world at that time, only New Zealand now can do ads for pharmaceuticals. So I was on the dark side. This is full circle. My intention is to change this entire direction. Care factors are the leading group that have the greatest potential to make the difference and to start this movement. We are creating, I’ve been asked to the CEO of a national program that is creating a program and making it super affordable for doctors and we’re starting right with care factors because they’re the ones that have hands-on relationships with patients that without focusing on drugs and surgery. They really heal. When I say they heal, the new network we’re building and we just haven’t launched it yet. Everything we’re doing right now, anybody that gets in is going to be granted farther than. This new program is healing care. Not healthcare. Not sick care. It’s healing care network. It’s going to be across them. We’re starting with care factors but we want to put care factors with MDs as well by the way. I don’t know if you’ve heard about Epic but Dr. Stan who actually brought this to Sherman, it’s in Sherman. It’s in Life University. It’s a soundway proven and it’s adjustment with soundways. There’s new technologies we’re going to be bringing forward through this new program and through this new network. We’re going to be able to tie doctors together when you need a doctor if it’s special that you’re going to be able to find them really quickly. We’re creating a system with our videos so it’s going to be a patient rating system on specific modalities, specific DRGs, digestive really. Specifically what the patient says, pain, back pain, shoulder pain, whatever it is, the doctor will be able to click on it and then own that, you know, have the most amount of ratings that are video ratings, orthodontic, so you can go online and find who’s got the most amount of ratings. Anybody who comes into this program right now is going to be able to be at the top of that rating system. There is nothing like it so my intention is to help care factors be the forefront of this entire movement. I’m sorry for the lying answer.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  No, I love it. It stirs up a couple of things for me. I want to get a bit more granular with the answer just on the reviews. But the campaign that I’ve talked about a lot for some time now is to heal the healers. We need to make sure that we’re nurturing and protecting these chiropractors because I look at it like war or like a chessboard. Every time that a chiropractor goes into financial despair or default or the student loan succumbs them or whatever it might be, they might fall into, I don’t want to practice chiropractic anymore. We lose one of our frontline soldiers.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Sure, sure.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So we need to heal the healer, man.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Okay, so not only heal but protect. Yes. Okay. So Dr. Bradley heard me give a speech with Bobby Kennedy in 2019 at a pediatric conference. He heard me say that if you follow, if you allow me to help you with our programs, we will keep you from being canceled because we don’t produce any content and don’t put any content out there that will get you canceled. We just give you inspiring information for your patients, right? And for that to be forward and nurtured. Secondly, we’ll keep you from being jailed. I’ve worked with many doctors that have gone to jail. I’ve been involved with ACAM, American Colleges of Advancement and Medicine on the board. I can tell you stories that take too long for what you have today. And then the third one is killed. How many doctors do we all know that have been killed? You know, some people wonder, I can tell you, I know, and the more you go out there and the more you put yourself in the limelight and the bigger your audience, the higher potential is you can be killed, right? You know, either canceled, low end, jail, higher end, as far as audience following you. And then killed. These are factors. These are, I mean, would you agree? Would you agree?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I would agree with you. From my perspective, I think it’s unfortunate, but the financial end of it is the biggest situation.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  It’s actually controlled.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I see the financial despair as the elephant in the room. I see your things that you’ve mentioned as like real concerns for like popularity and speaking the truth and where we’re at today with the social media marketplace and like tribalism and followers and traffic and attention. But really the big concern I see is our chiropractors get out and they don’t know how to pay their bills because it’s so extremely expensive to be an upstart. They don’t want to be an associate because it’s demeaning in a way. And they get into the marketplace and they’re like, well, I have overhead. I want a nice office. I have to have staff. I have to have all the bells and whistles. And the next thing they know, they’re not seeing enough people to actually create a quality of life and a good living. And it’s really tough on them. That’s what I see.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Okay. So let me just tell you that Dr. Bradley Roush, we have a program to help doctors as well and everything you just talked about. And that is to maximize the minimum. In other words, you don’t need to have the flashiness, the biggest or whatever. Focus on what you really do need. And he actually can help. We have doctors doing onsite training. He has programs, they’re neurological programs. And he’s a chiropractor. I understand. But he has got all these different degrees and backgrounds. The fact is that on Park Avenue in New York, he will have doctors fly in and spend a day with them. And he’ll teach them how to see. And he’s retained 70% of his patients before even he started using our programs. But now it’s even better. So the point is that he actually sees between 100 and 220 patients a day with 70% retention. But he actually has super high outcomes and value and appreciation. So how does he do that? But he does it also in a very effective financial way that actually, to your point, don’t overstretch yourself. He actually does consult on this exact area, on what to do, when to do it. He’s sold, I think it’s something like seven or eight practices. He’s has extremely high success all over the country from Vermont to all over the Dominican Republic. I think he was in Spain. He’s actually a remarkable guy. And he actually consults. And it’s very quick to get to understandings with him. That’s really a very important network. He’s part of the network.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s really good that I see it from a different licking glass. You see it from a licking glass. And Bradley sees it from a licking glass. Now I have the prospect licking glass. We’re going to talk granular and then we’ll wrap up. So everybody out there right now, as you’ve noticed, they’re not looking for sick care method. They’re looking for, as you call it, healing care. And they are looking for something. They just don’t know what it’s chiropractic. And they’re looking for somebody to know, like and trust. And you do that. And this is the part I’m trying to get to is. It’s the granular effect. It’s the videos that they see that when they search their chiropractor. It’s a very patient video. So what’s better for that doc? Do you suggest that they do a video only? Or do you turn that into a text review also that goes on to the searches for text?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  So first of all, like a Google review. So first of all, you should be doing articles every week. So there’s all types of learners and relationships. A lot of people think the video is the only thing. I can tell you it’s one thing. Getting an inbox every week and having your name coming into the inbox, even if they just see the subject line, as Dr. Casey wrote in Texas, has always said, and she came out of a partner. But the fact is, and Dr. Fab, I think, has said this many times as well, getting your name constantly in the inbox every week, and then people opening that and reading articles. Next of all, having your videos in a place to see the videos in your articles every week. The next thing is that’s being broadcasted. That’s broadcasted out. So how are you going to broadcast out the videos? The fact is, each video gets broadcasted out, but you want to just make sure that you’re reaching the patients in every way. The second thing is the videos. The videos are really important. Why are those important? Because it’s that authenticity, the credibility of a patient saying these things. But how do you get in your hands? So we’ve got a doctor right now that’s going to be flying in next Monday to see and work with Dr. Bradley in part gathering from the Midwest, and he’s going to spend the day with them. And his question is, how do we get those 120 patients a day? I say, well, first, learn how to treat them and do 120 a day. And then use our systems. And that’s why you’re doing all of it at once. You’re not doing one piece at a time. You’re doing it all. And you’re doing it very affordably. We’re making this so affordable. Realize at $200 a month, which if you text me, we can get you a set up for $99. Actually, it’s an annual fee that comes down to $99 annualized times 12. But the fact is, for basically a couple hundred dollars a month, every patient that it becomes enthusiastic, almost every one of them actually give you a video and make a statement. And then how that automatically posted for you without you doing anything, once they click the approval and they give you a rating of four to five, it goes automatically onto your social media. Second thing is we have another place where you can say, by the way, do you know any one of your family loved ones that has any health issues? You know, they might have some of these health issues that you’ve experienced. Would you mind actually putting it on your social media? 80% of them. This is reach you don’t have. This is extended reach. Those patients click that, that’s going out to their social media. So everything we do is innate. Just like you as chiropractors do, everything you do is innate to heal the body, let the body heal itself. As Dr. Bradley Ross says, everything we’re doing is to actually build communication relationships. This is all about relationship, about relationships that are ongoing continuous, right, with all these different factors. Because if it’s just one thing, it’s just one thing. When all these things come together very effectively, very affordably, you have relationships and they exponentially grow. So when Dr. Joe at Mile Hyde started, he was the first speaker, you saw him, right? He said, two plus two is four, it’s never going to change. Two plus two is four.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Remember that?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Yeah. And I came back in my opening speech and said, well, that’s nice, but how about changing the factors? Two times two of the power of 10 is 2048. I work in doing those kinds of math figures. You should rather have 2048 more patients than two plus two is four. Are you with me?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’m with you. I’m with you. So based on that statement, I got two last questions for you. Where’s the profession going? Where do you see chiropractic evolving into?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  It has choices. Yes, currently, I don’t know, everybody has different figures. There used to be 65,000 chiropractors. That was about 2011, 12, somewhere in that area. Maybe it drew maybe 70,000 chiropractors. I would suggest you during COVID, there’s a very large amount of baby grimoire chiropractors that actually either closed or offices. They’re so frustrated during COVID and after COVID. And so you have choices. And they’re all working, most of these doctors are working individually, separately, not as a community, and actually they’re kind of divisive in some cases. I’m looking at an inclusive program. Healing Network is an inclusive program. Figuring out who’s the best of the best in certain areas, not just chiropractic, but who you can rely on in different categories of other services that a patient might need. Be the center point of healing and become a network and support each other. We have chiropractors in our programs that actually put a header that has both their photos and one might be a 20-minute drive apart and they actually support each other during holidays and they actually go in and support their patients in one takes vacation. So the point is that you can co-market, you can do all kinds of really cool things. With our program, you can cross-market with realtors. You can start cross-marketing with dentists. I mean, there’s all kinds of cool programs that we’ve built and it doesn’t cost anything extra even cross-market with a realtor. If they have a new magazine and you have one, you’re going to be in their new magazine as the contributor of their three-high health articles a week and they’re going to be in years as the lifestyle article contributor. Now we don’t charge anything extra for that. So my point is I want to build a network for the value stream of changing from sick care to healing care, from health care to healing care. And the forefront, center point of that, our chiropractors, is the starting point. You guys are the pivotal center point.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Really powerful. So people want to work with you. What do we send them to?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Our phone number is right on the screen.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  24-522-8950.

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  And you can look at the website, but I’m going to give you prices that are going to read because I want everybody to get part of this. So I’ll give you prices that are shocking you will. So the point is is that look at the website, go to Go ahead and look at everything. There’s a lot more to share with you. We have videos by Dr. Fabrizio Mancini that you can just give to a realtor if you want to cross market. And I can text those to you and show you how this works to make it really easy. Everything we’ve built and everything we have, I put 6.5 million into this program. This is not trivial for me. I’ve invested my life in this. And so my point to you is I’m doing this with great purpose. Just like Bobby Kennedy gets into facts, everything we’re talking about is factual and it’s statistical. I’m not looking at it. This isn’t a pufferin. This is real. This is the real deal.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well I thank you for being episode 561 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. There’s lots of value in this. I’m sure people got their digital devices out and started making notes as we went through our interview process today. And if they didn’t, they were taking notes or they’re pausing this episode and they’re going back and listening a few times. Tons of value here. Is there anything I didn’t ask you that you like to share with their audience today that you were hoping I would have asked you?

    JOHN DEARLOVE (GUEST):  Well that’s a really great question. So I guess I just love to, I guess how do we help more chiropractors become a part of this network? I mean, anything, any ideas that anybody has, we’re here to help. We’re giving speeches almost every other week with Bobby Kennedy. I’ve known him since, you know, obviously been doing this since 2019 with him. We love to actually do more of that. We’re going to be, it looks like we’re talking to the dental market too. We’re talking about partnering with another area. Dennis has some of the largest databases. I mean, cross over with the dentist, we’re going to probably be speaking, I mean, they you know, but bringing Bobby Kennedy to this, I think there’s 300,000 dentists. So you pick a dentist, it wants to participate with you. And you know, it cuts you, you know, and either you skyrocket your database because you’re expanding into theirs with them. So my point to you is there’s all kinds of things we’ve already built. We love to share, text me and ask me and tell me any ideas you have. That would be, you know, that would be my answer to how do we expand, you know, how do we get more relationships and build this network. And it’s going to be launched this next year, but anybody who’s getting announced in the grandfather, then anybody we’ve served in the past will be your grandfather. If you’ve been a part of our programs the past, you canceled during COVID. We lost a lot of chiropractors dropped out during COVID because they closed the fact that this has come back and join us again. There’s more than we ever had before.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  John Deere love episode 561 Chiro hustle podcast. Let’s build this network together. I appreciate you so much. Looking forward to the next time we get a chance to spend some time together. And just like what we’ve done with Chiro hustle, I look forward to working with you also. I think there’s a lot of growth in our expansion. I’ve been in touch with John over the past week pretty consistently. And I can tell you that the mind of what he can do for the marketing of chiropractic is really special. So I appreciate you taking the value relationship with chiropractic and seeing how we can all work together to make healing a better world for all of us. So with that, I close up by telling everyone every time you’re just one story way, keep hustling. Thank you guys on the next episode. Thank you so much, John.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for now. Thanks for listening to Chiro hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling Also, please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode was brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!



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    16 May 2024, 2:44 am
  • How the IFCO and Chiro Hustle UNITE with Dr Grant Dennis DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 560


    Dr. Grant Dennis is an Amazon Best Selling Author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and upper cervical specific Doctor of Chiropractic and a proud brother of the Delta Sigma Chi fraternity.

    While in full-time private practice working alongside three associates across two clinics in the central Arkansas areas, Dr. Dennis also works as the COO (Chief Operating Officer), for The Specific Chiropractic Centers franchise (which is currently at 13 clinics nationally).

    Dr. Dennis also teaches The Art of the Specific Knee Chest solid head piece upper cervical specific technique to aspiring students, and dedicated doctors from all over the globe and oversees their International Outreach Program. The Art of the Specific International Outreach Program is a philanthropic initiative that provides Chiropractic services to underserved, and unregulated areas of the world such as El Salvador, Mexico, and the Philippines in an effort to garner political legitimization while serving the masses.

    Dr. Dennis also has served as the President of the IFCO (International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations) since 2021, and served as Vice President for one year prior to that. The IFCO’s mission is to protect, and promote the salutogenic, vertebral subluxation centric practice setting and a patient’s right to receive that type of care for every man, woman, child and animal, internationally.

    He is a past IRAPS presenter and has been a proud supporter and Regent of Sherman since 2017.

    In August of 2020 he released a book called A Life without Migraines – A Little Holistic, and Little Known Method for Living a Headache Free Life, which hit the Amazon Best Selling list on its first day of release in more than one category.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 560 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millet, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Today, we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Grant Dennis. And on today’s episode, we discuss how the IFCO and Chiro Hustle unite. Stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. This is a collaboration episode with IFCO, President Grant Dennis, and myself, pencil owner of Chiro Hustle. Really excited for this. We’re going to pump the volume up. We’re going to let you guys know why we do and what we do it for and who benefits at the end of this. We want people to support the work that we do at Chiro Hustle and IFCO. But before we jump into this episode, I’m going to let people know our big why. Why do we do it? We do over here. We’re going to speech Second Amendment. It’s big time. We’ve never censored anybody. We’ve never marginalized anybody. If you speak on our platform, you get heard. That’s really important. We believe in medical freedom and family health freedom. Those things are not the same thing, but that’s what Chiro Project stands for is I believe that Chiro Project is the last thing between check and make within medical tyranny. So I support Chiro Project unequivocally torn for hours today. After that, we get a bit more philosophical. I know that the audience really loves it when I talk about B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust and supporting the Sacred Trust. If you don’t know what that is, stop this interview immediately. Stop it now. Go over to your favorite search engine and look for B.J. Palmer’s last words. You’re going to learn more about Chiro Project than you ever knew previously. We do support sub-luxation based Chiro Project and we believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. So if you’ve got a school out there that doesn’t teach that and believe in that, go to a different school. And with that being said, we believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted. It connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. Grant Dennis, welcome. You’re episode 560.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  560, baby. Hey, listen man, drop the mic. What do I have? What else do I need to say, bro? Your intro is like, it’s gas, bro. It’s fire. It’s what gets me up every morning, man. I believe in every one of those things you just can resonate with that. I certainly hope all your viewers do. I love what you’re doing over there at Chiro House. I love everything you guys stand for. Thanks for having me.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, man, I know that we were having a really second level, third level, fourth level, fifth level conversation before the mic got live. And we were talking about how there’s a sense of urgency and we need to get people to believe in what they’re doing rather than wanting somebody else and an idea of leadership to step up and do it. There’s room for all of us at the table, right?

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Oh, man. There’s so many seats at the table. You know, there’s a whole lot of Indians, just not enough chiefs. And I think that one of the things that bothers me about chiropractic that I see across the spectrum of our beautiful profession is, if you were to walk outside your chiropractic office right now, or if you were to walk outside in the street, you saw a newborn baby lying out in the middle of the street and there’s cars flying by it, would you stand there and would you just look at that baby infant in the middle of the street? Or would you have a sense of urgency to say, you know, that baby can’t fend for itself. It’s, it’s literally helpless. I feel obligated to go out and grab that child out of the middle of the street. You most would do that, Jim, but here’s what’s crazy to me is that when it comes to the chiropractic profession, it’s no different. There are people out in our communities right now who are subluxated, who are sick, they’re helpless. Their bodies don’t adapt. They don’t heal. Their innate intelligence has got all sorts of interference in the body’s ability to heal and the brain to body connection. They’re truly helpless. They’re no different than that infant laying in the middle of the street. But yet, we have no urgency to go out and reach those people. We have no urgency to go and spread our message. We have been seeing 10% of the population for decades now. And I think the one thing that I just, that really, I wish people could understand is there’s never been a better time to be a chiropractor if you have a sense of urgency, people will flood into your office. And I know you get this because you go out and you’re not even a chiropractor, but you still go out with a sense of urgency and bring in hundreds of new patients into offices because you stand behind the principal. And if we had just maybe 10 to 20 more Jim Chester types of urgency in chiropractic offices, and I don’t just mean from the standpoint of going out and getting new people and bringing them into your office either. What I mean is going out and getting people into your office, getting them well, giving them the big idea, taking the funds they give you and taking those funds and putting them into things that perpetuate our message that continue to push the puck forward, that guard the sacred trust, that guard our ability to do this, that stand behind the same vision and mission that we’re trying to achieve here. But man, we have so many Indians who are sitting around waiting on chiefs to guide us. We need more chiefs to be put into place to be able to be leaders in our profession. And if we can get that, I think if we can start to view the world that way, 2020 primed us bro, it’s never been a better time to be a chiropractor. People are looking for alternative holistic health. It’s not if it’s when there’s going to be another thing that strikes our communities, that allows them to wake up to what it means to be healthy. We saw in 2020 people are flooding our offices because they want holistic health. They want to understand where health and healing comes from. But if we’re not showing up with the right message, if we’re showing up with needles if we’re showing up with STEM units, if we’re showing up with all this garbage that honestly is just confusion to our profession, then we’re missing a massive opportunity. And I just think that urgency, urgency to be more principled, urgency to get better results, results being removing the interference to the middle impulse, which we know is detrimental to the optimal life expression, becoming really good at that, becoming really good at selling and telling that message. And if we can do that with a sense of urgency, I have no doubt that our potential is limitless. I just wish a lot of people would understand the urgency that it requires and what’s at stake here and what’s required to make that possible.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, you said a couple things there and I want to key in on a couple of them. One of the things is the leadership positions and how people can step in and do work. And you know, acknowledging me for going out and scheduling a bunch of new people into chiropractic offices and believing in the standard of what that means to people. I was once told that if we don’t tell people the truth about chiropractic, someone else will close them for drugs or surgery. And if that doesn’t like fire, light a fire under every chiropractor, it listens to this episode under their butt to go out there and to save some lives and to like do that thing and to help more people. And then, you know, taking that money that they’re making and then like you said, putting it back into chiropractic related organizations that are doing the right thing for this profession. You know, I always tell people I’m not a DC, as you mentioned, but give money to your state associations, man. Like support those that support you. Give it to the IFCO, support those that support you. Give it to the colleges that still protect the sacred trust that haven’t been bought and sold by big pharma. Like that’s the problem too is a lot of these schools that per pretend that they’re producing great chiropractors, they’ve actually been infiltrated by a group of people that have retired out the professors that stood up for philosophy, that talk about subluxation, that talk about innate intelligence and universal intelligence and real deal philosophy. Like a lot of the schools have been bought and sold underneath our nose and they still pretend that they’re producing real chiropractors. And I hear all the time, I get a chiropractor, it goes into my office and they don’t know how to adjust as an associate or I have to hire somebody and train them for six months before they’re ready to be a chiropractor. Like there’s all these themes that I hear or they tell us not to adjust and to refer out because we can’t do like a cervical adjustment on people. And like I think that we need to support a few good schools and then we need to be like church planters and we need to go out there and plant new schools that have old school ethics that have old school philosophy and real deal adjusting like standards. And the hell with what they’re doing right now with these schools and selling them out and putting kids out there into the real world, they don’t know how to be chiropractors, man.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  No, they know that well, there’s only there’s no secret, there’s only there’s only one, maybe two chiropractic colleges to send students to right now if they want to learn the principal and learn business. I want to go back to something you said a second ago, Jim. What I hear a lot. Why should I join the state association? What’s in it for me, Jim? Why should I join the Chiro hustle? What’s in it for me, Jim? Why should I join the IFCO? What’s in it for me, Jim? What do I get? What do I get for that? Here’s the thing. To me, this is an opinion and you know, my two cents keep the change showing up in your office every day and earning a living through chiropractic is the minimum. That should be the bear. That’s the requirement. That’s the bear. That’s a given. You do that. That’s what you should do. You should do that. And guess what? You have all to gain out of that, not chiropractic. Now, let me get this straight. You go into your chiropractic office and you sit on the shoulder of chiropractic to make a living to produce finances from it. But yet you don’t give anything back to the very thing that provides in your office for you to have the lifestyle you do. So why should you support? What’s in it for you? There’s nothing in it for you. It’s a minute. It’s a requirement. It’s what’s expected when you show up in your office and take funds from people. Because I got news, it’s the same people who say that are the same people who have 90% of their clients come in and say, can you get me out of pain? What’s in it for me? Why should I start care here? And then their retention rate’s terrible and they had nobody to stay and their back door is just as open as their front door and they wonder why? It’s because you’re not congruent. You know, I just think if you can find congruency in chiropractic and you support the thing that allows you to receive support from, in other words, if you support chiropractic and the same light that it supports you, your chiropractic tithe, if you will. You know, I’m a spiritual man. I’m a man of faith. I tithe 10%. Not because I’m like asking for accolades from that because it’s the system that’s what I’m required to do. It’s what I’m called to do biblically. Well, in the chiropractic Bible, BJ has been saying this for, you know, was saying this when he was alive, is still saying it from his grave. In fact, Chris Kent has been quoted several times saying that the polar vortex shifts in the universe are created by our founding fathers rolling over in their graves. Hey, at looking at what’s going on in our profession, but be looking at how few of them actually support the very profession that they accepted. You know, it’s a slap in the face to a BJ Palmer to say, I do it exactly like BJ did. No, you don’t. He’ll support at the level BJ did. You don’t check all your patients at noon. You don’t still, you know, send half your clients home without an adjustment. You don’t have people flying in. So don’t, so don’t, let’s not, let’s not lie to ourselves and say we’re doing things the same because it’s a slap in the face of our founding fathers. But secondly, you know, when you talk about, you know, supporting these different initiatives and leaders and, and, and that sort of thing, you know, listen, I genuinely feel like there’s so many leaders in chiropractic out there who want to be leaders and they don’t know where to step into. They don’t know where to lean into. They say, you know, I want to lead. I just don’t know where to start a place to start is your state of state association and say, hey, I’m going to become aware of laws, legislatures, lobbyists, my state board, what’s going on at my state board level so I can make sure there’s nothing. If you claim to be about the principle, you’re not aware of legislature that come, that comes across desks that aim to threaten that, you’re not principled. You basically say, oh, I just want to sit in office, take care of people. Right. It’s legislation in your state via your state board that allows you the ability to do that. I’d probably be aware of if there’s anything that’s threatening that. Good enough for you. There’s a lot of state associations out there that do that and an international association and an organization that oversees all those state associations at the state and domestic and international level looking for these types of threats. And so, listen, you got time, talents, treasures and resources. If you’re not going to jump in in the leadership role, that’s fine. At least support it financially. At least read the emails that you support that come through. At least read what’s going on that’s being done on your behalf because look, I just think as a, as a profession, we’re confused. We’re confused on what the principle is. We’re confused on how to execute it in our office. We’re confused on where to support. I see people all the time who are supporting things and claim to be principled that literally are putting money into initiatives and organizations that aim to strip subluxation from our lexicon that aim to expand our scope and bring drugs into the profession. And they’re sending their monthly dues into these associations that literally are open about, hey, I just want to hex all the subluxation. I’m a subluxation denier. It’s outdated. And they then call themselves principled but then put send their funds to associations and organizations and businesses that aren’t for that. And it’s in can grow it, man. And honestly, for so long, I’ve just been quiet about it. It’s kind of over here churning my hamster wheel. But I think it’s time people wake up, bro. We got to have a sense of urgency. We got to really understand what’s at stake here and what’s on the chopping block. And it’s people’s lives. People’s lives are at stake, bro. And if we’re not going to take it seriously with a sense of urgency, I think we’re in for a little bit of trouble down the road.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  But I know that my belief system is popular amongst a small group of people when I say, hey, we just need to go back into these unprincipled schools that have lost their way and take the leadership back. And I say that in a lot of closed rooms. And this is like one of the first times I’m like airing that out to people is like, look, if you guys want to complain about the 18 schools or whatever that have been bought out by the cartel, and that have been retired out by their initiatives to come in and infiltrate these schools that are doing this stuff, then you got to go get back in there. You got to get back in and participate in these schools instead of just telling me that there’s only a couple of schools that we can send people to now. Because if that’s the case, then we have to find out ways to go in and do the right thing again. And the North Star agenda should be all schools should be principled for chiropractic. And if they’re not, then we need to go wash it up and clean it up and then get it back on track again. So where my hometown is down in Port Iowa. Like I know that there’s a lot of difficulty going on right now within like the understanding of where that college is going. Those are the people that started my career 15 years ago. So when I hear things rumbling in the ranks about like what’s going on on top of Brady Street Hill, I’m like, all right, guys, what are you going to do about it? Like that’s the problem is like we’ve sold out the principal for a few dollars today, but like cast rates of profession moving forward. And we don’t even know what they don’t even know what they’ve done. Like they’re so blind and ignorant to the fact that they’ve actually like done something like to destroy what BJ Palmer and the Palmer family have done on that hill. And we have to go at least when the fountain head pack man. Like that’s one place that we have to course correct. Otherwise, who knows what’s possible for them to come into the really great schools that you and I give money to.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it’s well, you certainly bring up an interesting strategy, Jim. You know, definitely going into those schools and reigniting the principal. And what I’ve found is a lot of times the most on fire principal students come out of the most unprincipled schools. And it’s because they want the principal. They don’t get it. They’re searching for, you know, what they feel a calling that’s deeper than what they’re getting at school. And so they search it out on their own. I was certainly one of those. I went to Parker College of Chiropractic Medicine, you know, and I wanted more. I wanted more than my education was giving me. I sought it out in green books. I sought it out in techniques, seminars, the very ones I teach in now. So you bring up an interesting strategy. I like that. Another strategy is one. You know, it’d be interesting, Jim, if maybe we just started opening more chiropractic colleges that are principled. You know, I hear that there’s one in Scotland that’s just opened its doors. That’s pretty principled. I hear there’s one in Europe, the European Chiropractic Academy. I know that one’s principled. So there’s a strategy of, you know, hey, listen, if the homelands lost and we lose our homeland schools to medicine and osteopathy and proctology and minor surgery and obstetrics and all that stuff, you know, okay, so we lose a few. But hey, let’s just open some that maybe you’re from the principal stature that gives students the opportunity to learn the principal. And you know, hey, if the homeland is lost, hey, maybe we have an international presence that sweeps chiropractic. You know, for a long time, it’s no secret. The United States has held up the torch when it comes to chiropractic. They say interesting things happen in historical context. Maybe that it’ll be Europe or the UK one day that holds the strong hold. Maybe it’s Asia. Maybe it’s Australia. Some interesting things happen in chiropractic colleges in Australia. Maybe internationally. You know, that’s why I get involved with international chiropractic politics. I don’t love this stuff. I don’t lie. I don’t enjoy being political. What I do enjoy though is seeing things perpetuated for chiropractic principally in a positive direction that impacts people’s lives for centuries to come. That’s what I’m in this for.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Or these people making these poor decisions and the scope that I look through, the lens I look through, maybe they should come on my show and tell me why they’re doing it. Maybe they should come out and say, hey, this is why we’re doing these things.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Well, I would love, you know, there’s these stupid movements like the Forward Thark Thinking Chiropractic Alliance that’s infiltrated Palmer with this subluxation denying outdated garbage. Anytime they want to debate this, and the only time I want to talk about why they think that’s nice, I’m open to that. I’ve said this multiple times. I would love to debate the forum on why it’s stupid to expand, why subluxation very much still exists in practice, how it’s been validated scientifically. Our science every day has caught up with our philosophy more and more and more. Research and science of validates our philosophy. And anyone who says different is confused or ignorant or both. Just that simple.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And if they stand on that, then they should be willing to speak publicly why they made those decisions. And I think that that’s where we’re at in today’s communication world. Like a lot of people are making decisions for not the greater good of chiropractic and if they want to continue doing that, then they should be able to say, hey, in full transparency, we don’t like the principle of chiropractic and be honest about it and not be what in biblical times they call it a wolf and sheep’s clothing.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Or a Trojan horse. Yeah.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Well, I think that if that’s their real agenda, then they should say this. And they should be a bit more honest and upfront with people that are like supporting their initiative and still sending chiropractic students to these schools that are not teaching them to adjust, telling them that these historical messages that we stand for are outdated because they’re not. They’re always going to be relevant.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Well, like I said, it says in Stevenson, condemnation without investigation. They’ve never investigated the principle. They’re ignorant. Is it difference between ignorance and stupidity as awareness, these folks are not aware of what chiropractic is. If they were, they would know, but they’re not. So they infiltrate that with false ideology. And so what happens is they’re ignorant to what chiropractic is stupidity is when you’re aware, but then you choose to look the other way. And so, you know, listen, maybe you can be the one to make it happen, Jim. I’ve been calling for several, you know, I would love to debate this on an open forum with some of these folks who are subluxation deniers and where is your information coming from? I’m not going to read the green books. I know what chiropractic is. Our founder and our developer said in Stevenson volume 14 in volume 18 in the various green books, what chiropractic is and what it is not. And so if you’re going to come out with these crazy things behind closed doors, do it publicly. Tell me, you know, our constitution, if you will, for chiropractic is volume 14. Where is the constitution for, you know, forward thinking chiropractic alliance to say, hey, you know, we’re going to, we’re going to just subluxation is outdated. Great. So, where’s the founder and the developer talking about that? Do we have a new founder and developer I don’t know about? Is there new green books being put out there that talk about the context, buying chiropractic’s origination? Jim, maybe you can be the one to start that forum, but we’ve been calling for that for, I don’t know if you call it a debate and open discussion. I’m open for that because we’re in a place in America where we just can’t disagree anymore and we can’t disagree jovially. We can’t say, hey, I disagree with you. Let’s talk about that in an open forum conversation. I’m confident in where I stand. It probably won’t ever happen, but listen, if it does, I’m going to stand confidently in principle sound and here’s the important part. It’s all based off one thing, truth. There is truth behind everything. There is a truth. I’m just not for standing on things that are not truthful and spreading lies and spreading things that are just not true, right? And so chiropractic’s for since, you know, 1895 is very clear on what it is. We’re not confused on what it is. Others are confused, but it’s because they’re just not aware of truth. And so because they’re not aware of truth, they substitute that with lies. BJ said that in the early green books. He called his shot. It’s we’re still seeing it today. He said there’s going to be a day where chiropractors try to be medical doctors and medical doctors try to be chiropractors. He called it, man. He was so far ahead of his time. But here’s the deal. Now there’s medical doctors who are trying to do upper cervical type stuff. They understand the implication of the vagus nerve and the brainstem and the central nerve system and interference to the mental impulse. They’re just saying it in medical terms. And now we got chiropractors who want to perform minor surgery, right? So it’s coming to fruition, but it’s not going to be, you know, listen, it’s going to be over my dead body and I’m willing to die on that hill.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I was that, I think it was a year ago, I was out at New Beginnings, New Jersey. And we were like really emphatic and we were all kind of like up on our feet talking to ourselves after one of the speakers. I think it was Ron Sinagra and he was saying like, what is your message? What will you do? And my message was I’ll die on this hill. I will die on this hill. I will die on this hill. And I kept on shouting that as loud as I possibly could in that room full of probably like 200 other chiropractors that were on their, whatever their spiz words were. And I was like, it’s so important that we have a future of chiropractic that you and I will be proud of that your kids and my kids can get adjusted by a chiropractor that does the right thing and locates the texts and corrects of retrieval, subluxation, allowing the body to do what it’s supposed to and be a natural organism that self heals and self regulates. I always tell people when I meet them in like a screening scenario, the body doesn’t need anything extra in it simply needs no interference. And that’s such a novel idea to a lot of people because they’ve never heard anybody say that to them. They’ve never heard anybody say that. Just get your spine checked, do some extra, see what’s going on, see if we can help you. Like no one’s ever said that to them. That’s such a foreign concept to them. So we need to do a better job of community outreach. I think that that’s a big win for us is the people will appoint what they want. And like you said earlier on in our conversation, people don’t know what to want because they’ve been fed so many cross different ideas of what they should do to be healthy. But no one during the past three years said, Hey, go get your spine checked by chiropractor. Check out your nervous system. They’re the nervous system specialist. If you’re having like a neurological problem, go see a chiropractor or you know what, you should probably drink a gallon of water each day and keep your body hydrated. And you should probably think about exercising for 30 minutes every day, not just like when you feel like it, but this is a part of your vitalistic front to where you can remain healthy long term. And the greatest like thing in the world to make people healthy is moving the body. Like that’s the number one thing. So if people are subluxated and there’s lack of movement in that spinal joint, go get that thing checked. Go get it. Go get adjusted. And I was talking earlier to another guy’s like, look, if everybody that never saw chiropractor, everybody, not the 7% that chiropractor fight over, but the other 93%. If they went and actually like got their C1 checked, they’d be like, this is the greatest thing that anybody’s ever done to me. Thank you.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Well, I wonder how, yeah, I can’t help but wonder how many subluxations and ours are subluxated. You know, I mean, look, it’s, it’s no secret. Like I, so he’s checking you, bro. You know, I mean, because, and here’s the problem, Jim is a lot are really confused, even on, you know, the sad reality is Jim, a lot of chiropractors out there think, you know, the unsticking of stuck joints for cavitation is adjusting. And I think that that’s, you know, in some way, former fashion, like without any pre or post check of the vertebral subluxation, you’re somehow, because I heard a bone crunch. And I, so I just, you know, what people think in their head, Jim is like, Oh, okay. So like, I just adjusted my own hands. Like I heard the crunch. Like if that’s the criteria, a lot of PTs can do that massage therapist can do that osteopaths can do that. Anybody can cavitate a joint. Anybody can unstick a stuck joint. Your foam roller can do that. That’s right. Yeah. And this is what people are coming into office is thinking, and you don’t present the big idea. You don’t tell them the difference in what makes you separate, unique and distinct. What makes you any different? Why shouldn’t they just go down the road? And that’s what they do, by the way, is they’re like, Hey, so if that’s the criteria, you know, and then how, and then the other side of that is, how long does this continue to go on? How long do I have to just continue to go in once a week and have my spine crunched and go home? Like what’s the end game result here? I wish that we would get to a point in chiropractic where we sell the check. And that’s what we sell is the analysis, the location, the check of the verbal subluxation, the adjustment is part of the fee. And you may not get it every time you come in. You know, my office, I adjust two bones, two sides, all cash, no insurance, because I don’t, you know, I’m not knocking those that do, but I’m not going to portray to an insurance company. I take care of M nine, or M nine nine, oh, one, which is segmental dysfunction. I take care of M nine, nine, one, one, which is the vertebral subluxation complex. I’m not going to lie to an insurance company about what I do to get paid. I’m not knocking those to do. I’m just saying for me personally, I’m congruent in the message I sell and I’m not confused. And people are not confused when they come in the office. They come in, they get checked, some get adjusted, some don’t, because what they value is the check. They value being assessed because that’s what people understand. By the way, I’ve never seen anybody enter a medical setting and say, I can’t wait to test positive for COVID. This is great. I can’t wait to walk in and be like, all right, give me my positive test. They come in and they hope for what, Jim, they come in and hope for a negative test. So in the same fashion, when they come into my office, they don’t want to come in and hope they have a Jack that central nerve system. They want to come in and be like, am I clear? Is my body healing and self regulating or not? I’m hoping it’s self regulating, which means I’m clear and healthy and healing it. That is a message people can get behind. What, what in my opinion, they cannot get behind is that I’m subluxated and have an interference to my nervous system every single day of every single year. And in that case, what’s the point?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you really set me up to tee this one off. So I’m just going to tell people at the end of our episode here, chiropractic is not medicine. It’s a healing art and chiropractors detect, check, detect, correct, vertebral subluxation. That’s what chiropractors do. Every chiropractor is an artist. So every chiropractor does things a little bit differently. Unity without uniformity, unity through diversity, whatever we want to say, whatever like little catch like slogan, we want to attach to it. But chiropractic is not medicine. And my like from interviewing, searching her chiropractors, I think it’s blasphemy when they put that on a diploma. I’m like, what are we doing here? Well, how are we, how are you going to confuse the people walking across the stage and tell them that they practice medicine? I’m sorry. And then I’m so confused. And I see one of those diplomas on a clinic I walk into, I want to grab it off the wall and smash it.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  I do. I haven’t seen one yet in an actual, I hope I don’t, but I, it’s hard not to, Jim. I mean, look, it’s like, you know,

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Carve, last thing, last thing chiropractors adjust. There’s no many, no manipulation. Nobody wants to get manipulated. I don’t want to get manipulated. If you think about the, the term manipulation, it’s ironic, isn’t it?

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  It’s ironic, isn’t it?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s awful. So everybody I think would go for a good adjustment if needed, but nobody wants to come in for a chiropractor manipulation. So the semantics really matter. And when they want to like castrate the philosophy and cut it out of chiropractic and say, okay, we’re not going to talk about subluxation anymore. We’re not going to talk about innate intelligence or universal intelligence. Like go kick the can down the road, bro. Like they had me speaking seven years ago or sit, like I went to Europe and I spoke at this school called the ACC, the angle European chiropractic college. I was on stage. And they were talking before I went up and produced and, and showed our movie to the student body. They said, Hey, Mr. Chester, there’s a couple things you can’t say when you come on this stage today. You can’t say subluxation and intelligence or universal intelligence. So the first thing I did, Dr. Grant, as I said, Hey, just to get this out of the way, I’m going to let you guys know what your guys as faculty told me I can’t talk about today. It told me I can’t say three words. That’s subluxation and intelligence, universal intelligence. So now that we got that out of the way, let’s watch your movie.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Good for you, bro. Listen, I mean, you stand for something to your fault for anything, you know, I mean,

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’m just bullish enough that I think everybody should do that. I think everybody should when they have a talk at any organization, any school, any philosophy night, any state talk, like go shoot your truth. Go tell people what the truth is. And I think that if you said, Hey, I don’t care if you guys are subluxation deniers. You guys can do that all you want to. But the profession of chiropractic was founded on subluxation based chiropractic. It was founded on any intelligence universal intelligence. It was founded on these things. You guys can go create another profession, but don’t change chiropractic. That’s what they need to hear. And maybe when I go speak at the field are at the Pennsylvania chiropractic association out here in a couple of weeks, I’ll just open up my talk like that. Why not? And if people don’t want me back, then at least I know that I earn my keep with the people that do want me back.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Well, here’s the thing. You know, is for far too long, it’s happened in America, right? I mean, we’re seeing that the founding principles and truths that America was founded on are trying to be changed. They’re trying to be altered. You know, it’s just it’s one word confusion. You know, is when you when you condemn something without investigating the true source of its origins, then you can poke holes in anything right to trying to take the second amendment from us, bro. You started off the segment with this is what we stand for, right? Well, America was founded on that thing, man. Like, why are we taking that away? Like who who are we that the founding fathers, you know, they were founding fathers of chiropractic just like they were founding fathers of our nation that makes that holds, you know, our truths to be self evident on men are created equal. I mean, look, there’s certain unalienable rights we have, you know, like there’s a reason they wrote these things and it wasn’t just because, hey, this sounds nice on a piece of paper. It’s because they lived it. It’s the same with our founders in chiropractic. They lived this. These people forget, man, there were people who were jailed for our ability to do this. People who literally who literally gave up their lives, bro, the Herbert Ross Reavers, you know, the the list goes on of men and women who their lives were drastically altered. They gave their lives for this profession. And you feel like you you have the cajones to come in here and be like, ah, that was all in vain. I’m going to change this because I know better. So I’m going to move it forward. No, you’re not. You’re moving it backwards. You’re taking it right back to the inception of what started this whole thing, laying where the impacts and back in the day, bro, that it started then, right? But who are you dude, like to come in and say, yeah, so that’s nice, but that was historical in nature. We got to move this thing forward and become pain doctors and crack joints and and put people on, you know, muscle stem and East stem and all this junk dude that’s for physical therapy, bro, you’re confused. You could have went to physical therapy school and spent way less time and way less money to be a really good physical therapist. So I got news for you, man, I do great work collaboratively with a lot of physical therapists in my community, but it’s because I’m very clear on what physical therapy is and what chiropractic is. And so are they. Like, Hey, let me stick to the neurological system. You stick to the musculoskeletal system. We’re going to help people and guess what? You can collaborate with people in your town that way. You know, there’s nothing that pisses a physical therapist off more than a chiropractor who does physical therapy. Because here’s what’s ironic. You know what pisses chiropractors off when physical therapy does manipulation. Yeah, right. But you do the same stuff. You go out there and then you do physical therapy on people. You’re incongruent and you’re confused. It goes back to the just quit being confused. Be solid on what it is that chiropractic is and sell that. Sell the big idea. Let other professions do what they do. Stay in your lane. You can build a lucrative practice. You can build a really successful practice. People who come in and get it. And by the way, you can be happy doing that. Not miserable, chasing pain, not just your whole entire existence of your office is built around pain. It’s just a terrible, I don’t understand how people do it. How they just have a strictly pain based clinic when it comes to just everything around my office is surrounded about and getting around pain, right? Like people don’t care about the pain, what they care about is function. You can sell function. People when it comes to how much value Mrs. Jones do you place in your cervical curve? And I’m not knocking those who look at cervical curves. I’ve never met one person. He was like, yeah, I put $20,000 on my cervical curve. What they put $20,000 on is my central nervous system functioning. Because I see you the detriment of that one. I see that it’s not working. Look at quads, look at paraplegics, look at people in their apothees, neurological debilitating disorders, they will put emphasis on their nervous system function. Not going to put emphasis on structural alignment. That’s just that has proven time and time and time again as not an effective strategy. It’s why I think you and I were talking about before we came online. How come we just sat at the same utilization rate for years? I think it’s a protective mechanism because the universe knows our offices aren’t ready to see 50, 60, 70% of the population. If we had 70 to 80% of the population flood our doors, our offices and our doctors are not equipped to be able to locate, analyze and adjust vertebral subluxation and that many people adequately. They’re just not. So what happens is the 70% will flood our offices, we’ll get exposed and we’ll dwindle right back down to the 10% again. Because we will be exposed. For so long it’s been dragged out and at some point we’re going to have to wake up and say until we’re ready to locate, analyze and adjust vertebral subluxation on a grand scale and be really, really good at that. And only that and we’re not confused with that. The universe will not deliver on its promise to send us more people because we are not ready for it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’m going to close out. Thomas Payne once said, give me liberty or give me death. And I believe that that’s a message to the chiropractic world right now is freedom of speech is something we have to like anchor on. And the future chiropractic hinges on each one of us stepping into that gap and doing the right thing. You know, when I was a little boy, I knew, I always knew if I did something wrong, I’d be punished. And I always knew that there was a wrong way to do things because I was reminded. And I just want to remind people out there that are in this chiropractic professional, we call the beautiful profession of chiropractic. You know when you’re doing something wrong. So my call to you is to just do the right thing and to stand in the light, stand in the gap and do what’s necessary to move this profession forward, not forward thinking or removing but forward to the point that everybody in every community understands what principal chiropractors do. And I believe that that’s the message that we need to anchor down on is chiropractic needs to turn back into a principal based system and take leaders that actually would die on the hill for this profession and support them and join them. And I really believe that there are some institutions out there that are doing the right thing. The IFCO is now joining with Chiro Hustle on some initiatives. So be on the lookout guys. We are going to start doing the right thing. And that’s the most important thing you will ever hear me say is we will continuously do the right thing. And we will then align the people doing the right thing with us. And that’s what we need to all hear. And the next time somebody tells me not to say subluxation and intelligence or universal intelligence in front of their audience and their students, that’s what I’ll lead with because that’s doing the right thing. And I believe that I could do that because I want to stir the pot. But no, I want to do that because the people cannot suppress our freedom of speech and they won’t suppress our freedom of speech. We’ll always find a new outlet to go and produce on. We’ll always find a new outlet. Even if five people listen, that’s five better than lying to them. So let’s keep on delivering the truth, Dr. Grant. Thanks for being episode 560 of the Chiro Hustle podcast.

    DR GRANT DENNIS DC (GUEST):  You got a gem. Thanks for having me. Let the truth set you free, my brother. Appreciate all you do.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Amen. Let’s stand on the shoulders and giants and do the right thing until next time. I’ll close out by telling everyone you’re just one story way. Keep hustling. Keep guys on the next episode. Thanks so much for listening to Chiro Hustle.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling and take a moment to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


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    13 May 2024, 1:45 am
  • Chiropractic is Inside ALL of us with Dr Eric Becking DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 559


    The ultimate guru right here. He is ALL THINGS in the motivation and breakthrough department.

    His leadership skills are unmatched in seeing our clients have long-term life changes. He is involved daily with live videos for clients on the program and consistently offers breakthrough coaching for people in need of transformation. He is a God lover and the originator of Becking Clinic.

    The Doc is in and he is ready to serve! Get to know Dr. B. It just might change your life!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 559 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m the producer, Luke Malette, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Eric Becking. If you want to hear the story about how chiropractic is inside of all of us, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. And my hat says expect miracles. My shirt says expect miracles. We might just be expecting a few miracles today. On episode 559 we have Dr. Eric Becking. I’m over the moon excited because I was researching back on our time together. And I’ve interviewed Dr. Eric twice in person, live at events. And it’s been an honor to get to know him over the first couple years of our relationship. And he’s been a chiropractor 20 years, graduated from Logan down in the St. Louis area. And I know that there’s going to be a lot of great things we’re going to talk on today. But before we jump into this episode, I always let people know our big why. Why do we do what we do over here? And not to take anything away from this episode. But if you guys don’t listen to this episode at all, I want you to hear this first intro bit because this is important. We do protect freedom of speech. It’s a Second Amendment. That’s so important. We’ve never censored anybody. We’ve never shadow banned anybody. Are any of those things that are like common today? So we have to actually tell people that we support freedom of speech because it’s not so common anymore. We also believe in medical freedom and family health freedom. They’re not the same thing. So take charge of your health and know that you should require more questions as to what’s happening to you and your families as you develop a chiropractic lifestyle with us. We’ll get a bit more philosophical. Chiro Hustle believes in protecting the sacred trust. That’s BJ Palmer’s last words. He was the developer of chiropractic. If you don’t know what the sacred trust is, go and research BJ Palmer’s last words right now. Stop this episode. Go and find out what BJ Palmer had to say about the sacred trust and why it’s so important to chiropractic. And then we do support subluxation based chiropractic. And I always transition that right into innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. And with that, Dr. Eric, welcome to the show.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Man, thank you. What a great monologue that you just rolled out. Powerful.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I honestly believe that a lot of times people lose themselves and other decisions and they don’t know chiropractic is the right thing for them. So if I can just let them know that chiropractic is based on science, philosophy and art, then they’re going to come into the profession with a different resonance. So I always like to also let people know that your friends, your family, your colleagues, your patients, your practice members, everybody in the mix is going to listen to this show. So this is a good opportunity for us to reintroduce you to everybody out there that loves and appreciates you, Dr. Eric.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Man, thank you.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Love that. Mm hmm. So your story, this is really my favorite part of all the segments that I do because I get a chance to hear how you got into this beautiful profession. So if you would share with our audience today, what inspired you to become a chiropractor?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  And this is such a, I don’t get to tell it very often, but I actually was telling that I got to tell it yesterday in practice. Somebody noticed my hand. And I got to tell the story. So I had a farm accident when I was 12 and I’ll kind of, you can kind of see my hand here. I’ll put it up here. But I lost my index finger and my thumb and they had to do reconstructive surgery and I spent a couple of years in and out of the main hospital in St. Louis Barnes Hospital, tons of hand therapy and all the medical, everything. And, but my hand therapist and my plastic surgeon were amazing humans. And they changed my life and the way they took care of me at a 12, you know, that was a, it was a massive accident. You know, I was an athlete. I was a popular kid and never in my life had I been dealt something that just, it just kind of rocked my whole world. So that was my life. I had to get a tutor and I was home, my home schooled me because I had to go to the doctor so much and man, it was a, I had to reinvent kind of myself and dealt with a lot of, you know, just overcoming new, you know, how am I going to do this? Even though I was right handed still, you know, my left hand is like, it’s totally different now. So that happened. So fast forward, I guess maybe 10 years. I was just going on with life. You know, I had gotten married. I was, um, had already graduated college, really didn’t have a huge plan with my life, but I was going to make a difference. But I ran into some of those spots where you’re like, what am I going to do? Like what am I really going to do? I don’t want to job. I had a good job and we were living in California. I always wanted to live out there and we were just kind of living our dream. We didn’t have kids and we’re just kind of like living our dream, man. I’m just taking it in. Cause I was like, you know, if not now, when am I going to do it? And that’s kind of where we were. You know, we’re 22 years old and we’re just kind of exploring. But I kind of ran up against a, like I said, a deal where I like, I got to figure out what I want to do with my life. And I kind of always thought I would be working in the church. I was always very faith oriented and I really wanted to just be involved in people’s lives that way and I tried that, but that just wasn’t where I was going to go. And this is old school, but I had a cassette tapes of Tony Robbins. And it was a series on essentially just discovering your purpose. And I was just, I had that old school walkman. I was listening to my tapes and he was just walking me through, you know, really finding out what do you want to, what are you, what are you made to do? And it was hard, you know, because here I am already graduated college and married. And I’m like, now I’m asking these questions like, what do I want to do? And I’ll never forget it kind of got me to a place where I was like really willing to just say, okay, if I can do anything, if I can do anything, like no restrictions, what do I want to do? And I knew deep in my soul that when I was 12 and that 13 year old guy, it got planted in me that I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to do, I wanted to be a part of someone’s life like my doctor in my hand there was like the way they were with me. They just, they just really changed my life. And it really wasn’t about being the doctor, it was just being in a role that could have influence. But I thought doctors the way to do it. So I ended up going to the public library in San Diego and I literally go to the reference section and I just look up doctors. And I’m like, you know, what kind of doctor would I want to be? And it’s crazy because I started looking through, you know, what there’s dentist or the donut and all the, you know, surge, all these things, but chiropractor, it was like it was highlighted. It was like it was flashing neon signs. And I really didn’t know much about it. I hadn’t been to, and I’ve been adjusted in high school a couple of times, but you know, he was kind of a weird duck and I didn’t know really what I thought about him. But it always felt good. But I didn’t know there’s my daily alarm, the 3-16 prayer time. It can happen just like this when you’re doing something and you just pause and you just were thankful, you know, and it’s that easy. So chiropractor, there it is, and I’m like, what in the world? And I just had a feeling, just I just knew that this was something that was bigger than just being a doctor. So I end up going, there’s a couple doctors there in San Diego that had graduated from Logan. I didn’t even know there was a chiropractic college. I mean, I really didn’t know much. And I go and visited him and it’s funny, one of them said, don’t do it. He was like a halfway physical therapist, but the other guy was sold out. And he was said, man, is nothing better. And so I started looking into the schools and found out there was a school pretty much where I was from, St. Louis. And kind of one thing just started to happen after another. And it was so crystal clear that this was my path and kind of the icing on the cake is I just knew in my soul of souls that I was really destined to be what I call a natural healer. Even since I was a kid, I was always someone that I was so interested in healing and faith-based healing and just expecting miracles. Exactly what you’re what you’re what you’re what you’re wearing. But I always thought it was going to be in a church setting. And then I find chiropractic and the parallels, you know, laying on of hands and the natural I mean, there’s so many things that are just right on that I didn’t even know. So, so I’m just I put this out there in the universe that I’m going to I want to be a natural healer. And so I had been in correspondence with Logan and I didn’t know more have thought that and I get one of the first mailers that came to me. It was like an oversized postcard. And it literally said, have you ever seen yourself becoming a natural healer? And I was like, whoa. I mean, it was exactly like the verbiage that I had used. So for me, it was like, stamp. This is exactly the plan and and I was sold sold out on this is going to be my path and 20 years in, it’s been it’s been an incredible journey because it has been seasons of discovering like the way I deliver chiropractic and and it just gets better. You know, for me, it’s just gotten better and it’s it’s always been the same though, because it’s always been healing. That’s the thing. That’s the common denominator always brings me back to I love the one on one laying on a pants and you’re experiencing a person like innocent, never the same and it never gets old.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And you and I had a chance to meet each other five years ago. Do you remember that energy?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Oh, man, of course. I can see it right now. Yeah.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I just originally felt like brotherhood.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I was like, gosh, this guy’s got some things figured out with life and I know that we haven’t always been like as close as I think today we’re a lot closer than we’ve ever been. But I think that we’ve all obviously both of us have taken a chance to have some present time consciousness a lot more about what’s going on energetically in the world, what’s going on energetically on an individual basis. And then one of my mentors always tell me that maximum evolution happens at the borders of chaos and order and that support and challenge. Wow. So maximum evolution happens at the chaos are at the borders of chaos and order and at the borders of support and challenge. So I think that we are at this maximum evolution within not only in the relationship, but the conversation of chiropractic.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  And so profound, man. Right. Chaos and order. And that’s a, that’s such an important challenge and support and challenge. And it’s a, it’s a delicate spot. Like most of us don’t like to be there.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And we want it to quiet down.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, and I know that, you know, you’re talking earlier on, you used to train with Fred’s Go Field and Fred’s Go Field had a profound impact on me. And I tell people all the time, it’s like, Freddie had a lightning bolt and he threw it at me and it hit me right in my chest. And he said, uh, it’s called a buff down inside out. It’s a buff down inside out. Yeah. That’s how the body heals. Yeah. And as you told that to me, it was like this like weight of misunderstanding of everything I’ve ever been taught and anything anybody’s ever delivered to me. I never heard that before. I never knew that the body held from above down and set out. I never knew that there was a principle and there was real philosophy behind a chiropractic adjustment. I never knew that it was a science. I never knew that it was a philosophy. I never knew it was an art. I never knew that every chiropractor did things a little bit different. I thought every chiropractor did everything the same way. Like you said, you met some dude that was taking care of you and you’re a teenager and he was kind of kooky. Right. Yeah. And just thinking about this like present time consciousness, um, how are you reflecting on 20 years of practice today?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Well, even just what you’re saying about Dr. Fred, like he had that impact on me too. I was, I was in chiropractic school. I showed up at an event at this hotel in Arizona and I walk in and it’s, you know, a big circle room or something. Circled chairs in this conference room, it’s probably 50 chairs in there and people, doctors start coming in. And again, I’m a student, so I’m a little overwhelmed by myself. And I’m like, I don’t even know what to expect. And really didn’t know much about Dr. Fred, but like he comes in the room and I’m like, holy smokes, this dude. And our very first interaction, it was before the seminar even started. He probably doesn’t even remember this, but somehow we got to talk, he was making his way around and shaking hands with everybody that was there and he gets to me and, you know, we’d never met, but we had an energy and he’s the big on Rhino, you know, so here we are. We’re a couple of rhinos meeting, you know, early twenties and whatever age he is. And you know, he’s a rugby player and Dr. Fred Scovum, Dr. Brecking. I mean, you just know it, man, he’s laying to you, but he starts talking pushups and now he can out push up anybody. And I’m a pushup master. And I said, I said, I can take you. Bring it. And he’s looking at me. He said, okay, I said, when? He said right now. And we did right there. And then man, we got forehead to forehead. He said, we’re going to do slow pushups. He’s like, well, I’m going to count down and up. And boatman, we, I don’t know, I think we did 10 maybe and we were both about to just die. And we called it and got up and like shook hands and went on, but it was one of the most powerful moments ever, man, because you’re just like a couple of humans. So it kind of relates to the present time, what I’m saying is I had to be willing to do that. You know, I had to be willing to do that. That was not my plan. I had no idea that that was going to happen. And if I was even willing to do it, but something inside of me just knew that this is exactly what I had to do. And I’ve kind of lived my life that way, even down to us talking right now, like I really try not to be prepared. I don’t even like to get questions ahead of time a lot of times because I don’t want to think about it. I want to be present with you. And I think about what it took for you and I to be on this, this live stream today, like right here, right now, is it’s some of the most profound stuff that you can ever even accept if you’re willing to. Because this can’t be duplicated. This actually couldn’t have been, I mean, we couldn’t have set out to do this. You know what I mean? Even down to the exact day, I’m just celebrating just a few days after my 49th birthday. In September is a huge month for chiropractic. There’s just so many things that are so exact, but it feels like it’s new, like it’s unexpected, but it’s exact. Even down to when you introduced me to the love frequency that I had never heard of, you know, we’re at a looking at an event and I told you that we were dealing with like the stress frequency. We were, it’s de-stressing and I was telling you all about frequencies, having no idea who you really are and what you know. And you laid out the 528 love frequency and that has been so pivotal in my life because I really feel like we can all vibrate truly at a frequency of love, which is what aligns us. You know, even like relating that to chiropractic, it’s an ultimate alignment beyond, beyond even understanding sometimes. I know like it’s kind of like out there, but man, it’s so powerful. It’s a vibe. You know, you pick up on people’s vibes, you walk into a room and you just know.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, there is a message I sent to my girlfriend this morning and I said to her love and all capitals and we are only here for a short time. Let’s love more. I think, you know, when you think about the frequency, the 528 Hertz frequency, if you guys don’t know about that, go search 528 Hertz frequency and it is the frequency of love. And I think that the vibrational frequency is a tone and chiropractic isn’t always about, you know, I think so many times people think it’s about the adjustment. But really it’s the tone. It’s the nervous, the tone of the nervous system. It’s the old school philosophy, not adding anything extra and the body simply removing the interference. And I think that’s a lot about like our present time consciousness. Maximum evolution happens at the chaos of, at the borders of chaos and order or support and challenge. And I think if we think about the frequency of love, if we can channel that message and that method and that motivation into our lives to just vibrate at a different frequency, our tone changes. And they always say when you change everything else changes around you. But when your environment changes, that’s epigenetics. So we can have a chance to like modify what’s going on inside of our bodies through a health standpoint and relationship with chiropractic, that transcends like healing. And healing only happens is when the environment’s ready for it.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it’s beautiful. Even just like what you’re talking about that tone. I mean, I’m even just thinking about, you know, some of the patients that I adjusted today. Because some people are, you know, they’re not, they’re not comfortable with a lot of, you know, whether it feel aggressive or whatever. And so that as the doctor sometimes you’re like, well, how am I going to affect them? And what is it going to take? And honestly, sometimes just, just my hands on them with intention and with exact purpose and just, just that true healing transfer. You know, even yesterday, a little five year old, he was super scared and nervous and he just thought it was going to hurt. And I just put my hands on it and just calmed them down. And it was just such a powerful moment and experience. And I am so thankful to have that opportunity.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  What a blessing. And what a blessing to be five years old and getting adjusted.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Like, let that set in for a minute. Yeah. You know, how old were you when you got your first adjustment?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Um, probably 17 and it was.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I was 16. Yeah. Was this sports related?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Yeah. Yeah. We had a guy that came out to our football team and said that we could come in like the day after like on a Saturday morning and I did it like twice maybe. But again, there was no like real explanation. It was kind of weird, but I felt like it was positive, you know, I mean, it couldn’t hurt.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I thought so, you know, yeah, you know, when I was in high school, a lot of people have heard me tell a story, but I hurt myself playing high school football. And uh, messed up my shoulder and the athletic trainer from high school said, Hey, you should go check out Palmer College and get an extra in your shoulder. Wow. So at 16 years old, my athletic trainer told me to go and check out Palmer College. So I did my mom took me over there and they x-rayed my shoulder and then they asked my mom, this is really the truth. They said, do you mind if we actually a spine two to see if there’s any subluxations? Wow.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Are you kidding me? Dude, if that’s like freaking profound and like just like predestined, like you didn’t even have a choice.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  No, and when I was 30 years old, that’s when I started working in chiropractic. And the doc that I ended up working with, he said, Hey, do you want to come up and help me run my chiropractic office in Chicago? I said, man, I don’t know anything about chiropractic except for, I know when I get adjusted, I feel better. Wow. And he’s like, I’ll teach you everything else you need to know. And that was 15 years ago. Can you imagine the impact? Then he introduced me to Fred’s Go field. See, same guy that you did the 10 pushups.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Right. It’s these types like it’s, and this was so amazing. He’s like, none of this is scripted. Like you and I did not talk about what we were going to talk about in our path and where we’ve been. And when I play it out, like from initial to right now, and I think of all the different ins and outs, nearly all of it is, is complete like divine orchestration. Like there is zero like, Hey, we should meet. Hey, we should get together and talk. There’s been a sum of that. The majority of it has been just just this. It hasn’t my chance. Oh my gosh, it’s true to line it. And even just talking about Dr. Fred’s impact and the way he was with me and for you, you know, to have a story here at Palmer College at 16. And here we are today and look at what you look at the impact that you’ve had in our practic, the people that you’ve sat down with, that you’ve shared to the world and with the world and just your, your passion. And like I said, it’s almost like this, this is, it’s so confirming.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So that brings me to like a really interesting segue to bring us up to the end of our time together is chiropractic. Why why chiropractic for you? Why chiropractic after 20 years? Why chiropractic going forward?

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  You know, it’s interesting because I had taken a, I had stepped away from chiropractic, not because I didn’t want to do it, but it was just the time of my life where we were focused on just other areas of, you know, we were doing a lot of weight loss and, and I had just poured my life into my practice for like nearly 15 years and it was like 30 years of life. And I was just kind of in a place where I felt like I needed to shift gears. And honestly, very spiritually, God kind of nudged me and just said to me, I need you to be more available. Your schedule is too rigid. And I was in a place where I could do that. And so literally for about six, almost even seven years, I was pretty, I was not in my clinic. I wasn’t doing any chiropractic other than just like my family. Still going to chiropractor, of course, routinely, regularly. And I was just telling the story this morning and I’m, I’m at my chiropractor getting adjusted and he says to me, Hey, do you have been here in town forever? You know anybody or have you heard of anyone that might want to, you know, step into the clinic and start doing some chiropractic just to help us. We’re growing and, and he didn’t know more say that and everything in me just just turned and thought, and I just knew it was, it was like, you need to be in this clinic. This is where I want you. And I was, I was like, no way. I have my own operation. Am I going to go into somebody else’s clinic? And it was very prideful and all that kind of stuff. But it was so obvious that I was supposed to, to jump back in. So I’ve been there for two years now, completely different setting, but it’s straight chiropractic the way I live and breathe and I love it. So for you to ask me, like, why now like chiropractic? Because I kind of thought that I wasn’t going to be able to do that because I had, I had gotten out of that as far as the way my clinic was set up. And then God is so sweet and he just brings me right back around and puts me right where he had planned already. And so now being back in it, I have these stories just like yesterday with a five-year-old with a two-month-old baby with a 70-year-old. And I’m laying my hands on these people with 20 years of experience. And there’s nothing else like it. And we’re getting back to some pure chiropractic in our office. We just got a bunch of signed graphics in our rooms. And one of them is expect miracles. We do. So it’s just powerful. And the room that says, you know, the power that made the body heals the body, BJ Palmer. And so we’re getting back to the very freaking grassroots of what it is that we do. And it couldn’t be more pure to my soul and pure to my like calling in life, you know, since I was probably 12 years old. And I’m 49, you know, so you’re like, whoa, it’s just not, it’s just getting ready to start, you know, start. It’s getting good. And I’m so thankful to have the opportunity now. And there’s just a lot of unknown and I’m open to it because I’m more present-minded like we were talking about. I’m open to like it’s the best way.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, one of my favorite BJ Palmer quotes of all time is, I love you because you love the things I love. Yeah. And back to the 528 Hertz frequency, the love frequency. BJ knew that. He knew that people were connected. He knew that we were spiritual beings. He knew that we all needed a little bit of love or a lot of bit of love. And he knew that he could perpetuate and become the developer of a healing art that could change the trajectory of the people on planet Earth. Yes. And you know, I was on a hike this past Sunday with some people and I said, you know, I would like to go on a journey and follow the path that BJ Palmer did on his trip around the world and go around and see how chiropractic on that path is still being represented and see if that path is still knowledgeable about this beautiful healing art that BJ Palmer came across the world. Four airplanes before like mass transit, this guy was taking steam boats and he was taking trains. He was trekking across, you know, all across the world. Right. And to bring what? To perpetuate the future of chiropractic and the healing art, like creating WOC, the radio station, hiring Ronald Reagan. Like his most famous book was on radio broadcasting. It wasn’t a green book. It’s crazy. Like he was a marketer. Big time.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  BJ was a mark on the road, the elephant around town.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And he was, he was, yeah, he was, he was homeboys with Barnum and Bailey. The first like, why seems that he put on, they were under Barnum and Bailey’s big tent. Like he, he, he, he, he used the Barnum and Bailey. Yeah, to put on the, the, the Lyceums, which are the homecomings for Palmer College, the Palmer School, the P, the PSC, the Palmer School of Chiropractic is what it was originally. And I tell everybody like the early anatomy books were made by Mabel Palmer. And it was a woman that created the anatomy, the A.M.P. books, the anatomy physiology. So I just, you know, I would do history lessons at a lot of the screens that I would do just fun things. I say every person in the world learned anatomy and physiology from BJ Palmer’s wife, not BJ Palmer.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Man, I love all of that that you just packaged to, to, to consider how this really got going. Like I resonate so much with DJ. Like I’m back. Yeah, yeah. And here we are. I’m like, like we are the, we are the guys that will, that will ride up an elephant around town just because it gets attention. And we need to get the message out there. But I love that you also brought it back to the healing art. There’s, it’s it. It is the one. Like to do what we do on any given day. There’s nothing like it. And man, it just gets me excited, even just really talking about it. And, and that was, I didn’t finish that up. But when I was trying to decide if I want to be a chiropractor or not, the question that I asked myself is if I, if I, what couldn’t get paid, let’s say for some reason, whatever I took on as a profession, if I wouldn’t get paid at any kind of stint, would I still want to do it? Would I still have passion and would I still be driven because of what it is? That was kind of like my question that I had to ask. And I was like, absolutely. I love what happens when you, when you present like true chiropractic to someone. So, so it’s all those things, you know, powerful.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I want to thank Fred Schofield for instilling the principle of chiropractic into both of us. Big time. And I also want to close out today with a miracle story. And then it’s off with something that might make people fall in deeper love and gratitude of this profession.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  You know, honestly, I want to, the one that stands out for me, well, there’s, there’s two that one, my mom had in struggle with hearing issues her whole life. She had had tubes in her ears and one of the very first adjustments I gave her, her hearing totally changed. And she couldn’t believe it. My mom and all people. And how fitting, you know, that being one of the first chiropractic stories. But the one that just does it for me every time was a client that had come in low back pain is a young girl. She’s probably 25 low back pain chronic like bladder infections, urinary tract stuff, just kind of standard stuff. No, nothing out of the ordinary. And so we just started working on her probably four months into her care. She comes in and tells me that she’s gotten pregnant. And well, well, this timeframe under care and I was like, Oh my gosh, that’s awesome. So exciting. And she said, no, you don’t understand. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for like six years. And we’ve tried all kinds of stuff. Is there any way that what you’ve been doing could have helped this process? And so I showed her the nerve chart and I showed her the area I was working on. And turns out all those reproductive systems are related to everything that we were doing. And so that that lady has a name, you know, it was like whenever that was a go, he’s 13, 12 or 13 years old. And she said, she’ll tell you to write down. She’s like, I would not have a kid if I had not gone to see to be an anneurucic chiropractic with Dr. Beckett.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Man, if that’s not enough to get people enthusiastic and heart centered at the same time, that’s all that’s the chiropractic. Why? Why do we do what we do? Well, medical freedom, family health freedom, the power of choice, the power of the future. Where do we see this profession going? Wherever these stories will take it.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  For real.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Wherever these stories will take it is where this profession will go. And that’s why we document this. Because we know that there are people out there that would like to rewrite history and take chiropractic out of the past and the future. So this show stands correct to tell people that that’s not possible. We have documented 1300 interviews in the past six years on this beautiful healing art called chiropractic. And we have a fundamental timeline now that will not ever be disrupted. It’s all pure. It’s all real. And it’s all stories of chiropractic. So hopefully there was something we said to inspire the next chiropractor out there, the next chiropractic patient out there, or the next person that wants to be interviewed on Chiro hustle. Dr. Beckett, thank you for being our guest today. This is episode 559. If people want to connect with you or learn more about you, we’re going to send them to.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Really my Facebook page is the best. Just my personal Eric Beckett. I do live videos there every day and I’ve just found it to be the most steady place to go. It’s not business and it’s just me. Yeah, we’d love to connect with people.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So go check out Dr. Eric Beckett on Facebook, send him a DM, send him a friend request and keep on sharing this beautiful profession with everybody, Dr. Eric.

    DR ERIC BECKING DC (GUEST):  Yeah, man. Awesome. Man, I appreciate you so much. Thanks for the opportunity.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So I’m going to close that like I always do. I’m going to tell you guys, you’re just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you, Dr. Eric. I’ll see you soon. Okay? Cheers. Bye for now.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


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    9 May 2024, 2:30 am
  • Energy Bits are Real Food with Catharine Arnston – Chiro Hustle Podcast 558


    Catharine Arnston is an expert in algae nutrition, a wellness thought leader, an experienced entrepreneur, and sought after speaker. She has an MBA, BA Hons and is a Board Certified Health Coach,

    Catharine’s journey into the fascinating world of algae began in 2008 when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would improve her healing. Catharine left her 25-year corporate career to help her sister identify which foods were alkaline and this led her to algae – the most alkaline, chlorophyll-rich, high-protein, nutrient-dense food in the world. When Catharine learned that algae’s vast healing properties were documented in tens of thousands of scientific studies but that none of these studies or benefits were known outside of Asia, she knew she needed to do something. And so ENERGYbits” was bom.

    Catharine has spent the last thirteen years researching algae, writing papers, giving presentations, lecturing at conferences, and speaking on 250+ podcasts to explain the benefits of algae. To do this, she read thousands of scientific papers that detailed, validated, and confirmed algae’s nutritional, health, longevity, and global benefits. Remarkably none of these findings are known
    by consumers. It is Catharine’s vision and passion to change this and while she is not a Ph.D, her scientific fluency allows her to explain algae with such simplicity and clarity, it quickly becomes obvious why algae is something we all urgently need.

    Catharine’s passion for algae is contagious, inspiring and thought-provoking. Her efforts have led to algae being better understood by educators, consumers, doctors, and wellness practitioners. Even the United Nations and NASA endorse algae as the most nutrient-dense food in the world and the answer to world hunger. Catharine’s extensive knowledge and playful personality is both entertaining and educating and her speaking style leaves audiences informed, uplifted, and hopeful.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!



    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 558 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we had the opportunity of interviewing Katherine Arnston. If you want to hear the story of energy bits and how it’s actually real food, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Katherine Arnston on with me, and she has a product that’s called energy bits. And it’s algae. And we’re going to talk all about how it helps with people’s brain and guts and longevity and how it’s healthy for people to have in this nutrition portfolio of how it’s packed with vitality for people. So we’re going to talk all things energy bits here in a moment, and I’ll introduce Katherine soon. I’ll let you know the big why. What do we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first is the Second Amendment, freedom of speech. We believe in everybody has a story to tell, and no one should be censored or marginalized with their message. So we’ve never done that. We never will do that. Everybody that’s spoken on our platform has been published. So really cool. We don’t shadow ban people, or we don’t deplatform or cancel people. So I think that’s really like today’s era. We have to mention that stuff. The only thing that we do is we protect people’s family health freedom and medical freedom. So we share these stories. So we want people to be able to integrate with us and be able to speak their truth and feel comfortable doing so. Then we get a bit more chiropractic, and we’ll talk a little bit more on the levels of philosophy. We believe in protecting the sacred trust. If you don’t know what the sacred trust is, stop this interview. Go and search for BJ Palmer’s last words, BJ Palmer’s sacred trust. You’re going to know more about chiropractic than you previously did. I guarantee you. And then we support and believe in subluxation based chiropractic. And we also get to the more philosophical depth of what the chiropractic adjustment does. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. With that being said, Catherine, welcome to the show.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Well, thank you for having me. And thank you for all the great things that you and the chiropractic community do. I’m a loyal chiropractic client. And I believe everything that you’ve said and more.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Well, I had a chance to meet you at Dave Aspery’s biohacking conference two years ago. Oh, gosh, where was it?

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Beverly Hills.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Beverly Hills, yeah. And ever since then, I’ve been looking at your business and seeing what you’ve been up to. And gosh, you’ve been on over 250 podcasts.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Way to go. I got to get this information out somehow. And thanks to you folks and podcasts where you want the real deal, the real science, it helps me share what I have. Because the mainstream is still not, doesn’t seem to be interested in algae like our specialty folks are who are doing podcasts. So, thank you for giving me an opportunity to share what I’ve learned and what Asia knows and has known for 75 years, but people here in North America are still in the dark about.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. You know, the thing I think I really appreciate about what you’re doing most is you found your avatar out wet. Yes. Okay, you guys aren’t going to have me on mainstream. So I’m going to go to the best case scenario influencers out there, people that are actually sharing the secret with people and people that are actually on purpose for a message that’s greater than what they’re filtering people through. I call the box God, the television.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Yes. Well, it’s people versus prophets. So, and you know, when you’ve hit the truth, it resonates with you at a very deep soul level. And that’s why I have resonated with algae from the moment I discovered it. And as you hear how it works with your body and your mitochondria to protect you, I’m hoping it will resonate with you too, because once you learn the truth, you can’t unlearn it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, and that’s just that is it’s vitality. It just gives people better nutrition and a better density of understanding that the body can heal from inside out. And the body who’s not an extra in it simply needs to interference. But if it’s actually getting real nutrients, if it’s getting something in there that’s actually given it more vitality, then that’s really what we want. And I think that that’s really something that we can talk about with the spirulina and the chlorella. Why are those things important to you?

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Well, what’s important to me is helping people prevent chronic disease and unnecessary. Well, you don’t prevent aging, but you do prevent or you can prevent declining. And we have been associated aging with declining for a very long time and it’s not necessary. But like your car that needs gas to function and like your cell phone that needs electricity to be recharged, we can’t assume that our bodies are going to function optimally if at all. If we don’t give it what it needs to perform. And if we don’t interfere by giving it things that it doesn’t need like toxins. So the reason I like algae is that it does both of those things. It gives you the nourishment that you’re not getting from any other place and there are some particular nutrients, particularly antioxidants that protect your mitochondria that your body makes for you from the moment you’re born but stops after the age of 30. So it leaves us exposed to chronic disease. And our immune systems weren’t built to sustain the toxic load that we are all carrying. The average adult in America has 700 toxins in their bodies. And so those interfere with the proper functioning of your cell structure, your mitochondria, your brain, your gut, pretty much everything. So and I’ll give you a broad overview of what algae is and then we’ll hone in on the two algae, spirulina and chlorella that do completely different things in your body and the nutrients that are in them that do make the difference because spirulina as you’ll find out is really your number one for mitochondria health and chlorella algae is really your number one algae for your immune and gut health. And we’ll go into that in more detail in that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you became mentioned algae and you decided to start a company?

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Well yes and no. I never intended to build a company. What happened was I’m Canadian although I live in Boston and have been here for 30 years, 35 years and I had a corporate career which was okay but then 15 years ago my younger sister in Canada developed breast cancer and she’s fine now but her oncologist told her to change her diet to an alkaline diet because it would help with her healing but we didn’t tell her what it was or why specifically it works. So my baby sister called me because I love her and I’m just a good researcher. In fact I’m pursuing a PhD on all this research I’ve now developed. And I said I don’t know what an alkaline diet is but I’ll find out. It turned out to be a plant based diet because of the phytonutrients and the chlorophyll that have been proven for decades to build your immune system. So I went to town, I went to research, I found hundreds of PubMed articles, read 10 books, she changed her diet, she went through chemo, she completely healed. Then I decided that this knowledge needed to get out to more people and this was 15 years ago people weren’t talking about plant based nutrition. So I gave up my career back to school, studied nutrition, got a certificate in health coaching, put a curriculum together teaching plant based nutrition trying to get people to eat more vegetables because I’d seen the science of what they could do for you and your health. And I got pushed back from everybody I was giving these lectures to because they said I know I supposed to eat more vegetables but I’m sure your chiropractic community who’s listening right now I’m sure you hear the same thing because as you help your try to guide your patients to better health by improving their diet and by getting them to eat more raw foods and more vegetables and grass fed animal protein as well. It’s a lot of work for them and I was hearing well the vegetables are heavy to carry home and they take too long to clean, they take too long to cook, I throw half of them out, I have arguments with my kids, with my husbands and they go bad. And so I thought okay if I need to help people get more nutrition into them and they’re not going to eat the vegetables I need to find a way to get the nutrition into them without any work because clearly the vegetables were too much work. So I just circled back to found all the things I’d found for my sister and when I got to algae that’s when the miracle happened because algae’s got 100,000 studies documenting the different health benefits we’re going to talk about some of them today. It’s been used daily for 75 years in Asia, the Japanese don’t leave their house without chlorella every day and the best thing about it is that they come in these little tiny tablets that you can swallow or chew and each one of these tablets has the same nutrition. This is spirulina and we’ll talk about it in a minute and this is chlorella. Spirulina is a blue-green chlorella is a green algae. Each one has the same nutrition as an entire plate of vegetables. So while I’m standing here talking to you, okay, I just had a plate of vegetables. How easy is that? So when you said I wanted to start a company, no, I just wanted to help my sister and then after helping my sister, I thought, well, now I have this knowledge. I should help a few more people. So then I started teaching and then found out I couldn’t help them because they didn’t want to do a lifestyle change. And then when I found algae, well, this is the platform. This is the medium. This makes it easy for people to get the nutrition. It’s been endorsed by NASA for 50 years as having the highest concentration of nutrition in the world, a thousand times more than any other vegetable. It’s been endorsed by United Nations for 50 years because it has three times the amount of protein at stake and it’s an eco-friendly, sustainable crop. So all along the way, I was just trying to help people because I’d had this epiphany that I wasn’t satisfied in my corporate career. I was never really a good fit there. I’m always just a very helping individuals, problem solving, and this brought me a lot of joy. And so I just kept going. I used to sell my bags of algae tablets out of my knapsack at my gym and eventually I entered a lot of competitions and I eventually built a website and fast forward to here we are 13 years later. And I have a full team. We have big production. We have big farms growing the algae. I was on as you mentioned over 250s podcasts and I’m on a mission to change the world. I want to make it easy for people to get the nourishment they need to get rid of the toxins they don’t and not to have to fight with their children or their parents or their kids or their significant others and just not have to spend as much work or time to get the nourishment that is scientifically proven to prevent or reverse chronic diseases and to just give you the nourishment that you need. The only downside with algae doesn’t necessarily taste that great. But there’s nothing and also up until now and we’ll tell you some of the details in a minute, the quality has been very poor that was available in North America. So I made sure that whatever we did was to ensure the nutrient density and the safety. And then I also designed all the packaging and we try to make it really less weird because people think of algae blooms that close their beaches. And so I designed all the packaging. So it’s very welcoming, very almost entertaining because I can’t help anybody if I can’t get the product into their mouth. So I wasn’t ever really planning on building a company, but here I am with one. But it brings me a lot of joy to know that every day I’m helping people get the nourishment they need and preventing or correcting chronic disease.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well you know, I’ve been thinking a lot about your product and I think a lot about like the medical arena. I think a lot about the health and wellness arena. And you know, there’s really no money in healthy people unless you have a great product that can sustain them and give them support. And I think that that’s what I’ve come away with understanding more about it. I mean, when we were off the camera, I was like, you’re like a packet person. Like you sent me like five packets of information to read and I read them all. But I think like when you start to go down and take the deep dive to understand what your product is, what it’s consisted of, why the ethos behind the product and now what you’re doing with it 13 years later, it should inspire people to say, that might be good for me too. I hope so. Because I think that the product is really fundamental. And I do want to talk a little bit about the missing nutrients in people’s diets and in the, you know, what they consume and how your product helps support that. So I know that there’s Roundup and there’s like Monsanto and everything that we touch at our grocery stores and at the supermarket. What is different in the profile of your product?

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Well, first of all, the problem is scientists are calling this era that we’re in the great nutritional collapse because our soils have been over cropped, monocrobbed. There aren’t any minerals left in the soil. So even if you are eating vegetables, there aren’t enough nutrients or minerals that there used to be 50 years ago. So you’re still nutrient deprived and a lot of the vegetables are grown in foreign countries. So they, they’re harvested before they’re ripe so the enzymes and nutrients can’t even get to the fruit or the leaves. So you’re eating a lot of fiber and you’re getting a lot of calories, but you’re actually not getting nutrients even if you’re eating organic. So that’s number one. And then the number two is the toxins part, which you alluded to with the Roundup. But their toxins are everywhere. They’re in your detergents. They’re in your carpets. They’re in the air. They’re in your clothing. They layer on in your immune system. And when they do tests and they do so few testing, but when they do test, they test the toxin in isolation. Well, we don’t live in isolation. We, you know, that toxin is on top of some toxins you got from what you drank the night, the day before or what you ate the day before and, you know, left over mold spores. So that’s why people are having such a hard problem with their health is because these toxins layer on top of one another. And when you don’t get the nutrition that you need, your immune system isn’t functioning properly and certainly neither is your mitochondria. LG is the answer for a number of reasons. First of all, and I hope I have time to talk about this in greater detail. It was the first life on earth four billion years ago. It’s all documented in evolutionary science. So something that’s been here longer than anything else in the world is pretty special. I don’t think there’s something spiritual about it, but that’s number one. Number two, and hopefully again, we’ll get to it. Your mitochondria are the most important part of your body. For those who aren’t familiar with mitochondria and I’ve got some teaching materials, it is the little organelle that’s inside of all your cells that generate energy, cellular energy. Now, this isn’t the kind of energy that you need to run the grocery store just for the grocery store or just for your run. This is cellular energy that propels everything, powers everything in your body. You’re walking, talking, thinking, sleeping, lymphatic system, drainage, detox, digestion, absolutely everything. So you always need cellular energy and the more you have, the better you are and the healthier you are and the longer you live and the better everything functions properly. And the cellular energy itself is called ATP and it’s made by the mitochondria. But the problem is as you get older, your mitochondria get damaged so they aren’t able to generate that cellular energy and this is when you’re, so there’s less of it, it’s like money. You know, when you have more money, you can do more things and you have more choices. When you have more cellular energy, you can do more things and you have more choices. So when you have less cellular energy, there’s a little, it’s a smaller slice of pie of energy to go around to fight off cancer, to fight off those toxins to help you get to sleep, to help you do anything. And so it just doesn’t work and with less and less mitochondria as you get older and fewer and fewer of them functioning optimally, this is when you slide into chronic disease or decline. And I’ll get back in a minute to telling you exactly why algae is the best thing for your mitochondria but I do want to put together two of these concepts. So algae was the first life on earth and the most important thing therefore on earth and that the mitochondria are the, where the rubber hits the road for your health and you can’t go any deeper into your cell structure than mitochondria. And here’s the cool thing, your mitochondria evolved from algae and it’s proven in science. It’s called endosymbiotic theory. And so it’s no surprise to me that everything that’s in algae feeds and protects and supports your mitochondria and I’ll get into some of that detail later on. So A, it’s the most nutrient dense food in the world and I’ll back up a little bit because I need you to understand what algae is. It’s a food category. It’s not technically a plant, it’s not an animal, it’s not a fruit. So it’s a food category and there are two main types of subcategories. One is called macroalgae, the other one is microalgae. We’re talking mostly about microalgae today but let me tell you what macroalgae is. It’s that stringy stuff that washes up on shore also known as seaweed. Now it’s good for you because it has lots of fiber in iodine because it comes from the sea but there’s virtually zero nutrition. The other type of algae which is what we’re talking about is microalgae and it’s called microalgae because it’s microscopic in size. Something like a million of these cells could fit on the head of a pin. That’s how tiny it is. And contrast to the macroalgae, it has either no fiber or virtually no fiber. Microalgae has zero fiber and we’ll explain that in a minute. But it’s the most concentrated nutrition in the world. Completely opposite to macroalgae which lots of fiber, no nutrition, microalgae, lots of nutrition, zero fiber. So microalgae is everywhere which is the other difference between it and macro. Macroalgae is only in the sea. Microalgae is in the sea, the lakes, the rivers, the streams, your swimming pool, your aquarium, the soil. And there’s tens of thousands of strains of microalgae, macroalgae is a couple. Two of the strains are blue, green and green. And an example of blue green algae is spirulina. And an example of green algae is chlorella. And I point this out because many of you may have been on the internet and noticed some articles about a blue green algae, toxic blue green algae. It’s like the scary thing from the ocean, closing your beach. And you do want to stay away from that. But we’re not talking about spirulina. There are many, many types of blue green algae. And algae is very important because it kills bacteria. Poor algae gets the bum wrap because when you have a blue green algae or any algae closing your beach, it only showed up because someone or something put toxins in the water. Algae is the cleanup crew. You can’t see the toxins, but you can see the algae and it will absorb the toxins and kill the bacteria. So you do want to stay away from it because it is toxic. But it’s not the bad guy. The bad guy is the person who put the toxins in the water. But the good news is the algae kills the bacteria in your body too. So when I’m talking about spirulina, as I will in a minute, it’s not the stuff that you see closing your beach. And also, corrilla are harvested as food crops, not from the ocean. So spirulina grows in long narrow farms and corrilla is in round one. But the point that you need to know is that it’s harvested as a food crop. It’s called hydroponic. And lots of vegetables are made hydroponically. Tomatoes, lettuce. And the good thing for you to know is A, number one, algae is food. It’s not a supplement. And B, it’s grown in fresh water. So it’s not from the ocean. So there are no toxins. And then what we do is after growing it in fresh water, then we air dry it into powder without high heat. And this is extremely important. And all the other algae companies use high heat. And I’ll explain why it’s so important in a minute. And then we just press them into these little tablets that we call bits because they’re bits of nutrition. And that’s why people have responded so easily and quickly and love art algae so much because it is so safe. We do third party lab tests. It’s so effortless. You just swallow or chew. We recommend 10 spiraling in the morning and 10 chlorellate night. And I’ll explain why in a minute. But it’s so concentrated. We sell them in large bags that a bag of the thousand tablets has the same nutrition equal to 551 pounds of vegetables. 551 pounds of vegetables that you didn’t have to carry home from the grocery store, clean cookie or throw out when nobody ate them. So very efficient nutrition. And so efficient that your kids, your grandparents, your pets, your newborns, absolutely everybody can eat them. And as I said earlier, one dabbler has the same nutrition as an entire plate of vegetables. So this gets me so excited because I know the CDC says 97% of Americans don’t get their daily requirement of vegetables. And I have found the solution for you. If you like the taste, you can chew them. And there’s no repeat, not like fish oil. By the way, they can replace fish oil. We’ll talk about the two different spiraling in chlorellate in a minute because they do completely different things in your body. This is truly fast food. If you can swallow water, you can get the nourishment that you need and the detox capabilities that your body doesn’t, you know, the get rid of the toxins your body doesn’t want in seconds. There is no effort required. No cleaning, no mixing. No, no preparing, nothing. And it’s the answer, I think, for us at this time in this juncture, in this toxic world that we live in full of food that has no nutrients in it.



    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


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    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you said there’s two. There’s spirulina and there’s chlorella. You should take one in the morning, one in the evening. I’ve never heard that before, so maybe educate me as you educate our audience.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Sure. Spirulina is a blue-green algae, and it’s called a blue-green algae because it has two pigments, a blue one called Fycosynin. I’m going to talk about that in a minute, but Fycosynin, in case you want to Google it, is PHY, COCY, ANIN. The other spirulon pigment is chlorophyll. What makes spirulina so important for you is the nourishment that it gives your cells. It has the highest concentration of protein in the world, the equivalent of three times the amount of protein at stake. This is why the United Nations has endorsed it for 49 years as the answer to rural hunger because it is the most concentrated protein source and an eco-friendly sustainable crop. Now spirulina’s claim to fame is that it gives you energy, and how does it do it? Well, first of all, all that protein is already in amino acid form, so it’s nothing for your body to have to break down, it has 18 of the 20 aminos, including the 9 that your body can’t make, so it’s a complete protein. And then it’s also loaded with B vitamins. B vitamins are what convert the protein into energy. So, this is why it gives you energy in the moment, and it’s also 40 vitamins and minerals rich in iron that carries oxygen to your blood. It’s a vasodilator that brings more oxygen to your body, into your brain, and it has zero carbs. So people who are doing intermittent fasting or are in keto diet, it’s terrific in the morning, gets you out the door, in seconds you get nourished, all your micronutrient needs are met, your mineral needs are met, and it didn’t take you more than two seconds. How special is that? And the kind of energy you get is not like a stimulant that you would get from caffeine, chemicals, or sugar. It’s just from nutrition. And it gets absorbed instantly, and that’s why we actually got picked up by the Olympic athletes years ago because it’s so nourishing and so energizing, but with steady energy. Because there’s no caffeine, chemicals, or sugar, those are stimulants. Those give you rapid rise and a rapid crash. With spirulina, there’s none of those stimulants, and the energy is very steady. But still, because spirulina is a bacteria, it has no cellulose wall, so there’s nothing for your body to get to break down, to get access to all this protein and the nutrients and the energy in the moment. Now we’ll talk about it in more detail, but one of the other things that the spirulina does because it has that blue pigment in it, which I mentioned before, phycosine. And what does phycosine do? Well, it speeds up the process of generating ATP. I don’t want to get too geeky, but the process of ATP, the production process, there are four sort of stations of molecules embedded in your inner membrane of your mitochondria. And to generate ATP, these little electrons have to be passed from one station to the next sort of like a relay race, you know, racer hands off the baton. Now the phycosine, and it speeds up that process of the electrons going from one of these molecules to the next, so it speeds it up so it generates more ATP for you. So now you’re getting more cellular energy long term. You get the energy in the immediacy from the aminos and the B vitamins, but you get the longer term energy from the ATP-approved ATP production. So that’s why we called our spirulina energy bits because we wanted to make it easy. We didn’t know if people could say or spell spirulina. So we thought, well, I call it energy bits. And I packaged it in blue because it’s a blue green algae. I wanted to help people understand what it was. And I also put it in water because it was the first life on earth and it came from water. So that’s why people take it mostly in the morning. You could take it any time of day, but mostly in the morning because that’s when you’re tired or you’re hungry or before a workout. Now we recommend at least 10 tablets. Again, they’re very tiny and about the size of a baby aspirin. One doesn’t really do much. I mean, you could start with five if you wanted, but 10 gives you, satisfies your hunger for a couple of hours. If you’re doing a good workout or you want it for a meal replacement, 30 would be better. They come in little pouches with 30 and then that’s probably what you had. So, and there is no upper limit. We have NHL players that have 75 spirulina before a game because they need a lot of energy on the ice. There’s lots of focus. I forgot to mention that it also improves your mental focus because of the essential fatty acids and also that phycosine. And there’s a antioxidant we’ll talk about in a minute called superoxidismutase that protects your mitochondria in your brain has the most mitochondria per cell. There’s 2 million mitochondria per cell in your brain. So this is the first thing you should go to to protect your mitochondria because when your mitochondria are functioning properly, your brain is functioning properly. And a great book to read about that is called brain energy. Dr. Chris Palmer, who is a psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical School, just came up with this book about six months ago and he talks about how all brain disorders are due to damaged mitochondria. Everything. Doesn’t matter whether it’s depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder. Everything’s due to mitochondria damage. And as you’re going to find out if I have time, spirulina and the nutrients in spirulina are the most powerful, the most powerful part of spirulina, yes, you get energy and satisfied, is that it protects your mitochondria. It restores your mitochondria and it has nutrients in it that aren’t found in any other food anywhere. And also not just in any spirulina, it has to be raw spirulina. And we’re probably one of the few companies that don’t use high heat to dry our algae. So it is a raw food. You could get frozen spirulina. It would do the same thing, but it’s hard to find. So in general, spirulina, just to remember, very nourishing, great for brain health, great for mitochondria health and great for energy both in the immediacy and also long-term. So that’s your little summary on spirulina.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think it’s important for people to know. And I know that we’re coming up on the edge of our time together today, but let’s do a couple quick hits.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Can I do chlorella?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Because it’s quite different. Yeah, you can do chlorella.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Okay, so chlorella, it’s high, it’s claimed to fame is that it’s highest in chlorophyll. Chloreophyll is very, very important nutrient and it builds your blood and also builds your cell walls. I’m going to show you something you may not know about chlorophyll. Chemical composition of chlorophyll is almost identical to your hemoglobin. This is hemoglobin. This is chlorophyll. So when you take, and there’s no chlorophyll in our vegetables anymore. So even again, if you’re organic, you’re not getting any chlorophyll, so you’re not building your blood, you’re not building your cell walls. And chlorella has 25 times more of the chlorophyll than liquid chlorophyll and even has 500 times more than arugula. Chloreophyll is very cleansing and chlorella has a hard cell wall that attaches to toxins, all kinds of toxins, heavy metals, alcohol, lactic acid, doesn’t matter what it is, pulls them out and chelates them. So it helps your body repair, which is why we recommended it at night. Because when you’re sleeping, you’re going through a detox repair cycle. You take chlorella before bed, you will facilitate that detox and repair. It also has the highest tryptophan in the world, which is a precursor to melatonin, so it helps you sleep. So it has all the, now this one has fiber because it does belong to the plant kingdom, which is why there’s a plant leaf on the package. And so it does feed your gut biome as well, because you were talking about that earlier. So the gut by, so chlorella, which we call recovery bits, heals your gut and spirulina heals your brain. And there’s the vagus nerve that attaches to, connects the two of them. So when you heal one, you help heal the second one. And because again, it comes in tiny tablets that you can swallow or chew, that makes it very, very accessible to people. So any, we sell only through chiropractors, by the way, medical offices, biohacking centers were not sold through regular chain stores. So we are very used to and want to continue selling through the chiropractic community. So if anyone is looking to help their patients embrace better mitochondria health, better immune health, better energy, improve their longevity, and they don’t want to have a lot to work to do it. These are, these two algae are your solution. In fact, to help people understand the difference between the two of them, I realized because I speak at a lot of conferences and hotels, this is so nourishing. Think about it as room service. I got a hotel and chlorella is so cleansing, it’s like housekeeping. So this is room service and this is housekeeping. Or again, think of this for brain food, brain health and chlorella as gut health. The two of them do completely different things, work in conjunction. You can take them alone together with food instead of food. I have so many every day, I mean, I eat real food, but I don’t know what I would do without these two and they’re great to travel with.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well I think there’s a lot to discuss about the product more. I would like to potentially do another interview with you and talk to you more about how AIDS immune health and how people can get the algae and supplement with another product rather than the collagen powders, the fish oils.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Oh, it has more collagen than collagen powder. Crazy, right?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I just, I think that there’s a lot still to discuss about the topic of algae. And I think that there’s a lot of health benefit around it. And if people knew how good it was, just like chiropractic, they would utilize it more frequently and add it into their chiropractic lifestyle. Exactly.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  I tell people and says asking why would you take algae? I’d say, well, why wouldn’t you? When you know what it does and why it does what it does, it’s the key that unlocks the door to good health is the best way to describe it. And it’s effortless. In North America, we need that effortless issue. People want fast food. This is fast food, except it’s real food. All that other stuff is just, I don’t know what to call it, it’s not food. So, and this was a gift from us to us from Mother Nature. We just grow it so carefully and so that preserves all the nutrients, including those ones I alluded to, superoxide, dismutase and phycosine, which are both damaged, completely damaged by high heat and almost everything else that’s on the market uses high heat to dry it. So I’m very proud that we don’t do that. And then we chose to do it that way because, again, I wasn’t planning on starting a company. I just wanted to help people get healthy. And so the way you do that is you pay attention to the detail and you put people first. So that’s what we always have done.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Catherine is very information packed episode of Chiro Hustle. This is episode 558. If you want to get in touch with Catherine, it’s Catherine at Check her out on.

    CATHARINE ARNSTON (GUEST):  Oh, and we have a discount code to share with your community. Come to visit us at, E-N-E-R-G-Y-B-I-T-S. It’s B for boy, I-T for Tom, S for Sam. And we call them bits because they’re bits of nutrition. So come and visit us at And the discount code is Chiro Hustle, all one word and you’ll get 20% off of anything. And if there’s any chiropractors who are interested and we sell through chiropractors nationwide, you can email us at wholesale at We welcome you. We’ll send you samples. It’s so amazing for your community. So easy for you to explain what it does. And I’ve written about 500 different pieces of marketing materials. So it makes it easy for you so that you can share this with your staff as well as your patients. It’s, it’s, it works. It’s concentrated. It’s pure, it’s safe. It’s third party lab tested. We’d love to hear from you and use Chiro Hustle for your 20% off.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So check it out guys., Chiro Hustle and the coupon code will get you 20% off. Catherine, thank you for being our guest today. This is episode of 558. I always close out by telling everyone you’re just one story way. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Catherine, thanks for making time today. Thank you. All right.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  We’ll see you soon. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


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    6 May 2024, 2:32 am
  • Motivation to Become a Chiropractor & Whats Next – Dr Ashley Prince DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 557


    Dr. Ashley’s education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry and Masters in Business Administration from Jacksonville University. She then attended 3 years of medical school at Nova Southeastern College of Medicine. She worked in Genetic Research for the world’s leading research institution, The Mayo Clinic. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine and pursuing a Diplomate in Pediatrics. She is a nationally recognized speaker and has been featured on every major news network in the US for her success in creating a protocol to help people get their taste and smell back after CoVID 19. She and her husband Jake, own and operate Prince Health and Wellness in The Woodlands Tx. They love entering into creative investment opportunities and even more love coaching people into multifaceted wealth! Dr. Ashley and Jake are both ordained ministers and she serves as the Chaplain for Republican Women of Texas. Her next endeavor is entering into public office. She is passionate about teaching anyone who will listen!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 557 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Ashley Prince. And if you want to hear the story about motivation in becoming a chiropractor to the future, and what’s next in her chiropractic career, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. And today I have Dr. Ashley Prince coming in from the Woodlands area of Houston, Texas. I’m really excited about this episode. I’ve actually had a chance to go down and visit her in her clinic. It’s a beautiful facility. And I know they’re doing a lot to serve that community to the highest level that they know how to. But before we get into episode 557, I’m going to let you all know the big Y. Yeah, right? 557 episodes. Wow, awesome. Yeah, so I want to let you know the big Y. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? I’m going to talk about this first. And I’ve found this to be more true than ever over the past couple of weeks is freedom of speech. We have to protect the Second Amendment. We have to allow people to speak about things that matter to them when it comes to them and their family’s health. So that’s the second part of what we do is we do protect family health freedom and medical freedom with our show, knowing that chiropractic has a direct influence on both of them and people that practice a chiropractic lifestyle are really excited to have family health freedom and medical freedom and choose chiropractic as somebody that a group of people that can support their health decisions. And as we get into more philosophically, we do protect and support BJ Palmer’s last words, which are the sacred trust. I know that if a lot of you don’t know what the BJ Palmer sacred trust is, stop the interview right now, go and search for what BJ Palmer sacred trust is. You’re going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously did. I guarantee you. And then we do believe and support subluxation based chiropractic and we believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when men or women of physical gets adjusted, it connects them to men or women of spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. Ashley, welcome to the show.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Thank you. It’s so good to see you.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I mean, we are like really doing big work with the chiropractic message and the theme of chiropractic. And we’ve been doing it for six years. And this being episode 557, I’ve actually done 1300 interviews in the past six years, all on with the theme and the message of chiropractic. So I’m excited to have this conversation with you today. And I’d really like to open it up for you to just share people, share to people that listen to our show. How did you get into this beautiful profession and tell us your chiropractic story a little

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  bit? Wow. Yeah, I’ve shared this story so many times that it just never gets old. I love chiropractic. I really do. And my life is all about chiropractic. I really grew up in a very sick household. I may have a shiny life and people think that we look good on the outside, but growing up, really, my mom was an alcoholic. So every day, she was sick. And I was kind of like her mom. I took care of my mom. And at a very young age, I knew that our world was broken. I knew that there was something not right. And sickness was a very early part of my life. And at age six, my parents found me in a coma in my closet. And I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. And this just utterly traumatized our family. However, there was a little bit of a blessing behind it because my dad looks at my mom at the hospital and goes, Nancy, it’s time for you to get sober. You got to be sober in order to give your daughter her injections. And that doctor told me, you’re going to take shots every day. You’re never going to be able to eat sugar and you’re going to go to diabetes camp. And I just thought, oh my gosh, this is my future. But I had my mom back. I had my mom back. And she stayed sober. I mean, she’s sober today. So praise the Lord for that. But we had another big health crisis at 16 when my grandparents caregiving staff from Florida called us. And they said, we need you to come to Florida. I was living in Texas. They said, you need to come to Florida and take care of your grandparents. They’re dying. And my grandfather had had several strokes. My grandmother had was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. And really tough time for a 16 year old to give up high school and all of that. And my grandmother, they both died pretty quickly. But my grandmother, as I was holding her in my arms, I felt the Lord say to me, you’re meant to be a doctor. And when he said that, I just looked out and I remember thinking, my community is sick and dying. Like my grandparents or my mother was sick and dying. Like my grandparents, I just felt such a burden at 16, a burden that I was so heavy. And I said, just make me a vessel. God, whatever you want me to do, I will do. Take anything out of me and fill me up with whatever I need to accomplish your mission. And in that moment, I don’t know what happened, but something happened because I got shot on a new trajectory that really was totally just out of my comfort zone. I mean, I’m going to, from just being a high school or to biochemistry in college and then getting my master’s in business and then moving on to medical school. Many people, many chiropractors don’t know that I went to medical school. And that was kind of my first, I thought that that was the route that I was supposed to take. Well, here’s the cool part. So I’m a questioner. I like to question every, I like to, I like to question the system, you know, and I know you do too. I question my politics and I encourage you guys, here’s some advice. Question everybody, man. Do question those politicians, don’t let them just question the doctors, question your mentors, your professors and question us. We don’t know everything. You have a question me. And so I said, this doctor was standing up, this was in pharmacology class and we’re talking about a young boy who they were going to give some vaccines to and they wanted to give him 12 in one day. And I stand up and I say, doctor so and so, how in God’s name can you say that it’s okay to give a neurologically compromised boy 12 vaccines in one day? And my student, the class behind me, they’re going, yeah, doctor so and so, how is that possible? And he didn’t like that. He said to me, you know, future doctor may you sit down and meet me after class? Well, the Lord got ahold of my heart that night and I talked to the Lord and said, you told me to be a doctor, I don’t get it. Like, I feel conflicted here. I don’t like the drug stuff. I don’t like the shot stuff. I feel like I cannot pursue this model. What are we going to do? I can’t go this route anymore. I’m three years in and I just, I was so conflicted.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you tell in the story, I just have to show this. I’m reading a book right now called the vaccine friendly plan. And it’s written by a guy named Paul Thomas MD. And he’s out of Oregon. Okay. And he’s been vilified and marginalized for telling people how to even go a route that’s healthy for them with taking shots. And I think that me people know that like, that’s not my world that I live in, but I’m still getting educated just like you did and I’m questioning everything. Yeah. So I’ve looked at like long term things like what is happening to people that have had so many inoculations and why are they getting all its timers? Yeah. You know, why are they getting dementia? Right. Why are they getting Parkinson’s? Why are they getting these neurological compromised conditions that like crop up on them when they’re in their 50s, when they’re in their 60s, when they’re supposed to be in their golden years, loving on their grandkids, like when they’re supposed to like be at the time of that fantasy word retirement and people are supposed to have the best quality of life with the people that they love the most. But yeah, it’s usually a terror. They get to that stage of their life and it’s liability for the loved ones, like liability for them. Like it’s not a very fun experiential transition at that winter stage of life. So it’s really interesting to see like you ask, you know, what if we ask better questions? I think that’s really important. And I’ve heard that the better quality of questions that you ask, the better quality of life that you get. So if we ask better questions, then we can start to be the seekers. And I think that that’s really like there’s a code around being a seeker. And those are the people that actually transition and change the world. Yeah. You, they’re you, Dr. Ashley. Oh, when you’re a seeker, you start asking questions like, why does type one diabetes affect me as a kid? Why do I have that? And then you’re like, why is my mom doing this stuff with alcohol? Can we help with that? Why is my patient base now dealing with these things, these onset conditions of, you know, whatever we want to call them? I think a lot of times people are calling them, gosh, when people just getting sick, immunodeficiency, not immunodeficiency, but they’re calling them, gosh, it’s on tip my tongue.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Look, if they call them auto immune, but I would say there it is. And a body will never attack itself. That’s a lie from the pit of hell. Your body will only attack foreign invaders. If there’s a pathogen attacking you, your body will kill it. And if it can’t kill it, it will do everything in its power too. But your body will never attack its thyroid gland. Hell no, that doesn’t happen. So I get passionate.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I was explaining to this, this guy came and met me this weekend at mile high chiropractic seminar in Denver, or it’s actually Westminster, just north. And he was like, you know, questioning everything because he’s never been adjusted before. Guys 38 years old, and he shows up and he’s like, Hey, James, I was sent to talk to you. He’s like, I know that you’re like the advocate for the advocates of this profession. And I was like, yeah, dude, it’s pretty cool. And I can tell you a lot of stuff of how we can help each other and how you can move this profession forward with me. But he just came to me. He’s like, I feel like an imposter. He’s like, I’ve never been adjusted before. And I go, okay, we’re going to fix that right now. Yeah. We’re going to get you adjusted. And like he’s like his, his manifestation from that, like he’s like, I just feel no more pain in my back. Like I know that that’s like kind of like what chiropractics become popular for is like helping with pain. But really now he understands the lifestyle of it. Now he’s going to get all his little girls under care. Now I was going to get his wife under care. And now he’s going to be that truth within his family that says, I’m going to be a change in this. I’m going to be a seeker. I’m going to change the behavior of myself so where it has the ability to change other people. And I think that that’s really cool. We’re at with this conversation with you is because you decided that I’m going to be a doctor. Yeah. I’m going to become doctor Ashley. I’m going to go out there and serve people and save people and tell them the truth. Like, isn’t that empowering?

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  I hope it empowers people because I was just a little old girl from Texas, you know, nothing special. But I just knew anger rose up in me and some told me that that wasn’t right. And the next day I quit medical school and you know, in my third year and I went to the beach to surf, which is what I normally do to escape reality. But that day when I was on the beach, a chiropractor came up to me and asked if I wanted a job. And that’s where really I know my life changed because she was nuts, man. She was like a nothing like I had ever heard before. Her clinic was so amazing because on my first day there, these kids were coming in with ear infections and they’re going, she care. My ear’s fixed. My ear’s fixed. And I knew this woman, all she would say is the power that made the body heals the body, the nervous and controls everything. And I’m like, I didn’t really get it, but I just knew I was seeing miracles. Well, she came up to me and said, if you don’t let me crack your neck, I’m going to fire you. And when she said that, I was so scared because I heard the tables cracking. You know, I heard all that those sounds. She said, if you don’t let me do this, you’re not going to understand chiropractic and you won’t get it. And so I let her. And that’s really where my whole life changed because like I told you, I had type 1 diabetes. Well for 11 days, I could not take my insulin. My blood sugars maintain their own balance. And even if I tried to take my insulin, my blood sugar would shoot down. I mean, I knew something that she did to my neck somehow did something to my pancreas. And I was changed. I said, God, this is what I want to do. This is what you sign me up for. I want to help people with their own equipment, all that’s inside of them. That’s the healing. That’s where it comes from. And that’s where I am today. I mean, it’s a very simple story.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  This is the good stuff. Yes. It’s the good stuff why we do this show is because there’s always some unsung hero that gets a chance like yourself to fulfill destiny. And you get a chance to go that path. And now you’re serving people. And now you’re running a facility for the past nine years as a doctor of chiropractic. Now you’re actually out there making a mission to understand kids and pediatrics. And you’re making a mission of yours to enter public health office, like position and do better for like not just your local community, not just your practice, but the community at large. And I think that that’s something that all chiropractors really have this like ethos inside of them. How can we fix ourselves? Let us be the miracle story. And then how can we take our experiential base practice and provide this to the community. And then what do we do next? Because I know so many chiropractors, they don’t want to be attached to their practice with the golden handcuffs. They don’t want to just like be in 10 years and all they do is adjust. People adapt and people change over time. And some people from day one to day, 30 years into practice, all they want to do is adjust. But there comes a time when people transition to life and it becomes a part of our reality that like what’s next? And we should be like excited for what’s next all the time and not rest on our old work. But we should learn from our old work. And from the last questions that we asked in the life that we position ourselves into to go to the next thing.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s like the reality of like the evolution of life. Like you shouldn’t live the same day over and over and over and over. Always they call it insanity.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you go work in this office. What happened next? Did you just immediately like say I’m done working here, I’m going to enroll in chiropractic school?

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, literally like I was there for a week. And I called up this weird friend of mine that he was I went to college with and he was the only chiropractor I knew. And I’m like, how did you get into chiropractic school? What classes did you have to take? Organic chemistry. Fine. Been there, done that. And I was in, I was in chiropractic school like a few weeks later at Palmer. Wow.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Wow. That’s so interesting. Like to me, that’s like the way everybody should approach the world and they should approach life with that. That’s a zest for existing. And then you’re like, okay, so what’s next? So you finished school. How did you transition into the real world after you finished diploma land?

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So when you said you’ve been running a practice for nine years, I actually haven’t. So I went to the mission field, you know, after chiropractic school a week later, I felt, you know, I talk a lot about God. I hope that doesn’t offend people, but he talks to me and he told me to sell all my belongings and move to Africa. And so for six years, I lived in various countries, Costa Rica, Uganda, and I really treated hard to diagnose populations. So I saw, I did everything. I mean, I practice medicine without a license internationally. I can say that online, you know, online because I did. I did what was needed. I set broken bones. I pulled out dirty sutures from legs. I prayed with people. I adjusted people. And it gave me an interest for people. I like zebras. I like people that know doctor on the planet can figure them out. And then they come to my clinic and we just from my experience, I’m like, oh, that’s Joaquin Valley fever or oh, that is Epstein bar virus. And I can just, I love that. You know, so I think I think the Lord for taking me to the mission field and getting me that diagnostic experience that I now have in practice.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Ooh, like this is a heavy, heavy reality for a lot of people. If you guys are watching this show and you find some value in this, go ahead and send us a comment, share this message. Hit the share button right now. If you guys are on and watching with us, if you guys are watching us on replay, send messages to both of us, if this sparks up any interest for you, ask better questions. We appreciate everybody that supports our show. This is seriously one of the most really eye opening interviews that I’ve ever been able to do. People always ask me, Dr. Ashley, like, hey, who’s your favorite guest? I’ll say, well, the last interview I did. You know, or I’ll look at somebody like a luminary, like a world changer like Les Brown and like interviewing Les Brown that changed my life. It proved to me that I was in the game, you know, getting Grant Cardone on our show. Like it proved to me I was in the game, you know, having somebody like John DeMartini be on the show, it proved to me that we were in the game. But it’s this story. It’s like, what did you do? And that’s the thing is we all have a message inside of us. And that’s why I tell people I do this show. It’s not about me. I do it to share these stories of chiropractic to maybe inspire one person to maybe get one mom to take their kid to the chiropractor because they’re dealing with ear infections like the miracles that you saw at that clinic. Or there might be that one person that has a family member that’s struggling with a disability that doesn’t know where to go or who to trust that now they watch the show and they’re like, that’s where I need to go, you know, or I need to send a message to James so he can tell me where to go or I need to send a message to Dr. Ashley because she sounds like she’s the person for me and she can help me. Like this is the brilliance of like Chiro hustle and why we do it because it’s your story that matters the most. And you’re going to connect with somebody out there that’s watching this and I’d be like, thank you, God. Thank you for that message today. That’s what I needed.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  That’s the hope.


    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  You know, I really, I feel like if more chiropractors would not hopefully no one gets mad at me for saying this, but instead of just jumping in to practice and trying to find an associate shift position, could we serve for a year? Could we get out of our comfort zone and not make any money for a year, but instead get all the value of servanthood? You know, I mean, that that’s what changed my life and it made me actually not so focused on money when I saw those in need and I went to Africa and I saw that honestly, all the money in the world couldn’t make them happy. They were so happy just living each day. Like could we as doctors kind of change the mold and send our young out and serve the world that we want to serve through chiropractic?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, like that fit when I was a kid, I used to be really afraid of my brother because he used to like beat me up and God rest his soul. He’s not here anymore, but I used to get like this lump in my throat when I had to like stand up for myself. And I see that today within the what we’re doing here is chiropractic is just standing up for itself. And I do this show because I get a chance to hear you say the stuff and share your mission and your message because I do believe that it’s hard for people to understand that they’re coming out of school with you know, quarter of a million dollars in debt or they spent the past eight years and they can’t wait to just go out there and become a chiropractor or a business person or become the associate or the independent contractor or start their own business. So I think that there’s a lot to be said when it comes to like business development and like managing your career once you get the diploma. I think there’s a lot to be said about that. But like when I think about what we’re talking about today, one of the things that I really like excited to ask you because it is fundamentally who you are now. Who has influenced you? Who are the people that have poured into you over your early career to become the woman and the doctor that you are today?

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Gosh, I wish that I had a shirt like I love your hat, expect your circles. I need a shirt. I want to promote a shirt that says figure it out. Like that’s been my main motivator. Like from people, any mentor that has encouraged me to figure it out, go out there, do it on your own, you know, travel the world, figure it out. Like I’m going to give props to them, probably one of the earliest mentors coming out of chiropractic. Gosh, I always get emotional when I talk about him is Dr. Ben Lerner. He took me and my husband under his wing and he believed in me and he saw the spark in me and he said, you know, you’re one of the greatest female chiropractors of your time and I just want to pour into you. He did it without any, I mean, we didn’t pay him anything. He didn’t request money from us. He coached us when he didn’t have to and his schedule was full when he was preaching to Stephen Furtick at Elevation. I mean, the man is busy and he poured into us because he believed in me and he’s the one that helped us start a practice debt free. So I really, really, he influenced me greatly and I’ll be always indebted to him.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, we’ve had Ben on the show.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, he is.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And it is really cool when you can meet somebody with that much that’s done so much to get chiropractic more involved with the regular world. Like the regular world exists and they don’t know chiropractic does what it does because if everybody knew what chiropractors did, there’d be a lineup around their offices, like they would demand more hours at a chiropractic clinic. They’d be like, all right, you guys can’t close the day. We need more people here. We need more chiropractic practicing. You guys got to just keep the hours going. No lunches. Like we’ll bring you lunch. Like people knew exactly what chiropractic was providing. They would be bringing you guys lunch dinner and breakfast and let you serve from your capacity and letting you just do the work that you do. And there would be no separation. It would just be the chiropractors like Clarence Gonsstead. They’re going to live at the, I mean, I heard so many stories of Clarence Gonsstead would work like 18 hour days. People would fly in and stay at his facility. He built a hotel next to his clinic. Like the guy would have people under like constant care for like weeks on end until they were like, he has philosophy is find it, fix it, leave it alone.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  So for me, I worked less than 25 hours a week in the practice. So I feel that work life balance is everything. And most of my creativity comes from when I’m swimming in my pool. But I definitely the 18 hour days, I don’t know if I could do that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, it’s not so much for you or for the people watching. It’s just like what’s possible. Yes. And as we upgrade as a profession, what’s going to be needed? What are we going to need from each practitioner moving forward? Because all people on the boat have to row. Yes. So what do we get each person to be in the right position, rowing the right way to where we’re all going to the right direction instead of circling the wagons and shoot inward? Because that’s what I hear that chiropractic does a lot when it comes to somebody practicing differently or thinking differently or doing differently. We’re own worst critics. So if we can become a solution and everybody starts throwing the right way, then I do think that like the GDP of chiropractic visits will go up. And the people that are going to be utilizing and wanting chiropractic are going to go up. Like we just saw RFK Jr. speak and done for this past Thursday. And if that man gets a chance to be in office and he says, I think everybody should practice the chiropractic lifestyle and everybody should go get checked for their chiropractor for a functioning nervous system. Like the profession couldn’t handle the influx of new patients. But it’s going to take something like that to like really change the dogmatic approach of how people have thought about chiropract for the past 128 years.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  That’s good.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And for everything that you said, and we’re kind of on like a poignant transition here, where is the profession headed? Where do you see the profession of chiropractic going? Let’s just stay five years from now.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Gosh. That is… Can I say skip? You can. I know. You know, I wish that I could see that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It depends on the consciousness of our culture.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. I think that we have to see… We have to recognize these other things that are happening below the surface that maybe the traditional medical model has not brought out in the open. Like I’m writing a book right now called The Three Pandemics, and I talk about one of them as like Epstein-Barr virus, for example. A lot of people don’t know that that’s plaguing the American population in a way that’s way more damaging than COVID. And I don’t even… One of my pandemics is not even COVID. It’s like… I don’t even want to talk about that. And if we can just once again, as doctors like question things, look below the surface, I think that we would see our profession go in a totally different direction. Now I do practice functional medicine, so I have to take off my chiropractic hat and put on the functional medicine hat when I make those transitions. But if more chiropractors would ask questions, I think that’s where it’s at. Like, why do we do the things we do? Why does an insurance like to cover what we do? Just ask questions.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And here’s my call to action for chiropractors that will watch this and listen to this, is don’t wait on your leaders to do it for you. Yeah. Like, you are the leader. And one of my favorite bands growing up in high school is Rage Against the Machine. And there was a line that I’ll constantly theme to people. If we don’t take action now, then we’ll settle for nothing later. Yeah. Like, we have to take action as a profession. Otherwise we don’t have a good answer for what it looks like in five years or 20 years.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. And you know what? My associates. So I have two associates and then I have an intern who I just told them. I said, you have two weeks to fill out a really in-depth strategic marketing plan. I want you to go out in the community and make relationships with 25 businesses. And he’s like two weeks, yes, two weeks, and you’ve got to make relationships with these people. And he’s like, I want to see what he can figure out. Can you do it? Can you figure it out? Can you ask questions? Can you do it? We need more doctors like that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s even better. I just made a post on my Facebook three hours ago. What’s the quickest and most effective way to get people in your office on a very, and I mean, very small budget? And that has already 40 comments on there. So yes, your intern associates should go read that post because there’s a value of knowledge on that one post that somebody can take and then go implement today. I’ll just tell somebody a quick hit. Go and build a relationship with the area urgent care seven miles around your office. Go and meet those people that are running those facilities and treat them well, get to know them well, and say, hey, I know you deal with a lot of cases. A lot of people could probably use what I do over at our clinic. If people come in and they need crisis care, I’m going to bump them to you. But if you guys got people that come in that you know that we can help as a facility, they’ll probably become your number one for all resource. And then I would say go meet the area joint. Don’t talk bad about them. Yeah. Say, hey, we shoot x-ray over here. We take hot disks. We’d handle radiculopathy. We like people in sciatica. I know you guys have a hard time with those cases because you don’t do the type of thorough exams as we do with our systems that we run. So I want to acknowledge you and treat you really well and say, hey, we appreciate what you’re doing for the community. We don’t look at you as an adversary. We look at you as somebody that we can work with. So if you just went and did those two strategies with people already getting volume of people coming through, they’re going to say, okay, Dr. Ashley’s in the woodlands. She actually shoots x-rays and she can help people with disk issues. Go see her. Hey, I know you slipped and fell and you got an issue going on with your lumbar spine. We don’t do with that at the urgent care. All we’re going to do is prescribe something to you and we don’t want to do that to you. We want you to go somewhere where they can actually help you. Go see Dr. Ashley.

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  I want to also say that these young chiropractors, the interns, the people just coming out of school, they have to do a little bit of that push advertising. I call it push marketing. So they got to get out there and really kind of attack. Whereas when you’ve been in the game for a little bit, you take more of a back approach and it’s more about pull. So like for me, what kind of content can I put out to irritate people? Irritate people. And then they’re kind of like, who is she? And it pulls to you instead of you pushing, pushing, pushing. So that kind of comes after you’ve been in the game for a little bit.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I know we’re coming up on the edge of our time together. This has been such a dynamic episode of Cara Hustle Podcast. It’s 557 of these. We’ve been delivering this stuff for six years to you guys. We love what we do over here. We’re always bringing the best people to the show to share their knowledge and their enthusiasm and love for chiropractic. I made the second post. Life is designed to be lived from the inside out rather than from the outside end. Things from the outside cannot fill us on the inside. And that’s been the philosophy of Cara project since I got into it. It’s above, down, inside out. The body needs nothing extra in it. It simply needs no interference. Once we clear up that neurological interference, the body is a self-healing organism. The body is amazing. We have everything inside of us. The greatest doctors inside of the body. That’s the real message here. Is the greatest doctor in the world is the one inside of you. And then if you can get somebody to clear out the subluxation, then there’s no nerve interference. It’s not a self-regulate, self-healing, it’s organic, it’s not mechanistic. There’s no musculoskeletal. It’s all subluxation. We’re a vitalistic profession. We give people their life back. And you guys are just one adjustment away from that quality of life. In closing, Dr. Ashley, is there anything I didn’t ask you that you like to share with their audience today and how can people reach out to you if they want to?

    DR ASHLEY PRINCE DC (GUEST):  Gosh, yeah. I think I have like five things to pronounce. So you can message any of them, my social media team will respond to you. But I want to just say, focus on your miracle stories, focus on the stories in your clinic that are happening that you really don’t have an answer for. I will close with one story that really changed my life. I had a young patient. Well, I saw him walking down my street. He was one of my neighbors. And I saw him walking on his tiptoes. And his name was Michael and I invited the family in. I said, I’ll do a complimentary neurological assessment on your son. I just want to see what’s up. And when he came in, I mean, his father was with him. Father didn’t make much facial expressions or anything. And when I adjusted Michael for the first time and Michael’s on the autism spectrum. So he never knew it, but his family did. They had never gotten him diagnosed or anything. But his family knew it. Well, anyway, I did one upper cervical adjustment on him. And man, my upper cervical adjustment is quite a bit different than what we’re taught in school. I encourage you to create your own adjusting style. Don’t follow Thompson. Don’t follow all these gaunts. I mean, create your own. That’s what I want from my associates. I teach them to create their own styles. Create your own technique. It’s art. Yeah, it’s an art. And so I adjusted Michael one time and he started hysterically laughing. I mean, just his stick crying, like hysterically laughing. And I look over at his father and a tear is coming. And this is a German man, no facial expression. And a tear is coming out of his eye. And I said, why are you crying? And he said, I have never, my son is 14 years old. And I have never seen him laugh. That’s the power of what we get to do. That’s what we get to do.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Amen. Yeah. And that’s it. You know, there’s so much that a chiropractor can provide to people that don’t know they have hope. And that’s the beauty of the adjustment. That’s the beauty of why we do the shows because of the message you just shared. Um, let’s bring laughter back to people.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yes. Let’s bring joy back to people. Let’s bring hope back to people. And that’s really why I’ve never given up on chiropractic as I’ve worked in the profession for the past 15 years. I know that there’s a place for people to be educated and not pushed educated, but pulled educated. And I believe that your story today is going to be something that resonates with the pull effect of chiropractic rather than the push effect of chiropractic. And every time I’ve heard a chiropractor say, we need to educate more people, it feels like a push effect. So let’s work on that pull effect that you talked about. And let’s reach more lives and ask better questions. And with that, this is episode 557 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. You know how to reach out to Dr. Ashley find around the socials. And I close up by telling everyone, you guys are just one story way. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on our next episode. Thank you so much, Dr. Ashley. Bye. Thank you. Bye for now.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


    This episode is brought to you by ChiroHD – More than an EHR; Practice Management, Simplified. Click the link to learn more…


    The Chiro Hustle Podcast is sponsored by ChiroHD, 100% Chiropractic, Chiro Health USA, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Imaging Services, Chiro Moguls, PureChiroNotes, Titronics, AlignLife, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Pro Baseball Chiropractic Society, and the IFCO.


    Now, if you’re looking to increase contributions toward preserving The Sacred Trust within the Chiropractic Subluxation model; in a way that honors our Innate and Universal Intelligence but lack the time and energy to launch a new initiative? Then, check out our Patreon page at and choose the option that best fits your ability and desire to invest toward The Big Idea in support and restoration of freedoms to speech, medical and family health.


    Now let’s hustle!



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    The post Motivation to Become a Chiropractor & Whats Next – Dr Ashley Prince DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 557 appeared first on Chiro Hustle.

    2 May 2024, 2:00 am
  • AlineLife and Building out the Franchise Model with Dr Joseph Esposito DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 556

    Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.T.N, D.A.C.B.N., C.C.N., C.N.S., C.C.S.P., F.A.A.I.M., D.C.C.N.

    In a more than two-decades-long career, Dr. Joseph Esposito’s experience as a health advocate has encompassed roles as clinician, researcher, writer, formulator, lecturer, and entrepreneur. Dr. Esposito is the founder and CEO of Aceva, an international physician-grade supplement line, and AlignLife, a national chiropractic franchise with almost 40 clinics nationwide. His passion is to teach and implement integrated healthcare offerings using natural solutions to maximize patient’s health. In his spare time, Dr. Esposito enjoys international mission trips and spending time with his family.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 556 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Joe Esposito. If you want to hear the story of Align Life and how he built out the franchise model, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. It’s a 556 episode of this show that fights for chiropractic freedom. This episode is with Joe Esposito. He’s got a couple really great brands. He’s coming on as a sponsor of this podcast. And Align Life Chiropractic Offices is what we’re going to focus on today. I’m really excited about this show. But before we start talking all things, Joe Esposito, I’m going to let you guys know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? First things first is freedom of speech. We’ve never censored anyone. Everybody we’ve ever recorded we’ve gone live with. And that’s something that’s really, it’s a proud moment for me because I know it’s like to be shadow banned. I know what it’s like when people marginalize other people’s messages and don’t let their messages be heard. And that’s something that’s become more of a common thing over the past couple of years. So we do support Second Amendment Freedom of Speech. We also believe in medical freedom and family health freedom. That’s something very chiropractic related that I love is because chiropractors are a major part of this world to keep families healthy and safe. Then we do get a bit more philosophical. We believe in BJ Palmer Sacred Trust. We protect the sacred trust. If you guys don’t know what that is, go look for BJ Palmer’s last words. You’re going to learn more about chiropractic than you previously knew I’d guarantee you. And then we support Salt Lake Station based chiropractic. We believe that when man the physical or man or woman the physical gets adjusted it connects them to man or woman the spiritual. And that’s the philosophical part of our show. And with that being said, Dr. Joe, welcome.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Thank you, James. I’m excited to be here today. I don’t know about freedom of speech with a guy from New Jersey. You better really be ready to watch that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, I think that when it comes down to it, people have a message. And chiropractic is one of those things is when you start getting out there onto YouTube, you start getting these things onto Facebook, Instagram, like where we’re producing these live on. I used to get 100 people to jump on the show. And then 2020 hit and five people sometimes jump on the show. So even a show that really doesn’t like matter to the big universal world, our traffic has been like siphoned down to nothing when it comes to like the audience that sees these live. So it’s because the censorship you’re saying because of the censorship. Yeah.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, what a shame.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s wild, but it’s the world that we live in right now. So I just keep producing more. And I believe that the more that we produce the greater for the chiropractic message and a lot of people just that they’re all looking for chiropractic doctor show. They just don’t know it’s called chiropractic.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s true.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And they’re fed up right now, the people out there because I talked to everybody and they’re just like they want something. They want answers. They want solutions. Once again, they don’t know what’s called chiropractic. And I just went to the Alaska State Fair and scheduled in 461 new patients and 14 days. And just thinking about those sheer numbers. So many of those people have been like just they’re not interested in the medical system anymore. They want chiropractic man. So I’m sure you’re seeing that with your clinics too.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, definitely. I think, you know, if we keep the mission mindset, it just we change our mindset. You know, we just have to get in the conversation people already having. It’s not a difficult process or a concept to actually find those people. Those are everywhere searching hopeless looking for answers. I think it’s becoming easier. Some people think it’s harder. I think it’s way easier as the medical paradigm continues to, you know, fragment.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I mean, there’s a major shift right now. And I’ve seen it, you know, just talking to the public and they’re losing trust and the people that pushed them in and marginalized them and made them feel unwelcome if they didn’t take a medical procedure. And I think that a lot of the people realize that chiropractic is like a huge opportunity and all the chiropractors seeing this too. They’re like, Hey, we better start like doing our best to like get these people that need us. 100%. Let’s jump into your story a little bit. Chiropractic. How are you even doing it?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  About 25 years.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  25. Wow.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And how and why did you decide that chiropractic was the right direction for you?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  It’s a great story. It was a, it was, it was a kidnapping to start. My wrestling coach told me to go see a chiropractor when I had an injury and I refused to go. I said, you know, I’m going to be a surgeon. I’m not going to see one of these quacks. And then he ended up talking to my mother after a practice and he got a signature. And then a week later he goes, you’re coming to chiropractor with me and I go, I’m not going to a chiropractor. He says, getting the car. I go, are you going to kidnap me? He said, yes, I got a letter from your mom. I’m getting the car. So my coach dragged me to a chiropractor, been in pain for months and months, been on medications. I was sitting out at the time because I couldn’t wrestle, been on all the drugs, did all these tests and he takes me to a guy. It was like in his living room. I thought it was kind of weird. Him and his wife, little practice. And this guy jumped on me. I hear a sound and I got up and the pain was after seven, eight months is totally gone. And I was just baffled standing there in someone’s living room and go, what the heck just happened? And it was life changing. You know, just a paradigm in the situation being very different, but the results were, you know, you couldn’t argue with the outcome of that mobility I had, the instant freedom of pain. So I became that antagonistic naysayer into this freedom fighter for the profession before I ever became a chiropractor saying, how come people don’t know? Why are you in your living room? Why aren’t you in that big building? Why? Why do they have that money? Why are they on that white coat? You know, why is that being sold? I was like, why for months trying to figure out, I didn’t get why I didn’t know about this thing this guy just did to me. So it became such an inquisitive and curious journey for me to go visit a chiropractic school because I didn’t understand why was it such a secret? I didn’t understand.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Where did school start? Where’d you go?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I went to life university in Atlanta, Georgia.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Was Sid still there?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yes, he was.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yes. What was it like being around Sid?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I was with a lot of the New Yorker, New Jersey guys in the back of the room making a havoc, getting yelled at and we were, you know, it didn’t take to Sid’s message and he grabs us, he puts us in the front row, sits us right down, he gives us message, we’re dropping into the keys and it was, it was, you know, I’ll never forget that moment. I could taste it, see it right now from where I was and it just resonated with the message at that moment that, you know, based on physiology, a bumblebee can’t fly. You know, it’s just the wingspan. He’s talking about just science and innate and how everything works in nature and the message was like locked on. If he didn’t do that, I don’t know if I’d be as principal as I am today. If he didn’t grab us and shove us in the front row and make us listen and the message was just massive conviction and life changing.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, actually that’s where we reconnected down at the life of student like weekend.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yes, that’s right.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, what do they call those weekends? Leadership weekends?


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, life force, yes. Yeah. Yeah, it was really cool to see you down there. So how have you seen things changing on that campus over the past 25 years? Pretty cool, right?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it’s amazing. Just the expansiveness of it, the vision, they’ve done great work over the years.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So get out of school. What’s next?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I opened six clinics my first six years. So I moved kind of fast. I was building out my second one nine months in the first one. Wow. Two associates six months in and was looking at a build out and built one a year for the first six years in multiple states, built an operations manual and ran kind of an enterprise level business pretty fast. I can’t say it was without lots of adversity and trials without having the business experience of what I know now. But it was just this complete frustration, how dare my mission to spread that word that I can’t believe I didn’t know this thing with my story that I was like, everyone needs to know this. So it was true mission based and I backfilled the business, the marketing, the clinical as I perpetuated through this journey. But yeah, it was just hungry.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So before social media, what were you doing to grow these practices?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I was a guy with the spine walking through the mall. I was, you know, any group of people anywhere, you know, car wash, a grocery store. I didn’t care. I had no ego in it. I was just spreading the word again. Just set. And that’s what I try to teach docs. If you’re that mission based, I’ve never had to get a patient. Wasn’t like a concept of getting like it was a gap or something I had to acquire. It was like spreading this message. Like it seems cliche, but that mission based of a concept, I never had an issue. I was just always trying to spread this message of people that didn’t know because I didn’t know. And I just felt like I was serving the community by spreading this message. And I never had an issue with, you know, growing a clinic.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, so let’s like give a snapshot to like somebody that’s coming out of school and they want to go out there and be successful as a chiropractor. What would some advice you be to give to them so they could go, you know, jump out, I’m besides working with the Lion Life clinics. What would you tell them to go do to grow their practice?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I think it first starts at mindset. So like when people say get a patient, that’s a scarcity. That’s a try. That’s a force. I say we, you know, solve, assist people in providing solutions to their suffering is what you’re really doing. So start with mindset. That difference of mindset is going to change the, you know, your cerebral synapses, your hormonal makeup, your consciousness. It’s just going to, you’re going to walk a path a little bit different, a path of abundance, a path of serving versus a path of scarcity and getting and trying to acquire and force. It’s just a different way of approach. So I find that’s the biggest gap is we’re living in our stories or limiting beliefs and all of that. And I’ve proven that with using the Lion Life systems and having two groups of people, the mindset’s right, these are system, they scale mindset’s wrong. These are the same system that they don’t. So I would really start mindset. I’m very mindset based. So when I get out of a screening, sit in the car, meditate, deep breathe and think of the people you’re looking for, the little girl that’s about to have a brace, a rod put in her spine, the boy with ADHD that’s going to be put on riddle in and graduate to antidepressants, living life, subpar life. Not getting the right job, the right spouse, the right life. You know what I mean? So I really try to get deep into who am I going to serve? And then I end up meeting amazing people that are suffering and need help.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s really good insight, man. And I know that you wanted to touch on some things about your passion and interests moving forward into the profession. What are you interested into right now?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  My life purpose is to prove chiropractics. I’ve always been interested in accumulation of data and anything to do with natural health. I also formulate products. So I look at pre-post labs and that kind of chiropractic. I’m like pre-post x-ray. I’m looking at anything I can do to just prove the innate healing capacity of human body. So we got some exciting things. I’ve personally been part of three studies published with the ACA RAC. I’ve done a lot of publications in the nutrition field as well. It’s just constantly validating the beauty of what we have to do for the chiropractic profession. So, you know, my dream and a line life is to pool enough clinics that I could start segmenting data by condition and publishing large-scale research. So we’re in the process building a research department right now in our organization to start the journey a little bit more refined. So I’m really excited for that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Cool. And that gives me a good segue. So if people were looking to join the Align Life group, how do people jump on and start working with you?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You think go to AlignLife So if people were looking to join the Align Life group, how do people jump on and start working with you? You think go to AlignLife Go to AlignLife We can do everything from simple audits on different verticals like marketing or your business and give you some insights.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  We can take you through our discovery process to look under the hood of service offering or just give some general advice being the profession 25 years. We’re not focused on a sale. We’re focused on serving any which way we can guide. Sometimes it’s right inside of our deliverable and our offering, but sometimes it’s a direction helping a Chiro find their way in any other capacity. But we just love the open conversation of chiropractors that have the hands and the heart and maybe need a little direction in how to navigate the industry for success.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s really cool. So, go check it out, see if it’s a good fit for you guys that are watching the show. If you’re looking to get into a great network of chiropractors, I think that what you guys are doing is exceptional. You’re at 40 offices now. I’ll save a few more questions based on the brand as we go through the interview process today. But you have a podcast too, which is really exciting. You said that you’re one year into that AlignYourPractice podcast. Talk a little bit about the podcast. Is it fun?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I love it. Yeah, it’s such a fun journey because I get to take doctors who are in the midst of the limiting beliefs they’re in and I do a breakthrough right there or they just got on the other side of it and they’ve doubled the practice in two months because they broke that mindset. Or we implemented systems and they took off. You’re listening to true stories or true doctors going through the journey. So I think we’ll get a lot of good feedback from it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s cool. How frequently do you come out and where can people find it?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Once a week AlignLife… No, I’m sorry, You can look us on YouTube or you can see us on Apple Podcast or any of the podcast outlets. You can find us.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I’m going to subscribe and listen. So thanks for doing something for the chiropractic profession. I’m always learning too. There’s always new things to learn. And then business guidance. I know that’s a big part of your brand. You said that you can bring people in at any different level of what you’re up to, whether it’s the launch, the build, the scale, the team, or the exit. Let’s touch on all those segments. So launching. What does that look like? Yes.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  So we have a process of launching from everything, from helping you get loans to sign the lease, to build out, to build the team and do the marketing and get all your social and website set up. So it’s a very strategic method because we know the biggest reason any company fails is running out of cash flow. On your funded. Yeah. You’re funded. We’re very diligent about that process to get people up and launched as cheap and as successful as possible. So the launch phase is one of our forteys. And then once we get to build is when they start to churn this engine and serve people. So part of build is building your team, right? And building the infrastructure on the system. So day one, day two, your workshops, your resigns, the whole flow. Our goal is to create strong monthly recurring revenue and making sure we have some diversified revenue streams. The line life is an integrated model with some other services such as nutrients. We do some lab testing. We look at body composition. So we’re looking at multiple factors that affect human physiology all around neurology and managing the subluxation. So so builds a phase until you get to hire your first doctor. That’s part of your team and that’s the transition to scale. So getting into the scale phase, we help you vet out doctors, help you learn the leadership that requires required to actually manage another colleague, another chiropractor. So it takes a different skill set than building your practice leading other doctors in your organization. I think that’s a huge transition. And I find I don’t, you’ve talked to a lot of people, you probably see this too, is most chiropractors just buy themselves a job. They don’t build a business, meaning they can’t step away for a week or go on vacation because if they leave the business stuff. So we’re very passionate about helping doctors build a business that they don’t have to be chained to. They do it. They adjust because they love, they love the profession, but they don’t need to because they have a business. That makes sense.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Work, work, life, balance.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I think that that’s a really important part of the whole chiropractic profession is, like you said, I’ve talked to a lot. And what I find is that people suffer their marriage because they’re focused on the business. And if they don’t focus on their family first, then the business takes over and then they always say happy life, happy wife. And I think that if you can have that type of practice freedom where a person’s not the golden handcuffs, they’re not attached to the adjusting table, they can actually have like time to like spend time with the family and still have a profitable business. I think that’s like the real, the win for chiropractic that everybody’s always looking for, how do you create a business that you can be a part of and not have it supersede every other part of your life?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yes, 100%. Because it’s in our, in our off-reince, either multiple doctors or multiple clinics, and we try to set the stage where the doctor wants to go. And we straight up, I talked to someone yesterday that was looking at a line life and they just want to be a doctor. And I said, don’t open a business because if you’re not going to enjoy scale or exit, those are the two benefits you gain as owning a business. You can build any business by being an employee. If you don’t want to scale and you don’t want to exit, then you’re losing a lot of the value of why you launched a brand new business and took the risk. So it’s really important to teach that business component to new potential business owners.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And I’m sure you’ve seen like a lot of things happen within people’s like lifestyles where they go to that exit stage. And like life gets really exciting for them because now they can like focus on something new or they can like open up another office or they can become the clinic director and they’re not, you know, over the table constantly.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, there’s an emotional state that they feel there, like you said, is golden handcuffs to an office. I bought and sold so many offices. I have no issue of like building, selling, moving, new town, build another one. Once you understand it, you don’t have to be chained to anything or any location at any time because you and your heart and your mind, you know what it takes to build. So I like to teach the freedom of that to doctors and allow them to gain the business value of being able to exit. And that maybe another whole podcast for us to talk about is really the science of exit, which is a big misconception. One thing I’ll say about that. I know that’s the fourth phase is you have to separate the sale of a business and the end and your retirement are two separate transactions. Retiring and selling a business are two separate things and all doctors do it. Most doctors do it at the same time. They wait until they’re retiring to sell their business when they’ve already cut their hours, cut their marketing, cut their value. And now like, I think I want to retire, so I’m going to sell my business. You sell the business at the height. You retire years later after you gain your value. So I’ve taught that a lot and it’s really eye opening for doctors. They say, what? That doesn’t make sense.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Or you, is it like they stick around and still work and pay themselves like a salary then?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah. If you want to exit with three times, four times, five times the value of what you would sell a practice to a solo practitioner, you would do it inside of a group. And in order to get that value, you get two turns on your money. You sell a good portion of it right up front and they expect you to stay and help build, but you got a nice nest egg payout. You stay for three, four years and you get your second payout. But collectively, it’s three to five times what you would have got if you sold one. So you don’t wait till the end. You say in the next five years, I want to retire, but I want to sell at my high value. Three times more. No one thinks this way, but that’s the science.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, that’s good business.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  That’s smart business.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yes. Yeah. And then you keep yourself on as a high-paid doctor.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Huge. And you still do what you love because think about the guys at the end, the last five years. They don’t want to do with the office managers. They don’t want to do any marketing. Like, I just want to see my patients. Well, that’s, you might as well cash out at that point, get the top dollar and then get the second payout three, four years later instead of saying, I want out in 30 days, you’re going to get a 25% of the value.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love it, man. I love it. That’s really good advice. If there was one takeaway that anybody is watching here today, that would probably be the golden nugget for anybody to walk away with is establish yourself and then talk to Joe.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, we’re putting together a group exit for those that are looking at exiting the next three or five years if they want to, you know, multiply their value significantly, like more than double. So I always say, do you want to exit by the fishing, your, your bass boat? Or do you want to buy the bass boat and the condo on the island at the same time for this time? It’s funny.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I made a post today on the social and it says, let’s see, what do I say? Very insightful to your cut to the conversation. He’s ready to retire from chiropractic and sell it all. That was my post today. The things gone bananas, 39 comments on it. There’s a lot of people out there that are looking to transition the markets moving quick. You know, there’s a lot of people out there that are towards their like swan song years. They’re at that like final chapter of like practice and they’re, they don’t have a legacy built. They just have like old files and X-ray and tables and, you know, like that’s what their assets are. And they never looked at it from the ones that you’re talking about right now. They, they’d never looked at it as like, how do I stick around for another couple of years and maximize my business that I’ve built for years and years and years and not just retire and have it go to nothing.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah. I think over the last 20 years chiropracts mature as an industry. It’s matured in business. We’ve matured our marketing sense. I want to help Kyros mature in their knowledge on their personal wealth at the end, making sure they make smart moves to gain maximum value. Because I think there’s still a, a maturity on our industry and that segment. And I think we need to serve these Kyros to support them on their, you know, their final

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  stage. So I guess the question that I just have to ask you is when you get to this chapter of career for practitioners like a mom and pops, it’s a solopreneur. Is there a chance for you to come in and help them like sort out that like, that, that plan for themselves?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, we put a full strategy together. We look at the numbers. We project what we think we can do to help them gain that value. And we put literally a three to five year plan to say, if you really want to do this well, what they do is just keep working because they can’t retire because they’re getting one time. They’re profit, so they only get one year. So if they knew they’re going to be like a five years or eight years of value.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  They would start that process earlier.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  It would start now and say, wait, I think it’s that. Yeah, it changes their whole mindset.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So yeah, I think the sooner that people are interested in this whole, like, how do I make the most of my practice life, they should talk to you before it’s like, rage, like ring the bell.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, and it’s not just in the franchise offering that we have. So just for clarity on those that are listening, if you’re at that stage of curiosity about exit, you know, we, we have program inside or outside of our group to collectively support the exit. So there is really meaningful conversations we can have to give some direction.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So yeah, the next podcast that Joe and I will be doing will focus specifically on the science of the exit. Awesome. So let’s go quick round. Who are some of the heroes that you’ve had in this profession? Who are some of the mentors people that have taught you how to become the man you are today?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I guess one, I’m a gun-joyed at heart. So Dr. Gons did, I think, got me forward thinking of challenging process physiology of what, how to navigate a patient’s health from, he would put people on the floor, cross-crawling, he’d be giving kelp tablets in the 50s where no one even knew what that was. You know, for iodine for thyroid, he was just a renegade guy. And I took that to heart since I’ve gotten to practice. I’ve gotten, you know, probably 12 post-graduate degrees to study just human physiology. I’ve been obsessed with outcome. People think I’m a business guy, but I’m really a clinician by heart. So he was one, probably one of my…

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Find it, find it, fix it, leave it alone.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  It’s not done. Who else? Dr. Mark Wurking, who was a gun-seductant I worked under who became a personal friend. May I rest in peace? He passed about two years ago, but he really guided me well on this journey. And a lot of people in the business world that too many to count to really understand value is hugely important. I think I, in the beginning, I was so passionate, but I didn’t understand value. And I learned that over time from so many greats.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  No, it’s really great. It’s one of my favorite questions to ask during this. And then, you know, I close out with something of a miracle story. What have you seen over your 25-year career, something that just sticks with you, that just kind of almost brings you tears just thinking about it?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah, two of my favorite stories. Well, it’s hard to pick the one with the little girl who came in with neck pain. And she was 11 and she looks at her mom. And I say, is there any other things you’re dealing with? She looks at the mom and she, mom says, it’s okay. And the girls starts crying. She says, well, I’ve been vomiting. I, well, you know, how often? And she’s like, like a hundred times a day. And I start, in a sense, laughing at that she was kidding. Like, well, no, I do. But I don’t projectile. Sometimes it’s just my mouth. And the mom says she’s going to Mayo Clinic and they’re going to cut a piece of her diaphragm off and they’re going to wrap that piece of diaphragm around her esophagus and sew it down so she never vomit. So they’re going to Mayo because she’s losing the nambor teeth, ulcerations. Just rotting, yeah. Liding inside that she’s 11. She can’t go out of her friend. She can’t go to lunch. She can’t do anything. Smells. I’m going to lose her teeth, breath smells. So it’s like destructive. So I adjust this little girl. I check her and I see subluxation around the upper sphincter of the stomach. And I was like, you know what? I don’t fix vomiting, but I hope to remove a condition called a subluxation. We talk through it. And then after like two, three adjustments, it’s crazy to her mom say crying and saying my daughter only vomited about 30 times today. But just beyond my mind to even register or write that down is beyond even recognition for me. Well, within four weeks later, she never vomited again. And they canceled the surgery at Mayo Clinic. And the moving part for me is a year later to the day they told me she didn’t vomit. I get this big plaque of a guy holding a little kid’s hand facing the beach, like holding the hand from behind. And she sent me a handwritten letter, the little girl saying it’s been one year today that I didn’t vomit. You canceled my server, you changed my life, you improved my friendships, this whole long letter. And I broke down and I took a picture of it, sent it to my sister and I just started the franchise. And she’s in the military Naval Academy grad in the Middle East. And four days later, a week later, she resigns from the Navy and says, I’m coming on board. And she became the president of the franchise and says, if I could be part of anything, that can do that to a person, it’s more than I’m doing now. So that was real touching, obviously, a kid to write that letter was just, you know, changed my life really, really inspired me.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Man, that is so good. Well, I mean, it touches me just to hear these stories and to know that, you know, we can make an impact on people’s lives. And I was just telling you, I went up to Alaska and I did three weeks of screenings and there was this little girl that came over and I had this little spinning wheel out in front and she spun it and she goes, special, what’s a special? And I go, well, you have to have your parents over here in order to get, you know, a prize with us, but it’s a special to come see the chiropractor. And she’s like, oh my gosh, my daddy needs a chiropractor and he’s not here with us. So she runs over and gets her mom and brings her mom over and she’s like, mom, I want dad a special. And like the wife starts telling me dad was hit in a car and has messed up his low back and not functioning well. And this little girl like brought her mom over, made her sign up dad because she won the special on the wheel.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Right? And it’s, it’s those, those moments that make us remember like why I stood out there for 12 hours that day in the pouring rain trying to save people’s lives from drugs or surgery. Because this is a theme that we tell people. If I don’t tell you the truth today about chiropractic, someone else will eventually convert you to drugs or surgery and this little girl comes over and wins the special. Then we, I don’t know, we, we scheduled her dad. I don’t, you know, work in the office. I don’t get that like feedback or that satisfaction to know that we’re changing these lives. But the story that you just shared is like, it’s a, it’s a bonder, right? It bonds you to like the mission of why you continuously do what we do.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  Yeah. It drives you to, you know, it’s such a beautiful thing for the mission that those of us in the business and scaling and building offices. If you’re mission based, it’s just a different journey in life. It’s a, you see the world in a different way, you experience more. You have a higher consciousness when you’re on purpose, when you’re telling the truth, when you’re, have the chance to impact someone’s life. So I, I don’t regret one minute, one day, one hour of this journey in Chiro. I, I’m just blessed from day one to now. My excitement enhances per day. It doesn’t, to the fire does not get lessened any day on this journey.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’m 25 years, I’m 15 years in the making. Is there anything I didn’t ask you that you would like to share with your audience today before I get them to go to check out your websites?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  No, I think what I started saying in the beginning is mindset. I just, just realized that you are, you, you’re a servant of, of society and it’s not about you. So once you realize it’s not about you, all your limiting beliefs will go away. You get yourself into the way of your impact, of your success, of your abundance, of your prosperity because you’re adding stories in the way of you being a servant. It’s not about you. It’s about what you do. It’s what you can provide. It’s what your innate genius is to serve. So when you separate yourself in a selfless way, all of that ego and all of the doubts and all of the insecurities just melt away because you’re on mission, you’re on purpose and you, you’re a servant of society. And when you get to that point, nothing will be in your way.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So 40 clinics are already operational running. What’s next?

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  We’re on aggressive growth trend to go to 100. We’ve had, you know, a year and a half of slowdown is speed up to rebuild some infrastructural components to align life, so we’re really excited about where we’re at now and we are excited about the growth ahead. So yeah, we’re ready to serve the next large group of chiropractors that are looking for, you know, our three uniques, which is diversified revenue streams, peace of mind through monthly occurring revenue, and durability through multiple doctors or multiple practices. Those three things unified together will provide you a dream practice that most people are looking for.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):,, check out Dr. Joe. Appreciate you joining forces with us and supporting Chiro Hustle. It’s been a long time coming and I’m thankful to have you on board.

    DR JOSEPH ESPISITO DC (GUEST):  I look forward to your thousandth episode. I think you’re on a mission and I can feel it in your energy and what you’re doing. I just appreciate what you’re doing. You’re doing it for the right reasons, for the right purpose. I appreciate everything you do.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I close out every show the same way. I tell everyone you’re just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you, Dr. Joe. I’ll see you soon. Thank you. All right.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling with the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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    The post AlineLife and Building out the Franchise Model with Dr Joseph Esposito DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 556 appeared first on Chiro Hustle.

    29 April 2024, 2:16 am
  • Upstart Chiropractic College in Washington with Dr Sarah Kotlerman DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 555


    Current Role: Dr. Kotlerman is the clinical director at Averio Health Institute, an innovative, concentrated chiropractic facility located in Mt. Vernon, WA, USA. Averio Health Institute is a concentrated chiropractic care facility that specialized in 5-day programs for chronic and complex cases. The goal of AHI is to remove the underlying interferences that are keeping the person from being healthy. Our objective testing department specializes in anaylzed digital spinal radiographs, heavy metal & environmental toxicity testing, intracellular micronutrient panels, and functional brain & functional neurological testing. At AHI a patient can get a lot of gentle and specific regenerative care in a very short amount of time; allowing for a different response and more significant response from the patient’s central nervous system.

    Dr. Kotlerman has ten case studies accepted for international publication through the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Dr. Kotlerman published a clinical results book, Exceptional Health: You Can Have It in 2021 which ranked at the top of Amazon charts for ‘neuron-anatomy’ for several weeks. Dr. Kotlerman graduated from Life West Chiropractic College in Hayward, California in 2017 with emerald clinical honors. Dr. Kotlerman became the Averio Health Institute Clinical Director in 2020.

    Dr. Kotlerman is a speaker and author and has recently been interviewed on national TV through the Children’s Health Defense TV and An Informed Life Radio on the topic of chiropractic care, as well as, being a keynote speaker at the largest chiropractic conference in the PNW, ChiroFest on the topic of concentrated chiropractic care. Dr. Kotlerman and her team has a great passion in pursuing the opportunity for the patient’s response when given the opportunity of more chiropractic care.

    Clinical Highlights:
    -Led the 2018 Chiropractic Mission Uganda in 2018 – collected observational data on over 2000 patients receiving their first visit and are currently collaborating the data.
    -Co-lead of the chiropractic division of the Seattle King County Clinic – largest free clinic in Washington State in 2019 and 2020
    -Exceptional Health: You Can Have It 2021 – published clinical research book
    -10 case studies that have been accepted for publication through the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and Pan-Asian Chiropractic Journal
    -Health For Our Future – 2022 – full length documentary on six families with severely challenges children who have their lives changed through concentrated chiropractic care. This program was accomplished with the help of private foundational support.
    -Averio CEO, Anna Martin received the Tom Campbell award from the Washington State Chiropractic Associate for her efforts in helping achieve this financial support for the documentary project.
    -Current Washington State Chiropractic Association board member
    -Current Washington Chiropractic College team member


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!



    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 555 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Sarah Kotlerman. If you want to hear the upstart of a chiropractic college in Washington, this is the story. Stay tuned! Welcome back! This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Dr. Sarah Kotlerman on with me. We have some really cool stuff to talk about, a new college model out in Washington that we’re going to get on. We’re going to talk about concentrated chiropractic care and why. I know it’s a big thing most people have never heard about. And we’ll talk about service and how to give back to the profession. We’ll round it out with some things about the future chiropractics and miracle stories and some of her mentors that helped her become who she is today. Before we jump in this episode, I’m going to let you guys know our big why, why do we do it? We do over here. We’ll first things first as a Second Amendment, which is freedom of speech. We’ve never censored anyone, and we don’t like it when we get censored either, so Chiro Hustle stands for that. We also stand for medical freedom and family health freedom. They’re not the same thing, but we believe that Chiro Project delivers both of those to the people that need it the most. We also believe and support BJ Palmer’s last words. It’s called the Sacred Trusts. Protect the Sacred Trusts if you guys don’t know what that is. Go into your favorite search engine right now. Stop this interview and find out what BJ Palmer’s last words were. You’re going to know more about chiropractic than you previously did. I guarantee you. And then we do support subluxation based chiropractic and innate intelligence. We believe that when the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman’s spiritual. With that being said, welcome to episode 555.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, so chiropractic, it’s the major premise of our show. And one of the things I’m really excited about is telling your story and getting you to speak about things that you’re enthusiastic about within this profession. So why don’t we just roll in to talk about how you got into chiropractic?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  I got into chiropractic because I hiked the El Camino de Santiago, which is a 500, 550 mile trail, depending on a little bit where you start, where you end that goes from the south part of France to the western edge of Spain. I had no intentions of pursuing chiropractic, even though I have many chiropractors in my family, my father’s. Every famous chiropractor, Dr. Avery Martin, who’s a legacy in Washington state, he’s founded a ton of very successful clinics. And he actually founded a Vera Health Institute, which is the concentrated chiropractic facility that we’ll talk about here in a few minutes. But I didn’t have any intentions of going the same direction. I was actually thinking about maybe potentially pursuing four services or law. So when I hiked that trail, and if you know anything about the Camino, you know it has about a 1200 year history of being a very spiritual, very like real get to the soul of things kind of experience, when I hiked that trail, I realized in the by the time I hit the last 100 miles that I needed to help people figure out how to be sustainably and exceptionally healthy, that people had lost touch with how their bodies worked, how their brains worked, and that there was no other profession to work in except in the profession that removes central nervous system interference.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think that that’s pretty cool. The Camino, how long did it take you?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  I did it in 34 days, which I don’t recommend going that fast. There were a couple of days we hiked. I went with a girlfriend of mine, and there was a couple of days we hiked over 30 miles. Our feet were very sore.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, that’s that’s pretty exceptional. I was just talking to a guy yesterday about walking across America. He’s helped over 2000 people walk across the United States, and he said that the average about 20 miles a day.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Which is a lot. It’s really a lot, especially on trails that become really hard packed and clay and concrete. Your body feels it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think that there’s a lot of great stories to tell and share, but I’m most interested in your story today. Let’s talk about this Washington chiropractic college that you guys are spearheading and looking at developing and getting funding for. Let’s talk a little bit about the history, the why around it, and how people can get involved with it.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Sounds great. So the goal of the Washington Chiropractic College is to bring a boutique chiropractic educational model to the United States. This is a model that’s been extremely successful in other places like New Zealand, Australia, Spain, but currently does not exist inside of the United States and could be a model that is a game changer for chiropractic. I understand that this podcast is going out nationwide, so I don’t can’t speak for other parts of the country, but at least in Washington State, I can speak for the fact that we have a hiring crisis. We don’t have enough DCs to meet the demand. We have whole areas that are underserved, offices that have six, nine month waiting lists to get in for care, because there aren’t enough doctors of chiropractic to address the demand. And this is the demand on what patients know as of now. If patients knew what chiropractors knew, we couldn’t even be a drop in the bucket of demand from all the sick people in the United States who would finally realize that there was an option for them that wasn’t ineffective drugs and surgery. So we’re looking to kind of meet the hiring demand, and we’re also looking to meet the philosophical demand. We need great chiropractors. We don’t need people with chiropractic licenses who are unwilling to step up and do the work. We need great chiropractors. So the model is a boutique model. It’s designed to be small. It’s designed to fit a niche, and it’s designed to not compete with any of the existing chiropractic colleges. It shouldn’t compete with or be negative in any way to our existing great schools. This is just to increase the options for people who want to become chiropractors. It’s actually been over 80 years since we’ve had a chiropractic college in Washington State, which I found surprising considering how great a state, Washington State is to be a chiropractor. We’ve got great laws here. We’ve got great opportunities like Chirophes just last weekend with Paul Reed. I mean, what a great opportunity for chiropractors in Washington State. So the model of Washington Chiropractic College is going to be 75 students, one class a year. So 75 students in, four years later, 75 doctors of chiropractic out is the goal. I’m not going to go past 75. And James, one of the weird things that I was not expecting when we started this journey was how many DCs would actually have critiques for us on the 75 model. And I think the reason why that is there is a little bit to keep the focus on the educational opportunity instead of the financial opportunity of education. If we cap it at 75 and we have a waiting list of 200 students trying to get into the college, that allows us to pick the top 75 people that we think are going to make the world’s best chiropractors make the biggest impact, participate in leadership, hold strong for the profession. It doesn’t mean that the other people who aren’t accepted can’t go somewhere else, but the goal is for us to find those top 75. And when we’ve hit our 75, then the only goal is let’s give them the best education possible.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know, that’s a really interesting model. I think that if you think about how many graduates are coming out yearly from chiropractic schools, this is a good contribution to set. And you can keep the overhead low too, right?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Extremely low. That’s one of our goal sets and we’re a little bit early on to give any kind of hard numbers. But one of our goal sets as the team is to look and see if we cannot make the educational experience of becoming a chiropractor less expensive. We will be fully accredited when we start. So federal loans will be an option. But isn’t there, you know, we’re kind of exploring with all the new technology and education. I mean, the COVID era didn’t bring a lot of good stuff. But one of the things it did bring that’s been beneficial is it brought a lot of flexibility to education with different kinds of technological advances. And there’s a question on the table of whether or not we could use some of those technological advances to make that education keep the quality really high, but reduce the financial burdens on the students.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I mean, I’m not a chiropractor. A lot of people watch our show, they are like, well, you know, he knows a lot about this profession. And I’ve always thought like, why wouldn’t we send students down to Mexico, get them degrees and get them to be proficient chiropractors with no debt? Yeah. And then be able to matriculate back up to the States and be chiropractors instead of the glut that we’re involved in where people come out of school and it’s almost kind of like, pass say, like, we talk about it like, oh, a quarter of a million dollars, $350,000 and like student debt. Like, I can’t even imagine trying to enjoy practice with that type of like debt load. Like, I don’t know, maybe some people are really good at like paying down debt, but like, that’s a huge monstrosity just to go out there and to go in and get the, you know, as we get the pursuit of, you know, being a chiropractor, like that doesn’t even like determine if you’ll be successful or not.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  It’s a huge problem. And the quarter of a million to 350 estimate, that isn’t even scratching the surface of some of the debt people are coming out with. I know lots of people who are coming out closer to half a million, $600,000 in debt because it’s not just the cost of the school. It’s the cost of living. Chiropractic school is intense. I have three degree programs behind my name. Chiropractic school was intense even after going through different high quality degree programs. It is very hard to run a business. It’s very hard to have a job around the type of attention you have to give to just getting through Chiropractic school. So people are dependent on federal loans. You can’t go bankrupt on federal loans that you take out for an upper graduate degree, the tier one degree. You’re stuck with that. My loans that I came out with were between 7 and 9%. It was very hard to get debt free from that burden. And it’s like a system that eats its own because we get people so excited about being a Chiropractor and it is a wonderful career. I would never, never negate somebody from going into being a Chiropractor. It’s been a wonderful career for me, for many of my family members, for many of my colleagues. But it’s tricky to navigate how to not get stuck in the mud going through this four to five year degree program that’s going to put you in a ton of debt that you can’t bankrupt on, that you can’t get rid of, that’s at a high interest rate that you can’t control. And it does seem like it would be a much healthier thing if we could figure out how to reduce the stress and the financial burden on these students.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I think about that all the time. I think about how to make a healthier profession and a lot of its financial freedom. And a lot of the people that come on our show, they’ve been out of Chiropract school for many years. And when they graduated, there wasn’t the same amount of interest, there wasn’t the same amount of per credit hour. A lot changed. And these have become like institutions of like basically being attached to the banking system rather than the education system. They’re more interested in the banking process of pushing somebody through a Chiropractic degree than they are the education process and teaching them proper adjusting techniques and making sure that they are qualified with their philosophy and their knowledge base of to go out there and be a Chiropractor and not to be some confused debt ridden person that’s out there trying to be a Chiropractor where they didn’t get that education basis. So I think there’s a lot. Let’s talk about the involvement. People wanted to get involved with the Washington Chiropractic school. What does that look like?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  We would love people to get involved. But this is something you are hearing about, even if this is the first time you’re hearing about it and you go, man, that’s just a team I want to join. I want to be part of that. Even if you’re in another state, reach out, let us know, get in contact with us. We have a great group of people on the team here at WCC. It’s a pleasure to work with all of them. A couple of things that we have going. I have a few spots left in our initial fundraising platform, which is called the Founders Club. The Founders Club is a group of 33 D.C.’s. Only D.C.’s at this level of participation. What we’re going to do with each D.C. who is a founder is we’re going to bronze their hand. So your hand is molded. You get a 3D recycled marine bronze hand that’s made by a Seattle artist. And those hands, each one’s representing one of our Chiropractic principles. This is another foundation of the WCC is we’re going to be a principal Chiropractic college. So much so that our initial fundraising is to create a piece of art that is going to have 33 Chiropractor hands that’s going to stand right in the atrium of our school. And the donation to be part of the Founders Club is a one-time donation tax deductible of $33,000. So we’re hitting the 33s from a couple of different angles. That’s our initial fundraising platform. If you are in a position where you could be a founder where you would like that to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity group, we have a couple of spots left and that is a high priority for us to fail because you have no idea how much money it takes to get a new school off the ground and especially to get a new school off the ground and hold the type of high level principles that we are are are holding. So if you’re Chiropractor and Chiropractic’s been good to you and you’ve been successful and you want to leave a legacy for the next generation, please get in touch with us as being a founder. I’d love to finish out that group. So the art piece was done before the first class comes through. We also have pioneer level donations. If you go, I’d love to send some money to this project, but I can’t do $33,000 right now. Any donation between 500 up to the 33 that is given between now and the start of the first class is going to be recognized with on a plaque as part of our pioneers group. There’s an opportunity to do recurring donations. All that’s on our website, washington If you are interested and if you are looking at finding a teaching position or a leadership position, we’re putting lists together. Obviously, we are way too early in the process to be doing any kind of hiring. But if this is something that you’re passionate about and you feel like this would be your right team, let us know. Give us your contact information. Go on the website, fill out the contact form. There’s different buttons you can push for different levels of involvement. And lastly, if you’re a prospective student, if you are somebody who would like to be a Chiropractor who’s trying to figure out where you want to go to school, hit us up. We’re doing prospective student opportunities. We actually just finished a huge event in July where we worked with the Arlington Runners Club and we built the world’s largest cardboard spine. It was over 100 feet in length and got on the front page of the newspaper, got a little blurb on national TV. It was really fun. We had 24 DC’s each wearing a full body cardboard vertebrae costume. And on the Arlington airport field, we all lined them up and took pictures from the sky and all over the place and then we all ran a 5K. So that was really fun. We had a lot of prospective students involved in that event. We just had some prospective students at Chirophes last weekend. So if you’re thinking, if you’re curious or you’re feeling called to be in a Chiropractor, now is an open opportunity for you to get involved with our current prospective group that is looking to be the Pioneer class at WCC. So this is your sign to get involved.



    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!



    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well guys, let’s make history. Go to, become a Founders Club member. It’s principal based Chiropractic school. Just give what you can. I know there’s a lot of people out there that want to see more principled educated Chiropractors out there. And it’s a really, like the ethos behind the project matters because we do need more diversity within the education of the Chiropractic profession. So I think it’s really cool what you guys are doing and that you guys have a lot of enthusiasm behind it. So we’re going to switch gears a little bit. We’re going to talk about something that you do at a Vero Health Institute. I’ve never really heard of this mentioned before but it’s called concentrated chiropractic. Tell us what concentrated chiropractic is and why it works.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  So concentrate chiropractic care, James, is the idea of more than one adjustment in a day. And it’s not a particularly new idea. There, I mean, Clarence Gonsstead, Spears Chiropractic Hospital, there have been opportunities throughout history where chiropractors would create facilities where patients could get more than one adjustment in a day. The reason for this is that your central nervous system sends signals extremely quickly. So you can provide an adjustment, especially like in the case of our Vero doctors, we’re using a sustained contact type of adjusting. So there is no gasses release. There is no popping that comes from the adjustment but does still stimulate the central nervous system and remove neurological interference from the spinal system. So there’s no limit. There’s no restriction to how quickly the body can take that adjustment, make the changes and be ready for the next adjustment. And this becomes such a game changer specifically in chronic and complex cases. These people, they need more chiropractic care to allow their body to respond. So what we’re doing at the Institute is we’re having patients who are on site for five days at a time. They check in Monday morning, they check out Friday afternoon. And every day we are pushing somewhere around six hours of what we call concentrated care. During this time, we’re doing multiple low level force chiropractic adjustments. We’re using complimentary modalities to support the adjusting and we’re doing educational processes with the patients. Teaching them how chiropractic works, teaching them why chiropractic is the missing link to why they haven’t been able to respond. Some of these people are doing incredibly smart things and have been for a long time. But they don’t understand how their central nervous system functions. They don’t understand how important the spinal system is and how spinal health will interfere with neurological function. They don’t understand those pieces. And one of the most interesting things that we’re seeing that we’re starting to publish literature on is actually some of these chronic cases who they have long term chronic spinal health challenges and how that’s actually leading to heavy metal and environmental toxicity getting into their systems. And how that’s actually something we have to address to help them get to normal. The goal is normal spines. Does not matter how degenerative, how ugly it looks when a person starts. We’ve seen completely bone on bone, fused spinal vertebrae, redevelop a disc. We have seen severe ligament instability far past what would typically be considered a fusion surgery as the only option. We’ve seen that reverse. We’ve seen calcium and arteries reverse that the body wants to be healthy.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think that it’s really like it’s nothing new like you said, but it is very unique model practice. How do you get people and educate them that they’re going to come in for five days?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Actually, we have no problem with that. I’ve already got I’ve got at any one in time I’ve got a three to four month waiting list for services here. Part of its word of mouth, we’re very small. We have done nothing in the way of marketing at this point in time. Everything that the institute has done has been examining this type of care, running a lot of testing and finding out in a complex and chronic demographic, what does it take from a chiropractic perspective to get these people back to the place where their brains and their spines are working normally. So a lot of our last decade of work has been examining this model of care and perfecting this model of care. We haven’t done any marketing, but because our patients get such a high level of results and they get results quickly, we see incredible change at the end of five days because most of our patients at the end of five days have been exposed to more chiropractic adjustments than they will get in a year in most offices. So their body is having a chance to change and respond and adapt to that input and it’s anti-aging. It’s causing a reversal of degeneration and symptomology in the body. So we stay very busy just off the word of mouth, but my vision is bigger than just running a successful institute and providing some interesting anecdotal research. My vision is what if a percentage of the chiropractic profession started doing concentrated care. We would reach a demographic of patients that we cannot reach right now and not just chronic and complex patients. But think about all the people who work in industries that do not allow them the opportunity to go see chiropractors because they’re on the road nine, ten months a year. Their commercial flight attendants and jet pilots, they’re in the military, they travel a lot, they are in the transportation and tourism industries. These are millions and millions and millions of people that struggle to get chiropractic care because of the traditional model that we have. And this won’t replace the traditional model of chiropractic, but it could be an amazing addition to it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I’m at the position where I like this plan. What does it look like when somebody goes through their five days, do you just say, hey, bye, I’ll never see you again. No, no. What is the relationship look like moving forward?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Sure. So we do not do any maintenance care. So when a patient gets within 90% of normal or if they get all the way to normal with their spinal system, we are looking to refer them out. And this has been a game changer for a lot of our local offices that have become referring docs for us because we send them back somebody who has so much education and chiropractic that they’re chiropractic patient for life. And so is their spouse, their kids, their grandparents, everyone, because now they really understand the why behind chiropractic and what it does. And if you are curious, it’s not just getting somebody out of pain, that’s not the why. So we’re referring out, we’re always referring back to our local chiropractors. A lot of our patients are more than one week cases. We’re taking care of people with a lot of chronic inflammatory conditions. In fact, it was an interesting question with the grant proposal that we’re doing right now as we are putting exclusion criteria together. The doctor team that I’m working with was like, well, what about two? If we go, the patients in will be have at least two, would that be reasonable? And I had to go, I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody who only had two chronic inflammatory conditions. I mean, we typically see five to 25. So yeah, we can do two, two would be easy. And we just, people are so darn sick and their bodies are falling apart on multiple fronts. So we’re typically seeing patients over a period of time, maybe five to six week long programs. And how quickly we see you for your second week long program depends a little bit on what the underlying damage is. Are, is your underlying damage more ligament instability or trauma to the ligaments? Is your underlying damage alignment and toxicology based? Is it generative base? Is it arterial blood flow based? It depends, we’re looking at the underlying cause and those regeneration cycles of tissue and when it would be most clinically appropriate for the next push towards getting the body to get back to normal limits.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I am definitely interested in what you’re up to. It’s really cool to hear you so enthusiastic about this concentrated chiropractic. And I think that what you’re getting is great outcomes. Because you have 10 case studies and that they’ve been published. So that’s really cool that you guys are tracking and getting results. And it’s, it’s, I love it. Let’s turn the gear to, I know we’re coming up on the edge of our time together. I want to go quick hit with you and cover a couple of last topics. One is service mission trips. Yeah. It’s like you do one in Washington and it looks like you are doing one in Uganda. So let’s briefly touch on both of them. And then we’ll get into a couple more ideas towards the end of the episode.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  Sounds good. So in 2018, a Vera Health Institute took a group to Mambali, Uganda and did the first chiropractic mission trip in that area that had ever happened. It was really amazing experience. It’s hard to put these types of experiences into words. We went in blind. We did not know really anything about the people we were working with. We had some rotary connections, but the program wasn’t going through rotary. We had teamed up with this young man through a program called Global Leadership Initiatives in 2016. He wanted to be a participant. It didn’t work out. But we stayed in touch. And as he was trying to get through his clinical officer ship, his name was Julius, and as he was trying to get through this, he ended up hitting me up in later 2016 and going, can I get some money? And I went, oh, yeah, I don’t know if I want to be the United States based ATM. I said, Julius, let’s see if there’s another way we can figure out how to get you through your program without me just sending you money. Because that wasn’t going to be a sustainable model for either Julius or myself. And so I started doing some research on Uganda, found out that they had a pretty advanced cell phone network. And I said, hey, why don’t I send you some donated cell phones and see if you can fix them up and sell them and see if that doesn’t work towards providing you with the funds that you need. Turned out that that idea actually worked brilliantly. Julius got the money to get himself through his medical degree, got his sister through a law degree, got a bunch of other kids in their cohort through their educational degrees. And they ended up putting up a foundation in the Nakakama slums with that money as well. And that foundation is still running from the work that we did in 2018 where they teach kids how to be hairdressers, typists. If you’re not familiar with Uganda, you would not know this, but the Nakakama slums are one of the roughest districts where there’s a lot of drug and alcohol abuse use. We walked it when we were there in 2018 and you saw the large six, seven, eight foot in diameter flat pans where they were cooking the grains that they were going to turn into hard alcohol. People passed out all over the place. And there’s kids everywhere. There’s children everywhere running around. And the reason this foundation was put up was to help these kids get out of that cycle. Money from the cell phones also went to putting up a clinic. And that’s how we got there in 2018 with a mission trip was to help get the clinic off the ground. We took over 900 pounds worth of medical equipment, supplements, textbooks, a full skeleton. I will never do that again. What we did transport a full skeleton from Seattle, Washington to Dubai to Intebbe, Uganda, some experiences you only need to do once. And had a great trip. Gave over 2,000 people. Their first chiropractic adjustment saw huge changes in blood pressure, saw people go from not walking to walking, not talking to talking. All the wonderful things you see on a chiropractic mission trip have continued to do work in that area in helping them with organic farming, agriculture, socioeconomic development. Some friends of mine went over in 2020 and did some amazing work there. And we’re hoping to go back next December, December 2024 and do the second round of the chiropractic mission trip side of it and check in and see where this community needs support and continue to provide that support.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Really powerful, really, really powerful. And then you’re doing Seattle King County Clinic. I know that you said that you’re seeing 6,000 people in four days. There’s a domestic mission style trip.

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  It’s super fun. So if you are local to the Pacific Northwest and you have not participated in the Seattle King County Clinic, I highly recommend that you get connected and you come participate. You’ve covered just a day. It’s a four day event. It is a free clinic in central Seattle, the whole clinic usually sees around 6,000 patients. Chiropractors have a big wing. There’s usually 15 to 30 chiropractors adjusting at any one time. I was the co-lead for 2020. The Seattle King County Clinic opportunity was actually kind of led up by my father, Dr. Avery Martin, back in 2015 as the wheels were turning towards this event becoming a reality. My father stood up and said, hey, Chiropractic needs to be part of this. And we’ve had a great working relationship with the rest of the medical team the entire time. And it’s been wonderful. It’s been a wonderful experience. It’s great to give back. In fact, I would highly recommend that if you are a DC and you have not yet done something where you don’t get paid and you just get the opportunity to lay hands on people who need you, that you hurry up and get your butt signed up for one of these opportunities. Whether it’s in the United States or whether it’s internationally, whether it’s a mission trip, it doesn’t matter. But do something with your skill set where you get to help people and you’re not getting financially compensated. It’s a game changer. It’s a game changer for your mind, your mental state, your understanding of where people are at with their understanding of Chiropractic and their body, your soul. It is positive on all levels. Yeah.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think it’s really important for people to give at their time, their talent and their treasure. Forage people go to, support Dr. Sarah and the group out there that is launching the Washington Chiropractic College. I think it’s really important for everybody to know where to go to do that. Become a founding club member or a pioneer member of that group. There’s a lot that you guys can do, a lot that we can do to participate and to make this Chiropractic profession stronger. Last question, where, it kind of full circles, Washington Chiropractic College and the future Chiropractic, how do they live together?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  They link together very, very much in a straight line A to B. Chiropractic will only be as strong as the people who are Chiropractors. We see this on a small surface level all over the place. You get new leadership, you get a couple of new people at a state association level or at a quality assurance board and suddenly the whole tone and culture of Chiropractic changes. We get to determine the culture of Chiropractic. The Chiropractors get to determine the culture of Chiropractic and it depends on how we educate the next generation of Chiropractors. It depends on how we choose to treat each other. I am so tired of hearing about any Chiropractors who are doing cool and exciting stuff, getting nonsense board complaints from other Chiropractors. That is part of our culture that we could drop. We could become supportive, we could lift each other up. One of our favorite sayings here at a very health institute is that a high tide raises all boats and we try to only participate in projects where we can say that we’re being part of the high tide. It is not about lifting our boat up. It’s not about that. It’s about creating an environment that all the surrounding boats get lifted up. We lift together and Chiropractic is a small and intimate profession. We’re either going to rise up together or we’re going to fall fat on our faces together based on how we choose to allow culture to happen in each state and in the United States together.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I love this conversation. We’re at the edge of our time together. I know that there was a lot of more stuff that we could have talked about today and I really appreciate you making time in your busy day to be episode 555 of the Kyra Hustle podcast. Let’s plant this college in Washington and let’s plant one of these colleges in every state moving forward. I’m going to get you making that time and to talk about this concentrated chiropractic style of care. I do think it’s important for people to understand that the more that they give, the more that they get. You can’t out give the giver and givers gain. Really good fundamental philosophy there. Is there anything I didn’t ask you about that you’d like to close out with today?

    DR SARAH KOTLERMAN DC (GUEST):  No. If you’re listening to this and you haven’t been involved and you’d like to get involved somewhere, you have important talents to give. Thank you so much, James, for having me on here. I know we just met last weekend at Kyra Fest and I really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to give a little shout out to some of these projects. I believe that if we help each other out in whatever capacity that we can, it’s that high tide steel. It’s high tides raise all boats. Thank you for being part of the high tide.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Absolutely. I’m going to close off then like I always do. I’m going to tell everybody you’re just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you so much, Dr. Sarah. Thanks. All right.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to the end of another Chiro Hustle Podcast! Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line Life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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    25 April 2024, 2:12 am
  • 100% Chiropractic and Its Franchise Model with Dr Jason Helfrich DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 554

    Dr. Jason Helfrich is the Co-Founder and CEO of 100% Chiropractic, a network of wellness clinics specializing in comprehensive chiropractic care services. With a strong focus on addressing the root causes of pain and discomfort, 100% Chiropractic aims to enhance overall health and well-being.

    Driven by a deep passion for holistic health and well-being, Dr. Jason embarked on his chiropractic journey with a clear vision in mind. In 2004, he co-founded 100% Chiropractic alongside his wife, Dr. Vanessa, with the mission of instigating a paradigm shift in healthcare. They aimed to prioritize the identification and treatment of underlying causes, rather than solely addressing symptoms, thus empowering patients to achieve optimal health and vitality.

    Under Dr. Jason’s leadership, 100% Chiropractic has flourished, boasting an impressive network of 114 operational locations and an additional 175 locations sold. Guided by his unwavering commitment to excellence, the clinics offer cutting-edge chiropractic care, including personalized treatments, massage, stretch, and laser therapy, and a comprehensive line of premium nutritional supplements.

    Dr. Jason’s entrepreneurial endeavors extend beyond 100% Chiropractic. He is the Co-Founder of 100% Nutrition, a cutting-edge, custom-formulated supplement brand exclusively developed for 100% Chiropractic offices. He is also a co-owner of ChiroHD, a software solution designed to streamline scheduling and reporting systems for chiropractors. Furthermore, he co-owns EPIC, a dedicated billing solution tailored for chiropractic offices, and Elevate Marketing Solutions, a digital marketing company specializing in lead generation for chiropractic practices nationwide.

    Recognizing the importance of knowledge-sharing and mentorship, Dr. Jason hosts the widely acclaimed podcast, “Entrepreneurial Juggernaut.” Through this platform, he inspires and guides aspiring entrepreneurs, sharing invaluable insights on business growth and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

    With his expertise, passion, and unwavering commitment to transforming healthcare, Dr. Jason Helfrich continues empowering individuals to take control of their well-being, revolutionizing how chiropractic care is delivered and experienced across the nation.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 554 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Mallett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Jason Helfrich, and if you want to hear the story about 100% Chiropractic and its franchise model, stay tuned. Alright guys, welcome back to episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Jason Helfrich on this episode 554. Just going to be a real powerful 100% Chiropractic conversation. But before we get into this interview with Dr. Jason, I just want to let you know the big why, why don’t we do it. We do over here, I’m going to go through as fast as I can. In a minute, we protect the freedom of speech of America with this show. We believe that’s really important. Medical Freedom, Family Health Freedom, they’re not the same thing, but we support both those with the show. BJ Palmer Sacred Trust, it’s this last words. If you don’t know what those are, go and search for BJ Palmer’s last words to Sacred Trust. You’re going to learn more about chiropractic than you ever knew before. I guarantee you. And then we believe in Subluxation-based chiropractic and innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that man or woman, the physical, when they get adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. With that being said, Dr. Jason, what’s role?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Jim, it’s a pleasure to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to chat back and forth with a like-minded individual about this incredible profession that we share.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, man. I’m over the moon about this opportunity to talk to you today just because I know that you’ve been doing a whole lot to support this beautiful profession from a business standpoint, as an entrepreneur, as somebody that’s helped start a bunch of careers and helped this brand get stronger with 100% chiropractic. Would you mind just jumping in and tell us your story about how that all came to be?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Yeah, I know I’d love to. My wife and I both are chiropractors, Vanessa and myself. And as a second career, we decided to go into chiropractic. Both her parents are chiropractors. Both of them are successful chiropractors. And so we had long been chiropractic advocates even before we were in the profession. And so we were actually restaurants for our business. So we were in Denver, Colorado, as you and I were chatting about prior. And loving it, loving the business side of it, loving the wine and culinary side of it, I still do, but now more of a side-house-level. One day we decided we don’t want to do this for a whole life. We had reached the point at a very young age. She was 21. I think I was 24 or 23 and a half or something. And we opened her own place in Colorado. So we had 50 employees and we were, you know, we were booming. And we one day said, we don’t want to do this for the rest of our life. We’re still very young. Why don’t we change gears? And at that time we said, why don’t you go to chiropractic school? We love what your parents do. We love the philosophy of chiropractic. Let’s head off to Davenport, Iowa and do that. And so we sold our house. We sold the restaurant. We moved out there. It took me about three months to fall in love with the profession at that level. Or I said, there’s no way I’m just going to stick around and work in a restaurant while you do this. And so I jumped in. We went there with a newborn baby. We had two more while we were going through school. And so we busted that up and decided to come home to practice in Colorado where we had some family to help us with the kids. Three kids are the age of five and wanted to help launch in that practice. So we launched 100% chiropractic in 2004. Had some success. I think we had more general business knowledge than the average chiropractor. So we felt real comfortable. We had run, I’d been regional managers for restaurants and all kinds of things at a young age. So I had some pretty good knowledge base on systems and organization and financials and everything that we needed. We experienced some success. About four years into practice. From our dream home or had our dream home and fun cars. But leaving this profession better than we found it is long but important to us. Amen. So we said, let’s open number two. Let’s just see. Is it us? Are we that special? Is it our systems? Who are we going to find? So we found some fantastic people that are still two of our most important people in the company today. Brandon and Rebecca opened up number two on the north side of town about four years after we opened. It did very well. That means we had to open three. Let’s open four. Let’s open five. We got to about 25 locations throughout the country. At that point, we’re in about four or five states. And the attorney started saying, you know what, you’re basically a franchise at this point. And so people are buying your logo, they’re buying your systems. You’re opening places that you really don’t even go to. You need to be a franchise. I wasn’t excited about it. Kind of from the definition of what people think in their head of a franchise. They’re thinking McDonald’s and they’re thinking all these large companies that just cookie cutter approach to things. So we were open to it on a business side. We weren’t extremely excited about it. Hindsight one of the best things we ever did for a lot of different reasons that we may or may not have time to get into today. But in 2015 launched the franchise. Now we’re at today about 115 locations open in 23 states. We have another 45 and build out and we’re making some pretty big moves right now to be number one in the profession. So we’re doing everything in our power to show this profession how to do subluxation, base chiropractic, how to connect with the patient at a high level, how to make an extremely high income for the doctor where they can enjoy their life and love what they do and practice the way philosophically that’s congruent with their values. And so that’s long been our vision and our mission and enjoying the process.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Man, the hair on my arms is standing up right now just thinking about everything you said congruency, making sure people have good quality of lives. The practitioners, you know, 40 plus that are in build out mode, 115 that are up and running like those are really nice stats. And you know, me coming from Davenport, Iowa, the fountainhead. It’s really cool to know that you spent a couple years back there in Davenport. It’s the story is really great man and your wife’s both parents are chiropractors. So she was on this path like regardless of Jason was on this path or not, you’re like the huckleberry.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  You know what? I don’t know why we didn’t get into it earlier. She her, yeah, her grandparents are chiropractors. Her dad’s chiropractor. So but it never had like really come to her mindset to like, I want to be a chiropractor. I love it, but just as never like I’m going to be one until one day. It’s just one of those aha moments. I still remember it. We’re driving, you know, through Parker, Colorado where we’re building the house and we’re just like, what are we doing? Like this isn’t going to let us provide like I don’t feel the value of serving people cold drinks and hot food every night. Like it’s great. It’s fun, but I’d rather be on the other side of that. And then during the week be able to just like go out and make a change in people’s life and feel that value that I’m going to leave this earth better than I found it. I’m not going to do that certain hot appetizers and cold beer. And so let’s change gears right now. Let’s go back to school. You know, let’s let’s take a right when we are going to take a left and man, what an incredible decision it was because I can’t imagine myself anything but a chiropractor.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I mean, it’s really to me, you guys are living and maximizing the moments of life. And I think there’s a lot of people out there that listen to our show that are going to listen and they’re going to be like, wow, I’m not living big enough. I’m not I’m not I’m not finding my potential. And I’m not finding, you know, the freedom and enjoying, you know, there’s a guy named Jill Polish. He’s a part of this group called Genius Network. And he has this acronym that he loves called ELF, Easy lucrative and fun. And as soon as I started reading your bio, I’m like, this guy has perfected the ELF principle. You’ve made it easy, lucrative and fun. And you focus on chiropractic nutrition, you’ve figured out that software is a major component of this game. Marketing, like I could talk marketing for 12 hours. Sorry, we only have 30 minutes. It’s cool that you figured out how to crack the code for billing. A lot of practices, that’s a big snag for them. And then podcasting, I’m excited to talk to you about the entrepreneur of juggernaut as well. But I know that there’s a couple of detail oriented things that we wanted to touch on today and weaknesses in the profession and how can we improve upon them. What would you say some of the major weaknesses are that you’ve seen over the time that you’ve been part of 100% and in school and where we are today?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  You know, I think there’s a couple of different ones here. And so I think chiropractic is long. That’s biggest weakness has been not telling people who we are and what we do. And for so long, we’ve become what the society wants us to be. What insurance companies want us to be. What that we perceive the consumer wants us to be. And it’s not accurate, right? But it’s the easier conversation that people can have that and agree with people and say, yeah, neck pain, back pain, yep, three visits, yep, you get 12 on your insurance. Like, it’s the bullshit that sinks the profession because people aren’t telling people what they really need to hear. That’s part of the other bigger problem, which I think is the mindset of the doctor of chiropractic, right? We have a profession with some of the most broke mindsets I’ve ever seen. And so many people have so many extraordinary gifts to give people, but don’t have the business knowledge or courage or honestly work ethic to go out and make that happen. And until these people get that, they need that motivation. They need that confirmation of who they are and what they do to achieve great things. Not like many, unlike many other professions, I mean, 10% of us control the profession, right? 10% of us are seeing 90% of the volume. It’s no shock to people. The key is that for us to move forward, right, for us to go from crossing that chasm of 14% to get it to a point where people understand what chiropractic is, we can’t have 10% of us, right? We need 25, 30, 40% of us are brothers and sisters in this profession out with a successful practice. Whether they’re pediatric or sport or I could care less about that. I just want them preaching the message of what chiropractic is, not trying to be a secondary doc and taking the scraps that are out there. And so when people have that mindset with patients, you become their primary source of knowledge for health. You become their family’s health coach. You become their doctor. And so I think once chiropractors start to see that, get out of the broke mindset. You can live an extraordinary life and make the income of your dreams doing this, right? But at the same time, you’re going to do it when you, your why is strong enough to get this across. I think that’s a big weakness of the profession is people not having the courage to go out and tell people what they need to hear.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And I think a lot of it is association, like how do they see other people behaving and becoming successful and or lack of success? And I think that that’s the thing too, is people mirror their colleagues. And I think that when you think about an operation like 100%, people are like, I’m just going to go do my own thing. And you know, I think a lot of times a chiropractor, in my opinion, they just want to be the guy or gal adjusting and doing a day one and day two. Like that’s the dream job. Like that’s the dream gig, like get paid well for checking, detecting and correcting for trivial civilization. Like like you said, if you want to do it for sports, cool. If you want to do it for kids, cool. If you want to do it for whatever demographic you choose to, cool. But I think that a lot of times we just have to get more chiropractors around more successful chiropractors. And I think that that’s the linchpin of like, how do we get from that mindset shift is we just need people to start shadowing success. Yeah.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  And I think also not classic chiropractic circle the wagons and shoot inward. And so when we see someone else successful, our immediate response, when I say are, I mean, our profession is to attack, right? They must be doing that because, oh, they don’t provide value or they’re not doing it right or they don’t adjust a person or their philosophy or whatever. As opposed to even looking into the why behind it, I see this firsthand because you’d find very few people whose philosophy is as strong as myself and my wife’s. We live it. I breathe it. I love it. I’m a subluxation based chiropractor to the core. I’ve seen my company attack so many times because of the size it has that they must be doing things the wrong way. Why are they why are they doing it this way that in all this type stuff? And it’s like if they would just look in and have a conversation, which is why I love chances like this to get out and times that I’m at school on stages and stuff is to say, man, I’m with you. Like I’m with you, but there’s some business values, some business concepts that have got to be brought to the profession. And it was the best thing the joint did for the profession. The joint brought accessibility to chiropractic. They showed people you can’t have five days a week with different hours because you’re here and there Monday, one to two or they were like, no, no, we’re in a strip mall. We’re paying the rent. We’re here where you go and we’re here Monday through Saturday. And we’re here to adjust you. And there’s some value in that. There’s a reason that a lot of other successful businesses follow a similar model. So when we brought like, how do we bring the philosophy of chiropractic to that business model, right? And how do we mix those two where the right chiropractors are going to come in? And honestly, it’s just magical to watch when those two mix because we’ve got to be successful. We’re not successful. We don’t donate back to schools. We don’t provide scholarship funds. We don’t, as you said, give and serve as a role model to other young students coming out. So we got to have success in this profession. And seeing 14%, 86% of the population we didn’t see. So let’s not fight over the 10% we do. Let’s try to reach out to people and show them here’s why you need to come to chiropractic. And they should be thinking that for ear infection, for migraines, for infertility, right? For so many different things, people should be thinking chiropractic first before they start thinking medical intervention, medication, drugs or surgery. And that’s what we’re really trying to do is reach those people that are not in the practices because that’s how we change healthcare.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I was just having a conversation in the past couple of days with some marketing people and we were discussing how the people that we would target before on campaigns, they’ve left Facebook, they’ve left Instagram. They’re on different platforms like Rumble and Substack. So like finding the people from digital has shifted a lot recently too. And the way that we interact with our community shifted too. And everybody now is starting. I know there’s research out there showing that people are losing faith in the medical world with MDs. And everybody’s looking for something, man. They’re looking for something they just don’t know what’s called chiropractic. And I think that that’s the major crux of what we’re talking about here is I know the second thing we wanted to kind of touch on is potential. What is the potential of the chiropractic profession? How do we adjust that?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Well, it’s a perfect lead in for what you just said because going through things like COVID and everything that we go through, it now has a consumer asking the right questions, which is like, are you sure? Right. So for years and decades, whether you’re talking about vaccines or anything, people just took what someone told them to do, whether it’s a government or their MD or CDC or whoever, and just did it. They were good little sheep and they followed what they should do. Now when it plays out in front of everybody, people are starting to, I’m not talking chiropractors. I’m talking to the mom that’s in suburbia with three kids is asking, why would I do that? Why would I get that booster? Why would I go? Why would I wear a mask? Why can’t I have a say in my kids’ education? All of these things, people are saying it’s a big WTF moment. Enter the answer right now, which we can show them. I’m not anti-medicine. I think it’s a great thing to have for emergency medicine and stuff. We need that. That’s great. But what we need to also have is our place, which is prevention. It’s the first line of defense to get into stuff. It’s lifestyle enhancement. It’s everything that we need, not just being pain free. This is an opportunity that’s in front of us right now. If we don’t seize it, if we’re too busy attacking the person because they adjust this way versus this way, then we’re missing an opportunity to go grab this massive piece of the population. The success of practices, that’s one reason we want to do it. People are like the health of humanity is a bigger purpose here to reach these people and show them you don’t need that drug to fight the side effects of another drug. Your first thing you need to do is not go get tubes in your ear. We need to teach people. There’s another way. It starts at birth and it starts before birth. Here’s how we want to educate our potential patient and our current patients who we are. You can’t give a shit what people think about it. You can’t care what people judge you about. I’m going to tell you what I know you need to hear and then how you respond to that is up to you. But I know that I’m going to tell you what you need to hear. That’s our opportunity that we have right now. I fear that because of the weakness of our profession and a lot of the docs that we have, I fear we’re going to blow it, to be honest with you. That scares me to death.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, over the past three years specifically, we watched medical theater. Like, they’ve dramatized it, they’ve scared us. I mean, they’ve gone through every evolution of like the longest movie in the world. And they’ve played every clip and every play and they’ve deployed every message. And the part that they never ever ever ever ever said was, go see your chiropractor. Like they dropped the, I mean, the mainstream like agenda, dropped the ball as to finding the next man up. And I think the next man up are the next woman up if you want, like it’s always been chiropractic. But they didn’t say, hey man, go join your local gym, get off or find food. Like go out there and start walking 30 minutes a day, get together and play games while you’re locked down with your friends and family. You know, they weren’t like, there was not one mention in this, the drama of the medical theater that we love all witnessed that said, hey, make sure your nervous system’s functioning well. You should probably go see your chiropractor. Like if one small like mentioned like that, it’s, it’s like a different world we live in right now, but they neglected it. Like they always have.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  And to their defense, some were saying it, they were just so filtered out that they wouldn’t even allow you to hear that. So there were some great MDs and some great nurses that were absolutely coming to the forefront and they were just silenced. Right. So we didn’t want to hear them. And some of them would have been the foremost experts in research. And we still didn’t want to hear it because it was more of an agenda based approach to what medicine is. And I don’t even know if it was really for the benefit of people, but you know, I think a lot of great people did come out and say that chiropractor’s medical doctors, nurses, you name it. But we weren’t allowed to listen to that because we had a certain way that they wanted the message to sound and it wasn’t fitting, you know, what their message was.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, it’s unfortunate because there was a lot of dogma within that whole agenda that never supported people just being accountable for their own health. They never said anything like that, you know, get enough sleep, drink enough water, like read books, you know, tell people you love them, hug more people, you know, those types of things that like human connection things.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  But they hold your card, which is the beauty of it because when they started saying things like, well, natural immunity is not as good as synthetic immunity. Even the Joe consumer started saying that’s bullshit. Like, I know that’s not true because I mean, I know that to be from my own life and I from things they had seen, they knew that wasn’t true. And they know it didn’t make sense when they’re like, it doesn’t work so far. This person sick, they had three shots. The answer is getting another shot. So people started. So it’s almost great that they did that because again, that led people, the consumer to ask the question of what do I do that’s best for myself and my family. And it’s not just chiropractors now saying the things you did, modify your nutrition, watch what you eat, stress management, you know, meditation, prayer, go to church. So these are people now that are not chiropractors saying that as well, which is fantastic because that’s exactly what they need to be thinking. So now if we have our message, it’s stronger than ever and people like, you know what, I resonate with that group quite a bit. I think that’s something I want to go do. So then people don’t come in and say, well, my medical doctor says I shouldn’t see you. Like even when people would say that to me in practice, like, I don’t give a shit, I don’t think you should see them, right? But I’m cared about you. My main goal is for you to get healthy as a patient. And so now when people start to focus on the patient as opposed to the philosophy of the doc, then we’re headed the right way in healthcare.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Let’s switch gears just a little bit. Let’s go like rapid fire. We have like nine minutes left, eight minutes left. Who are some of your mentors who helped you like fundamentally become the doc you are today?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  You know, there’s chiropractic in business because I feel like right now I’m such an entrepreneur. I’m always a chiropractor and love it, but I work so much in the business field. I tend to like disruptors. I tend to like people that really come in and shake up the profession that maybe aren’t acknowledged up front, but are literally on the back end. So, I mean, BJ, themselves, they were probably the biggest disruptors in healthcare, right? And so we see what they did. I was a big fan and had a chance to actually have Fred Barge as a philosophy teacher in school. Fred Barge is one of my favorites. I love the philosophy of chiropractic. On the business side of things, you know, Elon Musk, Trump, I mean, people that just erupted things and make people think a completely different way, I love to watch that play out and I’d love to see what they’re doing. Then I’ve, you know, maybe more, I guess what they’d be called safe mentors. I mean, I like Maxwell, I like Simon Sinek, I like T. Harbecher. I like a lot of different people who give some great concepts, whether it’s the power of why or millionaire mindset or Michael Gerber in the E-Meth. There’s some great, great tools that these people give if people would just start to read and listen to those books. I think that it’s, they would be blown away how impactful that is to running their business.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I always like that segment of our show just because it allows people to tell us like, like where their fundamentals come from, how do they learn how to block and tackle, you know? Yeah, yeah, that’s great. And, you know, I think it’s really good. Let’s switch mindset a little bit. Let’s go towards the new grads. Okay. Say we got ourselves like, I think it’s 12 quarters now or something. They pass part one. They’d like, you know, they’re about to get their doctor of chiropractic from one of these awesome schools. What advice do you give them over the next six months?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  This one hits home because my son’s actually about three quarters of the way down to the life university of my oldest son. You know, I think that the key is to expose yourself to everything when you’re in school. And so it’s to listen is to experience it. It’s to see practices that are run in ways that you hate. It’s to see practices run in a way that you love, right? It’s to go to seminars that you’re not necessarily going to just agree with everything you say, but ones that challenge your philosophy a little bit and really solidify. And that’s how we do it. We don’t always remember the easiest teacher, the easiest coach in life. We remember the people that challenged us and made us think for ourselves and work through things. And so, you know, I think you experience as a student, you go out and see, you listen. You listen to this coach, you listen to that coach, you listen to this philosophy, check out that club. And that’s going to dial you into where you want to be. And then it’s watch. It’s going in watch excellence in action. And so there’s so many doctors within your community that would probably love to have you visit the practice. And just be a fly on the wall, right? Sit on the wobble seats and just watch what it looks like to have a doc see 150 in a day. And that way it solidifies that you don’t think like, well, he can’t take good care of that patient, that they can’t be possibly getting good care because you start to see these breakthroughs of patients. You start to see a patient doctor connection like no other, way better than the one that sees their patient for 25 minutes. And so it starts to solidify your belief system of, holy shit, I can practice the way I want to. And I see that really plays out and works beautifully. So I think that don’t just go to school, don’t just jump through the hoops, don’t just get through that, you have to do that experience, right? And then go out and make it happen after you’ve built your philosophy and your business structure of what you want it to look like.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, that’s really good stuff, man. Now let’s talk a snapshot of marketing. What works, what didn’t work and what do you like to do today?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Well, what worked when I built my practice with social media, right? So I mean, it was me, everything from, you know, if I wasn’t hitting goals, I was going door to door and I was out at every farmer’s market and Jim front desk and anywhere that would let me come out and tell my story. Social media changed the game for chiropractic. It continues to be a dominant force. I mean, we’re driving 75 to 125 new patients a month per office just with our social media campaigns of what we can do. That’s why the doctors out playing golf at the lake with their kids, watching football, whatever they’re doing, these people are signing up. It’s almost like doing an event virtually, right? You don’t even have to be there. So I think that’s extraordinary. I think that’s a whole different level. You have to know how to play that game, what’s your message look like? I mean, there’s so many things to that, but we figured out how to play that really, really well and we’ve dominated in that field. That being said, it won’t be around forever or at least we’ll modify. And so don’t hang everything you have on that, right? Because you don’t want Facebook to change your analytics and all of a sudden you’re screwed. So you dig roots in your community, you give before you request, you go out and you meet the local pop water team and sponsor the baseball team and be at the 5K and be in the shit that you need to be involved with to show that community. Like I’m part of this community. I’m not just here to make a buck. I’m here to actually change the lives and be part of this. So I think that’s essential, constantly talking to your patient base about referrals, getting the family in. That’s essential for many, many reasons. So I think there’s a marketing, there’s a lot of games to play and you have to play all very well. I certainly think I’d be lying if I didn’t say Facebook, Instagram right now is the big fish and the possibility there is endless. It can be expensive, but if you know what to do with those patients when they come in, 200 leads me nothing if you don’t know what to do with them. If you don’t have a front desk person that knows how to handle them and turn them into patients, it’s just wasted money. But if you do, it can be magical and you can build a practice now. I see practices built to million dollar practices in the first 10 months of opening and it’s extraordinary to see what these people are doing because it wasn’t even the mindset of me of how do I do 125,000 month one, right in revenue. And it’s incredible to see some of these docs doing this out of the gate and social media has a lot to do with that, but you got to be good at it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s really encouraging. I think that that’s really important for people to hear. I’ll just throw a couple of bones out there too. I think people should join their local chamber, BNI chapters and they should get to know other businesses in the community. I think they should go and build a relationship with the joint and take cases that are hot, like people that have a disc issue or that have like radiculopathy that the joint doesn’t mess with and say, hey, I want to be a referring office over here in Scottsdale. Would you mind sending over your tough cases to me? That’d be awesome. I’ll take one.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you can get a lot of great patients that they don’t take insurance.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And then I say the other the other angle is to go make relationships at the area urgent cares and say, hey, I’m the area chiropractor. This is what we do. This is how we help people. If you guys have people that need help with their issues that we address, please send them over to us, you know, and build the relationship. Take those people out and get to know them. You know, they might be your golf buddies. They might be your every Thursday, you know, coffee morning person, but build your your community up with letting people know what you do, why you do it and who it’s for and go to the obvious places, places that need what you do. You can go to a plot, a plot studio. You can go to a yoga studio, but those aren’t urgent cares and those aren’t the joint. So go to places that would like to send you direct referrals if they build a relationship with you. You can’t get too sense on the whole marketing thing when it comes to building organically in your community. Let’s close this one out, man. Tell us a miracle story. What have you seen something over your career that you just can’t get it out of your mind. You can’t shake it. It’s always something on your mind.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  You know, I think we as chiropractors take miracles for granted because they happen so much as you build a successful practice, you know, you’d hear three or four a day or you like, yeah, of course, like of course that happened. Right. I had a baby when you couldn’t for seven years of being infertile when you were adjusted because we’re not that shocked by it because for us, we’ve seen it quite a few times. You know, I have so many different stories from patients. I mean, it would be a whole podcast on it. I had a mom that called us out to the parking lot in tears and said that she had planned to kill herself the day before. Before she came into medicine, before she got adjusted, we also ended up adjusting her two kids. And every time they came in, I could never stop thinking about like, I mean, can you imagine the path that this was going down that it’s not? And you know, I think there’s so many that we hear about know that there’s 10 for everyone that you hear about that you don’t hear about. And these are people that you changed their life and often they weren’t even people that stayed in your practice. Right. You just made such an impact why they were there that they’ve changed their mindset on giving drugs to their kids on how they’re going to treat their family. I get my miracles down. This is the biggest thing when we stopped adjusting, you don’t get that in satisfaction. I don’t get patients coming up and hugging me. Right. I don’t get that love that doctors feel people bringing me a cake and different things like that that patients do. What I do see is I see, you know, so many new patients coming through. And so when I start to see 10,000 a month, patients new patients coming through and I see over 2 million adjustments per year when I see the things that my company is doing. And my job is to inspire and motivate and make these great chiropractors and CAs and therapists in our company successful. And then I hear their stories on a regular basis. And you know, we talk about it all the time and there’s thousands of miracles. Vanessa I long ago said we need to make an impact in this profession. We made an impact all those small in Colorado with our practice successful practice, but it wasn’t going to change the world. It wasn’t going to change our community at the speed we wanted to. Now when I start to look at, you know what, is we’re starting to, that number goes from hundreds to thousands. Now we’re talking millions of adjustments. That’s starting to make an impact. And when we’re talking about thousands upon thousands of new patients that hear the message, that’s starting to make an impact. And I start to realize we go from 115 to 1500 of these locations, we start to impact the world of healthcare, right? We start to revolutionize healthcare, which I said when I had one office, or I see you back then, and she was like, whatever, whatever. But now I start to see it really come into fruition. So there’s so many miracles. I wish I could share them all, but I mean, that was one that stood out in my mind, one of many. But it’s amazing to see what’s happening right now and how many people were reaching. That’s where I get my motivation from and that’s what inspires me.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well done, Doc. Well done, Jason. Such a good, good, powerful segment there. Is there anything I didn’t ask you that you’d like to share with our audience today?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  No, you did ask it, but I think if I had a closing thought, it would be just realize in some of these are cliche, but just how big what you can accomplish is in this profession. And there’s truth to the fact that if you just attached and affected one patient, your whole career was worth it, I believe that. But know that for that one, there’s another 10,000 that are waiting for you in your area. And you can’t control the response. You sit them down, you empower them or educate them. We use the word empowerment in our offices, but you empower them to understand what’s going on. You show them that X-ray. You show them how 10% of that nerve is pain and 90% is internal function. And you show them how that ties into how they’re living their life. Depression, mood, headaches, laziness, poor relationships, everything. And you start to paint a picture for what health really is, right? Physical and mental and emotional well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmities, back to Dorland’s medical dictionary. You show them how they can live a life full of purpose and full of love and full of happiness. And people will line up at your door to get in there. And they will gladly pay your fee and allow you to build the life that you want. So just don’t sell yourself short, I guess, to be what I’m trying to say. And don’t give up. It’s hard to build any business. It’s hard to build a restaurant. It’s probably hard to build a dry cleaner business. I bet it’s tough cutting hair. But the people that bust their ass and make sure that they keep at it, build dynamic businesses that create value and change the world. And that’s what I want people to realize is how big what they do is.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  100% chiropractic for the win. People want to work with you. They want to learn more about you. They want to connect with you. They want to become franchisee. They want to become somebody that works inside of your model. How can we send people to you?

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  You can send them to the web page to start. There’s plenty of ways they can come. 100%, 100% They can reach out to us there. There’s all the phone numbers that they’re going to need. We have so many opportunities for associates, for clinic directors and for franchisees. We would love to have a conversation with you. I think what we’re doing is really special. We have an incredible tribe that gets together, competes together, but more importantly, lends a hand and pulls each other up. And so it’s quite extraordinary to watch the group that we have. I’ve been very blessed and Vanessa has been very blessed of surrounding ourselves with a lot of talent and a lot of good chiropractors.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love that you love your team. That’s really important. And I think it’s really powerful that you have helped a lot of people become successful in the marketplace and find their position and their purpose. With that being said, I just want to thank you so much for being episode 554 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. It’s been a real pleasure to get to know you today.

    DR JASON HELFRICH DC (GUEST):  Likewise, I appreciate the opportunity, Joe.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, so I’m going to close out by telling everybody you’re just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Thank you so much, Dr. Jason. I’ll see you soon, okay? Thank you. Appreciate it. Bye for now.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Bye. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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    22 April 2024, 2:39 am
  • Take Chiropractic from PAIN to BRAIN Based with Dr Clint Steele DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 553


    Dr. Steele went from selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door to starting a practice with less than $1000 to his name and in 6 months seeing over 500 patients a week, 100% cash, no in-office staff, and no advertising.

    He did this by making chiropractic about the brain NOT pain! By doing this he not only exploded his practice but instead of just seeing pain patients he saw reversal of diabetes, dementia, kidney disease, anxiety, depression, IBS, Crohn’s disease and so much more.

    Today Dr. Clint trains hundreds of chiropractors worldwide to move from pain to brain and EXPLODE their practices and SAVE MORE LIVES through very affordable, effective, unique products, services, and brain-based instrumentation.

    Dr. Steele and his wife Tina, live in Maine with their 6 kids where he still runs his practice part-time, and together, they run TRUCHIRO and NeuroInfiniti.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 553 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Clint Steele. If you want to hear a story about how to take chiropractic from pain-based to brain-based, stay tuned. Welcome back another episode of Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Clint Steele coming in with me. Over the moon about this one, man, this is a sponsorship edition with NeuroInfinity. Do you want to let them know what the website is quick?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, actually we just updated our website, Brainbased Health Solutions is our new name. So

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So the reason I bring that up before I do any intro is because I want people to go over there right now,, and take a test drive of the website and click through, schedule your call with Clint and see if there’s anything that he might be able to do to facilitate you. I know he has a live workshop coming up in Utah. He’ll be at Life Vision at the end of September, and he’ll be at Chiro Life in Minnesota over the next couple months. So check Clint out, send him some DMs, blow this dude up, and get on with what he’s doing with brain-based chiropractic. So now that we’re here, I let everybody know our big why. How do we do what we do over at Chiro Hustle? Man, it’s important stuff. We protect freedom of speech. We’re just talking a bit of geo-politically off camera about some of the things that are going on around us and what we need to really do. And first things first is protect our amendments. And we’ve never censored anyone on the show. And I think that that stands loud and proud. And we perpetuate the truth about chiropractic. I know that’s something that you love too, also Dr. Clint. And the truth is that our rights to medical freedom and family health freedom are under fire. And if we don’t tell the truth about chiropractic, someone else will make up a story about us and they’ll take the narrative. So a couple of the interviews I did earlier, I said, look, that’s why we’re documenting chiropractic. That’s why we’re doing the show because it’s going to have posterity and semblance of distinction. If anybody ever wanted to come in and say, hey, we’re going to change chiropractic. No, you can’t because we documented it. We know what chiropractic is. So that’s really one of the big whys behind it. Plus, you know, perpetuating protecting the sacred trust, chiropractors just need to know about it. And if you’re a young DC, you don’t know what the sacred trust is, you have to go and research that immediately. Stop this interview, go and do your search and find out what BJ Palmer’s last words were. Go and find out what the sacred trust is like now. And then, subluxation based chiropractic gets near and dear to us because it is the ethical standard, I believe, for philosophically based chiropractic. And we have to stay to our roots, man. If we don’t stick to like our cornerstones in the house falls. So, subluxation based chiropractic, innate intelligence and universal intelligence, we believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to men or women, the spiritual. And that’s big stuff. That’s the big idea. And all of us follows as we say. So Dr. Clint Steel, welcome to episode 553.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  553, baby. Thanks for having me, man.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Long time coming again. I always enjoy our conversations chiropractic related and otherwise. And I always think that it’s a really good format for you to get your message out. So I can’t do another episode without with you until we at least tell people the Kirby vacuum story. And then we’ll get into brain based chiropractic and all this other stuff we want to discuss.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  The Kirby vacuum cleaner story. And if you guys have ever owned a Kirby vacuum cleaner, they’re amazing, right? They’re awesome vacuum cleaners, but they suck to sell. Like they’re not fun to sell. And guys, this is how bad. I didn’t want to get back. I was in practice for 17 years. Quit because all I saw in my practice was basically pain, right? Neck pain, low back pain. I was sick and tired of it. I used to have a full head of hair. I was stressed out because the other problem was not only was I seeing people only for pain, which I knew chiropractic was about so much more, but people would leave once their pain was gone. And we know chiropractic is amazing when people get adjusted regularly throughout their life. Right? Amen. And so I was constantly looking for new patients always, right? The term PVA patient visit average. How many times does a patient see you before they leave never to be seen again? Right? I was 12. The industry average, by the way, is 10. Not only a poor health care model, but a poor business model. Just think, where would McDonald’s be today or where would Coca-Cola be today if someone just bought their product 10 times and then they never, they stopped. Like they would be constantly looking for new people, new customers, right? That’s burnout. And that’s where we are as a profession right now, the majority of the profession, unfortunately. And that was me. So I quit. Get this though. I had 17,000 patient files and I still needed more new patients to pay the bills because most of those were gone, right? They were never going to return. And so I quit. I’m never doing this again. And about three years later, I set out to form a million acts of kindness the year later and hit 2.8 million acts of kindness. It was awesome, but it didn’t make any money. And so I said, all right, I’ve got to do something to start generating some income again because I’d spent all my retirement savings, all that stuff. And I didn’t want to get back into chiropractic. And so I started selling curvy back and cleaner storida.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So before I jump more into the curvy thing with you, money’s like new patients. It’s not how much you make. It’s how much you keep. And it’s like, it’s not how many you get. It’s how many you retain. And let me ask you this because I’ve done hundreds upon hundreds of chiropractic marketing events, okay? And I meet all walks of life. And they come up to me. Like, so I do this on my own. And I just have my wife walks on my back. Yep.

    None:  Yep. You heard those before? Oh, you hear them all the time.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Absolutely. Absolutely. What’s your response to something like that when it comes to what you’re interested in today, like the brain-based chiropractic?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  You know, the, the, the, the, I think the, the common denominator here is, yeah, people, are going to do that. Some, some people walk up and they’ll do this right in front of me, right? They’ll do the whole thing. I say, do you actually know what you’re doing though? Like, you actually know what’s going on here, right? Do you know that this affects your brain? What you’re doing is actually affecting your brain function either in a positive way or a negative way. And you don’t know. But you don’t know, do you? And they’re like, um, no, I, I guess I probably should stop doing that, you think. I’m like, yeah, you think, right? And so they, but, but ultimately though, as you’ve learned, Jim, Jim is that, that leads to a conversation, right? Where now you can start to educate these people.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You don’t want to rate them or make them feel dumb, but like, I’m like, so you let your wife that weighs two bills. Walk on your spine, bro. Yeah. I’m like, uh, not saying that your wife shouldn’t be two bills, but I’m saying like, she’s walking on your neurology. Right.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And that’s part of your brain, right? You understand this part of your brain that that’s happening here, right? And I think that’s where a lot of people miss the boat, including unfortunately chiropractors, right? A lot of chiropractors because, you know, the, the whole idea behind the subluxation and the chiropractic adjustment is ultimately, you know, and we’re seeing this research now with Heidi Havek coming out and, and so many more, there’s, there’s, there’s others coming out. But ultimately this chiropractic adjustment and removing the subluxation actually has a higher effect. It’s not just about the spine. It’s about the brain, the brain. And this is why we see miracles. This is why we’ve seen miracles. Although unfortunately in many cases, not consistently because we’re not actually measuring the brain and we’re not actually tracking what these chiropractic adjustments are doing to the brain, whether it’s improving it or not. Right? And that’s, that’s the key factor. And so to expand on the story, you know, I, I sold Kirby vacuum cleaners for about three months. And I got a letter from my grandmother who basically said it was a three page long, both sides. So six pages total. Basically the line that I remember is I, I’m ashamed of you and you should be ashamed of yourself for not living to your potential. And I hated my grandmother for about four days. And on the fifth day I said she’s right. And that’s when I got back into chiropractic. Unfortunately in the story, the story gets, goes along. I don’t know if it gets better, but a couple of years later, my grandmother, the one that wrote that letter came down with dementia. Right? She started suffering from dementia. She was in a home. I would go and visit her. She forgot who I was. She would. She didn’t know who I was. And they were, they were actually doing Jim. If you’ve ever, if you’ve ever seen anyone go through dementia, they have flashcards for her. And these flashcards were like an orange, a picture of an orange or a banana or a football or something. And asking her what these things were, and she didn’t know. And so there I am two years back into practice on what I call as a brain based chiropractor. I was seeing things like Crohn’s disease reverse. I was seeing anxiety reverse. In fact, I was known as the anxiety doctor because I was reversing anxiety in six and seven year olds up to 40 and 50 year olds. I was seeing depression reverse, but I didn’t know how to care for dementia. Right? I had no idea. And so what happened was she passed away. And about six years later, this lady walks into my office, her name is Alice and she was suffering from anxiety from depression. She had neck pain. She also had high blood pressure. And she had dementia and her, her medical doctor told her, well, I can give you medication for all this other stuff, but there’s nothing we can do for dementia because it’s age related. It’s duty or age, okay, which is a bunch of crap. Right? I said, I said to myself, listen, I don’t know how to take care of dementia, but I know how to take care of her anxiety and her depression and her high blood pressure and her neck pain. And so that’s what I’m going to do. Guess what happened? Six months later, her, I mean, get this, Jim, she could not remember what she was talking about in the middle of a sentence. And her husband had to help her remember in the middle of a sentence. She was forgetting she couldn’t finish the sentence. She couldn’t remember her husband’s name or kids names. This is how bad this was. Six months later, going through this protocol, a brain based chiropractic protocol, her husband came in and gave me a hug and said, thank you for giving my wife back. Her dementia totally reversed. Okay. Now she’s still seeing me. She’s now 82, 82 and a half. She’s still fine living her daily life. If she had followed her medical doctor’s advice, I think she’d be where my grandmother is today. Okay. No doubt in my mind. So anyway, I had to finish that story.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  No, I’m glad you did. You know, and it brings up a topic for me. We’ve made two films on chiropractic. A lot of the audience probably don’t. Obviously they don’t know everything that I’ve ever done in my journey to get to where I’m at. But I came in as somebody that wanted to like document this profession. And we’ve made two films. The first one’s on the history and all the trials and tribulations within chiropractic. And that came out in like 2016. It’s called chiropractic the documentary. Real, real, real novel idea because I was like, we need, I was doing patient testimonials. Okay. And I was like, this is cool for like a practice, but we need a bigger story. So that’s when I, we did that. But the second one, the reason I’m bringing this up is because our second movie is called Project Patient. And it’s right in line with what you’re talking about. We should redo it. But it was about PTSD and how chiropractic helped. It was about TBIs and how chiropractic helped. It was about addiction, depression, anxiety and how chiropractic helped. So we took non like pain based things, like conditions and we followed these people. We followed them through full care plans. And we showed on scans doing surface EMGs and they weren’t getting high velocity adjustments. A couple of them were getting, what do they call it? Prone specific where they just go, and they just do like little pushes. And gosh, what I know there’s a management company that does that system, but they just lay everybody down. They go, they suggest down a little bit, not, not heavy moves. And the other one is torque release technique. One guy was doing torque release technique and he was doing pre and post scans on him. And I’ll tell you, the amount of tears shed at the end of that one from the people that actually went through these, we gifted all these people, we looked for them specifically, but we gifted all these people chiropractic to participate in our movie. And it was just so powerful when this lady with the TBIs changed her life, she could like start getting around and driving again. She didn’t have to lock herself in dark rooms anymore. So when I came into like what you were doing now with this brain based chiral stuff, I’m like, bro, if we can like figure out how to get this message in front of more people, like this interview could change a lot of lives.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It can save lives. This is what I say when I end my emails and I end my, a lot of my posts, let’s save more lives because this is what chiropractic is about, right? It’s about when you, when you’re utilizing chiropractic to its fullest, I’m not talking just pain based chiropractic. I’m talking brain based chiropractic. We actually save lives. I mean, that’s, that’s the long and short of it right there.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  82 years old and living.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And that’s just one example I’ve had at this point now, and this just happened over in the last couple of years, I’ve had five either, either full blown Alzheimer’s or dementia patients reverse. Okay. We’ve had Crohn’s disease reverse. Like I said, we’ve had Parkinson’s disease reverse. We’ve had people that have come in and said, you know what? I got, I got a doc in Ohio. He, he shared a story with me about this, this young lady that basically came in and said, I’m ecstatic. Like this care is amazing. It’s awesome. And he says to her, he says, well, what do you mean? You want to know like, what do you, what have you noticed in the change? And she said to him, she said, before I came in here, I was ready to commit suicide and I was probably going to, I would probably have done it by now. And he told me this and I’m like, oh my gosh, like this, this is amazing because, you know, ultimately, Jimmy, you come down to one question, what coordinates every function in your entire body? Obviously the brain and nervous system, right? But you ask what coordinates every decision you make in your life, what is it? It’s the same thing. So we’re transforming not only health, we’re transforming lives through brain based chiropractic.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, that’s back to our pre interview talk. I was like, that’s why I’ve dedicated the last 15 years to this profession because there has to be some level of truth that stands in the gap for what people need. And that’s chiropractic. I, you know, I probably don’t need to like openly say this too frequently, but chiropractic is the last piece on the chessboard before it’s checkmate. And chiropractors are the last truth in any arena. And they just got like a gold be a medical be in the medical world. Chiropractic has never been medical. And and when chiropractors were kind of like sucked into like the medical world, that’s when chiropractic loss is identity. And that’s when people came in and started manipulating the diagnosis codes and put insurance into it and do all these things.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  You keep paid by insurance companies.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Yeah. But chiropractic was never an insurance gig. It was a cash based gig where you come in. You keep the guy farming, you keep the lady like taking care of kids. And that’s what chiropractic did. And I, you know, when I go out and tell the chiropractic story, I’m like, yeah, there’s a guy named Harvey Lillard, dude had a bump on the back of his neck or lower upper back. I’m like, I don’t know where it was exactly because I wasn’t there. But the dude got adjusted and restored his hearing. Yeah. And I was like, and then people thought chiropractors were your doctors for a lot of years after

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  that. See, that’s the thing. And people like, listen, chiropractic isn’t about pain. And I share that story. And it’s like, the jaws drop. Sometimes you’re what? Wait, what?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And people, and people take horses and walked and freaking trains and steamboats to get to Davenport, Iowa, because they heard about this guy that could restore hearing. What the heck? And then we’re like, Oh, cool, man. You’re into like what insurance? Okay. We’ll take a little bit of our integrity away. Yeah.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And we’ll go for a game. For docs listening, man, I was back in my 17 year pain based practice. I was 90 99% insurance based. When I opened back up eight, nine years ago, 100% cash, I make more money now than I ever did in my 17 year practice. Amen. Amen. It’s not about that. Right?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s not about that. But it’s about building that clarity in that story. So I think that that’s important for people to hear on today’s segment too. You’re going to life vision, right? Yeah. The month.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yep. Speaking there. I’m speaking, man. I’m speaking on stress, the brain disease and the chiropractic adjustment and the science that brings it all together.

    None:  Wow.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Very powerful. Every time I’ve done this talk anywhere I’ve gone, it’s been, it’s been standing room only. I remember in Michigan when I was speaking at Mac, we started off with basically the room full. And at the first break, it was like a four hour presentation at the first break. We had a whole bunch like people must have gone out and talked or something because when we came back, we had the room full plus standing room all around the whole the whole room. So that’s impact. That’s a powerful talk, man.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I mean, just knowing that you have these opportunities coming up, I know you also said you have a workshop coming up in Utah in October.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So what we do is we actually certify chiropractors as being what we call brain based. Now here’s the thing. Most people will say, and I say, I’m a brain based chiropractor to chiropractors. Understand when I say I’m a brain based chiropractor to chiropractors, they say, well, all chiropractic is about the brain. And yeah, absolutely. But you got to understand most chiropractors don’t focus on the brain. And so when you go out to the public and you say, I’m a brain based chiropractor, guess what I get? Wait, what? What are you talking about? High practice are about the spine and they’re about pain. What are you talking about the brain? It opens up their mind because if you go out right now and you ask a hundred people what chiropractic is about 99 and we’re going to say what? Pain. Neck and low back pain. Right. And so now what’s happening and that’s what I tell doctors, people are dying right now in your community because they don’t know the truth about their health. They don’t know the truth about their brain. They don’t know the truth about chiropractic because unfortunately most chiropractors are not sharing that. That was me for 17 years. Right? We didn’t I didn’t share the truth of chiropractic. We spoke earlier about about the truth, right? We’ve got to get out and we’ve got to share the truth.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    You know, I’ve been around this profession 15 years and I’ve been fastidious in my approach to learn more and to keep on learning more and to keep on building connections and to keep on telling the story. And there was a time where I was listening to this guy talk, he was Barry Anderson. I don’t know if you know him, he was with a group called Everest and they teach a great solid fundamental day one day to process where they teach people how to close cash. They teach them how to convert people for cash and how to sell a care plan and how to teach and educate amazing stuff. But Barry was one of the founders of it and he said, if we don’t tell people the truth about chiropractic, someone else will sell them into drugs or surgery. And you know, I think that that’s just said is brain based chiropractic opens up a conversation and the first person to shoot another to shoot a chiropractor will be another chiropractor for saying something that makes them think a little bit. Like what your brain based chiropractic we all are. Of course you are. But words do matter.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Well, the other thing that I say to these guys that say, yeah, well, you know, I’m a brain based chiropractor too. All chiropractic is about the brain. Okay. And are you measuring the brain? Are you measuring the nervous system? Okay. Because you mentioned earlier, SEMG, rolling thermal, all that stuff. Great. But see the power of the brain and nervous system is in its adaptability. The power to adapt to stress and then recover once it’s over. And so what most chiropractors are doing, they’re measuring things in a static relaxed state. Okay. Static relaxed state is not true to life. People don’t walk around like they’re sitting in your office for five minutes while you measure them. That’s not life. Okay. It’s like a fire alarm goes off. You know, if I were to measure, I talked to docs all the time. I say, listen, if I were to measure your heart rate and it was 66 beats per minute, what would you say about your heart health? Well, it’s good. Okay. Fine. Now let’s say the fire alarm goes off. What should happen to your heart rate? Should go up. And if it doesn’t, is that a problem? And the answer is yes, absolutely. And my next question is, so do you know that? Do you know what their heart rate does when they’re under stress? Yes or no? No. Do you know what their brain is doing under stress? Yes or no? That’s why they know it. Do you know what their respiration rate is doing under stress? Yes or no?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s why they call it resting heart rate.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  That’s right. But the same thing with rolling thermal, same thing with SMG, I’m not saying don’t do those guys even x-rays. Like I’m not saying not do don’t do those.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That was my next question. Because if you want to do them, do them. How do you correlate what you’re doing with the neuro infinity with x-ray? How does that make sense? Because I know a lot of chiropractors are shooting films and they’re looking at like a static snapshot. Exactly. Like this is where your subluxation is. Yeah. And I mean, this is where your DJD is the generative disc disease and we need to start get you on this many so this doesn’t advance blah, blah, blah, you know?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  The question, the question is what caused that degeneration in the first place? What caused that posture? If they’re using x-rays for posture, what caused those postural imperfections to begin with? Those postural distortions, right? Because if you’re thinking that the posture just went bad because of posture, it’s not. If you think a joint just fixated because a joint fixated, it’s not. Something has to move that joint, right? And those are the muscles. But the muscles don’t have a brain. What tells the muscles how to move that joint? The neurology. It comes back to the brain and nervous system. And that’s all based on Jim. That’s based on how the brain perceives the environment. See if the brain is perceiving the environment as a fire alarm going off, it’s going to tighten the muscles, right? It’s going to increase inflammation, which is going to lead to degenerative disc disease, right? It’s going to lead to postural distortions. It’s also going to lead to gut problems. It’s also going to lead to auto, I mean, immune system disorders. It’s going to lead to reproductive issues.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Now I’m just tingling.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  If your brain is stuck in that survival mode, okay, our job as chiropractors is to down regulate their brain and nervous system. And so my question oftentimes comes back. You mentioned earlier TRT and some of those low force techniques, right? If someone is over aroused, if their nervous system is already overstimulated, what do you think a high force manual adjustment is doing to the already overstimulated nervous system? And here’s the bigger question. If they can’t recover and they can’t down regulate on their own, what are you doing to their brain and nervous system then, right? And so that’s where the neuro infinity comes in because we can actually measure that in lifetime. We measure adaptability. We measure brain waves, HRV, heart rate, respiration rates, skin conductance, hand temperature and muscle tension of the traps during four different stressors. And then after each stress, we have the patient close their eyes and relax and see if they can down regulate. So going back to the heart rate, fire alarm goes off. What should happen to the heart rate? Should go up. And then let’s say it’s false alarm. You come back into the office, you’re relaxing. We’re joking about it 10, 15 minutes later. What should happen to the heart rate? Should go down. If it doesn’t, is that a problem? See what we find with the neuro affinity when we’re measuring this stuff, we have about 60 to 70% of the public that when they’re under stress, their heart rate goes up and then when they close their eyes to relax, guess what happens? Their heart rate goes up even more.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Do you think that’s due because of unresolved ideas and thoughts and fears?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It’s due to these three teas right here, right? Thoughts of trauma toxins, right? So it could be a trauma, absolutely, that’s created that. But usually it’s an accumulation of all these three together. And so to your point, yeah, there’s tons and tons of research that when people close their eyes and they’re still thinking and their thoughts are worried about something, because for example, we take them through a cognitive stress, which is a math test, right? And then afterwards, close your eyes for 90 seconds. Let’s see how you do. And then their heart rate goes up, the respiration rate goes up. When it should be going down, that person’s probably still thinking about that. Did I get that right? Did I look stupid? Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that, right? They can never down-regulate. And unfortunately, this is the problem right now with 90% of the public today, Jim. They’re in an over-aroused state, they’re over-stressed. And that is the cause of over 90% of all disease. And it’s the cause of 100% of all death. 100% of all death is due to the inability for the brain to be able to adapt to stress.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you’re talking to me about math problems. Am I stressing you out? No, I’m not a mathlete by any stretch. Like I have this cell phone over here, I punch little numbers in and it tells me what the number is on the backside. But it made me think of something else. Have you run this in accordance with something like brain tap or something like a meditation program to see if you could work a meditation lifestyle into somebody while getting chiropractic care and then testing them on their own affinity?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  This is what our whole program is about, right? Because a lot of chiropractors, they come in, especially straight chiropractors, all I need to do is just adjust someone and they’re good, right? Of course you can do that. Guys, listen, the stress that we are under today is way, way, way higher than it was 40 or 50 years ago when we could just do an adjustment and their nervous system was able to adapt suddenly. Okay. Because what happens is we leave, they leave their office, the office after a chiropractic adjustment and they’re getting on their cell phones, right? They’re calling their spouse who they’re already fighting with. They’re looking at their bank account because they don’t have enough money to pay the bills. They’re whatever, right?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  They’re searching on Google map. They’re playing videos or checking Pandora.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  They’re all these stress patterns just continue, right? And so what you talked about earlier with brain tap, yeah. So we use brain tap as part of our care plans. We use meditation as part of our care plans. We use lifestyle changes. We got to get them. One of the biggest ones is diet. Yeah. Like we’ve got to get these people off gluten. We got to get them off dairy. We got to get them off soy. We got to get them off corn and corn byproducts. We got to get them off GMOs. We got to give them off seed oils. We got to get them off margarine. Like some of these people are still in margarine. Like what the heck, man? Like this is the stuff we have to do.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know why? Because it’s always been done that way in that house. It’s like old wives tales living on and on and on.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  But to your point, man, these are the things that we’ve got. One of the most important things that we’ve got to do, believe it or not, get them to breathe properly. Most people don’t even know how to breathe properly. Most people, even when you make them aware of how to breathe properly, they can’t do it. They can’t do it. If you tell them to breathe with their diaphragm, seriously, you’re talking about 60 to 70% of the public. And I have 20 something year olds that come in and I say, listen, you’re breathing with your upper chest and your shoulders. That’s a survival mode breathing pattern that’s sending a message to your brain that you’re in survival mode. We got to change that. So you just did it right now. You just breathe with your chest and shoulder. I did. Okay. So you’re going to do it with your belly, with your diaphragm. Okay. No, that’s still all chest shoulders. Okay. So that’s something that we got to work with people because when they can breathe with their diaphragm, especially if they breathe four seconds in, six seconds out, that’s sending a message to the brain. Hey, we can relax. We can down regularly.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And that resets the Vegas tone. Yeah. Yeah. That’s cool, man. Yeah. I mean, I just stuff like that. I learned stuff because I ask a lot of questions, you know, and that’s really like the blessing of having a show like this is if I’m curious, I get experts and you know, I get a guy like you that loves what you do. And I can ask you like, what about meditation with this? What about X-ray with this? You know, what does it look like for somebody with this going on? Like, and you can, you know, we teach people to breathe. We teach people to remove crap out of their diets. We adjust them. Exactly.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  We adjust them. So, and you’ve got proof too. You’ve got proof that they’ve got a brain program going back to your X-ray thing. I didn’t even finish that, you know, but when you take an X-ray and you take brain, you take a neurofinity, it’s called a stress response evaluation. And you show that their brainwave patterns are in high beta, low beta, which is a stress state. Now they understand why their posture is off, right? Because now their brain can’t communicate properly with their body. Now they know why they’ve got inflammation in there because when they’re in a stress state, inflammation increases, right? Now they know why they’re getting sick every three months, right? I mean, they now they know why they can’t reproduce, right? Because they’re, you know, the story that I tell, docs and people and my patients, I say, listen, if your brain thinks the fire alarm is going off, does it worry about reproducing? No, you’re not good. It doesn’t, doesn’t worry about getting an erection, right? If your brain is thinking the fire alarm is going off, is it worried about digesting food properly? No, it’s worried about surviving, right? And so now it starts to all make sense to the patient and they’re like, oh my gosh, this makes so much sense. Why didn’t anyone explain this to me before?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And by the way, your L3 is like subluxated like I’ve never seen off your x-ray. So I need to adjust that too. So now you’re less stressed and now you can get an erection again. There you go. So what it sounds like is this helps with sensory. The program helps with recondition people’s eating behaviors and their diets. It helps with reconditioning people and adapting people to a better quality environment with the way that they think, the way that they act and the way that they carry on with their regular lifestyle.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Well, here’s the deal is chiropractors right now today. We provide the adjustment and then some chiropractors are doing supplements. They’re doing vibrational place. They’re doing, you know, we talked earlier about, you know, oxygen, you know, therapy. Chiropractors are doing all these things. Okay. You know why? Bottom line, bottom line is this. Okay. Even functional medicine, even nutritional supplementation at a foundational level, all that has to do with changing brain and nervous system function. Oh, it does. And so what I tell doctors, listen, how do you know if you’re doing vibration play, so you’re doing this or that, that it’s actually moving that patient’s brain and nervous system patterns in the right direction or wrong direction? And that’s the big, that’s the big question. And ultimately we’ve got to come down whether you’re doing functional medicine, you’re doing nutrition, you’re doing a fireplace, you do whatever else at the foundational level. We’ve got to come back to what is coordinating all these functions. And it comes back to the brain.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, analogous to like driving a car, like if you drive a car, you never check the oil, the engine blows. And if you’re driving your body around and you never check your brain balance, the brain blows. Yeah. And I think that a lot of times when people, like there’s a reason there’s a dipstick inside your engine so you can like put it in there and check and see if you had enough oil if you need to add some. And I think that people in general, they need to know what’s going on with their nervous system more. It’s like right in our body, it’s the one thing that continuously motivates our body gives us like animation to life. And nobody checks in on it. Nobody, nobody looks at it. It’s like the elephant in the freaking room.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It’s insane. You know how many people I’ve talked and I don’t care if I’m talking to a medical doctor or a nurse or a lay person. And I asked them what coordinates every function in your body. And they said, well, my brain and nervous system. Okay. So if you have high blood pressure, do you have a cardiovascular system problem or do you have a brain communication problem? If your brain is coordinating the function of your heart, have you ever checked your brain to see if it’s functioning properly? And like, oh my gosh, no, never have.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, because, you know, one of my good friends, Matt will always like quote me. And one of the things I tell them is you got to look in obvious places if you want information. You have to be like, where is it? Go find it. And it can’t be like, I’m going to get 10 books or 20 books and I’m going to just sift through all this information. No, go look in the obvious place that you’re going to find what you’re what you need now. You can buy all the books in the world. But if it’s just one sentence that you need, go find that one sentence.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Neuro infinity, man, let’s close out and tell people why they should get one, how they can get one, and why they should come check out your workshop in Utah.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Ultimately, if chiropractors are watching this, I’m going to ask you one question. What body system ultimately is chiropractic about? Hopefully you’re not saying musculoskeletal system. Hopefully you’re saying brain and nervous system. And I know brain is part of the nervous system, but guys, when you say nervous system to the public, it’s kind of like, whoa, it’s kind of like whatever. But when you say brain, guess what happens? There are a lot, their eyes open up and say, wait, what are you talking about? Because they have grandparents now that are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. They have sisters and brothers that are getting Parkinson’s disease. They have anxiety. I mean, we have seven and eight year olds coming in with anxiety problems.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Right? And freaking reverse curves of their spine and their neck. Yeah.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Which is due to the brain’s inability. Don Reno, measuring outcomes is that in as many ways as possible, we’ll change how the public perceives and benefits from chiropractic. Yeah, when you put the lead on your head, so again, the neuro infinity basically measures at the highest level brainwaves. As soon as you put this lead on someone’s head, on a patient’s head, it takes you from being a back doctor to being a brain doctor. Which ultimately is if we’re brain and nervous system specialist, then we should be measuring the brain and nervous system, but we should be doing it in lifetime, measuring the adaptability. Because that’s the superpower of the brain and nervous system is the ability to perceive the environment and then adapt and change physiologic function. If we can’t do one or both of those or a combination, we’ve got problems. And so that’s what the neuro infinity measures. It allows us to care for patients, brain and nervous system patterns in the right way, including the right type of intensity of adjustment, frequency of adjustment, length of the care plan, post adjustment, what are we doing? Because there’s research showing that if you perform the right chiropractic adjustment, there’s a 20 minute window post adjustment where the brain is wide open to change. But if you’re changing those waves in a wrong direction, okay, that’s not good. Yeah. But then also anything else, okay, everything else that we do. So that’s all the stuff that we teach in our workshops and that’s how we certify docs to become what we call brain based docs. We change the communication. We change the patient’s perception about what you do in being a back doctor to being a brain doctor. We teach you how to assess the brain and nervous system in a dynamic fashion and not a static fashion. We teach you how to develop care plans, how to give a report of findings, how to get these patients to accept care and then refer other people and pay cash for it. That’s what we do.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Well, I think that this interview has given people an opportunity to learn more about what you’re up to with the brain based chiropractic. If people wanted to connect with you, where are some leads we can send people to?

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you can catch me on Facebook. You can go to our Facebook group. It’s called Pain to Brain. Pain to Brain chiropractic is there. You can also go to our website. We mentioned earlier We’ve got tons of videos on there. We’ve got free resources. We’ve got my calendar link in there. We’ve got DDS calendar link in there. If you guys want to schedule a call, learn more about our brain based practice blueprint.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So go get your guys free resources. Go to Go check out the Facebook group Pain to Brain chiropractic and hit Clint up on Facebook. It’s been a real honor to have you on tonight. I had a lot of fun. I think that your systems will make other people’s practices more fun. And if people do what I call the ELF principle, make it easy, lucrative and fun, you’re going to have a better quality of life with your practice. And I think that’s what we’ve covered today. Make it all easy, lucrative and fun. That’s what we do, man. And that’s what it sounds like, man. So pain to brain chiropractic on Facebook, Dr. Clint Steele, your episode, 553 of the podcast. I appreciate you for sponsoring the show. And I look forward to hearing how your life vision talk goes and how your workshop and Utah goes and then how things go for you as you get up to Chiro Life in Minnesota over the next couple months, man. Awesome. Appreciate your brother and everything you’re doing, man.

    DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Keep up the good work.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, man. Well, I’ll close out by telling everybody you’re just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys in the next episode. Thanks a lot. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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    The post Take Chiropractic from PAIN to BRAIN Based with Dr Clint Steele DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 553 appeared first on Chiro Hustle.

    18 April 2024, 3:05 am
  • Vision and Inspiration For Communities with Crystal Baddorf – Chiro Hustle Podcast 552


    Crystal Baddorf is a dynamic speaker, coach, and trainer who draws upon her personal experiences and the proven strategies of renowned thought leader John C Maxwell. After tragically losing her first daughter, Crystal embarked on a journey of self-discovery and began researching non-toxic lifestyles. This led her to become a passionate advocate for holistic living, believing in the power of natural approaches to health and wellness. Crystal experienced a profound transformation in her own life and that of her children through chiropractic care, inspiring her to serve communities as a Leadership Coach, Keynote speaker, and trainer. Her impactful work centers around empowering others to embrace holistic living and cultivate their true potential.

    With an unwavering commitment to guiding individuals towards a more fulfilling life, Crystal combines her expertise in leadership development with her passion for holistic practices. As a Leadership Coach, she imparts invaluable knowledge and proven strategies to help individuals unlock their inner potential and become effective leaders in their personal and professional lives. Crystal’s engaging and inspirational keynote speeches captivate audiences, leaving a lasting impact and inspiring positive change. Through her training programs, she equips individuals and organizations with the tools they need to adopt holistic living, nurturing a well-rounded approach that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Crystal Baddorf is dedicated to empowering others to transform their lives and thrive in all aspects, creating a ripple effect of positive change in communities worldwide.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 552 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Mallett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Crystal Badorf. And if you want to hear a story about vision for communities and inspiration through chiropractic care, stay tuned.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Crystal Baddorf coming on. Really excited. We’re going to talk a lot about family. We’re going to talk a lot about pregnancy. We’re going to talk a lot about vision and value. And I think these are things that a lot of people need to have access to and they need to start to understand what they actually have in front of them for their life and others. But before we jump into Crystal’s story, I’m going to let you know the big why. Why do we do what we do over here at Chiro Hustle? Well, first things first is freedom of speech. As we all know over the past couple of years, that’s been something that’s been stymied. It’s been something that has been shadow banned. It’s been something that has been manipulated. So we do believe in the Second Amendment. Freedom of speech is very important. And on the backside of that comes medical freedom and family health freedom. And I know we’re going to talk a lot about those topics today. And family health freedom and medical freedom are not the same things. You have freedom of choice to determine how you raise your families, what goes in their bodies and how they perpetuate their futures. Then we get into the chiropractic philosophy part of the show. We do protect the sacred trust. BJ Palmer’s last words. If you don’t know what that means, go and find BJ Palmer’s sacred trust through your search right now. Stop the show. Go and look and see what that means. You’ll learn more about chiropractic than you ever previously did. I guarantee you. And you’ll probably fall in love with this profession more than you ever did before also. On the heels of that, we do support Subluxation based chiropractic. And we believe in innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman, the spiritual. With that being said, Crystal, welcome to the show.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Hey, thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to be here.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I know we had quite the introduction before we started the show today, talking about all things that mattered to you. And I think that it’s really important that we get a chance to understand each other before we actually do a show because I believe that there has to be a resonance of our message so that the people that are listening to it understand the significance of this chiropractic profession.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Absolutely.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So my favorite question that I always lead with is your story. How did you get into chiropractic?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Well, so I got into chiropractic in my mid 20s when I actually suffered a brain virus called a vestibular neuro neuritis and lost my ability to walk and stand and was going through a string of medical appointments and not seeing results. And so I was referred to a chiropractor where I was living. And through chiropractic adjustments, I started getting better. And then we just started learning more about the power of chiropractic care. And that just started a journey of a healthier lifestyle for me.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So your body adapted? Yes. What was life like before chiropractic?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  I would say that my mobility was definitely different. But it was also one of those things you don’t know what you don’t know. And the education that I had always heard of about chiropractors was kind of like their quats or that it’s just snap, crackle pop. And there’s more fear base versus education. So the greatest impact that chiropractic care allowed for us was more education about how our bodies actually function when after we’ve had our adjustments and fixed any of the subluxations that are going on in our body. Background, I was a biology minor in college. And so I had some education, the chemistry and biology of how our bodies work. But it wasn’t until we really started diving into personal usage of chiropractic care that I was able to see a different perspective and a different modality into holistic options for your body and the results you get going forward.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and I mean just having a further conversation on it like life before chiropractic. How old were you again at your first adjustment?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  I think 26, 27.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and you know, one of the things I know that’s important to you is education, which you said, and community involvement. The guy I just interviewed before you, he got adjusted in utero. He’s a chiropractic kid. Like he was born into chiropractic. And he was adjusted. He’s like, while the umbilical cord is still attached. Like what would life have been like for you if that would have been your course of life?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Oh, it would have been very different. I was a preemie. And I had a lot of medical issues growing up and had I been adjusted early on. I think my overall health would have been a lot better. It was a chiropractor that discovered that I had adrenal issues. Had I had the education and the opportunity to be adjusted as an infant as a child, I think my long-term health would have been much different.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So what’s your message to moms that might be like toe on the line and thinking that chiropractors, like you said, might be quacks? What would your message be to like expecting mothers or pregnant mothers or newborn like families? Like what would your message be to those women?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  You’re taking care of your mind, body, and your spirit and you want to provide the best care for your unborn child that you can. And by getting adjusted during your pregnancy, it really helps with that neurological development with your child in utero as well. I am an adoptive mom and my youngest son has had some in utero trauma. And even on the way home from the adoption agency before we even got home, he had his first adjustment. And he, it was a very different process with him from the first day we got him than it was with my other children, that it’s so necessary. My daughter avoided surgery to get tubes in her ears because of ear infections. I started getting chiropractic care for her. I think she was probably two. One of my sons had bladder issues. She was a preemie, chiropractic here helped with the bed wedding and all of that. So we did not have to have that surgery. So as moms, when you’re looking at overall care for your children, it’s really important. Those bumps and scrapes and falls, it’s really important for their development and for their brain to be able to process the information when you have those civilizations removed.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I mean, you think about it. A lot of people that watch our show, they know that I’ve gone and done hundreds upon hundreds of marketing events for chiropractors and hope to get people in. I was just in Alaska, I was telling you at the Alaska State Fair, and this lady comes up to me and she’s like, looks like she hasn’t slept in a few days. She’s pushing a stroller around and she’s got like four kids with her. And they’re at the fair, they’re probably all hopped up on adrenaline from whatever they’re going to do, face painting, fair hair, eating whatever fried food that they serve out there. They’re experiencing that life, okay? And the mom comes over to me and she brings her whole troop with her and she tugs on my sleeve. Hey. I don’t know if I want to come in for the chiropractic thing, but I heard that you guys can help with bedwetting. And I was like, well, you can still schedule your son. He was 10. And she’s like, it’s really having like an issue on like his social life and his confidence. And she’s like, do you think you can help him? I said here, I’m going to tell you this. What I want you to do is schedule the first visit. Come in, let us do an exam. We’ll do the consultation. We’ll do the health history. We’ll shoot x-rays if needed. Second visit, you’re going to come back. What we’re going to do is it’s called the report of findings. We’re going to tell you what we found on the exam and x-ray. We’re going to tell you how much concern there’s we’re going to tell you how we can help you. You get your first chiropractic adjustment on the second visit. If you think we’re a good fit, you’ll stick with us. If you come in and you think that everything that we’re doing doesn’t make sense to you, you don’t have to stick around. But it could just change the trajectory of your son’s future and yours. Is that something you like to do? Like it was amazing because people are looking for chiropractors. They just don’t know what’s called chiropractic. And like you said, it prevented unnecessary surgeries for ear infections. It prevented unnecessary surgeries for other conditions. If you really think about the investment and getting checked and detected and corrected for vertebral subluxation, it’s a small investment. And what it can do for the trajectory of one person’s life at 26, like yours, or a child that’s in the womb waiting to be delivered into this amazing world. There’s a lot that goes into what a chiropractor does and how it can have an effect and help a person’s lifestyle adapt to a better quality of life.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  I think one of the things that was really interesting to me when I attended Lyceum as a guest of a local chiropractor and Lyceum as Sherman Chiropractics. It’s their homecoming. They’re homecoming. Yep. Dr. Hock did a presentation on what it’s like to adjust children. And she brought the example of a banana with a couple of spots and saying, and then just push this so gently so that you barely leave an imprint. When that flesh in the banana gives, that’s the amount of pressure that you’re putting on a child. And that was such a reality to me, not being a chiropractor, but being an advocate for it. It is so gentle. And seeing the process of what it did for my own children, like you said, I mean, we were looking at medications and medications that would slow down your own production. Well, our bodies are designed to detox. And that’s one of the methods that we detox. We’re going to give medication to slow that down. Think of all those toxins that would have built up in my son’s system. I didn’t want that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I started out crystal 15 years ago, working in a chiropractic office. And I started seeing how people’s lives were changing. And this is really like reminiscent to what I used to do. I used to go and interview patients and I do patient testimonials. And my first question I asked you was back to my roots 15 years ago. What was your life like before chiropractic? Okay. The only thing I’d always ask them, what’s your life like since chiropractic? Last thing I’d ask them, would you refer your friends and family? And then I put together these little promos for the chiropractor, not interview 10 patients. And now they’d have some marketing material to go out there and to show we take all walks of life. And anybody that came in that would say, yeah, that we’ll do a three minute interview with you to promote this amazing chiropractor. So that’s how I started out like promoting this profession before the podcast, before the documentaries that we’ve made. And I was like, really keyed in on how can I get this message outside the four walls of this office? So when you’re telling me your big, hairy audacious school, like you want to create like the doctor’s in segments and tell people the story of why chiropractors are doing what they’re doing, their technique and their values, a lot of times the best thing is third party validation. So getting the actual patients to talk about why their life’s improved, why they would refer their friends and family, those are the real like powerful, like to me, that’s that’s really the power source of the community movement.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Absolutely.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It’s the moms, like a lot of times people ask me like, well, what type of marketing event do you want? Okay. Where there of there’s the most strollers? Do you know why? Because moms are the decision makers for the family. Dads, they’ll wait till their damn leg falls off. Like for real, like they’ll wait till they have to be delivered by an Uber with ice pack on their back to the chiropractic center in order to go get an x-ray that they were reluctant to pay for. But the women, and I know that’s something that it’s really inspirational to you is working with adoption agencies and pregnancy centers is women are the decision makers for the family. So if we can make an impact, I call it the brain tattoo, if we can tattoo the impact of chiropractic on the brain of that mom, now we can make an impact on the future of those kids. So I guess I’d like you to talk to me a little bit about how you would like to see what you’re doing with chiropractic have an impact on people’s communities. People’s communities.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Well, there’s a lot we talked about underserved communities with women that have unplanned pregnancies. I think a lot of them don’t understand that chiropractic care is an option for their care. I’m working with, I have had four, and I’ll call them true crisis pregnancies within our family, and that’s given me a passion for the adoption agencies, for the pregnancy centers. I’ve had services from both and see the need. But one of the things I was talking with the pregnancy center last week, and they have on their brochure that about giving education about sudden infant death syndrome, and I said, did you know that with chiropractic care that it decreases the chances of sudden infant death syndrome significantly? And she wasn’t aware of that. And so that’s one of the things they were going, okay, this is why we need to connect these services with local chiropractors, one so that these moms can be seen, these babies can be taken care of. We have better health care education that’s given to them. There’s also a lot of states that don’t have enough birthing centers for their babies. That’s another topic for another day. But really getting involved in the community, seeing the needs, and being able to strengthen the overall health of our families.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I always tell people this, there’s not a pillow post-shar lotion that you can do to your body that will have the same impact of a chiropractic adjustment. And I do think that there’s two doctors you should have in your life, right? There’s one to keep you healthy and there’s one to save you from dying. And as our health grades are been reported, we’re 38th on the list of first world countries when it comes to like our health grade. Like we’re failing. But if you were to have like a crisis care, like you said, crisis pregnancies, if you were to have crisis care and you needed crisis care immediately, like emergency care, we’re top at that. Yes. But keeping people like vital and healthy long term, our system has sold out to the pills and potions and lotions people. And it’s not about keeping people healthy. And you know why that is crystal? It’s a money thing. I mean, there’s no money in healthy people. Yeah. And that’s why we have to safeguard our families and their medical freedom and their family’s health freedom. And that’s why our show does what it does. And we have the standard that we do because I believe that there is an answer for people to have a healthy pregnancy. I believe that there is an answer for people to have healthy children. I believe that there is an answer for people that are advanced in life to have better quality of life and activities of daily living, which is what the insurance idiots look for. I believe that there are answers and that all comes back to this one core principle and belief, which is chiropractic. When you have a regulated and functioning nervous system, the body self regulates and self heals. It doesn’t need anything extra in it. It simply needs no interference. So when you remove the interference, the body does this. Oh, I’m glad somebody did that finally. Like I’m glad somebody just like took care of that thing that was in my neck that I couldn’t do on my own. And that’s the power of chiropractic.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  One of the things I’ve also really observed, all of my children are athletes. And for optimal performance, chiropractic adjustments have been necessary. I mean, we’ve had broken bones. So my daughter got a broken collar bone, her very first soccer game. I mean, it was like this. It was significant. But she went through cold laser therapy. She went through chiropractic hair, gentle adjustments on the neck and making sure the other shoulder wasn’t overcompensating, continuing to cause more problems and more pain. And my other sons, football, soccer, I mean, those are contact sports. And just being able to take them to get those adjustments, it keeps them in check. They’re able to perform at their optimal level and continue to thrive.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So there’s two different states, okay? You can live in a state of ease or you can live in a state of disease. And when you’re in a state of ease, the body chills out and the body’s nervous system has a chance to actually do what it’s supposed to do rather than fight or flight. And then when the body’s adjusted, the body gets a chance to go into parasympathetic mode where it actually calms down and it self regulates and it self heals and it chills out. A lot of times when people are subluxated, they’re in peak state constantly and they’re riding the wave of like fight or flight and scarcity, anger, all these low vibrational ideas and feelings. But when the body’s actually nurtured and feels good and it’s like regulated, that’s when people can start dreaming again.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  So true, well, and I’ll tell you a story too with my current chiropractor. She knows about I lost two children and they’re both in October and she’s followed my care for a number of years and can tell, okay, in October, you’re going to need more adjustments because your body is it’s coming back with that stress and that trauma. Let’s kind of keep that at bay. And then that’s also given me a time to understand, oh, why am I so tense in October and so I said, but the education of, okay, here’s this release, but also being aware of, okay, this trauma happened to your body. Here’s where we’re seeing some flares. Let’s get on top of that so that you can still live your life to the fullest in that timeframe.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, there’s three things that cause subluxation. That’s traumas and toxins and there’s power of auto suggestion also. What we continuously think is what we’ve become. So if we think we’re sick and broken and if we think that there’s stress and if something gives us recall of trauma, we’ll become subluxated. So our body has a way of actually tightening ourselves up and making us sick. If we think ourselves into it, that’s why the power of the chiropractic adjustment can help us reposition that segment and that subluxation to where the body’s actually back into alignment again. I know that was something that you wanted to talk about too is like, how do you create a better culture? Well, you create a better culture by addressing the individual. Yes. And if you address the individual, whether they’re at the top of the organization or they’re somebody that’s in the middle of the organization or they’re the child at home or they’re the kid in sports, whoever it may be, life is just going to be better when their culture understands that like, Hey, I’m not feeling good today. What is it? Can I get checked? And one of the things I love about chiropractic is they check, detect and correct. And not every time that they check, do they need to adjust? But I think because of today that the age that we’re in, we’re all hyper stressed. We all have a lot more going on than a patient from the 1950s. So a person in the 1950s, they weren’t bombarded with cell phones and technology. They weren’t addicted to the food that we’re eating today. They weren’t driving around in automobiles the way we are today. There were different stressors in their life. So I think as culture shifted to where we are today, thoughts, traumas and toxins look much different than they did 60 or 70 years ago. Yes. So to say that I need to get adjusted more frequently in the month of October, probably yeah. And kids that live on laptops and cell phones and tablets. Yeah. I mean, I’ve seen some of the most gnarly x-rays of kids that are like 12 years old. They have spines that look like they’re 70.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  The cuts are over like this.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  We call it nursing home posture. You know, tech’s neck is now a diagnosis code for insurance companies. So when you think about like the level of like how our culture has shifted and to people saying, I don’t want to take care of myself. It’s too expensive. Why would I go see the chiropractor is too expensive? And that is your health insurance. Having a healthy spine and nervous system and mobility. What’s the first thing you said? I couldn’t stand up.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I was having problems at 26 years old with my motor skills. Like go back to the square one. Yes. If people just made that small investment, like your insurance company is not going to save your life. They don’t care about you. Like the person that cares about you is a practitioner of chiropractic.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  We hear a lot about self care. And a lot of times you think that that’s the massage. Yes, that’s good. That’s the first time people that’s Botox. There’s a lot of toxins with that. I won’t get on that train. But really looking for our family budget, self care for our family budget is our family plane with our chiropractor.


    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  That is a non negotiable. And so when we look and it’s not covered by our insurance, that is something we choose to do as far as you know, going what’s going in your body, what’s going on your body, understanding all the things. And that’s one of the things more of our culture is going to is, okay, what is what’s going to give me the best health? Well, how do you know what’s going to give you the best stuff? You learn that. And through there’s a lot of research that we need to be more proactive in communicating more in our communities of why this is part. This is not a fix. This is not a visit. This is a lifestyle. It is going to continue to walk with you through your twists and turns that this is self care for a long term optimal health. It gets to the root of a lot of the problems where we don’t have band aids.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, there’s a guy that precedes me. His name is James Chestnut. I’m James Chester. Guys, I think he’s from Victoria or Vancouver, BC, Canada. And he started this movement called eat well, think well, move well chiropractor. He went to the nutrition aspect of life, right? If you don’t eat right, you don’t think right. And if you don’t eat right, you don’t move right. So a lot of it comes back down to the building blocks of how mobile are we? What’s our quality resource that we’re actually feeding ourselves? And then how well are you thinking throughout the process of it? Back to auto suggestion. Do you think you’re healthy? You think you can be healthy. Do you think that the food that you’re eating is real fuel? Or do you think it’s empty calories? Do you enjoy the things that you do with your body? Are you enjoying your hobbies? Are you enjoying your extracurriculars? Like how is your body moving for you? Do you enjoy hiking? Do you enjoy sport? Like what are you doing to make your body move better? You know, a lot of the things I hear from people that are retired, they die because they stop moving and life is motion. And that’s the one thing that I’ll go back to the root cause of why we do this show is because I want people to practice a chiropractic lifestyle. And the one thing that James missed, okay, eat well, think well, move well, coming from a chiropractor. I’ll just put an asterisk next to it and get adjusted.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And it’s not me out shining him or shining poorly upon his plan. But maybe if he started with get adjusted, eat well, think well, move well, we would have a different revolution right now than people that thought that they needed to eat different, that people thought that they needed to think different, that people thought that they needed to move different. And it all starts with the root of chiropractic. And if you have deep roots with the chiropractic lifestyle in your family, as you know now, that is your health plan. Yeah. And obviously there’s crisis care. We need interventions. We’re not idiots. And there is a doctor to keep you healthy and one to save you from dying.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Absolutely. Well, and there’s one thing you and I talked earlier about John Maxwell being one of my mentors, but he says something experienced, evaluated experience. That’s what makes the change. And so one of my challenges would be is, and some of the things that I do too, is I look at what we eat. I look at what we do and I evaluate it. If it served us well, then it gets color coded as a green. If it was kind of like, yeah, maybe a cheat. I mean, this goes with every activity, every activity that we do, food we eat, places we go, color put them. If it’s red and it was a negative experience or just toxic in some way, we put a red and it goes. So this is a good way that you can start doing an evaluation of going, okay, where am I now? And then where do I need to go?

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So in closing, if there was a big call to action for you to the chiropractic community, what would that be?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  I have so many in my head. The big call to chiropractic community is to really be authentic and connecting with our community members and how you have to serve them. A lot of people still don’t understand what chiropractic is all about. And a lot of times when I talk to doctors, sometimes the language can get to be more on the doc level, the language can be textbook in a sense, bring that down to someone and explain to them a little bit more in depth of how this can transform your life. Use this as a self-care option. Change the verbiage of it. The culture in your practice will attract the people that you’re supposed to attract. If you are a family-zoned chiropractor, one of the chiropractors here in our town, I walk into our office and I feel like I’m in ferries and fireflies because it looks like this great relaxing place for families. There’s a place for kids. There’s another chiropractor that I know that really focuses on athletic advancement. And so it’s very sporty. It’s reflective of their heart and their specific lifestyle is reflected in their practice. But then they’re out serving their community in those ways. So whoever you’re wanting to connect with, find a way to connect with them in the community, if that’s sponsoring a sports team, if that’s partnering with your pregnancy center and your adoption agencies so that you can provide care for women that are pregnant with unplanned pregnancies, really take that time to connect, know how you want to connect and make that

    None:  happen. Well, I think it’s a really nice message to close out with.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  If people wanted to connect with you or work with you or learn more about you, where can you send them to?

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  You can send them to That’s my website. I can get emails and messages through there. I also have a calendar link that I can send you. And so if anybody would like to have a conversation with me, then we can schedule a conversation and make that connection.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, Crystal, thanks for being episode 552 of the Kyra Hustle podcast.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Congratulations on that, James. That’s a big deal.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, it’s a labor of love. And I know that we’re doing this for a greater cause. And there might be one person that listens to this episode that reaches out to you and you can help facilitate better future plans for them. And you know, you might be the answer that they’ve been praying for.

    CRYSTAL BADDORF (GUEST):  Do you know, that is great. That is one of the things that I say all the time when I speak, you may be the answer to someone else’s prayer. That’s a very specific, that’s close to my heart.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I want you to have a great rest of your evening out there in beautiful South Carolina. And I’m going to sign off here from beautiful Colorado and tell everyone, you guys are just one story away. Keep hustling. I’ll see you guys in the next episode. Thanks for, bye for now.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Subscribe to our channels to continue to learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to also give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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    14 April 2024, 3:20 pm
  • Chiropractic and Nutrition Effect on Innate Healing with Dr Don Clum DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 551


    Dr. Don Clum is an international Doctor of Chiropractic and has experience practicing and educating throughout the United States, Spain, and Costa Rica, where he worked as the Peak Performance Doctor for the Olympic Teams in Central America. His programs have reached hundreds of thousands of people globally.

    In 2010 Dr. Clum and his wife started a fully integrated wellness center while also transitioning a traditional pain management medical practice into a wellness center serving as the director of wellness & the onsite lab.

    Dr. Clum’s programs for insulin resistance, specifically focusing on diabetes, diabetes prevention, metabolic syndrome, weight loss resistance, obesity, sleep, and cardiometabolic issues, led him to join a population health company, ADURO Inc., serving 140 employers and over 1,200,000 employees. Dr. Clum designed and delivered the first alternative diabetes prevention program and outperformed the National Diabetes Prevention Program from the N.I.H. and C.D.C.

    Today Dr. Clum’s 100% virtual practice and programs teach how to reverse insulin resistance with “Functional Rotational Fasting,” Advanced Metabolic Nutrition, Functional Fitness, Sleep Enhancement, and Stress Resilience.


    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 551 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I’m your producer, Luke Millett, and here’s your host, James Chester.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Don Klum, and if you want to hear the story about chiropractic and nutrition and how that affects innate healing, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. This is a long time coming. Today I got Don Klum coming on with me at episode 551. We connected five or six months ago, and we were talking about how to get this thing going. I said, hey, we’re scheduled out X amount of months. Let’s do this thing. And you took the opportunity to do it, so thank you.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  My pleasure. Thanks for having me. It was a great conversation then, and I expected better one even today.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and you know, after doing this for six years, I had to come up with a big message of why do we do this still? So I’m going to share that and we’ll jump into your story, okay? Bring it. So our big why, we protect freedom of speech with this show. I think it’s really important as we’ve seen what’s gone on in the past couple of years with freedom of speech. There’s a lot of sensory and shadow banning of people. We’ve never done that in our show, and I think it’s really important that we stand for that. The show also protects the family health freedom and medical freedom. So we want people to speak openly about what matters to them when it comes to protecting the rights of their families to get good chiropractic care. And then medical arena is so confused. And chiropractic is a standalone profession that kind of got botched into this medical world. So chiropractic is very, very important to me, and it’s very important to the message that we produce here. So with that being said, we also do protect the sacred trust. If you guys don’t know what that means, go and search right now, stop and pause this and go find BJ Palmer’s last words. Go and find out what the sacred trust means and read that. You’re going to learn more about chiropractic than you ever could imagine just by reading that one document that BJ Palmer wrote. And then we do believe in subluxation based chiropractic and support subluxation based chiropractic and innate intelligence and universal intelligence. We believe that the power that made the body heals the body and that there is a universal intelligence in all bodies and that adjustment can connect man to physical or man to man or woman the spiritual. So when you get adjusted, it does connect you to an energetic field that lets the body heal without any pills, potions or lotions. And with that being said, Dr. Don, welcome to the show.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Thank you, James. I appreciate it. Great to be here.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, like the major premise of that message that we just drop, sometimes people don’t make it through a full episode. And I always want them to know like as soon as they hit that engage switch that they know what chiropractic is, and I’m going to spark some enthusiasm in their mind for them to say, oh, it’s not just intersegmental dysfunction. Or oh, it’s not just headaches, low back pain and neck pain. Or oh, it’s not an insurance code. It’s actually vitalism. And that’s what I want to like always, you know, empower people to know that chiropractic is more than some medical system that’s basically stolen chiropractic and inserted it into it. So I want everybody to know that chiropractic is a powerful profession founded September 18, 1895, 127 years ago. So those are the receipts. Those are the receipts.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Yeah, well, we can often forget where it all came from. It came from a line of thinking, what we call a philosophy. That’s where it stemmed from. It was an expression of it. That doesn’t change no matter what the application does over the years.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And I know you come from a lineage of chiropractors. So I don’t know this. I’ve talked to you a couple of times now, but I don’t know how did you get into chiropractic like personally besides being in the family?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, you just said I was born into it. What else can I do? I got my dad, my uncle, my aunt, now my cousin, my sister, my ex-wife, my daughter’s graduating in two months from chiropractic school. And so it’s all over. I grew up in that model. And so I was never pushed into it, but that’s just, that’s what I know, it’s who I am. And so it made sense to me. And so that’s how I got into it. No big surprise there.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And I think that’s really cool. How do you remember like when you got your first adjustment?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  No, absolutely not. I was probably still on the umbilical cord at that point. You know, I was just raising in the whole philosophy at the birthing center somewhere, I imagine, right there on the umbilical cord itself. Just like everyone in my family, it’s just the way it’s second nature to me. So people who choose chiropractic and people who decide that this is for them or leave one profession and go into it, I give them a lot of respect and a lot of credit because they made that definitive choice. I support my choice. I’m glad I made it. And this is where I live love and thrive. But it’s just part of me and who I am. So it’s less of a challenge, I feel less of the pressures of a lot of people out there when they go into this. And I just want to tell them if you made that choice to tip my hat and welcome.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, like nowadays, I think that people look at chiropractic as like an expensive Advil and they want like a quick fix because they’ve never taken care of themselves. And that’s a different type of like understanding of philosophy of chiropractic than what you’re born into. Like it’s just the right.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  I just say that. It even sounds foreign to me. I’m like, what, what are you talking about? You know, it’s just it’s a, it’s an approach is an idea. It’s a concept is the innate philosophy of life, living and healing, right? That that’s where it came from. The application and the modality became chiropractic along the way. But is that is that innate healing ability and that optimal function that is a base of it all and everything comes from that. So when you say, you know, people want a quick fix yet, they’ve always wanted a quick fix. They, you know, even now I don’t think an ad bill will do much for them. They’re doing a lot more than an Advil out there for their quick fixes. And so, you know, will it work for that? I don’t know. You know, I hope so, I guess. But there’s so much more in there that, you know, that just seems silly to me.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I guess this is like a deeper question to that topic then. Why do you feel that vitalism lost popularity and mechanism became what people were focused on?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, mechanism is based on mechanics and mechanical measures. And that that’s why it became more popular because it could be measured. It could be seen. It could be touched. It could be measured. It could be tested. And then when the different when medications came out and the double blind placebo controlled study, what’s called the gold standard of medicine was invented and showed to be so efficient at testing treatments that became the standard. And at that point, they needed something. They were they were measuring everything to it, even though it’s not designed for physical application or healing or measuring anything like that, which were chiropractic and so many other healthcare services fall in line. So, you know, we kind of got bunched into that and that became the standard, but it’s really a standard for one kind of application that we try to, you know, round peg ourselves into that square hole.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, as I hear you talking about this, I know that there’s a lot that goes into understanding how the body heals itself because there’s a famous philosophy in chiropractic says the power that made the body heals the body. And a lot of times people say that kind of like a slogan or bumper sticker, but they don’t really know what that means. And I know a lot of that comes from the metabolic healing source of the body, not just a pillow potion or a lotion. And if you can get the body to start to recognize that it can heal itself, ADIO above down inside out another, you know, bumper sticker for chiropractic, we start to uncover some of like the richness of the profession. And I think that that goes back to like, how does the body heal itself? How does above down inside out translate to quality of life and vitalism? And I think that there’s a disconnect from the things that we know that we’ve been like taught and learned to the way that other people see chiropractic. They’re like, Oh, they just crack your neck.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, it goes back even further. Like you said to healing that what we call healing, body doesn’t heal, right? It replaces. It doesn’t repair even. It replaces. And as it replaces, if it, if it doesn’t replace it wears down, if it replaces at the same level it was when it started, it stays the same. If it’s, if it degrades in that replacement, it goes backwards or disease or breakdown. And if it replaces into a better form, then we call that healing over time, but nothing repairs. It doesn’t fix it. It gets rid of it and puts something new. And we talk about the body getting the body to recognize it can heal itself. We have to recognize that the body knows what it’s doing. The body’s always in control. The body’s always doing a hundred percent of what it needs and can do at the time when it needs to do it. And it’s us that gets confused in what that looks like, feels like, or the process of it. And we screw that up. And rather than letting the body and putting it into an environment where it can do what it is built and designed forever to do, we try to tell it what to do and push it in one direction to the other and judge what it does. And that’s where we start to see a breakdown in all applications.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And that’s what I believe you just described as adaptation.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Adapt change. Yeah. Change. Adapt or die, right? You know, think or die. It’s the same concept. We are always adapting. You either adapt well or you adapt poorly and that makes all the difference.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And having adjusted nervous system in a clear spinal column helps you adapt in a positive direction rather than a more diseased and dysfunction direction.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, it allows it’s our nervous system is our response system is our response system. You know, BJ went through, like you said, above, down inside out, I believe it’s outside in and below upward now that we know, because the environment is telling our body where we are, what we’re doing, what’s going on, where we are on the planet, what the weather is, what the terrain is, what our stresses are, and is telling the brain, the brain, therefore, is responding to that. And as it does, you want the best response possible, the clearest communication quickest and the most app provo, so to speak, that it can have so that you can adapt to that environment. And so what people tend to do is they want to change how they want to change that response rather than change the environment to get a better and more appropriate response for what where they’re at.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So turning the page a little bit forward, I know you got your background and nutrition and then chiropractic, correct? Yes, I did. How have you learned how to navigate nutrition and chiropractic and let them live in the same ecosystem?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, they all stem from the same philosophy of the healing power of the body, the innate living concept of it, and chiropractic fits within it. It doesn’t own it. It’s not the proprietor of it, but it’s part of it. And so when I got traditionally trained, it’s very medical system. You know, if there’s highs, you want to bring them low, if there’s lows, you want to bring them high, if there’s numbers, you don’t want to go deficient, you want to do all this. It’s very therapeutic. And like Dr. Williams wrote in his book, you know, when is a potato uphill, you know, even nutrition then can become a therapeutic modality, a drug, so to speak. And I moved away from that and I went right to state with chiropractic, a strict upper server calls. I’m a BJ Green Book Thumper from day one. And then when I got into challenges in my life at a time where I didn’t think I should have these challenges, young, in living in Costa Rica, in paradise, you know, making money, doing well. And I had to face some realities that my, I was in concurrent with something. That’s when I realized a bigger picture. And that brought me back into the concept of environmental and behavioral based nutrition, not therapeutic nutrition, not clinical nutrition, behavioral nutrition. What are we doing? How are we interacting? How are we using food? Not as a fuel source, not as even a nutrient, but as information to the system in judging how it responds.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And as you’ve gone through that journey, I know that you’re the fasting guy. How have you integrated fasting into the chiropractic culture?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, initially, you know, being, when I was in practice, we had multiple offices, strict up, straight up a cervical chiropractic, you know, the nutrition side. I struggled with it. And then when I had my own challenges, I had some diagnosis. This is an next thing you know, I was changing my diet. I had to tighten up my ship. I knew what to do. I was getting adjusted. You know, I don’t take drugs. I’ve never had a prescription medication vaccine or anything like that in my life. I knew that wasn’t part of it. So I tightened up my ship. And as I did, I went through different nutritional concepts, eventually led me backwards into fasting. And as I did, I started doing fasting on a rotation over time. That’s when my diagnosis changed. I had, I was diagnosed with cancer, skin cancer, but not confirmed two to separate times a number of years in between, right? I was diagnosed by a dermatologist and by a family practitioner, but I never got it biopsied. I never did anything medical. So I can’t say what it was. That’s why I say diagnosed, but not confirmed. And as I went through this process and tried these different things and tightened up my ship along with chiropractic, that’s when they eventually got, got ugly, did their process and basically fell off.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So let’s talk about fasting specifically. What does it mean to you and how can other people utilize it?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  I’m a traditionalist. When this started happening to me, I started looking at it. Next thing I know was undeniable that I had to look at what fasting does. I started training. I started training and fasting to me is extended fasting. It’s one full day or more. It’s not the intermittent concept of just skipping breakfast or eating in a window or doing these different things. Those are what I call intermediate fasting steps to get to fasting. For example, now I’m in a 30 day fasting challenge that I’m running called September fast. And this is day 12. No food, water only. And this is my second one of the year. I did one in April as well for 31 days. And what I’m doing moving forward is a seven day fast a month and the two 30 days a year to get to 130 days of fasting over a course of one year. And the concept here is the benefit and the compounding healing effect of regular on-the ongoing fasting when it’s set up right executed and followed through well. And it fits with the chiropractic philosophy. All of the stuff that I do is based out of the sophomore text and Stevenson’s chiropractic text with the second half of the sophomore text, everything that chiropractic degrees or approves with. That’s the language that Stevenson wrote and BJ signed off of. And it’s all congruent because we’re unleashing that healing potential and those mechanisms that only come out and play with us in the deep fasted state. So for me, fasting is extended fast. It’s not skipping breakfast or eating in eight hours or that kind of thing. It’s more than that.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So if you think about it on that level, how challenging is it for somebody to go one day? Depends on the person.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  I know, right? It totally depends on the person. And part of the reason I did this the second time this year, just as we were talking or before we were talking the first time, I was starting the April one is because that the preparation planning and training to get into extended fasting is so crucial that once you’re there, the fast itself is the least of the issue. It’s the preparation, the support during and then the reinforcement after that makes the magic happen. And when you do it right, it was so, I don’t like to use the term easy, but it was so non eventful. It was so comfortable that when I talked about it online, in particular, people thought I was lying. They told me it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be done. So I said, fine, I’ll do it again and I’ll show you. And as I’m going through it right now, no issues of hunger, energy levels, irritation, headaches, hangry. You can see my shirt. It says, sorry for what I said while fasting, right? You know, there’s a little tongue in cheek joke on that, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If it’s miserable going into fast, if you can’t do it, there’s a problem. You can judge someone’s metabolic health and overall health and resilience by how long they can go comfortably without food. And as of now, 12 days in, not an issue at all whatsoever and as of night before last, I hit the secondary phase, I call it, where sleeping better than ever in my life. So it just starts to compound and this fast is different than my one five months ago, which will be different from the next one I do. And we’re tracking that. This is the only data sets of these kind in the world right now. So it’s pretty exciting stuff.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, I’m fascinated by it. I personally, I’ve talked to you about this. I said, I think I want to try something. And I was like, yeah, I think I’m doing something. I’m doing some intermittent fasting. And you’re like, yeah, I know that’s not really what we do. So I mean, I think it’s important for people to know the distinctions between not eating breakfast and eating within windows of time and what a fast really is, right?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Yeah, absolutely. Well, the fast represents the fasting metabolism of the repair or what I call the replace the state of the body, right? And to get into that, it’s not just stopping eating. You have to get into that. It’s like training is like getting in the zone in a workout, like you talk marathoners talking about getting in the zone right after a few miles. They’re in the zone. They can run. It’s the same kind of concept. You have to train for that. And once you’re in it, you’re in that deep fasted state, you go through different levels of recycling detoxification and what’s called a toffee that starts to take inventory and prepare you for replacement from stem cells of new cells, tissues and structures within your body. But if you don’t do that, right, you just might be suffering through it, a lot of pain for nothing, right? You might as well buy the t-shirt and go home. But the concept of doing it well, preparing it well, rolling through it and then doing it again. Another point to build on what you’ve already done is crucial, just like chiropractic. You know, going to get your neck adjusted or your low back because you have a headache or back pain, that might be the ad will you’re looking for. But that’s not corrective care. That’s not maintenance care. That’s not wellness care. That’s a comparison compared to a full care plan that people go through over months, if not years.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So I’ve heard you say a couple of times doing it right. What is doing it wrong?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Doing it wrong is like you see a challenge. I say, Hey, I’m going to fast for 72 hours. I love the people when they count hours. I’m doing hours. I might 100 hours. I might 94 hours. I might 31 hours. That’s a new thing. You know, we used to count in full days, but I still do. But when they just jump into it, just think, stop eating and drink water or have their broth or their whatever electrolyte drink and, you know, kind of just roll into it. Is that better than not doing it? Probably probably better, but it’s like someone who never worked out in their life suddenly going to jump in the gym and hit across their workout. Will they get through it? Probably. Probably. Will it be the best workout out? Will they enjoy it? Probably not. Will they feel it after? Definitely. Same kind of concept.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world’s number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I’m kind of a neophyte to all this too, so I’m learning as I go. And say they do it right. What are maybe some miracle things that you’ve seen happen in people’s lives that have done it right? I know you told us yours about going to be in an idea of having cancer, to not having cancer. So have you seen other people’s lives dramatically shift and become more vital?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Oh yeah, definitely through the programs I’ve been running now for years, we’ve helped thousands and if not tens of thousands, depending on the level of the program, through everything from what people call intermittent fasting or what’s really time-restricted eating or delayed onset eating, rolling into alternate day concepts, and then into what I call full fasting modes. And we’ve seen everything happen. We’ve seen everything. Weight loss is an easy one to track and see. We’ve seen diabetes reversal. And I’m talking physiological reversal. Not just lowering blood sugar. In the natural world, we have a lot of people out there who do these different products, potions, pills, powders, just like you said, natural or otherwise, or even with drugs. And they lower blood sugar and they get it in the normal range and they say they reverse diabetes. And I’m telling you, that’s not reversed. The data is very clear. That is just diabetes with normal blood sugar at that point. To reverse the condition, you have to change the structure and physiology of how that body responds to food and stress to be able to say that so that if they were to then have a quote unquote normal lifestyle of eating, that they don’t go right back to where they were. And that’s what we see. So in order to get that regeneration, that repair replacement stuff going, you have to do more than just not eat for a few hours. The idea that in eight hour eating windows somehow is a fast, that’s really just a normal eating span for humans. It might even be a long one for us, evolutionarily speaking. And so it’s like a reversion back to normal now is suddenly a diet effort and what they’re calling fasting. To me, fasting is longer than that. And what we’ve seen, we’ve seen cancer improve. We’ve seen every kind of digestive issue, autoimmune, everything is very similar to chiropractic. When you do it right, the whole body heals and responds better. It functions better. It doesn’t matter what someone walks in your office with a chiropractor, if you check them and they’re subluxating, you adjust them, they will get better somehow, some way. You know that same thing when you start to incorporate fasting the right way.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I think what you were explaining to me, I’m just going to put it into like an analogy with saying that you’ve reversed type two diabetes, which you know, that takes a huge effort with mindset, relationship with food, relationship with, you know, a lot of different parts of a person’s life. But what it made, what it brought to my attention was, it’s like taking a piece of like electrical tape and putting it over the check engine light on the car and say, hey, car’s fine now. We reversed it because we put the light out. And I think that when you think about like people’s health and their quality of life, people are looking for, you know, how do I reset myself? And we don’t want to reset, right?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  You don’t want to reset. You don’t want to go backwards. You want to grow anew. You want to become something different when it comes to getting better. You want to have a different response to stress and food in your life. And when you do these steps to reverse that path, pathology that we call diabetes, other things reverse too, like emotional eating, like cravings, like food addiction, because those become symptomatic, things like poor willpower suddenly come back without ever addressing it. Things like emotional eating that people come to me and they have a t-shirt that says they are the president of the club. Here’s my membership card. In the last few years, that’s my problem of emotional eating over a course of time. And in a few months, when I go back to revisit that, they don’t even remember that they had it because it’s a metabolic symptom, the indecision, the impulsivity, what they consider weakness and willpower is a symptom of a stressed metabolic system, neuroendocrine tone. B.J. had it right in the safety pin cycle. I just don’t believe it’s above down. I believe it’s down up. But it’s the same cycle feeding back to each other. When it’s better, we live better, feel better, look better. It’s like when you’re sick, you get in a bad mood. Doesn’t mean you turn into an ogre. It’s because a symptom of being sick, the same thing. When you’re metabolically sick, you get these symptoms of what is seen and judged as weakness or poor willpower or indecision or impulsivity or emotional eating or connection to food. When reality, when the physiology changes, so do those without having to address them.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I want to go a bit more narrow-gaged. I just want to talk about something I think is really important for a lot of people today. I think now, as they say in the media, now more than ever, there’s a lot of autoimmune conditions and people have been back-sengered and people need a detox. Have you seen fasting make an improvement in people’s lives that have autoimmune conditions, number one, but also have this, as they call it, long COVID? Have you seen fasting helping people with these specific conditions?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Yeah, absolutely. I mean, autoimmune comes down to stuff getting into where it’s not supposed to be, in my opinion. Food getting into the big, large intestine where it’s not supposed to be and then bacteria from the large, isn’t getting into small intestine, it’s not supposed to be. That dysbiosis right there is a source of most autoimmune condition right now and that can be resolved through diet changes and fasting accelerates that and heals the actual process in itself. The detoxification, you cannot detox your body. Your body will detox when you give it the environment to do so automatically and fast. Within hours, it’ll start to detox, but you have to flip the switch from the fed state to the repair state in order to access the process we call detoxification. That I call recycling and replacement that people call autophagy in the science is all the same thing. It’s a gradient that is on very, very low, barely detectable while we’re in this chronic fed state. Once it’s turned off, that dial can turn up into the deeper and deeper autophagy recycling detoxification states and then in the deep fasted state go even further beyond what is even known at this point and you start to see things not reset, but we’d be replaced with higher quality receptors, proteins, parts and pieces than it was before. And when the first immunotherapy recommendations came out, so to speak, when they did, I offered to every practitioner out there a free process to help support the system, get them as iron clad and tank ready to walk in if they had to make that decision to make it, so hopefully not get the negative effects. And then once they did, how to get those effects out of you as soon as possible, but the bottom line is we don’t do it. We can change the environment and hope the body has what it needs to do it, but the body is going to do it. And the best way to get out of the way to let it do it is to keep the nervous system clear so all signals are working at 100% and then stop eating and let it be 100% in control of this metabolic system.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, coming from 23 years as a practitioner, getting your background and nutrition, growing up as a Chiro kid, being adjusted in the womb all the way to where you are today, I think that it’s pretty profound to listen to the work that you’re inspired about. And I think it’s really amazing to just know that there’s a resource out there that is you that is helping people go through this journey. You say somebody’s listening to this and they’re like, damn it, I’m ready. What do they do to prep themselves for their first day and how can they start to grab their head around? I’m not going to eat for 72 hours. You got to be joking. You got to be kidding me. Like, talk, talk people through that initial like, I’m going to jump into the deep end with a fast.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  All right. Well, if you’re going to go that round, you’re going to do you want to get first thing you need to do is set your calendar. You need to plan. You need to prepare. You need to set your timeline. You need to give yourself that runway to roll into that thing ready, willing and accepting of what’s going to go on and therefore make it as easy as possible as you go through it. And that can take days if not weeks. I prepare three months before I get ready for a 30 day fast, right? And I go month by month and I break it down. I’ll just give you an example. Month one is all about cleaning out sugar and any kind of high insulin foods, which are processed foods, so anything made from a powder, you know, protein powder, flour, almond flour, coconut flour, any kind of processed flowers and sugars. That’s month one. Month two, I’m getting rid of the rest of the high oxalate or most plant foods at all totally, completely, whether they’re fresh or organic or what have you getting getting those narrowed down. And month three is about meal timing, spacing and frequency, starting with three meals a day, shifting it up, getting the rest of the plant food out of there and then making sure the whole time, making sure my exercise program is on point because that is a big determinant of whether you keep those new stem cells that you made when you come out of fasting or not is your exercise or physical activity level. And then I roll in by that time, I’m ready for that fast. I am ready this fast for 30 days, days to 12, but it actually started a couple of days earlier because I was ready. I’m like, come on, I don’t got to wait till the first thing. I know I announced it. Isn’t that you’re just ready, the mentally ready? And you do that. All the detox reactions that people call symptoms from fasting were really detox reactions. I’ve already cleared out over time and you roll in and you don’t have them. I don’t get cold in my bones like a lot of people do. Like I used to do when I didn’t do this kind of intensive process. I don’t get irritability mood swings. I don’t get headaches. I don’t get hungry. I don’t get preoccupied and fixated on food. I don’t have sleep disturbance. In fact, I get the best sleep I’ve ever had. I continue with my workout, my life, my job, everything else, my relationships. It’s called functional fasting because you have to function to do it. So you make this process and you map it out. You get specific. You learn how to do it and you start to little by little roll in so that when you’re there, you’re ready. You wouldn’t show up to a race without training, right? Same thing.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I mean, I’m fascinated by it. I know that there’s a lot more that we didn’t talk about. There’s so many questions that I could still continuously ask you, but I do know that we’re coming up on the edge of our time. I do want to ask you some more things chiropractic related. Maybe we can do a quick lightning round. Who are some of your mentors? Who are some people that inspired you to become the chiropractor you are today?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  My dad is number one. Cameron Kasan, his chiropractor was beforehand and Dr. Sid Williams, my dad’s mentor and one of his best friends growing up. I grew up in the realm. I follow my dad around seminars. I’ve ridden his co-tail since the beginning. He’s a big name, if not the biggest right now in chiropractic. He has a senior statesman. So to speak, and I’m incredibly proud to say that. Just hanging around him, watching his relationships, some of the now old timers, that has been a key. My dad would be number one.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That’s really cool, man. A lot of people that watch my show don’t know this, but my dad left the family when I was five. I’ve been out there fighting a war on my own a long time. It’s really cool to see people that have that good resonance with their parental figures. It’s really cool to see that your dad did create something really special for you to be proud of. It’s really awesome, man. I congratulate you for that. The profession as a whole, we could all talk about how bad some things smell and why complain when we can make it better. So what can we do to make the profession better and where do you see it the next couple years?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Well, I think that as the chiropractors represent chiropractic, the best thing you do is live this thing and show that off, especially in our digital social media visual world today. Practice what you preach. I’m not just leading this 30-day challenge. I’m doing day by day lessons, and I am part of it, and I am reporting back. And so it’s showing up and it’s showing how to live like this, not just telling what to do. But as providers in the office, we can easily say, do this, don’t do that. It’s like when people ask me, what do I eat? When you’re talking to insulin friendly, which is my brand, it’s not a list. It’s a way. It’s behavioral based. It’s a lot of things. You have to learn it. So as we learn it, we want to teach it. We need to live it. More people need to be doing this and showing the world that they’re doing this, and it can be done like a 30-day fast. I will not die, I promise. And represent it more from a personal point of view.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well the biggest fears in life are dying and public speaking. And I probably think Swimmer’s Sharks is third or something. I don’t know. Or falling, I’m not sure. But I know that we wanted to talk a little bit about a message to students. And let’s close that with that. What is your message to chiropractic students?

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Get your message down. Get your 25-minute chiropractic philosophy, practice, engagement conversation, down path. Practice it. Have it in your back pocket, ready to go before you even graduate. Learn to speak it. If you don’t have one, find one. Mimic it. Memorize it. Be a safety pin cycle. I did that in the beginning. Find a practitioner. Get that down to the point where you can give it on a moment’s notice to any group. Adapt it. Speak it well. And you can give your truth through it. So that at the end of that talk, that anyone who heard it, if they want what you’ve got, you know they’re on. If they don’t, you know you gave them the best option and you can respect that choice. You didn’t leave anything on the table or on set. If you can do that, then when you get out, you get in front of any group, you possibly can to deliver it anywhere, anywhere. Moments notice, that’s my biggest thing. That fear you have in public speaking, we’ve got to get over it or learn to hide it very well because the public needs us. Not just virtually, but in person, in our office, in our community and everywhere.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And even introverts can be extroverts and there’s an introverts.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. Even if they can, you know, just whatever it takes because it’s not about you. It’s about this message you’re getting out of it. About someone hearing what you’ve got and making a change. You know, my practice now is 100% virtual. I have a six month program. I have these smaller programs. I work with practitioners in a mentor program to teach them how to do it with their practice. It’s all virtual. I see them. I used to speak on stages at seminars. Now the seminars are less. So you have to learn how to do it. It’s about the message. It’s getting that message down. If you have a brick and mortar practice, that’s how it built all of mine. I think we had 17 practices that you just get out in front of people and you just lay it out for them. Give them a big part of you and let them choose.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I think it’s really important. And the middle ground between an extrovert and an introvert is called an ambivert. And I think that if, yeah, there’s a middle ground there. There’s too many words. You can be both.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  How about just be you and just getting a lot of people see it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and I do think that that’s the truth is get out there and tell your story. I was at the first mile high chiropractic weekend. That was 10 years ago. And there was a guy named Joe Borrio that was up on stage. And he said this line, tell this story, tell this story, tell this story. Like more times than a person could actually digest. And I said after that, I’m going to go tell this chiropractic story a lot. So I took, I took your advice, Joe and Joe’s, Joe’s awesome.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Danny Knowles is great. Grant is mile high. It’s been a fantastic thing. And I tell people it like you, if you’re nervous to speak, that’s just where you want to be. If you’re not, then you got a problem. People would come up to me after my talks and say, how do you do that? Don’t you get nervous? I am very nervous before every talk up until the moment, even that I’m on that stage. Why? Because it means something to you. If you’re not nervous, it doesn’t mean anything to you. You can just say it and it doesn’t matter to can thing, whatever. But if you get nervous, harness that energy, that’s your body preparing you for only neural integrity, neural endocrine tone, getting you ready so you can deliver that as powerfully as possible. Want it, hone it, harness it and bring it.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Love it brother. If people want to work with you, chiropractors, medical professionals, or-

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  Nobody wants to work with me. Are you kidding? I tell them not to eat. Especially around the holidays. This is going to be my dormant season. I don’t want to talk to me then. Now, go ahead. You can find me on Facebook, Don Klomont Facebook. My group is Insulin Friendly Fasting Secrets. My website is So insulin friendly living. How do you hear that? I just said my own website wrong, And you can get all my content that I use everywhere in my programs. Pater, otherwise, there’s somewhere online and one of those sources that you can find reading to look at yourself. You want a structure that you want it fed to you. You want it through a platform app and all that and coaching. Then that’s when you can come to me. But you don’t need me. You can find that information and start making it change today and see a benefit tomorrow.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think that’s really cool man. Thanks for sharing so openly today. Thanks for your inspiration, enthusiasm towards making the world a healthier place. It’s really cool to get to know you. And I really am thankful that you took the opportunity to be episode 551 of our show.

    DR DON CLUM DC (GUEST):  551, great number. Anytime! I loved it, this is my gig. Nothing more I’d rather do. Thank you for having me.

    None:  Great.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and check out Thank you for correcting me. And if you guys want to learn more about chiropractic and nutrition and doing the right thing for your body to help with your metabolic syndrome, reach out to Don and use this for your resources and then hire them. So with that being said, I’m just going to close out by telling everyone you’re just one story away. Keep hustling everyone. I’ll see you guys on the next episode. Thanks Don. Thank you sir. I’ll see you next.

    JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don’t forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes.

    This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let’s hustle!


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