CLAIMED — Feminine/Masculine Polarity. Femininity. Embodiment.

Anna Rova: Interviews & content with inspiring women on femininity, polarit

Anna Rova: Interviews & content for women on how to attract committed masculine men

  • 16 minutes 56 seconds
    Finding Your Version of the Inner Playful Slut (Your Own Unique Feminine Expression)

    In this episode I share my journey of uncovering my own inner Playful Slut and how you can find your own unique feminine flavor so you can let the essence of you penetrate your expression in whatever area you desire.

    3 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 32 minutes 17 seconds
    How I Deal With The Sh*t That Comes With Running a Business

    In this episode I'm sharing how I deal with all the shitty situations that come with running a business - real and raw.

    30 April 2024, 2:52 am
  • 22 minutes 55 seconds
    FULLNESS: The Feminine Way of Leading and Doing Business

    How do we manage a business in a feminine way?

    This morning in my embodiment practice I have stumbled upon a MASSIVE REALISATION about how as women we might build business in a way that feels hood to us, attracts the clients we want and also creates GREAT CASH (cause we want that too, right?) 💸💰

    This approach is, obviously, very different to how men build businesses and make money.

    I’ve been exploring the subjects of feminine/feminized/feminist economy and researching and reading different viewpoints on this (a lot of it is not very though out or grounded or makes sense) and this morning it landed for me.

    Now, this might not be a massive revelation for you (it’s kind or common sense when you think about it) but it was a HUGE EMBODIED realization for me

    What I realised and embodied (the difference between knowing or realizing something in your head is VERY DIFFERENT) to embodying it and, therefore, fully living it in your body.

    Anyhow, what I realized is this: to build a business that feels good and brings lots of cash for me as a woman, I have to be primarily be operating from FULLNESS.

    This means that when I send emails, social media posts, get on sales calls, do meetings or anything else in my business it has to come from a place of FULLNESS.

    Fullness for me means being aligned with who I am and what I want.

    Fullness means being in a pleasurable relationship with my work. Excited and curious about my clients, my message, my body of work. Excited to go deeper. Excited to tell everyone about it. Excited to show up. Feeling delicious and juiced up about this thing that I’m doing!

    In my body this feels like liquid gold in my whole body.

    And so my primary job as a feminine business owner is not to learn and apply tactics and doing things but to actually be in constant exploration of this FULLNESS. And when I’m not feeling full and excited I need to take a step back and realign and see what is this about, what doesn’t feel right and how to change and pivot and why.

    26 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 25 minutes 9 seconds
    My Launch Plan for Claimed X

    Hey girlfriend, here I (vulnerably) share how I plan to launch my new mastermind Claimed X.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    23 April 2024, 2:29 am
  • 32 minutes 14 seconds
    How I Deal With the Sh*t That Comes With Having a Successful Business

    In this episode, I talk about the challenges and difficulties that business owners face and how I have dealt with them over the past five years. Here are the takeaways:

    • Share from a powerful place rather than a vulnerable one when producing content.
    • When facing challenges in business, focus on the lessons and growth opportunities they present.
    • Process and release difficult emotions through embodiment practices.
    • Maintain professionalism and avoid reacting with anger or blame when dealing with difficult clients or team members.
    • Recognize that challenges are a normal part of business and personal development.
    • Trust in your work and stay aligned with your purpose, even when faced with setbacks or client pull-outs.


    00:00 Introduction: Challenges of Being a Business Owner

    06:29 Business as a Personal Development Experience

    13:17 Processing Emotions and Releasing Tension

    31:26 Maintaining Confidence and Trust in Your Work

    19 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 28 minutes
    I'm SO TIRED of Men Giving Business Advice and Teaching From Scars and Not Wounds

    It's been two weeks since I published another episode on the Claimed podcast.

    Not because I have not recorded anything. (I did record four episodes in a day last week!)

    It's because I'm going through an intense period of launching my new program Claimed X and I simply didn't have time.

    But finally, I managed to upload the next episode and am super excited to share it with you.

    The new episode called "Teaching from Scars & Learning From Female Mentors" is already up on Spotify and all other platforms.

    Have you listened to it yet? If yes, curious to hear your thoughts!

    In this episode, I share the following:

    - Uncovering your shadow side and exploring the constrictions and fears that hold me back in business

    - Teaching from my scars, not my wounds, and embracing vulnerability to create a deeper connection with my audience

    - Finding a new way of doing business that feels good and authentic, integrating both feminine and masculine energies

    - Being SO TIRED of listening to men when it comes to business advice and CRAVING female voices, mentorship and wisdom

    Hope you enjoy!

    00:00 Introduction and Personal Update

    09:40 Desire for a New Way of Doing Business

    23:23 Learning from Women and Creating a New Paradigm of Success

    12 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 46 minutes 4 seconds
    Moving to Bali, Australian Citizenship and Our Europe Trip

    I decided to share a personal message with you about some big changes that are happening in my life in the next few months:

    • I got my Australian Citizenship which is a HUGE deal for me and my family
    • We're moving to Bali in July!
    • But first, we're going on a bit of a European tour around Italy, Romania and Greece.

    In this episode I share the logistics behind these changes (as well as how much does it cost to maintain a lifestyle in Australia vs Bali) and how I'm thinking about it.

    Hope you enjoy the episode. If you do, please let me on on Instagram here.

    29 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 16 minutes 35 seconds
    Saying NO to a $20,000 Client & How to Hold Your Boundaries

    In this episode I share a powerful moment for me based on a recent conversation I had with a prospective client. It is all about boundaries: how we hold them and how we communicate with them.

    27 March 2024, 2:17 am
  • 53 minutes 55 seconds
    Struggles With Content Creation & My Plan for Building a Business That Feels Good 😌

    A girlfriend of mine who is a brilliant coach, facilitator and pelvic floor practitioner was sharing with me how much she hates all the "marketing and sales" stuff.

    And I really felt her pain and struggle because I've been feeling the same for the last 4 years... although, in comparison to her, I actually did it DESPITE misalignment, frustration and resistance.

    And I'm not sure what's worse: to start something an feel like you can't stop because the ball needs to keep rolling or to not start at all and constantly struggle with starting?

    Anyhow, as I was recording a message to her about expression, content creation and how could she do this, I realized that this is a podcast episode and I stopped and started to record an episode for you...

    And that turned into a 54 minute share about my own journey and struggles with content creation and how expressing yourself fully and being in alignment in your business is the first thing that needs to happen and needs to CONTINUE to happen.

    22 March 2024, 2:46 am
  • 18 minutes 51 seconds
    🌹"Autumn" blues: why is business so hard for women?
    Why is business so hard for many women?Why does it feel like we’re pushing a boulder against a huge mountain?Why are we so good at what we do but have such a hard time selling and marketing (in masculine ways)?Why does it feel so yucky when we go to social media and see that everyone is successful but I am not?Everyone has a fucking program, mastermind and a framework for you that you need to follow.And that leaves me very confused.The easy answer is to probably blame it on the patriarchy or lack of self-confidence.“Business is hard” and “money doesn’t grow on trees” I’ve heard all my life but I want to find another way.A way that feels good and where I don’t have to sell my soul to the sales devil or put myself into a marketing pretzel…“What is the true feminine way to wealth and pleasure, all in one?” This question has been burning in my brain and soul for the last few months.And I know I will figure this out.That’s how I started my journey with understanding men and relationships. With a burning question and curiosity. And out of my research, personal experience and 1-1 coaching my program Claimed was born.This time is no different. I’m on a quest, girlfriends.And by the way, having done embodiment for a long time I can sense the instagram accounts and the real women who say they feel easy and pleasurable in their business and their photos and sales pages are amazing but the reality is very different sometimes. So how do we know the reality? We don’t unless we know them deeply.Anyhow, this week on the new format of the Claimed podcast I talk about all the shit and the lows of business and entrepreneurship I’m feeling this week. And yes, I’m on Day 21 of my cycle and this day is transition day for me where nothing works and everyone is an asshole 😰🤬😖 Today I put on two different shoes, lost my keys, almost hit a car, yelled at my 5-year old, cried saying sorry to her, forgot my license, cancelled my meetings and went to watch the Three Muskeeters.That’s all.What’s happening in your world? 😅👀🍷
    17 March 2024, 1:21 am
  • 19 minutes 39 seconds
    "I am obsessed with your body. I am obsessed with you."

    In this episode I share how my relationship with my husband has elevated to a completely new level of intimacy, connection and attraction as a result of me letting go of pushing and striving in my business, and, instead focusing on what I love and what I want.

    8 March 2024, 1:03 am
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