Sister Scriptorians

Carrie Hickenlooper. Book of Mormon Scripture Study. Member of The Church of Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father would want nothing less for his daughters than to know His Word. By learning, likening, and lifting others, Sister Scriptorians will experience an increase in their confidence to face challenges and their ability to love others.

  • 23 seconds
    Episode 163: Uniting and Wrapping Things Up

    Alma 62-63

    We are wrapping up the Book of Alma in this episode and the principle of UNITY is what stands out to me.

    Mormon points out to us that it is the influence of the righteous who lived amongst the Nephites who enabled them to conquer their enemies and finally drive out the Lamanites.

    In our lives, when contention arises and there is a difference of perspective, how can we strive to seek after righteousness?

    I believe the examples of Pahoran, Captain Moroni, and the other Nephites who flocked to them for the cause of Liberty show us the power of the prinicple of Unifying or Uniting with one another.

    Though anger weakens our unity with each other, what blessings does Unity bring?

    In these final chapters we can see that Unifying brings stability, healing, and synergy.

    What does unity require? It requires acceptance, but what does the spirit of unity enable us with? The ability to allow God to intervene on our behalf and allow His grace to heal and accomplish what we cannot do on our own.

    Without the Lord's strength, the Nephites could not have done what they did on their own - they were out numbered and often found themselves weakened by the dissent of their own brethren, but the Lord's grace still enabled them to be victorious when they unified under the cause of liberty and exercised faith in Jesus Christ.

    11 July 2022, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 162: Not Taking Offense

    Alma 59-61

    How do you react when someone accuses you of doing something you didn’t do? Or being something you aren’t?

    Do you get defensive?

    Do you feel offended or hurt?

    Do you get feisty and shoot back your own accusations?

    Would you like to learn a better way? Learn about Pahoran and his response to the heated accusations of Captain Moroni and how he deescalated the situation and created unity instead.

    20 June 2022, 9:00 am
  • 23 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 161: We Trust In Our God

    Alma 53; 56-58

    As we study the influence that righteous youth had upon the Nephite's fight for their liberty and right to worship God, we discover 10 strategies that can aid us today.

    1) Keep Your Covenants

    2) Develope the Mindset that God Is With You

    3) Expect Miracles To Happen

    4) Join Your Faith With Others of Faith

    5) Strengthen the Strong Who Feel They May Be Weak

    6) Be the Rearward of Our Youth

    7) Don't Be Afraid to Wait For More Strength

    8) Starve Out the Enemy

    9) Pour Out Your Whole Soul In Prayer

    10) Trust He Will Answer You and Look For His Answer

    11) Don't Doubt!

    6 June 2022, 2:50 pm
  • 22 minutes 41 seconds
    Episode 160: Walls Built By Their Own Hands

    Alma 42-62 "The War Chapters"

    30 May 2022, 9:00 am
  • 26 minutes 15 seconds
    Episode 159: The Influence Of One Very Wicked Man

    Alma 43-63 "The War Chapters"

    What impact can one very wicked man have upon a people? According to Mormon, if they are quick to forget their God - he can have quite an influence over them.

    We see this in the three examples that are discussed in this episode. All three are driven by their anger and they use flattery, deception, and fraud to achieve their desires.

    There are so many voices that are competing for our attention today. How can you tell if they are worth listening to and following? My intent is to give you some wisdom on how to discern.

    23 May 2022, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 158: Fortify

    Alma 43-63 "The War Chapters"

    As a covenant keeper, you are entitled to revelation, inspiration for your current circumstance. That is part of the promise the Lord has made with the House of Israel - to be with them, to keep them in all places, to not leave them, to deliver their enemies into their hands.

    This week we study Captain Moroni and discover the process he underwent to protect covenant keepers from the dangerous circumstances he faced.

    He prepared their minds, provided armor, implemented the prophets revelation, built places of resort, and fortified the weak areas until they were made strong.

    This was the inspiration that Moroni received and it was ingenious. Revelation for you specific need is available to you as well.

    16 May 2022, 9:00 am
  • 17 seconds
    Episode 157: If All Men Had Been Like Unto Moroni

    Alma 42-62 "The War Chapters"

    “…, if all men had been and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.” (Alma 48:17)

    If you're anything like me, I read this scripture and think "I want THIS!" I want to be able to shake the powers of hell! I want to stop the devil's influence over my heart! and it is obvious to me that if something so grand is said about Captain Moroni, then he is a man worth studying!

    In this episode, learn the importance of being a covenant maker and keeper and how remembering your "WHY" for doing so can help keep us single-minded in our efforts to resist sin.

    In this episode keep in mind the following as you think about how you can improve in your covenant keeping

    • if we are women of faith in Jesus Christ – seeking His guidance, protection, and also seeing Him show up for us
    • If we are strong and mighty – maybe not physically, but in testimony
    • If we are uniters and gathers
    • If we do find joy in the welfare of others
    • If we seek revelation
    • Hearken to the prophet and adjust our plans to fit the Lord’s plans
    • It we acknowledge in meekness that we do not know all things but are willing to be taught by He who does,
    • If we use the talents and gifts we’ve been given for the cause of righteousness and gladly take upon ourselves the Christian cause
    • If we find, unite, and rely upon the good gifts of others like Moroni did – relying upon our personal Teancums, Lehis, Pahorans, and Helamans – who were just as good of men as Moroni was and allow others to fight beside us and add their strength to ours
    • If we refuse to delight in sin and instead seek after perfect understanding and then expressing thanks for every inch of understanding we’re given
    • And if we are always extending the covenant of peace with those who offend us

    ***We will be able to shake the power of hell and prevent the devil from having any power over our hearts. ***

    9 May 2022, 9:00 am
  • 25 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 156: The Enemy of the Nephites

    The War Chapters - Alma 43-63

    Who were the enemy of the Nephites?

    Who desired to over throw their faith and political structure?

    Who desired to bring them into bondage?

    Where did such philosophies come from and why, at this period of time were the Nephites more vulnerable than they had ever been before?

    22 March 2022, 7:56 pm
  • 18 minutes 20 seconds
    Bonus: Life Is A Classroom

    Here is the third mindset I encourage you to develop - Life Is A Classroom.

    In today's podcast, we discuss how this mindset can actually help you bump out of a fear response - Fight, Flight, or Freeze - and step into a merciful approach. "Life is A Classroom" helps you to frequently and nondramatically engage with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, encourages you to seek Him, and helps you to see others with compassion. We are all doing "HUMAN" and that can look messy, and brilliant, and clumsy, and beautiful all at once. Seeing others in this light can also help you better keep the second great commandment - loving yourself and loving others.

    Remember to join me on Instagram @carriehickenloopercoaching where we continue the discussion of this week's podcast.

    Do you need a coach? Let's chat! Contact me at [email protected] and let's find out if I'm right for you.

    10 March 2022, 9:05 pm
  • 21 minutes 53 seconds
    Episode 155: A Restoration of All Things

    Alma 40-42

    We focus alot on the restoration of our spirit back to our body, but what about the restoration of our character and the attributes we've strived to develop? Would God be just if He didn't restore that unto us as well?

    As we study the counsel that Alma gives to his son Corianton about the Resurrection and the Restoration of all things we experience a few mindset shifts.

    1) We do not need to be in a state of fear of loss - everything we give will one day be restored to us.

    2) What do we wish to be restored to?

    3) Grief and remorse were instilled in us by a just and merciful creator to help us course correct.

    4) Feelings of grief and remorse actually indicate that the Savior is near.

    5) Our disposition to not do wrong to others who mistreat us is an indicator that we are more like our Savior than we realized.

    6) If we repent, our past errors do not disqualify us from the desire that God has for us.

    Join Carrie on Instagram @carriehickenloopercoaching

    If you are interested in one on one coaching, DM her on Instagram for more details.

    and as always, Share with a Friend!

    7 March 2022, 10:00 am
  • 16 minutes 58 seconds
    154: Here I Am

    Samuel 3

    What insecure thoughts are swirling through your mind? Are they blocking you from being able to hear the Lord and discover His purpose for you? Are they causing you to hear whisperings, but doubt them and run to other sources to get approval and validation?

    Today I share with you the thought - Here I Am - that can help you bump out of the thoughts your false self likes to offer you and instead, lead out with your divine self. When you lead out with your divinity, you are able to hear God more clearly and experience true happiness more acutely.

    Is that what you desire? Then ignore your false self by declaring - Hear I Am!

    4 March 2022, 4:59 pm
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