Many know Garrett J White as founder of Wake Up Warrior, a program for married businessmen to live a life of having it all, but few know of his background as a banker. Now, you will be given weekly gold in the form of tools and lessons he taught elite businesses to make money, grow money and keep money.

  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Conversations With the Storyteller, the Trainer, and the Assassin | Warrior Wealth | Ep 021

    Garrett is joined for the first time by special guests in this, the final public episode of Warrior Wealth. If you’ve enjoyed the Warrior Wealth podcast and have gotten value from it, Garrett's encouragement to you is to get off the fuckin freebie sideline and get into the game by heading on over to warriorbook.com, bigmoneystylist.com, or wakeupwarriorwoman.com

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....POWER Golden Nugget #1: Storytelling
    • Garrett: Jeremy Finlay has been with me from the very beginning. Over the last four years, he has done tens of millions of dollars in sales by taking the belief and concept known as the Warrior’s Way to the marketplace. He has successfully designed and marketed a message that is actually unsexy and very unattractive: admit that you are a liar, you are full of shit, and you are absolutely the cause of all your pain.
    • Jeremy: Most people think that advertising and marketing are the same thing, which is not true. They’re very different in approach. Distinguishing the difference allows you to see the difference, and being lethal at both allows you to separate the conversation. Advertising has to do with who you’re speaking to, and marketing has to do with what you’re saying, which is the message that is being delivered to the audience.

    QUESTION: What are you doing to level up your marketing and advertising skills?

    Golden Nugget #2: Stockton to Malone
    • Garrett: Coach Sam Falsafi has been responsible for over 15 million dollars in personal, one on one, over the phone sales for Warrior. He is our lead coach and trainer. For Sam, the idea of sales has now turned into this idea of someone who brings it to a conclusion; someone who closes the loop that was initially incepted by marketing.
    • Sam: Advertising and marketing positions a leader to actually take the next step and bring it to close. Maybe it positions a video as the leader, maybe it’s a physical person on the phone - whatever it may be, marketing positions the leader, and the leader brings it to a conclusion.

    [mks_pullquote align="left" width="300" size="24" bg_color="#000000" txt_color="#ffffff"]QUESTION[/mks_pullquote]

    What is your understanding of your position as a leader?

    Golden Nugget #3: Deploy the Weapon
    • Garrett: Jeff  McGregor dabbles in money and finances, high-level conversations about strategy, and where we’re going with the movement in general. He plays a key role when it comes to operations and finances. He and his team are the true foundation of Warrior.
    • Jeff is the glue that makes fast execution sustainable. He brings order to the chaos. The beginning of 2017 was all about building the foundation -  every time we took a step forward, it was all about solidifying that level rather than just finding new routes.

    QUESTION: What condition is your foundation in?

    Golden Nugget #4: Universal Language
    • Jeremy: Warrior changes your perspective of money. It changed mine. Money is not about money. Money is about freedom. Through Warrior, we change our perspective on what freedom means to us. This whole conversation about having it all is a nice catchy saying, but its’ s deep in terms of the way we express what true freedom looks like in our lives. The Universal language of freedom is money.
    • Jeff: Where I came from, money needed to be kept in safekeeping whereas here, money is used to create new opportunities, and out of those opportunities, things develop, grow and change, and create more opportunities. It’s almost like a multiplier in a sense vs something that gets consumed. The key point is that it's used to create the opportunities for others to hear and live the message of the Warrior's Way.

    QUESTION: What is your story about money?

    Golden Nugget #5: Loop of Survival vs Loof of Purpose
    • Sam: A man who is in the loop of purpose has a different relationship with money than a man who is stuck in the loop of survival. If we get stuck in that loop of survival for too long, we won’t have an opportunity to think about our purpose. There are so many men we talk to who are stuck in the survival loop. It takes an awakening message and a path for them to leap and find themselves in the purpose loop.
    • Jeremy: Warrior wouldn’t be where it is if we just focused on keeping the cash that we've made. If you’re in the survival loop of "we have to keep everything just in case something bad happens," you’re not going to innovate. We’ve been able to grow so much because we've kept some cash, but we also understand there’s a purpose here; we’re not just here to keep it. Is your mindset shackling the cash you have?

    QUESTION: What loop do you find yourself operating from most of the time?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies! 

    Quote of the Week:

    "Going forward with this podcast, it will become a Warrior Weekly training that will answer the questions and insights that exist around the topics of making money, keeping money, and growing money."

    --Garrett J White

    "What does abundance mean? What does prosperity feel like to you? It isn't about the money, it's about the ability to expand. Money is a tool we use to reach our potential as men. Money becomes neither here nor there in terms of good or evil, it becomes the tool of freedom."

    --Jeremy Finlay

    "With Jeff covering the foundation, two things came out of that: the maintenance of the roads and prevention, and looking forward into possible issues that could arise and course correcting before these issues actually show up so we never end up in a dead end."

    --Sam Falsafi

    "It’s going to be a deeper dive approach to numbers. There has to be intention and purpose behind the numbers all the way down to the bottom line. At the end of the day, the bottom line matters also."

    --Jeff McGregor

    31 May 2018, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    The King Eats First | Warrior Wealth | Ep 020

    This is the fifth part of our five-part series in preparation for the Warrior Wealth Summit. In today's episode, we go deep into the conversation of Leadership.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....POWER Golden Nugget #1: Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself
    • Leadership as a topic is not new by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to business and life. Most of us have considered that leadership itself is something that is found in some magic pill, a weekend seminar, or something that we can drink to instantly get our magic fix of the "seven steps to leadership."
    • There is a simple principle that is laid out in the Bible. Jesus was asked which, out of all the laws that existed, was the most important one of all? Jesus responded with, "Love God." He then went on to say, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." This last part of the equation is what everybody likes to snip out of the conversation, but that’s where the secret is found.

    QUESTION: What does it mean to you to be a leader?


    Golden Nugget #2: Air and Rocks
    • Here are the facts about life: You cannot love your neighbor if you hate yourself. You cannot love God if you hate yourself. If you hate yourself, then the only kind of leadership you can give is motivation, the motivation that comes from a leader who ultimately, at the end of the day, does not find himself worthy, loveable, or acceptable.
    • When you attempt to lead another human being down a path that you have not been yourself, when you attempt and expect others to do what you have been unwilling to do, or when you expect from your team and from your clients behaviors that you will not demonstrate yourself, you have become nothing more than a leader with a glassful of air.

    QUESTION: What type of leadership do you demonstrate?

    Golden Nugget #3: If You Do Not Live It, Do Not Lead It
    • Most people learn some shit and then think they’re ready to lead. They attend a webinar, go to a convention, or read a book and then they try to lead what they have learned. Individuals who lead what they have learned, have nothing to offer. They become exposed for the posers that they are.
    • You must be willing to personally live what you have learned. It is the living of the thing that gives a man permission to lead. If you do not live it, do not lead it. You cannot fake what you have or have not lived. Every leader I have ever worked with who is lacking in the game of power as a leader in their organization comes down to one simple truth: they’re fuckin liars. They lie in their leadership and expect their people to live what they do not live themselves.

    QUESTION: Where in your life are you expecting others to live what you are unwilling to live?

    Golden Nugget #4: The King Eats First
    • Cullen Talley: Many of you understand the King Eats First principle, yet you can’t stand in the space of that because you don’t hold it for yourself. You don’t love or honor yourself enough, causing others that are dependent upon you or are connected to you pay a price because you’re unwilling to be the king that eats first.
    • Learn, live, and lead is an active tense verb. It's a state of mind and a state of being. It's a way that we actually operate and show up for the people we are responsible for, and the people that have put their trust in us. Do not lose sight of the fact that you have to be enough of a man to eat first and to stand in that space to create that.

    QUESTION: How are you deomonstrating and living this principle inside your family life?

    Golden Nugget #5: Collision Based Leadership
    • Collison is the ability to course correct a situation and a person. As a leader, your entire role is to get clear on where you’re going, why as an organization you’re going there, where you’re at today, and then to align the troops on your team to get into formation to move towards that destination.
    • This means that course correction is required. More often than not, the organization and the clients that you’re leading are requiring from you the discipline and the courage to collide with them when they are off course. Modern leadership requires you to collide.

    QUESTION: Where are you willing or unwiling to collide?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "Your people come to you looking for water or bread but you offer them nothing but air and rocks instead. Then you wonder why people don’t follow you, why your clients leave you; you wonder why your wife divorces you and why your kids despise you. At the end of the day, you have nothing to fucking offer."

    --Garrett J White

    "So many of us say we want to lead but we’re unwilling to have the collisions necessary. Colliding with myself is the only way I can see new possibilities."

    --Cullen Talley

    24 May 2018, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    The Game of Numbers | Warrior Wealth | Ep 019

    This week in our podcast, we are releasing Part 4 of our Warrior Wealth series. We’re going to be talking about the not so sexy but vital topic of accounting and the game of numbers, and why knowing your numbers actually matters.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PROTECTION Golden Nugget #1: Ignorance is Not Bliss
    • I hear so many people talk about how they don’t care about money, yet at the end of the day if you don’t care about it, who’s going to care about it for you?  If you’re not all about the money inside of your business, what exactly are you all about?
    • I have been on the journey of building big shit, only to watch the big shit I’ve built be destroyed because of a lack of focus and knowledge on the topic of finance, accounting, taxes and legal protection. These topics matter, but they’re not fuckin sexy. But they become sexy to an individual who actually wants to keep what they build.

    QUESTION: How has avoiding and ignoring the topic of taxes and accounting in your business affected it?

    Golden Nugget #2:  Make, Spend and Hope
    • Most business owners and individuals get caught up in the game of make, spend, and hope: the repetitive cycle of make money, spend money, and hoping to maintain the money the rest of their lives.
    • There are a few that understand that in order for the game to continue to rise and to work, an individual must keep money so that they can grow money; that the growth phase and the keep phase is almost more important than any other process that they could experience.

    QUESTION: What phase of the cycle are you currently in?

    Golden Nugget #3: Business Worth and Cash Flow
    • A balance sheet gives an individual the opportunity to look at two things: their assets and their and liabilities. The overall goal of a balance sheet is to give someone the opportunity to declare what the worth of their business is.
    • The more important game and the reason why most businesses are failing is that they don’t understand their income statement. It measures income against expense and through this tool we discover our cash flow. Nine times out of ten, a business will fall apart because of what is happening on the Income statement.

    QUESTION: This week in your business, how much money did you have coming in, and how much money did you have going out? Did you experience a profit this week?

    Golden Nugget #4: Backpack Pitchmen
    • Most businesses wouldn’t be able to provide up-to-date books for last month, let alone what happened in the last year, and yet inside of that, they expect to be able to build and dominate. Without clear books, you have no clear looks; without clear looks, you have no potential to actually build a business that will last. So you build a business that you end up erasing every couple of years.
    • Most people run their business by checking the balance of their bank account for the day and make their move based on the available cash; they measure their entire business based on what’s in their bank account today, although 30%-40% of the money is already spoken for.

    QUESTION: What do your books or lack of books reveal about your business?

    Golden Nugget #5: Fact or Fantasy
    • The worst part about living in a world of fantasy when it comes to finances is that your decisions become nothing more than fiction, and nothing inside of what you’re building has a foundation of facts. If you don’t build a business driven by the facts, then you build a business driven by fantasy, and inside of that place of fantasy, your vision becomes nothing more than fiction.
    • My whole world had fallen apart from the facts that I avoided. My strategy for dealing with the facts was to drink and yell at my wife. I was so terrified at my numbers that I would ignore my numbers, ignore reality, and create my own numbers in my mind. I eventually fell in love with numbers. I can deal with facts, but what I can’t deal with is fantasy -  the hope that shit’s going to work out.

    QUESTION: What world do you live in: the world of Facts, or the world of Fantasy?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "If I’m going to play part of the game, then I need to know the whole fucking playbook, I need to know what’s going on, I need coaches and players on my team who understand 80%-90% of the code that nobody has a clue about. If you play the game according to the rules the way the IRS has played them out, you can play into a game that actually allows you to eliminate 50-60% of your taxes."

    --Garrett J White

    17 May 2018, 10:30 am
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    Client Experience and Fulfillment | Warrior Wealth | Ep 018

    We've got the third edition for you this week of a five-part series as we continue to give you hour-long deep dive content, with an invitation to join us at the next Warrior Wealth Summit.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....POWER Golden Nugget #1: Fulfillment Strategy
    • I’m going to help you understand about quality; how your fulfillment strategy and the way you build and fulfill your business comes down to the quality of the investment in the packaging, the positioning and the process that your clients and students experience.
    • From our books to our live streams, from our black polos to our t-shirts and to our fuckin tattoos, what we do here at Warrior is about delivering unique and valuable experiences that actually ruin you, and that you might want to consider taking on the mission of ruining your clients forever.

    QUESTION: What do your products and fulfillment say about you and your business?

    Golden Nugget #2: What is Value?
    • Firstly, it’s a perspective. What is valuable to one person is not valuable to another person. We’re selective in our perspective about value. Secondly, it’s preference.
    • Value itself is ultimately identifying a problem that matters to a prospect, and that problem itself has the ability to eliminate or reduce levels of pain and bring about high levels of pleasure. And inside of all of this, you are able to take someone to a possibility.

    QUESTION: Are you targeting the people who value your product, service or experience?

    Golden Nugget #3: Hero's Journey
    • Someone starts out on a journey and ends up in the same place he started, but he’s a different human being. He goes through a drift, he gets in a pit, he experiences a lift and he experiences re-birth.
    • Every client who’s solving a problem inside of your world is going through this experience. This journey is a journey from the problem and the pain, down into the pit, and that pit takes us up to pleasure and possibility that’s offered up. All of this is being pitched inside your marketing.

    QUESTION: How can you use the Hero's Journey in your marketing?

    Golden Nugget #4:  Show Me the Money
    • In my first ten years as an entrepreneur, I had never once considered that the greatest money that I would make would come from my willingness to see my clients, not as a one take transaction but to invest in my clients in a way that would have them wanting to stay with me for life. I started asking myself, “What would it take to keep this client for life?"
    • There has to be a shift in where you see the value being created. Once you sell something there is a stewardship that falls upon your shoulders to deliver, and that value ladder you deliver on and the packaging and positioning, drive the pricing and the fantasy and connection of that prospect or client to you, to your brand and to the movement that you’re taking a stand for.

    QUESTION: How do you treat your leads and your customers?

    Golden Nugget #5: Client For Life
    • When I started Warrior, I made this commitment: I’m going to invest in my people first. Our goal is to always outpace your investment. My goal is to make the free shit better than what you pay for so that the shit you pay us for, gets you results fast. We expect a shit load from our clients. We expect you to work and we expect you to do shit.
    • But in order to authorize that type of demand from our students and clients, I’m going to invest in your first and I’m going to put you into a karmic debt with me. You’re going to know that when you step into a game with me in our companies, that we’re going to invest first and it’s going to put the debt on your side.

    QUESTION: What does investment into your people look like?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "When we say create value, value is determined by the consumer. Is your shit valuable? That depends. Will people pay for it? You might have valuable shit to offer, but you’re sending your advertising, sales and marketing at the wrong target, and because you’re targeting the wrong people, they don’t value you. All of it comes down to perception, perspective and preference."

    --Garrett J White

    10 May 2018, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Frame Control | Warrior Wealth | Ep 017

    This week’s episode is from a livestream event leading up to the Warrior Wealth Summit in June of 2018. Garrett jumps into the topic of sales and ultimately the idea of frames.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PRODUCTION Golden Nugget #1: Maintaining a Frame
    • The beauty of technology: #1 it speeds life up and #2 it also fucks things up when it doesn’t work the way that you were intending. Livestream is a wonderful technology and is a beautiful way for us to teach train and educate. Sometimes it doesn’t work out and that’s ok because this is all part of what it is to build a business.
    • Anytime that you and I are trying to make more money, keep more money and grow more money - anytime we’re inside the Warrior Wealth frame - we’re going to have to actually maintain the power of frame control.

    QUESTION: What is your experience of holding a frame when technology has stopped working for you?


    Golden Nugget #2: The Land of Yes or No
    • It doesn’t matter how great your marketing is if your ability to get people to do shit doesn’t exist. You have to have the courage to lead people by saying, "Here’s what I want you to do next.” Most of us don’t realize that sales is a function of leadership.
    • Sales leads people down a path of a series of decisions, and if I've  done my job of pre framing and framing, I’ve created conditions for a person to make a decision of yes or no. If you are a person who operates on a daily basis from a weak stance and a weak frame that says I'm okay with giving maybes, then don’t expect to be someone who can collect the yes and no's.

    QUESTION: How are you doing with leading your children to a yes or no answer?

    Golden Nugget #3: I Am a Closer
    • Most people don’t see themselves as a closer. They think that they can be about business and creation and never have to be in the uncomfortable position of calling people to task to do shit. They dance around the conversation of commitment and they dance around the conversation of getting off the middle of maybe.
    • I Am a Closer is an identity, a willingness to look at yourself and say I am a person who ultimately commands the authority inside of my own world and inside the world of those I lead to make commitments. It’s not enough to just introduce ideas; ideas without implementation don't matter.

    QUESTION: Do you appreciate a woman who is direct and full of certainty, or do you think she's a bitch?

    Golden Nugget #4: Strategic Seduction
    • Strategic seduction is the process of how I build everything.  Your sales and frame begin at the first contact and the first engagement across the board. Step #1 is communicating and getting clear in your message that speaks to the problem, the pain, the powerful possibility beyond the pain, the path a person would take, wrapped up with the courage to Pitch. At this point you are looking for Permission.
    • Step #2 is giving them the data they gave you permission for in Step #1, and Step #3 is converting their mindset. This is the stage of taking someone through the most intense part of the journey of where they are and the possibility you have talked about back in Stage #1

    QUESTION: How clear is your marketing message?


    Golden Nugget #5: Reframe Their Story
    • Your prospect is in a place where they think they cannot do it. #1 Their current word view which consists of their rules and stories. #2 Their self view which is the story the person has about themselves. #3 We need to deliver a roadmap which shows them the path between the problem and the pain to the possibility to the new identity of themselves and the word in which they operate.
    • Stage #4 Compel Action. There has to be a 100% agreement by the prospect that "There is a problem, I see the pain in my life, and I want to solve it." They become 80% committed to the reality that you are the possible solution for them. #5 Close & Commitment  - Yes or No. #6 Collect Cash. They have arrived at the place where they will not longer tolerate the problem they have and are committed to solving it.

    QUESTION: How does your current view of yourself affect your buying decisions?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "I’m not a closer simply for the sake of being a closer. I’m committed to closing because I know what’s on the line. It's a future that you don’t even comprehend is possible. So we’re unapologetic with our close because the people who are a yes and who get it move into this step of becoming 100% connected to the fact that there is a problem, and become 100% committed to solving that problem."

    --Garrett J White

    3 May 2018, 9:00 am
  • 59 minutes 59 seconds
    Pay to Play | Warrior Wealth | Ep 016

    This week’s episode is taken from a livestream training in April 2018 with over 500 people in attendance desiring to learn more about Warrior Wealth. Garrett blends together the very different yet harmonious conversations of Advertising and Marketing to create a Road Map to take your business and life further when it comes to advertising the messages that matter to you.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode...PRODUCTION Golden Nugget #1: Your Money Must Back Your Message
    • When it comes to marketing and advertising, one of the things you actually have to look at is the time and investment into the quality of the advertising and the marketing that you deliver. I started looking at the advertising within this industry and noticed that the vast majority of the marketers I knew were cheap fucking bastards when it came to the positioning, packaging and promotion of the shit they were pitching.
    • The way this entire experience for you is being contained is currently inside what we call a frame. Everything you are seeing is a result of our marketing and advertising strategy. It’s not just me giving you a pitch to invest in a ticket, its me showing you by what I do that we take our time, money and energy to back our message.

    QUESTION: What does the packaging and promotion of what you offer say about your company and what someone can expect to experience with you or your product?

    Golden Nugget #2: From Hope to Strategy
    • You must have a paid advertising strategy rather than living off of hopium - an irrational or unwarranted optimism. What’s happened is that marketing has become a fucking shit show.
    • You must also be able to operate like a sniper in the way you approach your content and advertising that you’re paying for. You must look for a specific target, have a specific outcome, and back that target with a specific action that you want them to take by paying to put your message into the feed and into the world that exists for your prospects.

    QUESTION: Do you advertise with hopeful, organic, general marketing or do you operate like a sniper?

    Golden Nugget #3: Leads on Demand
    • A business either grows or dies based upon its lead sources. Most people are trained to think about marketing at the end of the conversation and spend their time building all their bullshit first, leaving marketing as an afterthought.
    • The one conversation that actually matters is: Can you make it rain on demand? Can you produce a situation inside your business where there is a surplus of leads available to you, and inside of that where you get to choose who you want to do business with?

    QUESTION: When are you going to stop the chaos and burnout of constantly struggling to acquire leads?

    Golden Nugget #4: Pay to Play
    • How much are you willing to pay today for a qualified lead? This question altered my reality because I had never, ever considered that I should Pay to Play. If you follow around successful businesses that have maintained and continue to grow systematically, you will see that they have a paid advertising strategy that backs their product, service or experience.
    • Do we still do organic marketing? Of course! An example of this is we do podcasts and do posts all across social media that support our ads. You first have to be willing to pay to advertise for your leads. You want bigger results? You have to commit yourself to seeing and doing things differently.

    QUESTION: What is the actual dollar amount you would be willing to pay today for a qualified lead?

    Golden Nugget #5: Leads, Applications and Clients
    • We had to look at the cost and at the dollars - how much $ we paid and how much $ we made. My focus was on the gap between two things: My Costs and my Dollars. Where the real money is made is in the strategic seduction of the leads and applications that did not initially buy. 90% of the individuals that you bring in through advertising will not buy from you in the first 90-120+ days.
    • When you begin to advertise, you begin to recognize quickly that there is not the kind of money in advertising that you first assume. There is a world beyond the first pass that exists 3-6 months from now, and if you never stop advertising that means the dollars today are being cashed in on value created on leads acquired in the past 3-6+ months.

    QUESTION: What are you doing with the leads you acquire that don't initially buy from you?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "Pay to Play. This is the game. Stop fucking trying to play the game for free. At some point you have to cross the crevice of hope into the game of strategy and predictability by being willing to back your message with money, by advertising and putting your message into a location that allows you to experience the abundance of more leads than your company can actually service."

    --Garrett J White

    27 April 2018, 10:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 4 seconds
    Production Fueling Protection | Warrior Wealth | Ep 015

     This week’s episode of Warrior Wealth has been pulled from the Warrior archives and features clips from the Warrior Wealth Summit in 2016 where Garrett dives into the topic of Protection, and how your Power actually sets up your Protection.

    The following topics will be discussed every month:

    Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PROTECTION Golden Nugget #1: Create, Stabilize and Maintain
    • What is attainable and sustainable so you can stabilize your fitness and be doing some really cool shit at 60? At 80? What can you create so that you can stabilize and maintain your marriage? I tried a thirty minute sit down with my wife to have a serious conversation. We created one day of that. Couldn’t stabilize it, couldn’t maintain it. After twelve minutes we weren’t sure what to talk about.
    • Who gives a shit if you live the Warrior’s Way and can create, but you can’t maintain it? For the first time in my life, I am bridling everyone. We have this board of ideas of cool shit we could do, but we don’t do.  And for the first time in my life I am interested in stabilizing, maintaining and Protecting the systems and protocols of my life across the board: my body, my money, my income streams and my marriage.

    QUESTION: What plans and systems do you have in place to stabilize and maintain what you are creating?

    Golden Nugget #2: Let Go to Protect
    • I’m saying no to shit so that I can be present. There are people I distance myself from because they erode and are viruses to my Purpose. They’re not bad people, they’re just not people I’m choosing to be around because they erode my ability to maintain.
    • There are certain belief systems I have divorced myself from because they don’t give me Protection, they make me weak. There are habits I have dropped because they don’t Protect, they destroy. I’m tired of a life of being the guy who burns his business to the ground every five years and starts all over again.

    QUESTION: What habits and belief systems do you need to let go of that are making you weak and don't offer you Protection?

    Golden Nugget #3: Torch the Build and Burn
    • Every time you burn your shit to the ground, you get older and more fatigued and it becomes less desirable to start over. When you start to care more about the life you’ve created, you also start to care more about the people around that life that are part of it with you.
    • For the first time in my life, everything is clean and paid off and I realize I don’t want to make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past. I don’t want to have another seven year cycle where I build really big and then spend another seven years into my fifties trying to rebuild, and then burn again and restart the cycle all over again in my sixty’s.  Now I create, I stabilize, I maintain and protect because I have stronger purpose across the board.

    QUESTION: What steps do you need to take to stop playing the Build and Burn Game?

    Golden Nugget #4: Hire the Right Tax Team
    • After my hefty tax bill was wired to the government in 2015, my desire to produce and create came to a screeching halt for a day or two and I realized I needed to learn how to play this game. I invested 50K in a team to protect what I fuckin created. Within the Tax Code, only five to seven pages are written on what you have to do; the rest of the Tax Code has been written to tell you how to not pay taxes - legally.
    • They told me: You’ve had the wrong guys on your team. You’ve been having people deal with the five pages; we’re going to have you deal with the other hundred. We’re going to do it legally and we’re going to show you how to protect it. They make it easy for guys like you to feed the economy. They use tax to manipulate the economy, and it’s deliberately built for you to circumvent paying tax so that you can pour money into the economy and force things to move and change. Tax is a game of manipulation of economy.

    QUESTION: Where across all areas of your life would hiring the right team help protect what you've been creating?

    Golden Nugget #5: Warrior Wealth
    • Inside of My Warrior Wealth there are these two ideas of Production and Protection. These two concepts overlay each other in a big way. In Production: I’m a marketer, I’m a closer, I’m a leader not a Savior. In Protection: I’m my #1 Asset, my business is my #1 Investment. For me, here’s what the game has become: For the first time in my life after years of investing in myself,  I can honestly count on me: With three seconds left on the clock, I fucking take the shot every single time now.
    • What are you committed to changing abut the investment in you: in Mindsets, Skillsets, and Purpose? If you are your #1 asset, what are you committed to doing to protect and to expand your mindset? What are you committed to doing to protect and expand your skillsets as a Producer?

    QUESTION: What are you doing to deepen, expand and clarify purpose through: Mindset, Skillset and Purpose?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies! 


    Quote of the Week:

    "I look at how exhausting it has been to take my marriage from where it was to where it is today. There is no battery life left in me to even consider doing that again. Yet the energy to maintain it and continue to grow it into prosperity doesn’t take a lot; it just takes a little bit of conscious thought every day."

    --Garrett J White




    19 April 2018, 4:00 am
  • 41 minutes 55 seconds
    Strategic Seduction | Warrior Wealth | Ep 014

    We've dipped into the archives for this week's episode of Warrior Wealth where you get access to a closed-door training from the Warrior Wealth Summit that focuses on the all important but oft times neglected topic of Marketing.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PRODUCTION Golden Nugget #1: Diamonds in Your Own Backyard
    •  Back in the day when I was running live mortgage events with 500 people in attendance, my team would gather their information, we would highlight the ones we could do mortgages with, and then we’d toss the rest. What I was essentially saying was go ahead and shred the resource for two years that would have sustained our fucking business.
    • You are really excited about doing a Facebook ad campaign, and let's say you have 700 clients from the past 3 1/2 years. What are you doing with them? "But we’re really excited about a fb ad campaign." Shut the fuck up. What are you doing with the 700 clients right now? Are you even talking to them?

    QUESTION: What does your internal marketing system look like?

    Golden Nugget #2: Direct Response Marketing
    • Direct Response Marketing is marketing that commands or demands a response. It's a Call to Action. We don't send anything to our clients or put any type of promotional material or information out that has not first been thought out as to the response that we are requiring or expecting from the piece that we are sending.
    • Direct Response is an attitude of: I do not put out a message without a 'something to do' at the end. A ‘something to do’ is an attitude that changes the way you think, but it’s not always “buy my shit.”  There is no message sent without a clear Call to Action: Click This, Do This, Think This, Try This, Go Here, Consider This.

    QUESTION: How can you use this Call to Action inside of your marriage?

    Golden Nugget #3: Frame It
    • When communicating your message, regardless of the modality that you use, the art and the science of it are the same - frame it. Here's what that looks like: 1) Position the problem, 2) Paint the Possibility, 3) Insert the Path - I can get us from here to here, 4) Pitch  - you’ve got to have the balls to be a leader who is ok with telling people to do shit.
    • If you’ve  done this correctly, people won’t feel manipulated when  you tell them what to do to get access to what they want, that you’ve helped them clearly see what they want by positioning the problem, paining the possibility, inserting the path. If you don’t have the balls to tell people to do shit, they’re not going to do it, and then you’ll be frustrated because you still won't have the result you were looking for.

    QUESTION: Have you mastered the art of the Frame?

    Golden Nugget #4: The Marketing Dirty Work
    • Everyone talks about wanting to do ads. If you don’t have clarity of what the fuck you’re trying to say, it doesn’t matter how much money you dump into advertising because nobody’s going to listen to you or give a shit with what you have to say.
    • Once I know that a certain path is the one I’m supposed to take, I fucking burn anything else as an option. Marketing has been no different for me. I hired four marketing coaches all at the same time. At the end of the day, they knew that the best way they could help me was to open up space for me by asking the right questions. Why are we so successful? Because I had clear answers to these questions.

    QUESTION: Are you clear about the message you are sending?

    Golden Nugget #5: What Is Your Number?
    • I had been in business for so many years and had never once considered that I could actually go buy a ticket to buy my ideal client; that if I could figure out the messaging and put the dollars with it, that I could actually go reach out into the marketplace and I could buy a client and bring him home. And then when I wanted some more, I could do it all over again.
    • Knowing what a client is worth to you and knowing how much you’d be willing to pay to get that client, gives you courage as a businessman because you’re no longer sitting in a game hoping  that people will show up.

    QUESTION: What are you willing to pay for your ideal client?


    If the King doesn't rise, the Kingdom dies!


    Quote of the Week:

    "You are a hunter in the game of marketing. If you are willing to hunt, if you’re willing to figure it out - game over."

    --Garrett J White

    12 April 2018, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    The Formula | Warrior Wealth | Ep 013

    You get access to a closed-door training from  the 2017 Warrior Wealth Summit in this week's podcast that focuses on The Formula: Facts + Feelings + Focus = Fruit. What does this all mean? It's a powerful formula that creates a purpose-driven life. And when we have Purpose, we have relevancy, which brings forth incredible power. The key is to implement it into your life consistently in order to obtain the greatest results.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....POWER Golden Nugget #1: Where Are You At Right Now?
    • I have eliminated so much waste in my life in conversations of collision with other human beings because I put a timer on it. I’m listening and listening and then just cut people off. I’m like awesome, sounds great, where are you at right now?
    • Most human beings do not live right now. They jump back and forth from the past into the future - shit I did yesterday, shit I’ll do tomorrow. They are ignoring 'now' thinking they can obtain some amazing target and blessing from heaven that will miraculously show up in the future with no change now.

    QUESTION: Where do you live and operate your life most often from: the Past, Present or Future?

    Golden Nugget #2: Facts and Feelings
    • The present moment is your fulcrum. If you do not have the facts, you have no leverage. The man who has the most facts about what’s really going on controls the entire negotiation every single fucking time. My facts will always trump your fiction.
    • We have to clear the game of their feelings, and to do this you've got to get the feelings out of the person you are talking to. If you try to nail someone to the wall with just the facts and they have not released their feelings about the facts, they will hate you and they won't see the facts.

    QUESTION: What facts in your life must you get really clear about?

    Golden Nugget #3: No Stack?  No Attack
    • We get triggered into future fantasy or past pain. Past pain begins to distort future possibilities. The only way out of this for me is by doing a Stack, which is a series of structured questions written out as a purpose-driven journal entry. This is one of the most powerful tools inside of Warrior, so when I get stuck in fantasy, everyone else around me becomes a target, as well, because they enter my fantasy thoughts.
    • The piece we have to engage with inside of ourselves is that you have to murder the fantasy in you. If you cannot murder the fantasy inside of yourself, you have no right to lead because you are a madman leading people to a very dark place. North Korea is a perfect example of this.

    QUESTION: When was the last time you journaled about something that was bothering you?

    Golden Nugget #4: The Fruit and the Chasm
    • The ultimate game is for you to gather the facts on a person:  the facts about their fruit in the past, the facts about their fruit in the present, and the facts about the fruit they desire in the future. Everything begins with the facts. The fastest way to pull someone out of their past is to get them squarely present in the future by getting them squarely present in the now. You cannot grow from your past by looking at your past.
    • Once I have done these two things - closed up the past and brought in the present and the future - what I’ve opened up is the Chasm. The Chasm is this void, a giant pit that exists between today and tomorrow, and there is a foundation under all of this which you must provide for each individual, and that is Focus.

    QUESTION: What questions do you ask your clients to gather facts about them? Are they effective?

    Golden Nugget #5: Focus
    • The #1 challenge that people face coming out of fantasy is the ability to focus. Amidst the chaos that is happening all around them, how do you actually get someone to focus? Once we set a big target for them, we bring them back to today and ask them: What is the first thing you could do today?
    • Part of your goal when you get someone to the ledge of the chasm is that you have to be the lunatic that gets them to jump. You as a leader have to lead them to the edge with the facts, the feelings and the fruit - with a vision on the future - and then have them jump.

    QUESTION: What experiences have you had when you were frozen on the ledge afraid to jump?


    If you cannot murder the fantasy inside of yourself, you have no right to lead because you are a madman leading people to a very dark place.


    Quote of the Week:

    "You only take them as far into the Chasm as you have the skills to bring them back out."

    --Garrett J White

    5 April 2018, 4:00 am
  • 30 minutes 38 seconds
    Protection Sets Up Production | Warrior Wealth | Ep 012

    This week’s episode of Warrior Wealth has been lifted from the Warrior archives and features clips from the Warrior Wealth Summit in 2016 where Garrett dives into the topic of Protection, and how your Power actually sets up your Protection.

    The following topics will be discussed every month:

    Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PROTECTION Golden Nugget #1: Create, Stabilize and Maintain
    • What is attainable and sustainable so you can stabilize your fitness and be doing some really cool shit at 60? At 80? What can you create so that you can stabilize and maintain your marriage? I tried a thirty minute sit down with my wife to have a serious conversation. We created one day of that. Couldn’t stabilize it, couldn’t maintain it. After twelve minutes we weren’t sure what to talk about.
    • Who gives a shit if you live the Warrior’s Way and can create, but you can’t maintain it? For the first time in my life, I am bridling everyone. We have this board of ideas of cool shit we could do, but we don’t do.  And for the first time in my life I am interested in stabilizing, maintaining and Protecting the systems and protocols of my life across the board: my body, my money, my income streams and my marriage.

    QUESTION: What plans and systems do you have in place to stabilize and maintain what you are creating?

      Golden Nugget #2: Let Go to Protect
    • I’m saying no to shit so that I can be present. There are people I distance myself from because they erode and are viruses to my Purpose. They’re not bad people, they’re just not people I’m choosing to be around because they erode my ability to maintain.
    • There are certain belief systems I have divorced myself from because they don’t give me Protection, they make me weak. There are habits I have dropped because they don’t Protect, they destroy. I’m tired of a life of being the guy who burns his business to the ground every five years and starts all over again.

    QUESTION: What habits and belief systems do you need to let go of that are making you weak and don't offer you Protection?

      Golden Nugget #3: Nix the Build and Burn
    • Every time you burn your shit to the ground, you get older and more fatigued and it becomes less desirable to start over. When you start to care more about the life you’ve created, you also start to care more about the people around that life that are part of it with you.
    • For the first time in my life, everything is clean and paid off and I realize I don’t want to make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past. I don’t want to have another seven year cycle where I build really big and then spend another seven years into my fifties trying to rebuild, and then burn again and restart the cycle all over again in my sixty’s.  Now I create, I stabilize, I maintain and protect because I have stronger purpose across the board.

    QUESTION: What steps do you need to take to stop playing the Build and Burn Game?


    Golden Nugget #4: Hire the Right Tax Team
    • After my hefty tax bill was wired to the government in 2015, my desire to produce and create came to a screeching halt for a day or two and I realized I needed to learn how to play this game. I invested 50K in a team to protect what I fuckin created. Within the Tax Code, only five to seven pages are written on what you have to do; the rest of the Tax Code has been written to tell you how to not pay taxes - legally.
    • They told me: You’ve had the wrong guys on your team. You’ve been having people deal with the five pages; we’re going to have you deal with the other hundred. We’re going to do it legally and we’re going to show you how to protect it. They make it easy for guys like you to feed the economy. They use tax to manipulate the economy, and it’s deliberately built for you to circumvent paying tax so that you can pour money into the economy and force things to move and change. Tax is a game of manipulation of economy.

    QUESTION: Where across all areas of your life would hiring the right team help protect what you've been creating?

      Golden Nugget #5: Warrior Wealth
    • Inside of My Warrior Wealth there are these two ideas of Production and Protection. These two concepts overlay each other in a big way. In Production: I’m a marketer, I’m a closer, I’m a leader not a Savior. In Protection: I’m my #1 Asset, my business is my #1 Investment. For me, here’s what the game has become: For the first time in my life after years of investing in myself,  I can honestly count on me: With three seconds left on the clock, I fuckin take the shot every single time now.
    • What are you committed to changing abut the investment in you: in Mindsets, Skillsets, and Purpose? If you are your #1 asset, what are you committed to doing to protect and to expand your mindset? What are you committed to doing to protect and expand your skillsets as a Producer?

    QUESTION: What are you doing to deepen, expand and clarify purpose through: Mindset, Skillset and Purpose?


    I'm my #1 Asset and my Business is my #1 Investment.


    Quote of the Week:

    "I look at how exhausting it has been to take my marriage from where it was to where it is today. There is no battery life left in me to even consider doing that again. Yet the energy to maintain it and continue to grow it into prosperity doesn’t take a lot; it just takes a little bit of conscious thought every day."

    --Garrett J White



    29 March 2018, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 18 seconds
    Focus the Frame | Warrior Wealth | Ep 011

    In this week's episode of Warrior Wealth, Garrett has you consider that when it comes to your business ventures, not everyone  you talk to should be involved in the conversation of what you’re selling - that everyone is not a fit for the product, service or experience you are offering to the marketplace.

    The following topics will be discussed every month: Week 1: Power Week 2: Production Week 3: Profit Week 4: Protection In This Week's Episode....PRODUCTION Golden Nugget #1: Reserve the Right to Refuse Service
    • Our ability to take a message forward to the marketplace demands and commands that you and I understand that not all products, services and experiences that we have to offer the marketplace are meant for every single person who may come in contact with that message.
    • In my world, the single greatest move that we made in business is that we figured out who were the 98% of the marketplace that we didn’t want shit to do with. In fact, we send individuals to our competitors on purpose because they’re just the kind of assholes we don’t want here.

    QUESTION: When it comes to the game that you’re offering, have you deliberately created a strategy to keep most people out?

      Golden Nugget #2 Who Is Your Ideal Client?
    • Inside of our willingness to say no, we actually produce an opportunity for us to figure out who to say yes to. It’s not just our saying no that’s crucial, it’s the ‘who do we say yes to’ game. In order to say yes, it requires us to know that client - to know who we are actually speaking to. It requires us to passionately study the individuals we are saying yes to.
    • It takes time, it takes commitment and it takes focus to recognize that the only way you can truly say yes or no is to absolutely know the individual that you are reaching out to. Ask yourself: What do I need to know about this person? Do I know about their pain and understand what it is they are going through?

    QUESTION: In your marketing, how are you speaking directly to your ideal client or prospect that you desire to have in your business consuming the products, services and experiences that you offer?

      Golden Nugget #3: Speak to Their Pain
    • You must figure out how to describe your ideal client's problem in a way that makes the biggest difference in and creates the biggest distinction between "here’s who we are and here’s who everybody else is." The Problem Process is linked to a pain that no one is talking about.
    • If you can speak to the painful consequences outside of the primary problem, realizing that inside the intertwined games of Body, Being, Balance and Business one area cascades over and effects every other area of their life, you have some serious opportunity to gain leverage on that customer as a potential prospect and buyer inside of your process.

    QUESTION: When is the last time you had a conversation with your clients that goes beyond the surface level problem, actually talking about the short and long term consequences of that problem across all areas of their life?

      Golden Nugget #4: Do You Give A Shit?
    • The long term success of being inside the Business Game is to actually be in love with the space that you take a stand in. If you don't, more often than not you will find yourself uninspired to take the action necessary to not only say no to people, but being able to say yes to the right people and commit to building a business that actually matters - one that brings Purpose.
    • If you believe in your product and service, and if you believe in what you do, then you are obligated to do everything in your power to market that at the highest level you possibly can and to service the highest number of people that you possibly can. The End.

    QUESTION: What might it look like if you built a business that matters to you and that has you waking up in a way that excites you?

      Golden Nugget #5: You Must Be In Alignment
    • The packaging and positioning of where you are in the marketplace ultimately drives the kind of people who are attracted to you. The products, services and experiences inside of my businesses are created for a specific type of person. Our marketing and price points reflect that, making perfect sense to the person it's designed to attract, while weeding out those for whom it is not a fit for.
    • You must take a stand for who you are, who you represent and who you are going to serve. The moment that your positioning is out of alignment with the people, the problem and the process that you’re serving and creating - that is when chaos begins.

    QUESTION: What is the ultimate positioning that you are deliberately playing out and are committed to in your business in the marketplace?

    Quote of the Week:

    "This is an emotional game. There’s this piece inside of everyone that doesn’t not like to say no. We also don’t like to say no to someone who is showing or demonstrating that they are interested in what we’re providing, yet this is exactly the behavior that will guarantee and affirm failure for you or I inside the game of production: when we allow everyone to think they are a prospect; that everyone we discuss the message with is ultimately someone who should buy. Some of the worst transactions you will ever make as a businessman, is taking money from people who are not a fit for what you do."


    22 March 2018, 7:00 am
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