Personal Branding Podcast

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Personal Branding: Podcast with the author Bernard Kelvin Clive, bringing you expert interviews and insights into Personal Branding, Personal Development, and Publishing. This is your simplified Business Branding and Career podcast.

  • 7 minutes 30 seconds
    Building Your Brand – Niche Power
    A little Story of Patience and Brand Recognition in this episode The power of a well-developed brand can’t be overstated. Over time, focusing on a specific niche and consistently delivering value establishes you as a trusted expert. So let me share a story that exemplifies this principle. This happened just today Years ago, as a young speaker, I aspired to invite a renowned speaker to an event. The challenge? His high-profile status made him expensive, especially for an unknown organizer like myself. Plus so many gatekeepers that prevented me from getting access to him. Ultimately, we couldn’t secure him. Sad but we moved on. Fast Forward! A decade later, I received an unexpected call. It was from the very same speaker I’d tried to invite a decade earlier! My consistent work and expertise in digital publishing had preceded me. They’d found me through an online search, impressed by my brand and books on Amazon. My brand opened the door. 😉He needed some digital branding and publishing services from me. You see the importance of building your brand over time. Consistent effort in a specific niche allows your work to speak for itself.You gain leverage, access to valuable opportunities, and increased value perception, thereby translating into higher potential earnings. Chale it takes time to build a solid brand, let’s begin today! So, what brand are you building? Don’t underestimate its power. Be consistent, patience, and focus on building credibility. When the time comes to showcase your expertise, people will recognize your value and be willing to pay your worth. I’m Bernard Kelvin Cliveyour personal branding coach Recommend Books on Amazon 5 Minutes Habits (Audiobook) Retreat: Reflections for Busy Businessmen (Audiobook)
    9 May 2024, 1:49 pm
  • Repackage Your Expertise: Don’t Retire, Re-inspire!
    Have you ever noticed that many people who have diligently climbed the corporate ladder for years reach retirement feeling a strange emptiness? They wonder, “What do I do now?” after spending decades engrossed in a job that never truly sparked their passion. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Financial security and fulfillment aren’t reserved for the post-work years. We can cultivate both throughout our careers by taking a proactive approach and reevaluating our skill sets. Today we will explore how to repurpose your expertise to create a fulfilling and financially secure career path, regardless of your age or current experience. Unearthing Your Passions and Making Them Profitable The first step is to identify what truly ignites your fire. Is there a hobby you’ve always cherished but never considered pursuing professionally? Maybe you have a hidden talent or a cause you’re deeply passionate about. The key is to bridge the gap between your passions and potential income streams. Don’t be discouraged if turning your passion into profit doesn’t happen overnight. Almost any skill can be made marketable with a little creativity. For instance, a love for photography can translate into freelance work, online courses, or even workshops. Here are some ways to identify the financial potential of your passions: ·Research existing business models: Mostly the difficult part, a reason many ignore and do anything easy. Explore how others in your field are monetizing their skills. Are there online platforms where you can offer your services? Could you create and sell instructional materials? ·Network with like-minded individuals: Connect with people who share your interests and see how they’ve turned their passions into professions. ·Consider freelance opportunities: Freelancing allows you to test the waters and see if your passion can translate into a viable income source before taking a full leap. Remember, the key is to be creative and persistent. There’s almost always a way to bridge the gap between your passions and financial gain. Lifelong Learning: Staying Relevant in a Changing World The world of work is constantly evolving, and the skillsets that were once in high demand may quickly become obsolete. To stay relevant and marketable, lifelong learning is fundamental. Here are some strategies to continuously upgrade your skillset: ·Online courses: There’s a wealth of knowledge available online, with platforms offering courses on virtually any topic imaginable. Many of these courses are affordable and self-paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience. ·Industry publications and conferences: Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your field by subscribing to industry publications and attending relevant conferences. ·Mentorship programs: Seek guidance from experienced professionals in your field. A mentor can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the ever-changing job market. Utilizing the Rise of AI and Automation: Friend or Foe? The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation may seem like threats to your expertise. However, they can also be powerful tools. Accept and embrace AI as a way to streamline repetitive tasks and free up your time to focus on higher-level strategic thinking and creative problem-solving. Invest in learning basic AI concepts and how they might be applied to your field. Building Your Brand: Standing Out from the Crowd In today’s digitally saturated world, a strong and authentic online presence is essential for career success. Develop a website or online portfolio showcasing your expertise and experience. Actively participate in industry forums and social media groups to establish yourself as a thought leader and connect with potential clients or collaborators. However, building your brand goes beyond the digital realm. Networking in person remains equally important. Attend industry events, volunteer your skills, and connect with people at your current workplace. Building strong relationships can open doors to new opportunities you might not have otherwise discovered. Repurposing Your Expertise: A Continuous Process The key takeaway is to be proactive. Don’t wait until retirement to figure out what’s next. The secret is in continuously developing your skills, exploring new opportunities, and repurposing your expertise, you can create a fulfilling and financially secure career path that keeps you engaged and passionate throughout your working life. The ever-evolving world of work requires constant adaptation, just like the shift from typewriters to web processing applications. Those who resist change and cling to outdated skill sets are at risk of being left behind. The good news is, regardless of your age or current experience level, there’s always an opportunity to learn, grow, and reinvent yourself. Here are a few strategies to help you construct your impressive career: Celebrate each milestone: Every new skill you acquire or meaningful connection you make in your field is akin to discovering an exceptional, great haven. These achievements, however seemingly minor, propel you closer to your ultimate career goal. Get your support team: Constructing a fort, much like building a career, is more enjoyable and effective with companionship. Surround yourself with individuals—be it family, friends, educators, or online communities—who support your career aspirations and celebrate your successes along the way. Savor the journey: The process of building your career, much like your fort, is integral to the experience. Relish the hurdles you overcome, the knowledge you gain, and the sense of fulfillment that comes as your abilities—and your career—flourish and expand. The Final Takeaway: Don’t let your expertise go to waste after retirement. Use it to create a positive ripple effect, empower others, and leave a lasting legacy that benefits generations to come. Remember, the value of your expertise extends far beyond profit; it can be a powerful tool for positive social change. Ready to Take Action? Consider attending workshops or webinars focused on personal branding and marketing your skillset. These resources can equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to thrive in today’s competitive job market. Remember, a fulfilling and financially secure career path is within your reach. So do take a proactive approach and make learning a lifelong habit, to help you design a work life filled with purpose and passion. A Gift for you […]
    24 April 2024, 9:57 am
  • 8 minutes 48 seconds
    The Designer and Uber Driver Experience: The Power of Exceptional Customer Experience
    Today we’re diving headfirst into the power of exceptional customer experience.  I will share with you why prioritizing your clients, especially in the realm of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), is the secret weapon you’ve been overlooking. “Often times consumers, clients, and customers are not just buying a product or service, they are buying an experience, a feeling, a perception, a person(YOU)” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Let’s face it, customer service in some parts of the world can be, well, let’s just say lacking. And for many SMEs, the focus often lands on simply getting the job done. But what if I told you that by shifting your mindset and truly prioritizing the customer experience, you could unlock exponential growth for your business? Intrigued? Then buckle up, because we’re about to explore real-world examples and practical strategies to make exceptional service your competitive edge. Here’s the first Story Two Designers and the Power of Going the Extra Mile Let me illustrate this concept with a recent experience I had. A few weeks back, I needed some new signage created for one of my clients. Knowing the importance of a visually appealing and functional design, I contacted two graphic designers specializing in sign-making and posters. Both were familiar faces, having worked with me on previous projects. To ensure a well-informed decision, I briefed them on the project’s specifics and requested they visit the location to assess the space and gather inspiration. Both designers readily agreed and promptly scheduled site visits. Up to this point, everything seemed on par. However, the story takes a fascinating turn when we look at their follow-up approaches. The first designer, let’s call him David, returned with a straightforward email containing an invoice outlining the estimated cost for the project. It was a clear and concise message, but it lacked something crucial—a spark of initiative. David had completed the bare minimum; he’d assessed the space, formulated a price, and presented it without further engagement. Now, don’t get me wrong, a clear estimate is important. But in this competitive landscape, it just wasn’t enough to stand out. The Art of Exceeding Expectations The second designer, Sarah, took a distinctly different approach. Following her site visit, Sarah not only sent a detailed quote, but she also went above and beyond by creating three unique design samples for the signage. These weren’t just generic mockups; each sample showcased a distinct visual style and layout, catering to different aesthetic preferences. This thoughtful gesture demonstrated not just her design skills, but also her understanding of the importance of client input and collaboration. The impact was undeniable. When I presented both options to my client, their reaction was clear: Sarah’s effort to personalize the experience by providing design choices instilled a sense of confidence and partnership. They felt valued and understood, not simply handed a price tag. In contrast, David’s impersonal approach, while competent, failed to capture their imagination or create an emotional connection with the project. How Going the Extra Mile Benefits Everyone Now, Sarah’s proactive approach wasn’t just about winning this specific project. It’s about understanding the ripple effect exceptional service can create. Think about it this way: The Value Proposition of Exceptional Service Some might argue that exceptional service comes at a cost, but hey what doesn’t cost? Yes, and that might be true in terms of time and effort. However, the intangible value it creates far outweighs the initial investment. Here’s why: Here is the Second Story A month or two ago, I needed to take my kids somewhere via Uber. The first driver arrived, and as I was helping my children into the car, he launched into a series of complaints. He questioned whether I was alone (despite clearly seeing my kids) and expressed frustration about the potential trip duration. Now, I understand drivers have quotas to meet and time constraints to consider. However, his tone and approach were completely off-putting. I reassured him I understood the fare structure and would pay based on the meter, regardless of any delays caused by settling my kids comfortably. Despite my attempts to de-escalate the situation, his negativity continued. Chale, I was getting furious but had to let this slide calmly. Ultimately, I decided to end the trip and find another driver. Not only did his behavior affect my experience, but it also meant he lost out on a potential fare and wasted time driving to my location. How Positive Interactions Create Lasting Impressions Fortunately, my wait for the next Uber was short. The second driver’s approach couldn’t have been more different. He greeted us warmly, offered assistance with getting the kids settled, and reassured me not to worry about taking time. His calm and accommodating demeanor instantly transformed the atmosphere. It was clear that he understood his role as a service provider, prioritizing my comfort and satisfaction. This positive interaction not only made the trip more enjoyable for myself and my children, but it also prompted me to leave him an additional tip in recognition of his exceptional service. Every Lead Matters: Building Relationships for Future Opportunities These contrasting experiences highlight an important point for all business owners, personal brands, especially those in the SME space: every lead matters. It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of immediate sales, but neglecting the potential value of every interaction can be a costly mistake. The client who doesn’t buy today might become a loyal customer tomorrow, or they might recommend your services to someone else in their network. Building Trust and Rapport: The Seeds of Long-Term Success The key lies in building trust and rapport with each interaction. Treat every lead with respect, offer them your time and assistance, and genuinely demonstrate your commitment to their needs. Even if they don’t make a purchase right away, these positive experiences keep your brand top-of-mind. When they or someone they know eventually needs your services, your exceptional service will have left a lasting impression, making them more likely to choose you […]
    15 April 2024, 8:55 am
  • 6 minutes 11 seconds
    Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs
    Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs Every business has its ups and downs, but learning how to maximize each moment can help the business thrive and grow. You see, the ability to adapt and embrace new technologies is not just an advantage—it’s essential for survival and growth. This realization came to me vividly during a seemingly mundane visit to a local vulcanizer because of a car tire issue. The vulcanizer, an expert in his field, impressed me with his knowledge and skill. I had learned that he has been doing this for the past decade and he is the go-to guy in the hood. However, despite his expertise, I noticed his reliance on outdated technology and traditional methods in his operations.  A critical lesson for small business owners can be learned from this experience: investing in modern tools and technology will enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately, business success. The vulcanizer, with nearly a decade of experience, was proficient in his work. His business was thriving, with a steady stream of customers benefiting from his expertise. Yet, his reliance on old systems and methods, such as a gas system for tire repair, reflected a broader issue many small businesses face. Despite having access to modern car tires and understanding current market needs, his equipment remained traditional, mirroring what many Ghanaian artisans use.  Considering this situation, I wonder why he hadn’t invested in modern equipment such as hydraulic jacks or other advanced gadgets that could have created further revenue opportunities. This reluctance to embrace new technology is not unique to him but is a common trait among many small business owners who become complacent with their current success and expertise. Many fail to realize how technology can streamline traditional processes, increasing efficiency and competitiveness. In today’s digital age, where advancements like artificial intelligence are revolutionizing various sectors, failing to keep up with technological trends can leave businesses at a significant disadvantage. The truth is that investing in new technologies and tools is more than just an upgrade; it’s a strategic move that can dramatically enhance a business’s operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Modern equipment can speed up service delivery, improve the quality of work, and attract a broader customer base looking for quicker, more reliable services. The thing is that adopting modern vulcanizing tools can significantly transform the vulcanizer’s business by making tire repairs and changes faster and more efficient. Hydraulic jacks, for instance, speed up the process of lifting vehicles, allowing for quicker service, while impact wrenches make removing and tightening lug nuts much faster than manual methods.  This efficiency means a vulcanizer can serve more customers in a day, increasing business turnover. You see their tons of them, tools like modern tire changers and wheel balancers ensure that tires are fitted and balanced with precision, enhancing the quality of service. Such efficiency and accuracy not only boost customer satisfaction but also reduce the likelihood of errors, making the service more reliable. Here again, the use of advanced equipment like high-quality air compressors for inflating tires to the correct pressure and vulcanizing machines for effective puncture repairs ensures that the job is done right the first time. This level of professionalism and quality attracts customers who value their time and vehicle safety, potentially allowing the vulcanizer to charge a premium for superior service. Safety is another critical benefit, as modern tools are designed to protect both the worker and the vehicle during repairs, minimizing the risk of accidents and damage.  Just by delving a little bit deeper one can find so many ways of stepping up their business in ways to be more efficient and profitable. However, the challenge for many small business owners lies in recognizing the need for such investments and overcoming the inertia of satisfaction with the status quo. It’s crucial to understand that expertise and traditional methods, while valuable, need to be complemented with innovation and technology to stay relevant and competitive. This is where the importance of continuous learning and networking comes into play. Joining industry associations, attending workshops, and participating in networking groups can provide small business owners with insights into new technologies and trends in their field. These platforms offer opportunities for learning, sharing experiences, and getting advice from peers and experts who have successfully integrated new tools and methods into their operations. Such engagement can inspire and motivate owners to explore and adopt technologies that can transform their business models. Moreover, business owners need to surround themselves with advisors, mentors, and colleagues who are knowledgeable about technological advancements and can provide guidance on strategic investments. These relationships can help identify which technologies will be most beneficial for their specific operations and how to implement them effectively. Reflecting on the future, small business owners must ask themselves: What tools and technologies have I overlooked in the past few years that could enhance my business? And what investments are necessary to take my business to the next level? Whether it’s upgrading equipment, adopting new software, or leveraging digital marketing strategies, the key is to identify and invest in technologies that will drive growth and sustainability. As the business landscape continues to change, documenting processes and regularly reviewing business strategies become imperative. This practice helps in identifying areas where technology can make a significant impact, streamline operations, and create new avenues for revenue. It’s about rethinking how things have been done and being open to changing them for the better. In essence, this is a call for small business owners to up their game. And not only rely on their expertise and traditional methods but actively seek and embrace technological advancements that can propel their businesses forward. It is my belief that small businesses can succeed in today’s dynamic market if they invest in the right tools and create a culture of continuous learning and innovation. As we move forward, let’s embrace technology not as an option but as an integral part of our growth strategy. So, thinking through the vulcanizer and the […]
    26 February 2024, 9:13 am
  • 7 minutes 34 seconds
    Personal Branding: Overlooked Feet, Unreached Feat
    “Where you plant your feet determines your feats.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive Let me share this with you.  One morning, while I was cleaning my car, I noticed something interesting. I had worked hard to make the car’s body look shiny and clean, even though there was a lot of dust around because of the Harmattan season. But when I stepped back to look at my work, I saw that the tires were still dirty. This made the whole car not look as nice as I thought. This situation reminded me of a lesson from my childhood. When we were kids, my uncles would tell us to make sure we washed the tires of the car really well, not just the body. They said that a car doesn’t look completely clean if its tires are dirty, even if the rest of it is spotless. They kept reminding us that this was important, showing us that we often focused on the parts that were easy to see and forgot about the rest. This lesson is not just about cars; it’s also about life. A car needs good, clean tires to move properly, just like we need to take care of all parts of our lives to succeed. It doesn’t matter how good something looks on the outside; if the parts that really matter, like the tires on a car and the engine, aren’t in good shape, then it won’t work well. So, washing my car and seeing the difference after cleaning the tires made me think about how important it is to pay attention to everything, not just what people see first. Just like the car, we need to make sure we’re taking care of the important parts of our lives, not just the ones that look good to others. This teaches us to be thorough and to remember that every part, no matter how small or hidden, counts in making something complete and ready to go. Just like people spend a lot of money on nice rims for their car tires to make their cars look great, we should also take care of our feet because they carry us around. This is kind of like saying that in life, our feet are super important because they help us stand and move. If you’re into bodybuilding, you know that every part of your body needs to be strong to carry yourself, especially your feet/legs. It’s the same with our feet in real life. Our feet are like the base or foundation of everything we do. When we’re doing anything in life, having strong feet (or a strong foundation) means we can handle tough times, carry heavy loads, and go to amazing places. So, it’s really important to think about how we take care of our feet and what we’re asking them to do. It’s like asking, “Have I made myself strong enough to take on new challenges in my work, my personal goals, or whatever I’m trying to build?” Think about what you wear on your feet and what kind of load you’re expecting them to carry. Building a strong foundation, or making sure our feet are ready, is super important. It helps us be ready for the next step in whatever we’re doing, like moving up in our jobs, growing a business, or making our brand better. Investing time and effort into making our foundation strong means we’re ready to take on what we dream of doing. So, it’s all about making sure we’re ready and strong from the ground up. Just like a car with fancy rims stands out, making sure our foundation (our feet) is strong can help us stand out and succeed in what we’re aiming for. Our feet play a central role in how we present ourselves, both as individuals and as brands. When people see us, one of the first things they notice is our feet. This makes our feet a key part of our foundation, something that supports and holds us up. It’s really important to wear good shoes, as they say a lot about our appearance.  You might be dressed really nicely, but if your shoes don’t look good or don’t match your outfit, it can mess up how you look overall. This is even more true during the Harmattan season. You can dress up as nicely as you want, but when you walk on dusty roads, your shoes get dirty. If your shoes are dirty, it doesn’t matter how nice the rest of your outfit is; it won’t make you look your best. So, we should really focus on our feet, which are like the foundation, stronghold, and pillars of our life. We need to think about our foundation – what supports us, what we are holding onto, and where we are going in life. By looking at our feet and making sure they’re well taken care of, we can find the strength, favor, and energy we need to reach the next level of success in our careers and as a brand. Taking care of our feet and what we wear on them is more than just about looking good. It’s about making sure we have a strong base to stand on as we move forward in life. Let’s pay attention to our feet, and our foundation, and make sure they’re ready to take us where we want to go. In conclusion, just as the cleanliness and condition of a car’s tires can significantly affect its overall appearance and functionality, our personal foundations—symbolized by our feet—hold the key to how we navigate the challenges and opportunities life presents. Our feet, both literally and metaphorically, represent our base, our point of contact with the ground that supports and propels us forward. The attention we give to our feet, through the shoes we choose and the care we take, reflects our respect for the journey itself and the paths we choose to tread. This concept extends beyond mere aesthetics; it’s about acknowledging the […]
    12 February 2024, 9:04 am
  • How to Lift Your Personal Brand in 2024
    It’s to take your brand to the next level. Regardless of the current stage of your brand, if you desire to stay top of mind and in business, you will need at least one of these milestones/goals to reach in the coming year. 1. Raise the bar on yourself All is about having a growth mindset to demand yourself to go higher and do better. Let me draw your attention to this simple observation: I know quite a number of brands in my circle that offer the same services and products of high quality and standard, yet they are underpaid by their clients. Why? Well, my survey revealed one major setback: lack of confidence in their expertise. They lack the boldness to price their products and services as they deserve. Let me break it down this way. The Psychology of Pricing with Confidence: Listen, if you don’t place a premium price on yourself, others will treat you like a commodity. Truth be told, you are powerful, gifted, talented, and skilled. Yes, you, you have to believe that. It all begins with self-belief and confidence in one’s abilities. Perhaps, you have settled for crumbs for your brand and business. No! Yours is the gold, gear up and go for it. Until you raise the bar on yourself and work toward becoming a better version of yourself, you will only have the leftovers of those who dare and do mightier things. Building confidence in yourself is building confidence in your brand. If you’ve been doing well, great! It’s time to step up your game, go up the notch. Stretch for a higher and greater opportunity. In the coming weeks, months, and years, lift your game, pursue excellence, and master your craft. 2. Invest in a professional coach One of the secret ingredients to success is spending money on a skilled coach. One common thread throughout successful people’s routines is that they know the benefits of coaching as a tool for personal and professional development. If you want to take your brand to the next level, hiring a coach is a must. Some individuals fail to take this into account since they naively think they can handle all the challenges that come with running a business and building their brand on their own. It’s vital to understand that there are fields where knowledge reigns supreme, and aiming to be a jack-of-all-trades may limit your brand’s potential. The necessity for professional advice becomes more obvious at various points along the path to creating a successful and lucrative brand. To achieve one’s goals, one needs a strategic partner, and that’s exactly what a coach is. By sharing their extensive knowledge and expertise, they will help you avoid common mistakes and face obstacles head-on. Asking for a coach’s assistance is seen by successful people as a sign of strength, not weakness. A coach functions as a catalyst for progress, pushing you beyond your comfort zone and unlocking your entire potential. In a world where average performance is just not enough to stand out, having a coach motivates you towards excellence. They provide tailored assistance that is designed to address your specific goals and obstacles. Whether you are a young entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to expand, a coach delivers the specialized guidance needed to accelerate your brand’s trajectory. The potential return on investment in a coach for your brand is priceless. 3. Build partnership There’s strength in numbers and unity of purpose. In building and growing your brand, forming strong alliances offer you great leverage you can’t have doing things all on your own. There are times you need to partner with other successful and big brands to grow your business. Therefore, I advise you to seek mutually beneficial connections. In partnering, consider what you can offer your partners and vice versa, what they will be bringing to the table. Once all is set, always remember to have a partnership agreement signed before you go on with any task. If possible, seek legal advice. Effective partnerships grow Brands. Make it a major goal to build a partnership in the coming weeks, months, and years. 4. Scale – enlarge your territories Too often many people settle too soon when they attain what they may seem successful in their own eyes. The temptation to settle could be so high when praises come from all corners. Yes, you may be doing well. It is good to celebrate but even greater to make the most of the situation at hand – repeat that which worked and scale your brand. When the season to grow comes don’t rest on your past fruits, there are more lands to conquer. Grow your brand beyond your current comfort zone. You may be doing well considerably in your niche. Sometimes your niche may become your comfort zone when you fail to recognize the season to expand. Take a well prepared and calculated giant step with your brand in the coming weeks, months, and years. The world is your oyster. 5. Work on your feedback As I always say “feedbacks are ways brands can look back”. I know of brands that have failed and have dimmed out because they took lightly the feedbacks of their clients and customers. Perhaps, you’ve lost a fortune over the years because of your indifference, but in moving forward you can do better to restore that which you lost. It’s time to review and evaluate your brand, where you flipped and flopped. The good, bad, and ugly. Every great brand and leader takes reviews and feedback seriously. These are important data to help make better decisions, products, and services, you discard and disregard it at your peril. 6. Develop a working brand guide and strategy Knowing exactly what you want and desire would help you achieve your goals faster. Sometimes, you may have a plan for your brand but if it’s not well documented, you wouldn’t be able to reach your brand goals. One way to make this […]
    30 January 2024, 7:13 am
  • 12 minutes 35 seconds
    2024 Unlocking your Personal Brand to Soar
    How to Grow Your Personal Brand in 2024 It’s to take your brand to the next level. Whether you’re a new brand or an established one, you need to achieve at least one of these milestones/goals in the upcoming year to remain relevant and competitive. 1. Raise the bar on yourself It is all about having a growth mindset to place a demand on yourself to go higher and do better. Let me draw your attention to this simple observation: I know several brands in my circle that offer the same services and products of high quality and standard, yet they are underpaid by their clients. Why? Well, my survey revealed one major setback: a lack of confidence in their expertise. They lack the boldness to price their products and services as they deserve. Let me break it down this way. The Psychology of Pricing with Confidence: Listen, if you don’t place a premium price on yourself, others will treat you like a commodity. Truth be told, you are powerful, gifted, talented, and skilled. Yes, you, you have to believe that. It all begins with self-belief and confidence in one’s abilities. Perhaps, you have settled for crumbs for your brand and business. No! Yours is the gold, gear up and go for it. Until you raise the bar on yourself and work toward becoming a better version of yourself, you will only have the leftovers of those who dare and do mightier things. Building confidence in yourself is building confidence in your brand. If you’ve been doing well, great! It’s time to step up your game and go up the notch. Stretch for a higher and greater opportunity. You can do more. In the coming weeks, months, and years, lift your game, pursue excellence, and master your craft. 2. Build Capacity for Growth Any brand that does not grow fades away. The competition is fierce, and the noise out there is loud. If you don’t build yourself up and create significant capacity for growth and expansion, you will fade out faster than you think. This demands consistent improvement, exploration, charting new terrains, and pursuing bigger goals. Over the past year, many interesting things happened, and some went viral on social media – from Nigeria’s Hilda Baci breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time to Afua Asantewaa Aduonum of Ghana attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest singing marathon by an individual. A few things stand out. Firstly, the desire to break a record – that audacious attempt is worth commending. The second thing is that these records were way beyond their capacity, but they had to build the capacity to get it done. It stretches them, it challenges them, and it also gives reason for others to attempt breaking other records, be it in public or private. It gave enough people a reason to pursue larger goals and bigger dreams. My question for you is this: What bigger goals, dreams, and aspirations would you attempt in the coming year? Go for your big wins! The best is yours! Recommend Books 5 Minutes Habits (Audiobook) Retreat: Reflections for Busy Businessmen (Audiobook)
    25 December 2023, 4:15 pm
  • 15 minutes
    Top 5 AI-Powered Tools for Content Generation & Brand Promotion
    How can you enhance your content creation and branding with these five productivity tools? Enhancing Productivity in Content Creation and Branding In today’s podcast, I discuss five productivity tools that can significantly enhance content creation and branding. So, I’ll share some insights from that episode, focusing on the importance of finding the right tools to boost productivity and maintain your unique voice while creating content and building your personal brand. 1 The Power of Audio-to-Text Tools The first tool I discussed was, a powerful tool for recording and transcribing audio. What sets Swell Icon apart is its ability to generate titles, summaries, article formats, and even social media shareable content based on the audio message. This feature is particularly useful for podcasters, as it allows us to maintain our unique voice while using AI content-generating tools. 2 Proofreading and Editing with Grammarly Next, I delved into the world of proofreading and editing with Grammarly. This tool quickly spots grammatical errors and provides corrections, making it an invaluable asset for content creators. Other tools like Quillbot and ChatGPT can also be used for proofreading, but Grammarly stands out for its ease of use and accuracy. 3 A One-Stop Content Creation Platform I also discussed, a platform that offers various features like graphic designing, image generation, video editing, and social media content creation. It’s a one-stop platform for generating extra content in different formats and also allows for sharing and promotion on social media. 4 The Versatility of Canva Canva, a popular platform for creating graphics and text, was another tool I highlighted. Canva is an AI-integrated tool that allows users to create various types of content, such as infographics, social media posts, and document formats. The free version of Canva is highly versatile and can be used for writing content, designing book covers, and creating social media posts. Canva provides a wide range of templates to assist users in their content creation process, saving them time and energy. 5 Selling Digital Products with Gumroad Finally, I discussed Gumroad, a platform that helps users market and sell their digital products. After going through the content creation process, users may have something they want to sell, such as a digital product or a recording. Gumroad provides an easy-to-use platform for selling various types of products, including courses. The Importance of AI-Powered Tools In today’s digital age, using AI-powered tools to work faster and more efficiently is crucial. By combining these tools effectively and positioning oneself in the market, users can achieve significant productivity gains. Whether you’re a podcaster, a blogger, or a digital marketer, these tools can help you streamline your content creation process and build a stronger personal brand. The right tools can significantly enhance your productivity and help you maintain your unique voice while creating content and building your personal brand. Whether it’s Swell Icon, Grammarly,, Canva, or Gumroad, each tool offers unique features that can help you work faster and more efficiently. So why not give them a try and see how they can transform your content creation and branding process? Recommended Reading Market-in-g!: Conversation with a Marketing Guru – Seth Godin Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive
    12 December 2023, 4:19 pm
  • Knowing Yourself and Mastering Your Craft: The Keys to Personal Branding Success
    In this episode, Bernard Kelvin Clive, a personal branding consultant and host of the Personal Branding podcast, shares valuable insights on why personal branding is essential in today’s marketplace. Don’t miss out on his expert advice! #Branding #Podcast Personal branding for profit and impact. Personal branding has become increasingly important in today’s digital age. With the rise of social media and online platforms, individuals have the opportunity to showcase themselves and their expertise to a global audience. Personal branding is the process of creating and maintaining a unique and consistent image that represents who we are and what we stand for. It involves carefully curating our online presence, including our social media profiles, website, and professional portfolio, to convey a specific message and attract the right audience. One aspect of personal branding that often gets overlooked is appearance. As humans, we are naturally drawn to visually appealing things. Our brains are wired to process and respond to visual stimuli more effectively than any other form of communication. Therefore, how we present ourselves visually plays a significant role in how others perceive us and our personal brand. In the podcast, the conversation revolves around the cover of a book titled “On Becoming an Authority” by Bernard Kelvin Clive. The host expresses admiration for the cover and acknowledges that it immediately signifies that the book must be authored by Bernard Kelvin Clive. This example highlights the power of visual branding in creating a recognizable and memorable personal brand. The cover of a book, like any other visual representation, serves as a first impression and can influence whether someone decides to engage with the content or not. In this case, the host’s familiarity with Benad Kelvin Clive’s personal brand influences their perception of the book and their interest in it. This demonstrates the impact that personal branding can have on attracting the right audience and generating interest in one’s work. However, it is important to note that personal branding goes beyond just appearance. It is not about creating a superficial image or trying to fit into a specific mold. Instead, it is about authentically representing oneself and aligning one’s personal brand with their values, goals, and expertise. Personal branding should be a reflection of who we are and what we have to offer, rather than a facade or a means to manipulate others. Building a strong personal brand requires consistency, authenticity, and a clear message. It involves identifying our unique strengths, passions, and values and communicating them effectively to our target audience. This can be done through various channels, such as social media, blogging, public speaking, and networking. By consistently sharing valuable content, engaging with our audience, and demonstrating our expertise, we can establish ourselves as authorities in our respective fields. Personal branding is not just about self-promotion. It is about creating a positive impact and leaving a lasting impression on others. When done effectively, personal branding can inspire and influence others, build trust and loyalty, and open doors to new opportunities. It is about using our personal brand as a platform to make a difference and create meaningful change in the world. The truth is that personal branding is a powerful tool for individuals to differentiate themselves, build trust and loyalty among their audience, and establish themselves as leaders in their respective fields. Appearance plays a crucial role in personal branding, as it is the visual representation of who we are and what we represent. However, it is important to strike a balance and present ourselves in a way that is authentic and aligned with our values and goals. By doing so, we can build a strong personal brand that attracts the right audience, generates interest in our work, and creates a positive impact in the world.
    22 August 2023, 9:06 am
  • 10 minutes 42 seconds
    Growing in times Like These!
    Building your brand in challenging times Growing in times Like These! The acronym for GROWTH is a great tool for personal and professional growth. Each letter represents an important trait or action that can help you navigate the different stages of growth. Let’s go through each one: G- Grits & Guts: Grit is a combination of perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It means having the determination to see something through to the end, even when things get difficult. Guts, on the other hand, is the courage to take risks and try new things, even if you’re not sure you’ll succeed. Together, grits and guts can help you take on new challenges and overcome obstacles in your path to growth. R- Reason & Research: Reasoning and research are essential for making informed decisions and setting realistic goals. By being logical and analytical, you can evaluate different options and choose the best course of action. Researching and gathering information also allows you to have a more well-rounded understanding of the situation and can help you to make more well-informed decisions. O- Objectivity and Oscillating: Objectivity is the ability to look at things objectively and to see them for what they are, rather than getting bogged down by emotions or biases. Oscillating, or being flexible and adaptable, means being able to adjust to change and to see things from different perspectives. Together, objectivity and oscillating can help you to be adaptable and make the most of new opportunities. W- Work: Of course, no growth can happen without putting in the work. Consistent and deliberate effort is key to achieving any goal and making progress. T- Tenacity: As previously discussed, Tenacity is the ability to persist in the face of adversity and keep going despite obstacles. It is the willingness to keep pushing forward even when things get tough, and the determination to not let setbacks and failures defeat you. It is this persistence and determination that allows people to achieve great things, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. H- Humility: As previously discussed, humility is an important trait for growth because it allows you to acknowledge your limitations and areas for improvement, and to learn from others. When you approach new challenges and experiences with humility, you’re more open to learning, feedback, and critique, which can help you grow and develop in new ways. Recommended Reading Market-in-g!: Conversation with a Marketing Guru – Seth Godin Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive
    25 May 2023, 11:21 am
  • 9 minutes 59 seconds
    Quick Guide to Monetizing your New Found Passion
    13 years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Kobby Blay, a driven and passionate young nurse. It was at the peak of my first book launch and blog and I was doing multiple radio and TV interviews. We all felt passionately committed to driving positive change in our society through our gifts and passions. Kobby was on a mission to fill the gap in health information through his blog and medical photography. His unwavering passion led to the creation of the highly successful Ghana Health Nest, which has become a trusted source of health information. Kobby’s passion project has taken him on a journey around the world, and it can happen to you too! I have seen firsthand how several of my friends have transformed their passions into profitable ventures. Today, I am thrilled to share my knowledge and offer tips and strategies to help you kickstart your own passion-driven business. It all starts with taking that first step and starting today! Are you tired of working in a job that doesn’t fulfill you or align with your passions? Are you ready to turn your passions into a profitable business? If so, you’re not alone. Many young professionals dream of turning their passions into a successful career, but often struggle with knowing how to get started. That’s where this guide comes in. Turning your passions into a profitable business is not only a way to make a living doing what you love, but it’s also a way to live a more fulfilling life. By pursuing your passions, you can bring your unique talents and skills to the world, and make a positive impact in the process. So, how do you turn your passions into profits? Here are some key steps to get you started: Let’s quickly look at some cost-effective ways for establishing a system and effective processes: To provide excellent customer service, here are some tips to follow: In a nutshell, monetizing your passions and skills requires a combination of identifying what you are good at, packaging your skills and passions into a product or service, getting it to market, establishing systems and processes, and providing excellent customer service. It is my hope that by following these simple steps and taking action, you will be able to turn your passions and skills into a profitable business. Get started and let me know how it’s going for you; I wish you the best! Recommended Reading Market-in-g!: Conversation with a Marketing Guru – Seth Godin
    13 March 2023, 9:43 am
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