Access with Julia

Access with Julia

Julia Sotas is a Certified facilitator of the life changing modality, Access Consciousness®

  • 26 minutes 29 seconds
    Türkçe - Episode 6 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Moira Bramley
    Türkçe - Episode 6 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Moira Bramley by Julia Sotas
    29 March 2024, 9:24 pm
  • 26 minutes 29 seconds
    Português - Episode 6 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Moira Bramley
    Português - Episode 6 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Moira Bramley by Julia Sotas
    29 March 2024, 4:15 am
  • 26 minutes 36 seconds
    Episode 6 with Moira Bramley
    Episode 6 with Moira Bramley by Julia Sotas
    29 March 2024, 4:12 am
  • 44 minutes 37 seconds
    العربية - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer
    العربية - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer by Julia Sotas
    16 March 2024, 3:17 am
  • 44 minutes 34 seconds
    Português - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer
    Português - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer by Julia Sotas
    16 March 2024, 3:17 am
  • 44 minutes 40 seconds
    русский - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer
    русский - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer by Julia Sotas
    16 March 2024, 3:17 am
  • 44 minutes 34 seconds
    Español - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer
    Español - Episode 5 - How To Be A Trophy Wife Podcast With Guest Dr. Dain Heer by Julia Sotas
    16 March 2024, 3:16 am
  • 44 minutes 56 seconds
    Episode 5 with Dr. Dain Heer
    Episode 5 with Dr. Dain Heer by Julia Sotas
    1 March 2024, 12:36 am
  • 20 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 4 with Becky Vannes
    Show Notes: I don’t want people to feel like this is just for younger women or sexy people. Being a trophy wife about someone who is willing to be an asset in someone else's life and having pride about the relationship you're in and making it greater. It's the energy of when you can look at something in one area you can apply it everywhere and you can apply it everywhere and becoming the leader of your own life. The trophy wife energy is the supporting rocket fuel to support your partner to be greater and in return you get greater. "I made a demand a long time ago to be his girlfriend so he didn’t need one. I be the energy of his girlfriend and add the fun and play in life." A trophy wife always gives in and in return gets what she wants. I don’t have to always understand what he does but in turn allowing him to be him and create a life that he would like to have without limitation and in return it comes back and I get to choose for me together. Its not always fun but having the energy of I got your back, how can I support you? With true creation, you have somebody supporting you in that way and not letting the little things stop you and distracting you. I can't put it in words what it means when somebody tells you, "you know what you don’t have to eat shit from nobody." We have done it for each other few times as well. When you have this energy, it's such a partnership, there's such a togetherness, oneness. There's also an element of individuality about having to grow as people on our own. Its wonderful to have that and also create a life where you can do things if you were married or not. This works everywhere in life. People don’t like to be told what to do, they don’t like being controlled. You have a lot more ease in relationship if you have relaxation and allowance you have for them and you. What is something that would be so uncomfortable for you? And then play with that. Ask - What would actually be fun right now? There's so much space in that question and so much allowance.
    11 December 2023, 6:42 am
  • 21 minutes 14 seconds
    Episode 3 with Julia Sotas
    Show Notes A Trophy Wife is a woman who is usually married to a man who is older who has money and that was something I wasn’t willing to do. I had some family members who were extremely judgmental. I grew up with people who were like rocks on legs. Its amazing how judgmental I became and now I'm much more aware of the judgments I'm coming to. Interesting Point of view I have this point of view is the tool I use all the time. I was using it when I thought something was wrong. What if I just acknowledged "this is a judgment and I'm judging?". The judgments affect our body like being in an electric chair and we're so used to it and we're basically numb to the fact that we're hitting ourselves with a taser all the time and the more you become aware, it physically hurts your body and your being. I started to become very clear where I was judging and it was so much, I continued to use that tool and it gets lighter and lighter and now I'm aware of where I'm judging myself. It becomes a different reality when you start to recognize how much you're judging yourself. When you judge yourself, acknowledge you're judging yourself. What energy, space, consciousness and choice can you be to be the trophy wife you be with total ease? Some people are naturally great at being a trophy wife. Everywhere you're not grateful for your own success which doesn’t allow yourself to be grateful for other people's success can you destroy and uncreate it all? What if you didn’t have to resist being a trophy wife and didn’t have to resist being cared for? Are you willing to be cared for or are you pushing people who care for you away? How many times did you want to run away from someone who really cares for you because you didn’t know who to receive? How much of the big 5's are you using to avoid the caring you could be choosing? We spend so much energy on resisting caring from people. Run this on all those areas. The whole planet cares for you! Judgment is an insanity- positive and negative. How much of the big 5's are you using to have the judgment you're choosing? Being a trophy wife is all about the willingness to receive . It's not about being a young woman, it's about women who are truly kind, truly willing to receive their partner, never making them wrong and always looking for something different when things aren't working.
    8 November 2023, 8:11 pm
  • 36 minutes 7 seconds
    Episode 2 with Dr. Anthony Mattis
    Show Notes A true trophy wife actually makes her husband feel well about himself, look well and has more of a sense of who he is and has more of a sense of greatness in his world. Each person receiving from each other and contributing what they can. The whole subject of trophy wife brings up a lot of judgment in people’s worlds- good or bad. If you got to choose relationship, the contribution should be to make each other’s lives 10 times greater. Trophy wife too is about the age difference, more than about the money. Tool: Universe, what would it take to be surrounded by the most kind, conscious, happy, different, joyful, nurturing people on this planet? What will it take for them to show up? I asked for people who were really funny and interested in consciousness. A trophy wife relationship includes a kindness to facilitate somebody to have more of a self worth and more sense of themselves. “Wanted to be a space for people to be everything they are.” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “Got over my point of view about about the age difference after the third or fourth day, it then just became about the energy and the energetics of it. It just matched the future I was wanting to create.” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “There were things that I have been made wrong for I have been made wrong for my entire life and there were things that I didn’t value about myself because I couldn’t see where it would fit in the entire world and you looked at it as me being a genius.” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “You actually listened to the things I would say and actually acknowledge the depthness of it that I used to be teased for and I couldn’t see where it would fit in the world.” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “When people get together I actually want everybody to thrive!” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “Are you truly being who you are? When people aren’t being who they are in the world, I can see what it does to their bodies too.” Every relationship should be about all of us, creating a space to thrive and succeed and contribute to one another, gifting and receiving simultaneously. That Is a true trophy husband. When you have a point of view about what it should look like, that’s when it gets twisted. “You have taught me what it means to seek greatness, and what it means to care about others so much that you seek greatness for them.” - Julia Sotas Mattis. When you try to coach a humanoid, motivate a humanoid, it doesn’t really work. They have to put up their walls and barriers and they have to separate from you. My whole point of view as a child was “I just want to enjoy this life as best as possible and be the most I can fucking possibly be.” Presumptive realities that if you chose it, others had to choose it with you. Access Consciousness is the playground of possibilities. Access Consciousness is an infrastructure, its like the central nervous system of me being able to be the space of being everything I am. We’re all still work in progress but we were so much better and greater than we were. Everything you always wanted to know about sex (but were afraid to ask) : movie to watch If you have a relationship- How can I really contribute to this man all he can be? If you’re single ask- Body who’s going to nurturing, what’s going to be nurturing? Thats the gift you be!
    6 October 2023, 2:56 pm
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